<< 05-05-2016 >>

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09:40:52ksegis there a rwlock somewhere?
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09:43:21wismashi! I'm about to read the nim manual. From the intro it seems like it ticks all the boxes for my project, only thing though, can I completely disable the GC? I'm looking into getting into audio programming, and every time my callback gets called, it has to return in 1.5ms or even less depending on the user's settings, and it gets called every 1.5ms or less as far as I understand this (I'm a novice in both programming and audio programmin
09:44:08wismas(the boxes to tick are: compiled to native code, can get low level, arbitrary ast modifications at compile time via macros)
09:44:49kseg@wismas: I’m new too, but --gc:none is what you want I think
09:49:01dom96or you can use the real-time features to force the GC to run for no more than 1.5ms
09:50:16dom96kseg: ony locks I'm aware of are in the locks module http://nim-lang.org/docs/locks.html
09:50:50ksegdom96: thanks, will roll my own
09:51:25dom96kseg: great, make sure to add it to Nimble's package list once you do :)
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10:17:51wismaswhat would be the fastest way to get a quick and dirty 2d game prototype up in nim if I don't know opengl?
10:18:05wismasin terms of either nim libraries or libraries to bind
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10:29:34dom96wismas: I think using either sdl2 or sfml is your best bet.
10:29:45dom96Nim has bindings for both
10:36:04wismasthanks, dom96
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17:50:20libmanCan we make Ƀ (and the new Bitcoin Unicode symbol) a synonym for the $ operator? :P
17:53:07flyxand what about € and £
17:57:59libmanScrew all government currency! But $ can be retained for compatibility reasons.
17:59:39federico3please use #nim-offtopic
18:01:14libmanIt's a proposed Nim feature. :P
18:02:24libmanBetter yet, let's make Nim the first language with integrated syntax sugar for digital micropayments! :P
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19:04:51zodiakhrm.. I appear to be having a HUGE brainf**t .. how on earth do I get a datastructure out using json that looks like {"foo": 10.0} - the closest I can get is wrapping everything in a seq @[], which means [{...},{...}
19:06:19zodiakI am probably explaining myself poorly
19:14:59federico3zodiak: you want to convert a table into a json object?
19:15:31zodiakhrm.. think I have it.. but.. I "feel" there is an easier/saner way todo this ? http://pastebin.com/HS1CtgpX
19:15:44zodiakfederico3: sorry, code probably explains better what I am trying to do :)
19:16:18federico3where's the online Nim playground again?
19:17:19zodiakooer.. no idea :(
19:19:19zodiakeven easier then; https://glot.io/snippets/eeek6caicz
19:19:36zodiakI am sure there is some saner way todo that :)
19:22:05federico3uh, odd
19:23:27zodiakyaeh, if i could re-jig the endpoint, I could make it accept anything but.. it's not my API that I am calling into (sadly)
19:29:24federico3I'm pretty sure there was a simpler way
19:29:42zodiakyeah, cause, making my own return object types won't work really
19:30:05zodiakbecause the key names are also programmatically generated values .. rather than "age" it's things like "asdfasdfasdf"
19:30:10zodiak(well, guid's ;)
19:30:30federico3a perfectly normal use case
19:30:54zodiakI would think so
19:31:30federico3you cannot have different types in the values of a Table
19:31:40federico3therefore marshalling a Table is not an option
19:32:09zodiakat this point, I am jst glad I am not a complete moron and missed the 'oh! you use blargle(foo) for that' :D
19:36:32dom96zodiak: do you just want to shorten that code?
19:41:53federico3zodiak: https://glot.io/snippets/eeeksq99ql
19:43:32zodiakdom96: pretty much.. or make it more idiomatic
19:44:29federico3zodiak: is that what you wanted?
19:44:52zodiakfederico3: well.. it's not nested which is part of the problem
19:45:18zodiakeg; {"request_id":"a123","data":{"3NaWhvNYRlORWoi4JqcFAA":3.5918703,"9M_30NRySfS7pw35-4nv3Q":3.218199}}
19:45:32zodiakplus the items in data are generated, not fixed
19:45:44federico3oh, the nesting, right
19:45:50zodiakyyeaaahh :(
19:49:27federico3zodiak: https://glot.io/snippets/eeel03b1a7 ?
19:52:06zodiakfederico3: right, but, data is contained inside a structure of somekind, as it's generated programmatically
19:52:23zodiakI think it's that part that causes %8 problems
19:52:26zodiak%* rather
19:52:38federico3oh you need "data" itself to be added at runtime?
19:53:16federico3I thought you were just trying a workaround
19:53:26zodiakcrap.. 1s
19:54:08zodiakimagine I has that structure, and is created/updated inside the nim code and RIGHT before we dispatch, I want to sling it into j
19:55:08federico3that depends on what key/vals are dynamic
19:55:13federico3e.g. this works 3.5918703
19:55:54zodiakright.. but you see how that's different from mine right ?
19:56:05zodiak(I maybe explaining this badly, which doesn't help matters - sorry)
19:56:08federico3yep, the keys are fixed, the values are variable
19:57:13federico3if you want that level of dynamism you can build the Json objects using newJ<type>
19:57:37zodiakgotcha.. which is my original example but.. it feels.. kinda..
19:57:45zodiakI don't know.. weird ?!
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20:02:22federico3btw, is that AWS? are you leaking your credentials? :D
20:04:16federico3zodiak: https://glot.io/snippets/eeelethoqn ?
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20:22:56zodiaknaw, it's not AWS :)
20:23:01zodiakjst rethinkdb's random uuids
20:23:24zodiakOH.. that's much cleaner snipper.. let me try that :)
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21:07:02zodiakfederico3: +1 btw.. danke for the help.. things look at little cleaner now :)
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23:55:08libmanAre there any LAMP/MEAN-like "software bundle" gimmicks involving Nim? Anyone wanna start one? (Is this an OK topic for this channel?)
23:56:09libman(ex. OPEN - OpenBSD, PostgreSQL, Enginx, Nim)