<< 02-05-2016 >>

00:14:33*cheatfate quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
00:22:37zodiak_another stupid question.. how do I turn a ref type into a non-ref so that I can then use it inside a spawn ?
00:23:34zodiak_reason I ask i, I am spawning like 4 processes to hit a rethinkdb, however, the rethink query builder stores itself into a ref object, which when I call .run() inside the spawned function, means that at compile time I get a; Error: 'spawn' takes a GC safe call expression
00:24:01zodiak_so, if I can turn a ref type into a non-ref type, then I could call run() safely. I think.
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00:46:42bozaloshtshyou can dereference the ref with []
00:46:53bozaloshtshjust put an empty [] after the identifier
00:47:09bozaloshtshzodiak_: ^
01:02:20zodiak_danke.. let me try that after dinner :)
01:54:49zodiak_nvm.. apparently, there are WAY more bunnies down that rabbit hole
01:54:58zodiak_liberal sprinkling of {.thread.} should help
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02:46:33bozaloshtshhmm, I thought it would be fine because let thingy = gcObject[] would just copy the object, making it safe to pass to a thread
02:55:28zodiak_sadly.. it started complaining/kvetching about RqlQuery:ObjectType being passed in rather than RqlQuery .. honestly, I figured out that it was more the {.thread.} pragma's missing.. I fling in about 4 or 5 of those and.. looking good :)
02:55:36zodiak_I need to make a PR against the rethinkdb driver I guess
03:01:09bozaloshtshCould you wrap the rethinkdb proc you're calling to put the object back in a reference?
03:01:58bozaloshtshand spawn that instead?
03:02:11zodiak_I could.. maybe. my Nim-fu is still weak (day 3)
03:02:22zodiak_but I think the library has some.. quirks ?!
03:03:32zodiak_you know.. one other thing that I am (idly) sitting here musing is..
03:04:21zodiak_When a new version bump in nim is released, maybe libraries could be 'auto-tested' against the new release ?! by CI or some such ?
03:04:53zodiak_case in point, beanstalkd client - awesome. Except it doesn't work with 0.13
03:05:03zodiak_(small stupid fixes incoming)
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15:18:25SalewskiFor cleanup I have moved some templates from a temporary helper module to gobject.nim. No I get this strange compiler message, make really no sense for me:
15:18:30SalewskiError: type mismatch: got (proc (object: expr): expr | , GType, Gsize) but expected one of: gobject.addInstancePrivate(classType: GType, privateSize: Gsize)
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15:19:23SalewskiWhat may this got (proc (object: expr): expr | , GType, Gsize) but be
15:19:51Salewskiproc with expression parameter? and this |
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15:56:21Salewski static volatile gsize g_define_type_id__volatile = 0;
15:57:01SalewskiWhat is that line in Nim? I used global pragma, worked, but I think it is not really correct?
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16:17:11Salewskihttp://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-global-pragma http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5033627/static-variable-inside-of-a-function-in-c Is Nims global the same as C's static for procs/functions? I am not sure, may have to test.
16:18:01ArrrrGood idea https://glot.io/new/nim
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17:10:36SalewskiOK, having in module gobject.nim a template gobject() and then calling a proc gobject.something() is not a good idea! No it compiles...
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17:21:58SalewskiAnd yes, Nims global pagma seems to work identical to C's static for procs/functions. My fear was that global pragma makes variables in procs visible in the global scope/namespace. but that is not the case.
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19:12:58deavmigruik.io - just saying - like a really cool markdown pastebin thing but you can edit and save your posts so yeah
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21:46:10bozaloshtshare there any caveats to using future's `=>`?
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23:10:44dom96bozaloshtsh: it may fail to infer the types sometimes
23:10:47dom96other than that no
23:11:55bozaloshtshdom96: are there any plans for including it in the 1.0 release?
23:11:59bozaloshtshor something like it
23:12:41dom96in system.nim you mean?
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