<< 04-05-2016 >>

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04:04:06girvoHe all :)
04:05:46girvoQuick q: has much changed with regards to Nim's Unix socket handling?
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11:03:38ArrrrAny workaround to use reportConceptOnFailure when using Opengl?
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12:31:14Raizif the nim compiler compiles to C code this means that the program needs an stdlibc to run, right?
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13:16:31federico3Raiz: yep
13:16:48Raizthat's a runtime requirement :)
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14:22:40dom96This is interesting. https://github.com/Microsoft/SLAyer
14:22:43dom96I wonder how it works.
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14:50:14CcxCZdom96: It seems to be a model checker based on Z3 theorem prover.
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20:08:44fastrom /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER fastrom qdopsfdphqnl
20:11:13ephjafastrom: that's not good
20:12:06ephjaI thought it was 'identify'
20:13:04*jeffc quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:14:06fastromIt's my mistake with extra space
20:16:20*ephja quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
20:21:21libmanThat's only bad if you use the same password for something important.
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20:29:20*zodiak quit ()
20:31:53libmanReminder: https://community.nodebb.org/topic/8594/why-the-restrictive-license/5
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20:48:02zodiakI know +why+ this fails, but the amount of cognitive load I have to remember not to write 'return true if foo == "blah"' is insane
20:48:26zodiakI am about ~this~ close to writing a vim macro to rewrite that when I hit enter :)
20:48:37zodiakguess I am getting old
20:50:17dom96libman: use https://github.com/nim-lang/nimforum instead, it's MIT :D
20:50:43libmanOops, wrong channel.
20:51:29dom96zodiak: maybe you can convince Araq_ to add that to Nim :P
20:52:19zodiaknawww.. it's jst my fuzzy old grey matter sucking ;)
20:52:31zodiakbigger fish to fry I am sure
20:52:32libmanPythonic negative list indexes were never added... :(
20:52:47libmanI bet that's the #1 requested feature.
20:53:32dom96libman: there is a long discussion around that somewhere on Github
20:55:51libman"This is done for performance reasons." Hmmm...
20:58:42libmanThere has to be a more elegant way to write this line I nimmed out a few days ago:
20:58:44libmanlet UserAndRepo = PkgUrlSplit[PkgUrlSplit.len-2 .. PkgUrlSplit.len-1].join ("/")
20:59:34yglukhovlibman: let UserAndRepo = PkgUrlSplit[^2 .. ^1].join ("/")
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21:00:51libmanv0.13.0 says: "Error: type mismatch: got (int) but expected 'bool'"
21:01:33libmanIf we're brainstorming syntax ideas, how about using : inside [] means Pythonic behavior?
21:03:08libmanOr maybe list.pydex(-2, -1)
21:04:46libmanBoo hoo hoo, I want my Python mommy...
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21:08:05dom96libman: maybe you have an error somewhere else?
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21:17:19libmanYup, my bad.
21:17:38libmanGreat, thank you! :D
21:17:58*libman should probably re-read the tutorial instead of assuming I still remember it from 4 years ago.
21:19:08libmanBut I still have doubts. Can someone badmouth Go for me to put me at ease about committing to Nim? :P
21:25:52*fastrom quit (Quit: Page closed)
21:26:41libmanHas there ever been discussion of making var keyword optional?
21:27:42libmanBut what looks most ugly to me in Nim code is the pragma syntax...
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21:33:48zodiakbad mouthing go is easy tbh, it's the second most boilerplate required language I have ever bumped into (java being first)
21:33:50zodiaktoo verbose
21:35:11zodiakbut then, I fondly remember Forth and lisp so.. take my ramblings fwiw
21:35:23*elrood quit (Quit: Leaving)
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21:52:55*fastrom quit (Quit: Leaving.)
21:58:56libmanGo boilerplate didn't bother me much. I even almost learned to live with lack of exceptions, default argument values, etc.
21:59:21libmanNim has to beat Go in performance.
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22:00:17libmanEspecially for Web API's. Go is the real winner of https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/ if you average together all tests.
22:07:34*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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22:15:28zodiakto be honest, when you get to the lower level languages, I "feel" it comes down to what clicks for +you+
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22:15:39zodiakhaving choice is awesome. It used to be "c or nothing"
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