<< 04-07-2015 >>

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09:31:15*Araq0 joined #nim
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09:38:11r-kuany way i could write this in nim? char n[-((char*)tos - (char*)&sp)]; tos and sp are ByteAddress in nim
09:39:17*Araq joined #nim
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10:05:21fowlr-ku, cast them to int
10:05:32fowlunless byteaddress is an int, im not sure
10:07:53fowlthats pointer arithmetic right
10:10:19r-kuright fowl
10:10:32r-kucant find a way to make compiler happy doing these things
10:11:18fowloh thats a declaration?
10:11:32r-kuyes, evil trickery to shift stack
10:12:16fowlit creates a variable length array to shift the stack?
10:13:02fowluse {.emit.} its your only hope
10:14:16fowlr-ku, if alloca() would help you can import it
10:14:48r-kuyeah i was thinking of that just now, still better than emit i guess
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14:23:37*ekarlso slaps @here https://glot.io/new < has nim support now :P
14:30:22r-kuthanks ekarlso, this will be really useful
14:30:55pigmejekarlso: cool
14:31:14ekarlsoa guy a know of that runs it added it on request ;p
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15:00:54r-kuAraq: should isOnStack*(p: pointer) check if p is on current stack or should it check if p is on any stack?
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16:18:16Araqr-ku: isOnStack is not used anyway in the M&S GC, just remove it
16:19:10AraqOnO: you broke bootstrapping
16:24:07Araqalso since you're working on the error messages:
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16:48:22*vendethiel quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
16:51:23*perturbation quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:55:50reactormonkAraq, could you look at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3061 ?
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17:25:02Araqreactormonk: looks good to me, but it's dom96's domain
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18:13:30Arrrris there a way to specify where do i want nimcache to be?
18:19:36Arrrrthank you araq
18:22:48ArrrrAnd the same with the exe? if i execute nim c file/main.nim, i want to tell nim to put main.exe at the same level of 'file'
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18:33:50boopsieswhat's the name of the notation grammar.txt is written in?
18:38:08federico3Arrrr: any benefit in putting the nimcache somewhere else? (Well, maybe in a hidden dir)
18:38:48Arrrrboopsies http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#about-this-document
18:39:17ArrrrWell, i have a folder where all the source is, and i dont want to generate the cache there
18:39:59boopsiesArrrr: --out:file/main.exe?
18:40:02*Jesin joined #nim
18:40:16ArrrrI'll try, thanks
18:42:55*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:44:00ArrrrWhen using --gc:none, i get "Error: system module needs 'initStackBottomWith'". Is that a proc that i have to call or something?
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18:55:40*Jesin quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:56:29*Arrrr quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.2)
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19:30:53dom96reactormonk: Araq: the syntax highlighter issues on github make it tough to review :\
19:32:43reactormonkdom96, yeah, I know
19:32:47reactormonkdom96, got an idea?
19:32:54dom96idea for waht?
19:35:48reactormonkfixing the syntax HL stuff
19:37:29dom96it will be fixed once Github deploys the new version
19:40:56federico3uhmmm, and what is this? http://irclogs.nim-lang.org/packages?callback=gotPackageList
19:51:29EXetoCwhat's special about that value?
19:51:33EXetoCother values seem to work
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19:54:10*beatmox_ is now known as beatmox
19:55:56Varriount|MobileAraq: Is there a way I can specify an int literal type in a type declaration, such as type = static[int] or int?
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20:39:35dom96federico3: packages.json
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20:59:01federico3dom96: encoded in some way
21:00:27Xefederico3: base 64
21:00:33Xelook at the last two characters
21:07:42federico3anyone using nim.vim?
21:08:48*vasher_ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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21:29:30reactormonkfederico3, I'm using nim-mode, does that count? >:)
21:36:54*Jehan_ joined #nim
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21:37:44Jehan_federico3: I am, but haven't updated it in ages. Mostly just for syntax coloring. Works for the most part.
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21:47:47federico3reactormonk: it doesn't ;D
21:48:03reactormonkfederico3, just use evil and you're good to go :-P
21:48:07federico3Jehan_: how do you start a compilation?
21:49:58Jehan_federico3: On the command line?
21:59:57federico3Jehan_: in vim :)
22:00:37Jehan_federico3: I don't do that. Well, I guess I could call "make", since I tend to use makefiles to build Nim projects.
22:01:08federico3ok, I was trying to have nim.vim parse the errors from the compilation, thanks anyways
22:01:42Jehan_federico3: Hmm, I've never tried to make that work, but it shouldn't be too hard.
22:01:51*ekarlso slaps @here https://glot.io/new < has nim support now :P
22:01:55ekarlsojust so people know :)
22:02:48federico3very nice! (hi ekarlso)
22:05:58Araqekarlso: that's really cool :-)
22:19:14federico3I suspect I'm running into something like #297 https://glot.io/snippets/e51b1o4bmr
22:21:00Jehan_federico3: :set errorformat=\%E%f(%l\\,\ %c)\ Error:\ %m
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22:33:12federico3Jehan_: https://github.com/zah/nim.vim/blob/597cca20eb31dc55cd285f108b37ff5ca6256a69/compiler/nim.vim
22:33:56Jehan_federico3: Yeah, but that includes every single hint, and most hints are noise.
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23:00:44*boopsies is now known as boopsiesisaway
23:37:58*bjz_ quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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