00:32:36 | * | xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection) |
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00:51:37 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> Does Nim guarantee a call order for functions called in parameters |
00:52:07 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> `foo(bar1(), bar2())` |
00:56:59 | FromDiscord | <Elegantbeef> I'd imagine it's left to right based off parameter order |
00:57:00 | FromDiscord | <Elegantbeef> Though actually it might be left to right based off argument order.... hmph |
01:06:23 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> I ran into this today https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/eval_order↵↵And it ruined my beautiful code, I had to add 2 more temp variables, it was a disaster |
01:08:04 | FromDiscord | <Elegantbeef> Heh, I've never had order issues so I guess try it |
01:09:21 | FromDiscord | <Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=ooZcPxvc |
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03:33:06 | FromDiscord | <demotomohiro> In reply to @bostonboston "Does Nim guarantee a": https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#order-of-evaluation |
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04:18:47 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> Seems pretty clear |
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06:46:18 | Amun-Ra | i that was just C, the order would be unspecified |
06:47:31 | FromDiscord | <angelsdust> C doesnt support named parameters does it? |
06:49:07 | Amun-Ra | no |
06:50:23 | Amun-Ra | https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=tLLYcsLt |
07:30:33 | * | PMunch joined #nim |
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10:22:46 | om3ga | is it possible to cure "restarting nimsuggest" in vscode? |
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11:58:43 | FromDiscord | <pmunch> Yes, but it requires fixing nimsuggest |
12:09:02 | om3ga | PMunch: I disabled restart in the conf of extension. When it will hang I will restart vscode completely |
12:10:13 | strogon14 | om3ga: are you using choosenim? |
12:14:12 | om3ga | strogon14: yes |
12:15:33 | strogon14 | You can try out https://github.com/nim-lang/choosenim/pull/38, if you know how to compile choosenim yourself. |
12:15:33 | strogon14 | This should fix nimsuggest hanging. |
12:16:29 | om3ga | strogon14: thanks! |
12:17:49 | strogon14 | This is how choosenim is compiled for the Arch Linux package: https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=choosenim#n48 |
12:17:49 | strogon14 | For reasons not releavnt here, I compiles "proxyexe" in a separate step, which then gets included in the choosenim binary. |
12:18:46 | om3ga | great, yeah. I have compiled choosenim once on slack |
12:19:02 | om3ga | awesome, thank you! |
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19:46:39 | FromDiscord | <arnetheduck> In reply to @bostonboston "I ran into this": if it's any consolation, nim adds extra temporaries to lots of places to enforce the eval order -> you pay the price even if you don't need it |
19:48:50 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> I'm not worried about the cost so much, I think I would trust a c compiler to optimize those anyway. My Intuition says that's possible |
19:49:26 | FromDiscord | <bostonboston> Maybe not as optimized as possible if we're letting the compiler choose the order of evaluation but close enough |
19:50:32 | FromDiscord | <@@prestosilver> somehow didnt notice it until recently, but in 2024 nim passed zig and is now my top lang by time again https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1324827253808431247/2025-01-03-145130_408x115_scrot.png?ex=67799107&is=67783f87&hm=fd73e85d17171d92932d85b3c85c5237d7c70d37dfe52cc2d1d486797e91bb3e& |
19:59:59 | FromDiscord | <arnetheduck> In reply to @bostonboston "I'm not worried about": it's not, in the cases that matter |
20:00:15 | FromDiscord | <arnetheduck> (edit) "In reply to @bostonboston "I'm not worried about": it's not, in the cases that matter ... " added "(ie where the compiler cannot analyse side effects)" |
20:06:38 | strogon14 | I'm trying to make sense of this bit of code: |
20:06:38 | strogon14 | https://github.com/nim-lang/choosenim/blob/e71f941ecd27c2e16e00b3255419ef24fafc75fe/src/choosenimpkg/cliparams.nim#L186 |
20:06:38 | strogon14 | If I understand that correctly, to call `parseCliParams`, you need to pass in an existing `CliParams` (ref) object, but then it creates a new one with `newCliParams` anyway. |
20:06:38 | strogon14 | Is this just BS or am I missing something? |
20:36:12 | Amun-Ra | https://github.com/nim-lang/choosenim/blob/e71f941ecd27c2e16e00b3255419ef24fafc75fe/src/choosenim.nim#L346-L348 |
20:36:50 | Amun-Ra | that code is weird, I agree |
20:42:49 | Amun-Ra | it looks like it was just a var eons ago but I'm too lazy to check the commit history |
20:46:55 | strogon14 | Ok, just wanted to confirm that it's not just me who finds this weird. |
21:03:06 | Amun-Ra | I've never used choosenim |
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21:33:21 | FromDiscord | <aintea> it's the only thing that works for me |
21:38:06 | FromDiscord | <aintea> In reply to @prestosilver "somehow didnt notice it": How do you manage to have 1200 hours in a year and have other languages as well |
21:39:09 | FromDiscord | <@@prestosilver> O i should've clarified that screenshot was cumulative, I was closer to 600 this year but it brought nim back to zig after 2023 |
21:39:28 | FromDiscord | <@@prestosilver> Not that insane yet |
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