<< 01-05-2016 >>

00:00:03*derka joined #nim
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05:49:35bozaloshtshI'm trying to compile nim code for a 32 bit system on my 64 bit system but --passC:-m32 results in an error: http://hastebin.com/vofidudare.txt
05:49:43bozaloshtshis there a way to do this?
05:52:14bozaloshtshah, --cpu:i386 seems to do the trick
06:01:11*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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07:55:52*Arrrr joined #nim
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08:46:41*Matthias247 joined #nim
09:25:36ArrrrNice https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#embedding
09:44:03*gokr joined #nim
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10:55:52nivAraq_: re: the syslog ticket. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3701 do you want me to add a syslog logger? do you want it in the same file, or a different one? it might get a bit lengthy due to the platform-specific support i would add for osx and lin
11:00:01nivAraq_: the alternative would be to just patch in notice() and a bit of explainatory documentaiton and make syslog a module instead, i guess
11:04:36*Trustable joined #nim
11:05:08nivi'd probably go for the nimble module approach
11:11:56*derka joined #nim
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17:20:28deavmiI feel so lazy this weekend, usaulyy I'm not like this.
17:20:39deavmiThe sheer amount of slither.io i have played is just unbelievable
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17:25:01*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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17:45:43bozaloshtshdamn that game
17:45:59bozaloshtshshouldn't exist
18:03:46*GaveUp quit (Quit: You're a bloody puppet!)
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18:33:00dom96deavmi: lol, that game is too addictive :)
18:36:54zodiak_strange question; can I init a type using a tuple or something similar rather than explicitely calling over User(firstname: "foo", lastname: "bar" ...) or having a decompose method that assigns attributes one by one ?
18:42:30dom96unfortunately it's either the syntax you showed, or writing a procedure which assigns attributes one by one.
18:42:56dom96if you want to experiment, you could try writing a macro which does it for you though :)
18:43:21ArrrrYou may use cast if you have what it takes https://glot.io/snippets/eea4ep0i8s
18:43:25zodiak_aahh gotcha gotcha.
18:43:48zodiak_oh.. casting .. that may work. let me tinker
18:44:51*aziz joined #nim
18:45:49ArrrrOr just go full tuple https://glot.io/snippets/eea4hhn7xe
18:48:52*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:00:13dom96Arrrr: zodiak_: I wouldn't recommend using `cast`, it's not memory safe.
19:00:50zodiak_dom96: okily dokily
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19:02:42zodiak_is there anyway to list a type's fields ? even if I can do that, the init method would become a lot svelter
19:02:55zodiak_type introspection I guess
19:04:13zodiak_I mean, I could always jst have a set with the type's fieldnames inside and iterate over that during my init/create method
19:04:30zodiak_but, duplication between that and the type declaration would.. urm .. well.. "irk" me
19:04:33zodiak_it "feels" weird
19:04:51dom96That might help
19:05:06zodiak_how did I miss that ?! danke
19:07:21*libman joined #nim
19:15:58*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
19:17:13dom96libman: is there a copyfree Twitter (like your FB page)?
19:17:41libmanUsed to be @CopyfreeNews, run by apotheon. Not very active lately.
19:18:12libmanI was hoping other people would pitch in with my social media outreach initiative, including on Google+, etc.
19:19:09libmanI finally started writing something in nim. `gitlr` - a really stupid git replacement that works with GitHub, etc via their HTTP API's.
19:22:38*derka quit (Quit: derka)
19:29:15dom96libman: Yeah. Pretty sure I follow that account.
19:29:30dom96Awesome that you're working on something in Nim :)
19:29:35dom96is it on Github?
19:30:03libmanNot yet. Most of my stuff is too ugly for GitHub. Except a few shell scripts. Which are also ugly.
19:31:27*derka joined #nim
19:32:16libmanThe latest developments in my language choice drama is that I've given up on Copyfree Python, fed up with NodeJS, and soured languages married to LLVM (Rust, Julia, etc). Always hated Perl (since the 90s), PHP, and Ruby. Where does that leave me?
19:32:21libmanGo vs Nim.
19:32:36libman*soured ON
19:35:01dom96libman: why the dislike of LLVM langs?
19:35:21zodiak_stupid question #3 of the day. How to do something like; var u = User(); var f = "hit_count"; u[f]=1 ?
19:36:24libmanMy long-term goal is to build a pure-Copyfree software environments. LLVM is paying lawyers right now to decide whether to switch to Apache license.
19:36:31bozaloshtshzodiak_: define a proc `[]`(u: User, s: string, v: int) = # do something with s and v
19:37:46zodiak_bozaloshtsh: well, it's the "do something" that has me stymed. If only because I don't see an 'addPair' method for types/objects
19:37:54*derka quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
19:38:17bozaloshtshmaybe you want to store it in a table?
19:38:36dom96zodiak_: what should u[f] = 1 do to `u`?
19:39:01zodiak_I mean, I get designing a proc to allow the syntax, I guess my really real question is, how do I update a type/object with a fieldname inside a var ?
19:39:24zodiak_I don't mind if u[f] explodes with 'field not found' or whatever if it doesn't exist - that's my stupid right there
19:40:58dom96oh, you want to translate `u["blah"] = 12` to `u.blah = 12` ?
19:41:11zodiak_dom96: pretty much, yup
19:42:43dom96that may be tricky
19:43:04bozaloshtshyou could just hardcode values of f and use a case statement
19:43:26zodiak_oh.. yeah.. I could do that
19:43:38deavmidom96: lol
19:45:16bozaloshtshif you don't know f at compile time I don't think it's even possible (in the general case)
19:46:13zodiak_bozaloshtsh: gotcha, so no real sort of 'eval' or friends because that works at runtime and it will bork at compile.
19:47:15bozaloshtshyup, I think there's some macro magic stuff you can do to do what you want but it'll only work if the field you're accessing is known at compile tiem
19:47:44zodiak_(thumbsup) I think my pythonic upbringing has slightly spoiled me ;)
19:47:58zodiak_"oh, jst look at __fields__ and .. oh.. balls"
19:48:33bozaloshtshoh yeah, the separation of compile-time and run-time is a big hurdle when coming from scripting languages
19:49:49zodiak_this is why I have faith in dom96's book to set us all straight. No pressure. Jst fix all interpreted users assumptions. :P
20:03:48*gsingh93 quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
20:07:00*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
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20:54:55*libman quit (Read error: No route to host)
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21:09:49*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
21:14:52*Trustable_2 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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22:01:45manchesterboyok to ask a sockets question?
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22:03:01manchesterboyMy goal is to passively read packets without having to connect to a particular port, on localhost. Are there any examples that highlight the differences in c to nim?
22:03:24dom96hello manchesterboy
22:03:32manchesterboyhi dom96
22:03:34dom96it's okay to ask any questions related to Nim here
22:03:45manchesterboygreat to hear
22:03:58dom96I don't think the Nim standard library has anything that will let you do that
22:04:06dom96So you might need to use raw POSIX/WinAPIs
22:04:52manchesterboyokay, I had a feeling that might be the case. Thanks for the heads-up
22:05:04apotheondom96: I don't know of any specifically copyfree-oriented Twitter accounts other than mine, and I'm not very good at social media stuff.
22:05:39dom96manchesterboy: if you know how to do it (or look up a way) in C then it should be pretty easy to translate it into Nim.
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22:06:15dom96apotheon: The reason I asked if because I see libman posting many things on Facebook. I think it would reach a much larger audience on Twitter.
22:06:25dom96*I asked is
22:06:46libmanI get zero response on twitter.
22:07:54*aziz quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:14:12apotheondom96: Yeah . . . but as I said, I'm pretty bad at this social media stuff.
22:14:51apotheonlibman: You've got 82 followers.
22:16:16manchesterboydom96 this is what I'm going to try to convert from c to nim https://gist.github.com/iolloyd/df7ab9ad3a2b4d522fba6bb4dfe56b82
22:17:18dom96manchesterboy: Cool. You should be able to use the `net` module for that :)
22:18:43manchesterboydom96 yeah, great. I wish I'd jumped on this channel sooner. Good night from Newcastle UK
22:19:32dom96manchesterboy: Good night from Belfast UK :)
22:26:28*libman quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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23:41:13libmanSorry about even-worse-than-usual connection. I'm connecting from one of the Tent City camps I'm visiting today. Got a nice little generator, but someone needed the phone I was using for a wifi hotspot.
23:42:00libmanapotheon: That's nothing, on Facebook I have many thousands. Though less than a thousand for that Software page. If only I had people helping me share to groups...
23:57:53*libman quit (Remote host closed the connection)