
00:04:32*Psyclonic joined #nimrod
05:06:01*XAMPP quit (Quit: There is no such thing as coincidence, only the inevitable.)
06:58:18*llm joined #nimrod
06:58:58llmdoes nimrod catch STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW exception under windows? http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/w49wew4f.aspx
06:59:49llmor does nimrod introduction own checking code for float checks?
07:01:52llmor these exceptions? http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/fenv/FE_exceptions
07:20:10*zahary joined #nimrod
08:23:13*Araq_ joined #nimrod
08:24:03Araq_llm: nimrod introduces its own checking code for float checks
08:24:27Araq_patches welcome ;-)
09:03:30llmhow do you check overflows?
09:05:53llmi hope to work someday a little bit on the code - but currently i just follow - got some evil c++ projects todo :)
09:12:21llmthe biggest problem is that these exceptions are not normaly handled with try/catch ... i'never get it working, but maybe another compiler-switch for the microsoft compiler was missing
09:24:47Araq_it simply checks for NaN and +-INF after each basic operation like +
09:25:06Araq_it sucks but is nice enough for debugging :-)
09:29:20llmits like an user-code test - better then nothing :)
09:31:11Araq_yeah, it's supposed to answer the question "where the f*ck does this NaN come from?" :D
09:34:07llmfyi: heres an small example of catching hardware exceptions under windows http://pastebin.com/5K3NxUxc the real meaing of /fp:except is still unclear for me (and an tutorial how to catch SIMD-exceptions) http://www.devx.com/cplus/Article/34993/1954
09:35:34Araq_llm: setting the hw control word is evil and breaks all sort of DLLs ...
09:36:18Araq_the proper way is to access the flags in inline assembler
09:37:00llmi know its evil - maybe the reason for the less usage
09:37:30llmsomething that make your "suck but nice enough" code even better
09:44:17llm"i know its evil" - delphi dlls doing this all the while
09:44:48llmvery funny if you use them from C code that uses _try/_except code
09:47:45Araq_exactly; very often "worse is better" for compatibility ...
09:50:53llmbut the delphi guys doing it not bad - from a close-world standpoint :) - a try/except in delphi is always catching - not like in VS/C++ etc. - gives me sometimes a better feeling of control
09:52:55Araq_I dunno, I don't really like exceptions :-)
09:53:06Araq_but they are better than silent errors
09:53:36Araq_and often better than return values
10:13:49llmbut they are better than silent errors - the hardware-exceptions are not silent - they are very loud and stressy
10:14:55llmi like assert - because it sometimes easier to teach stupid developers to put in assert then doing good error handling - better then nothing
10:19:27Araq_see you later
10:19:29*Araq_ quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
11:12:43*Araq_ joined #nimrod
11:54:09dom96I think we should describe Nimrod as an "aerospace" programming language from now on, just for fun :P
11:55:51llmi would prefer nautic programming language
11:58:01dom96!seen nddrylliog
11:58:01NimBotI have not seen nddrylliog
11:58:06dom96!seen zahary
11:58:06NimBotzahary was last seen on Tue Jun 5 08:20:10 2012 joining #nimrod
12:00:47Araq_hu? what?
12:00:57Araq_why "aerospace"?
12:01:40dom96Because it sounds cool
12:04:27llmsorry dom96 - but ultra-mega-language sounds cooler
12:06:46dom96But with Aerospace in the name people will think that you can program spaceships with it!
12:10:36Araq_first spacespip was programmed in forth and fortran iirc ...
12:17:09*silven quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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13:06:33*Araq_ quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725])
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14:01:32TasserAraq, and later lisp?
16:01:21*llm quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:11:09*XAMPP joined #nimrod
17:05:09Trixar_zaAnd now I installed python from scratch
17:05:29Trixar_zaAnd Nimrod is STILL faster to bootstrap than either perl or python
19:17:47dom96Trixar_za: Hell yes. Nimrod is faster than anything on Earth.
19:30:04Tasserdom96, except gravity
19:45:31dom96Tasser: Nimrod breaks the speed of light.
20:01:24*Zerathul joined #nimrod
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23:39:39*NimBot joined #nimrod
23:40:11*Araq_bnc is now known as Araq