
07:42:27*Araq is now known as Araq_win
07:55:24*XAMPP quit (Quit: There is no such thing as coincidence, only the inevitable.)
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09:25:16apriori_Araq_win: first not really entirely working version of nimCL is here: https://github.com/apriori/nimCL
09:26:30Araq_winuppercase in the folder names is not nice ;-)
09:26:58apriori_you can leave such hints as messages in github.. I gotta go to university in a few minutes
09:27:07apriori_I'll resolve such issues later
09:28:08apriori_there is also quite some more stuff...
09:28:17apriori_like uneeded defines etc. I am aware of
09:28:34Araq_wingood :-)
09:28:48Araq_winI'll add comments tonight
09:28:54apriori_stdcall is only valid for windows, isn't it?
09:28:58apriori_ok, thank you
09:29:11Araq_winstdcall is fine, it's mapped to cdecl on linux
09:29:24apriori_I wondered why that worked on linux^^
09:29:46apriori_bye then
09:34:14*apriori_ quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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16:00:34*Araq_win is now known as Araq
16:01:09dom96Araq: Why is there no ceil in the maths module?
16:01:47dom96well I added it
16:02:03Araqis ceil the same as floor?
16:02:33Araqwhats the difference?
16:02:41dom96Also I think round is wrong
16:04:20dom96round(2.6) -> 2
16:04:25dom96round (2.3) -> 2
16:06:15Araqit uses c's lrint
16:06:27dom96Yeah, I noticed.
16:07:11Araqbut it may be overwritten in nimbase.h
16:07:16Araqold crap
16:08:14dom96How do I fix it?
16:08:32*JStoker joined #nimrod
16:10:01dom96I've spent the whole day working on forum pagination btw :P
16:15:54Araqhm how to fix it?
16:16:10Araqtry to comment the #define lrint
16:17:53dom96Argh, you can fix it.
16:17:55dom96I don't know how :P
16:21:06*XAMPP quit (*.net *.split)
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16:25:07Araq#if defined(__LCC__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(WIN32))
16:25:09Araq/* Linux' GCC does not seem to have these. Why? */
16:25:33Araqdom96: get rid of the 'defined(WIN32)' please
16:26:16dom96That fixes it
16:26:36Araqevery hack bites in the long run ...
16:29:34dom96E3 is starting :D
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21:27:35Araqping zahary
21:35:11dom96Araq: so... lets talk about babel.
21:37:22Trixar_zaBest advice: Don't build any towers.
21:41:53dom96I will try not to.
21:42:13Trixar_zaThere is also a pretty good Interactive Fiction game by that name
21:42:21Trixar_zaone of the few I ever finished - lol
21:42:36AraqTrixar_za: played amnesia?
21:42:58dom96I love that game :)
21:43:13Trixar_zaAraq: Not sure
21:43:17dom96I just bought it with the latest Humble Indie Bundle.
21:43:37Trixar_zaYou know, that's actually a interesting use for nimrod - a IF engine :P
21:43:48Araqdom96: it's good but I'd prefer to have some way to fight the monsters by building traps
21:44:02dom96Araq: Penumbra has some fighting elements.
21:44:11dom96But yeah, that would be pretty cool.
21:44:20dom96Although the monster sequences in Amnesia are all scripted I think
21:44:53dom96It's not like you can just set a trap somewhere, hide in a closet and wait until the monster is caught. That would make the game quite boring too.
21:45:14Araqno but you could run and make it fall into the trap
21:45:24Araqlike you can now due to the bugs :P
21:45:58dom96Well they're making a new game. Send them an email with that suggestion ;)
21:46:52Trixar_zaAraq: Nope. But I have a few IF engines. Let's see if I can find it :P
21:47:07dom96Araq: Back to Babel ;)
21:47:10Trixar_zaFor clarity, you speaking of the IF game or the 2010 video game? :P
21:47:34*dom96 is too tired to talk about it to be honest
21:47:55Araqlets talk about babel instead
21:48:09dom96Araq: You want a package list on github, and no version info in the dependency list of babel files?
21:48:27AraqI don't care about version info
21:48:38dom96So that for simplicities sake, all babel has to do is download the latest package and not care about versions.
21:48:42Araqyou should check for features, not versions anyway ...
21:48:59Araqno for a first version of babel
21:49:42dom96Hrm, is there anything else?
21:50:15Araqa feature to download every package babel know would be nice ...
21:50:30dom96That could be a lot of packages 0_0
21:50:40dom96Well not at first, but in time.
21:51:00dom96I'm trying to think about the installation of packages.
21:51:01Araqharddiscs are up for the task
21:51:32Araqand we need a bigger testsuite
21:51:59dom96Ahh, so you want to basically test every package. Nice.
21:53:54dom96ok, I think I have all the info I need. Although as soon as I start I bet I will find some puzzling design decision.
21:54:09dom96And currently I feel too tired to start
21:55:51AraqI should sleep too
21:56:42Trixar_zahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia:_The_Dark_Descent reminds me of the Clock Tower series
21:56:56Trixar_zawell, the description
22:15:55dom96Can't wait! :D
22:48:57dom96Anyone know anything about HTTPS?
22:49:45Trixar_zaBesides that it uses an SSL or TSL layer?
22:50:14dom96I'm trying to request a page from github and it fails with "400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port"
22:52:37*Trixar_za checks the Encyclopedia of Everything (aka Wikipedia) on it
22:53:50dom96I think I figured it out
22:54:22Trixar_zaMost suggest using curl :/
22:54:58dom96Nimrod's httpclient ftw! :P
22:55:19TasserTrixar_za, libcurl?
22:56:28Trixar_zaPossibly, this was in response to using AJAX to fetch something for an HTTPS site's page
22:57:44Trixar_zaWait Wait. Microsoft an Certificate Authority?
22:57:49Trixar_zaAnd people think HTTPS is safe?
22:58:04TasserTrixar_za, china is a freakkking CA
22:58:46dom96Sooo, sending `GET / HTTPS/1.1\c\L` sends the body immediatelly. What gives?
23:00:38*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
23:04:38dom96Weird, but I figured it out.
23:04:48dom96I wasn't connecting through ssl.
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