<< 04-04-2016 >>

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09:35:01ArrrrWhy is mget deprecated and what do we have to use instead of it?
09:35:48AraqArrrr: just []
09:36:17ArrrrUh, you are right. I got a 'no address' error and thought it was because of that operator, but i was wrong
09:36:55Araqdo you work on --gc:stack now?
09:37:46cheatfateAraq, when building compiler i always get this warning (lib/pure/osproc.nim(878, 9) Warning: raiseOSError is deprecated [Deprecated]) but i'm using raiseOsError(osLastError()) and dont receive any Depricated warnings is this bug?
09:38:10Araqcome again?
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09:48:19cheatfateAraq, ?
09:50:17AraqI don't understand your question
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09:52:18cheatfateIf you try to build compiler you will get this warning "lib/pure/osproc.nim(878, 9) Warning: raiseOSError is deprecated [Deprecated]"
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09:54:08cheatfateBut it looks like raiseOsError(osLastError()) - not raise warning
09:54:19cheatfateraiseOSError("Could not find command: '$1'. OS error: $2" % [$data.sysCommand, $strerror(error)]) - raise warning
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09:55:03dom96cheatfate: raiseOSError which takes a string is deprecated
09:55:11dom96but not the one which takes an error code
09:55:22cheatfatedom96, thanks
10:06:50veganskdom96, hi. Do you remember my question about ``nrpl`` in nimble packages? (http://irclogs.nim-lang.org/01-04-2016.html at 08:39:19).
10:08:14dom96vegansk: yes, go for it. If your fork is more up to date I will update the packages repo.
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10:11:26coffeepotheya :)
10:11:59coffeepotThis code errors with type mismatch got int expected string https://gist.github.com/coffeepots/3d033d110ab04cab9df8758bfc8a6f1c
10:12:22coffeepotif you comment out the proc test it runs!
10:12:59endragormakes sense
10:13:12coffeepothow come local templates don't get called when there's a proc with the same name?
10:13:24endragorecho calls `$` for non-str values. Nim doesn't do that in other places
10:13:41endragoroh you mean that
10:13:51coffeepotthis is a test case for something that doesn't use echo
10:14:56endragorwell I'd guess in case of ambiguity Nim prefers procs, because they are more specific
10:15:47coffeepotspecifically, I was asked to change some procs in times.nim to "toTime", and this is causing os.nim to not compile, because at line 1462 there's a local template called "toTime". Now os.nim doesn't compile because it tries to call the times.nim versions and ignores the template. I tried editing the template in os.nim to take a specific type but it'
10:15:47coffeepots still ignored
10:15:48veganskdom96: here is the PR: https://github.com/nim-lang/packages/pull/336
10:16:35coffeepotsurely the template should fire if there is no overloaded proc that matches though?
10:17:22coffeepotto be honest, I would have expected the local template to take precedence over procs in another module
10:17:28endragorand I think it does in your example, doesn't it? If, as you said, removing the `test` proc made it compile
10:18:58coffeepotif you comment out line 1, then it will use the template, but this means that a template won't work if there's a proc with the same name, even in another module...
10:19:13coffeepotis this a bug?
10:20:27endragornot sure. I'd consider erroring out in case of ambiguity, but perhaps Araq had his reasons not to
10:23:04coffeepotif Nim checks types first, i'd have expected it to consider the proc first then fall back on the template, if Nim considers scope first I'd expect the template to be used before the proc. I had not expect the proc to essentially remove the existence of the template!
10:25:04coffeepotAraq can you comment on whether this is by design?
10:29:50Araqcoffeepot: oh god just a sec.
10:30:01coffeepotlol no probs :)
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10:36:29coffeepotbtw, moving the test template outside of the testt template, the code works fine. So it seems to be isolated to local templates
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10:38:52veganskyglukhov, hi! What do you think about the ability to rename imported classes and methods in jnim. Something like that: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/89b2a3bc144408128fdcd8a45dc9c1b5
10:39:28Araqlocal templates default to 'bind' semantics, not 'gensym'. coffeepot add {.gensym.} to the local inner template and see what happens.
10:39:56coffeepotYep, now it works!
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10:40:36coffeepotAraq, is there a reason for this default?
10:40:56Araqyes but I don't understand it.
10:41:07coffeepotok, fair enough :)
10:41:35coffeepotwell I'll just use {.gensym.} on the os.nim template to get the times.nim changes to compile hopefully.
10:42:08coffeepotbit of a gotcha for local templates though! Not what I expected at least
10:42:28yglukhovvegansk: good idea, but it seems to me that you've mixed real names vs import names. consider pure nim: proc myImportedProc() {.importc: "NameOfTheProcInC".}
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10:43:52veganskyglukhov, ok, and let it be ``importc``. Updated the gist. And what about ``import`` syntax
10:46:00yglukhovdoes pure nim allow importing and renaming? i cant remember. if it does we sohuld use the same approach i think. if it doesnt, then i like your syntax
10:46:58veganskmodules can be renamed: http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#modules-module-names-in-imports
10:47:56yglukhovoh cool. so it pretty much matches with your suggestion.
10:49:51yglukhovadded you to the group. just please don't do breaking changes without a pr.
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10:52:39veganskthanks! i'll be carefull :-)
10:53:52Araqvegansk: I fixed your LL bug. I hope.
10:55:39veganskAraq, thank you so much! This was a really showstopper for my FP experiments :-)
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10:59:57reactormonkvegansk, I wonder, how do you implement monoids?
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11:12:41veganskreactormonk, it didn't implemented now in fp library, but something like this. https://gist.github.com/vegansk/fd722ed9d42da3c1c829815d56ccec6a. Do not checked if it compiles :-)
11:13:38veganskAnd same thing for the other types
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11:20:01veganskDon't know yet if the current concepts implementation will be enough to create typeclasses
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11:20:58Araqthe current concept implementation is the worst hack that's left in the compiler.
11:21:33AraqI have a new-concept branch ...
11:21:48reactormonkAraq, I don't think you actually need concepts for FP
11:23:32Araqreactormonk: never said anything like that.
11:24:37reactormonkvegansk, try for typeclasses without concepts for now :-)
11:26:48veganskreactormonk, i want to implement for comprehension, (un)currying and other usefull things before typeclasses and theirs implementation :-)
11:28:12reactormonkvegansk, no interest in the full TC hierarchy?
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11:32:25cheatfatevegansk, please check https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4000
11:32:34veganskreactormonk, not now, maybe later :-)
11:37:32veganskcheatfate, hi. i saw it, will fix it later. but there is only one warning for me then both modules are imported: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/45f223efd80f8a89a126aa0e277ed111
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11:39:01cheatfatevegansk, its better to just move all rmlocks staff from syslocks.nim because rlocks nim not used in stub code...
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13:46:28ehmryI would like to bootstrap a new platform and I need to rebuild the csources compiler, how do I regerenerate the niminst scripts?
13:47:04dom96hello ehmry!
13:47:34dom96I think you can regenerate those by executing ./koch csources -d:release
13:47:41ehmryok, let me try
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13:55:12ehmrythat looks like it
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14:02:57dom96np :)
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14:13:19ehmrythe csources build completes, but I don't know what the product was
14:14:27ehmrywell I see I have niminst now
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16:04:17reactormonkClose https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3672 since won't fix?
16:08:35dom96reactormonk: give veganskaway a chance to reply :)
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16:37:33federico3how can I convert a string to an array?
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17:00:00elroodfederico3, maybe you want to rephrase your question? strings are basically sequences or growable arrays already, aren't they? what is it that you're after?
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17:17:13federico3elrood: I was looking for a simple syntax to populate a fixed-size array from a string, I ended up using a hex string and doing a cycle over the array
17:17:16federico3result[i] = key[i*2..i*2+1].parseHexInt.uint8
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18:09:36flyx`$` seems to add underscores for int, can I deactivate that?
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18:11:57flyxhmm, I can't reproduce it in a minimal example
18:12:33flyxis there a scenario where it might generate "-4_247" instead of "-4247"
18:12:53flyxif not, something I do not understand is happening in my code
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18:16:21dom96That would be very strange
18:17:48dom96keep shortening your code until you find the cause
18:25:13elroodfederico3, wouldn't arr[0..len(str)-1]=str suffice?
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18:27:01flyxouch. there's a proc elsewhere in my testcode that gets called instead of what I expected would get called
18:27:59flyxso, when I have `type BetterInt = int`, why is a proc taking a `BetterInt` used instead of one taking an `int` when the parameter is an `int`?
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18:29:17def-flyx: because those are now the same type, you might want a distinct type
18:31:03flyxoh. well but with a distinct type, I would need to borrow everything
18:31:16flyxbut okay, if that's how it is, I'll do that
18:32:27dom96maybe you could just provide a converter toInt(x: BetterInt): int?
18:33:16dom96although that might result in the same outcome
18:34:39flyxI remember I saw a proposition to have {.borrow.} available for the whole type somewhere
18:49:57def-dom96: no, without a converter it should be fine, conversion only in one direction
18:50:09def-with a converter*
18:56:42dom96def-: what are you working on nowadays?
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