<< 05-07-2015 >>

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03:37:37JohnS_Anyone had any luck calling windows gdi+ functions?
03:37:50JohnS_my proc definition looks like this:
03:37:51JohnS_proc GetImageEncodersSize(numEncoders: ptr uint, size: ptr uint) : DWORD {.cdecl, dynlib: "gdiplus.dll", importc:"GetImageEncodersSize".}
03:38:08JohnS_but i get "could not import: GetImageEncodersSize"
03:54:39reactormonkJohnS_, from where? the nim compiler?
03:58:31JohnS_when running the executable
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04:25:31reactormonkJohnS_, are you able to import it from C?
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04:28:06JohnS_yeah, something funny's going on, i can call other functions from GDI+. I just tried the straight GdiplusStartup function and that executed fine
04:28:40JohnS_i'm going to keep digging around, thanks for the help
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06:39:07FedeOmotoJohnS_: this is the correct C function declaration
06:39:09FedeOmotoGpStatus __stdcall GdipGetImageEncodersSize(
06:39:09FedeOmoto [out]unsigned int* numEncoders,
06:39:09FedeOmoto [out]unsigned int* size);
06:40:06FedeOmotoyou've to use the stdcall CC
06:43:20FedeOmotobtw, GpStatus is a sdword, not a dword
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11:13:12bluestreak0Hi! Is it possible to use the case statement on an enum? I have tried it, but nim complains, "selector must be of an ordinal type, float or string". Any ideas?
11:15:14def-bluestreak0: works for me: https://gist.github.com/def-/0d9bbeb38890d1733d39
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11:22:56Araqbluestreak0: don't use some half assed C compatible enum with holes ;-)
11:24:20bluestreak0Araq: Enums don't have holes unless you specify them to, right?
11:24:36bluestreak0ok, thanks
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14:12:46federico3when adding a raises: [] pragma to a proc the compilation fails without printing out which line can raise an unlisted exception
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16:07:30r-kuAraq: take a look at my coroutine experiments. based on picoro i implemented them in pure nim. but they are still broken. look at https://github.com/r-ku/Nim/blob/coroutines/lib/system/gc_ms.nim#L482 - when i uncomment this and register main app stack with gc test app crashes when first repr of some object is echoed. maybe you have an idea whats going on there? also another thing:
16:07:31r-kuhttps://github.com/r-ku/Nim/blob/coroutines/coro.nim#L60 if this unused variable is removed app crashes in popFrame() near the end of app execution. In case you see something obvious there please do tell. and ill continue looking into it
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20:24:42Araqr-ku: well you don't scan the registers at all with this version
20:24:52Araqso no wonder it doesn't work
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21:03:52reactormonkAraq, urgh, the mget patch fails a shitload of tests - let's see if I fucked up the merge
21:04:08reactormonkunhandled exception: key not found: gcc.options.always [KeyError] etc.
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21:04:20Araqdid you merge it already? o.O
21:05:17reactormonkwell, locally
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21:12:24reactormonkyou said you used implicit empty string or something?
21:13:32reactormonkwell ^^ time for some code rewrite.
21:13:44reactormonkor just make get return an option or something :-P
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21:14:56reactormonkSo get should return a zero?
21:15:35reactormonkwith a converter ;-)
21:16:38reactormonkso option[var T] -> exception and option[T] -> zero?
21:17:56reactormonkAraq, can we do this at compiletime?
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21:21:38Araqoption[var t] is not a valid type
21:22:03reactormonkAny way to match for it?
21:24:26Araqmeh, why always so complex?
21:24:53Araqjust comment out the [] accessor, replace it with a new getOrDefault and then re-enable []
21:29:06Araqtables.`[]` and strtabs.`[]` are real things that you can comment out
21:29:25reactormonkthe var or non-var version?
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21:37:55Araqthe non-var version.
21:38:28Araqthe var-version already raises an exception as it should
21:38:40Araqyou want to patch the non-var version
21:39:20EXetoCwot will happen to []?
21:39:24reactormonkOr I could make get return an option and the raise in the var version... >:)
21:39:48reactormonkLet's see if my idea is slower overall.
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21:45:11AraqEXetoC: we will come up with a transition path
21:45:18Araqalready have a couple of ideas
21:45:54Araqin the end [] will raise an exception for invalid keys and the old [] will be getOrDefault
21:54:25reactormonkSounds reasonable to me
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21:59:43dom96Araq: Are we making tables use Option[T]?
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22:12:13EXetoCdom96: asyncnet won't get getSocket?
22:12:38dom96EXetoC: hrm?
22:12:49dom96you mean an accessor to get the fd?
22:13:14EXetoClike getSocket in asyncio which returns the underlying Socket
22:14:14dom96I don't think so.
22:14:27dom96It doesn't have an underlying Socket
22:14:32dom96You just need to create your own
22:18:42dom96EXetoC: What do you need this for?
22:19:34EXetoCI probably don't
22:21:08EXetoCaren't there any conveniences for receiving all the data available in a socket?
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22:22:07dom96That's an ambiguous request.
22:22:16EXetoCperhaps by receiving without awaiting
22:22:18dom96Do you want to keep receiving data until the server closes the socket.
22:22:45dom96or do you want to receive the data that has reached your client only.
22:23:13dom96The former is easy, the latter is not (but I don't know why you would want to do it).
22:25:26dom96so tell me more, what are you trying to do?
22:26:31EXetoCthe latter, but doesn't what I just said achieve that? it is convenient when developing, because you can just send data, then sleep for a fraction of a second and then just examine all the data that has arrived at the client at that point
22:26:40Araqthere is no convenience in sockets programming because sockets are fundamentally fucked up. There is "no length of paket" information to be found and so each and every protocol needs to hack around this shortcoming.
22:26:47EXetoCI'll try that and see if it works
22:27:36dom96Just keep reading data.
22:27:42dom96in an infinite loop then
22:27:57dom96while true: let data = await sock.recv(5000)
22:28:20dom96You don't need to sleep
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22:39:41federico3sockets are meant to be streams - it's up to the upper layers to have a concept of "message"
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22:41:31EXetoCI was only referring to the local buffer, which holds all the data received at any given time
22:42:07federico3I found it really surprising that there isn't a little message passing protocol as part of TCP/IP
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22:45:57dom96EXetoC: There is no way to ask the OS for all the data.
22:46:58EXetoCnot even if you specify a large enough buffer, so that you can be certain that the response will fit?
22:47:48EXetoCin conjunction with MSG_DONTWAIT for example if using bsd sockets
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22:48:11EXetoCI might be wrong, because I haven't actually used it. I was just looking it up now
22:49:34EXetoCfederico3: that would be an optional component I assume
22:49:52federico3EXetoC: hum?
22:50:57dom96Sure, but it really doesn't buy you anything
22:51:08dom96You get the same results by using the snippet I gave you
22:52:30EXetoCdoesn't it wait for an arbitrarily high duration then?
22:53:33EXetoCI do know how to do this, but I was just thinking of potential shortcuts
22:53:53dom96yes, it does. What do you think recv(10000000000000) does?
22:54:17dom96well ok, it can return less than the size you request.
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22:54:45EXetoCbut is that only upon disconnect?
22:55:12dom96Just try it
22:55:30dom96Use the example in the asyncnet docs
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22:55:46EXetoCI'm on it
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23:20:50Araqso ... c2nim just got yet another feature
23:20:56Araq#@ @# blocks
23:21:35Araqthe idea is that you still have to modify the C code to make it behave. but at least you won't ever have to touch the generated nim code
23:22:40*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:32:44def-Araq: nice
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23:42:19Araqalso don't tell ldlework ... but I'm implementing {.noforward.} for types
23:43:52EXetoCwhat are the benefits?
23:44:06Araqeasier C++ wrapper generation
23:44:20AraqC++ code is full of cyclic type dependencies
23:44:21EXetoCobviously we want that
23:44:26EXetoCcus, world domination and all that
23:45:17Araqbut it's still restricted to "all type sections in the same module"
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23:45:29Araqactually hrm ... uh oh
23:45:53Araqdamn this will be tough, I want it to work across include files
23:46:27Araqbut what about
23:46:44Araqwhen complexDependencyThatRequiresVoodoo: include foo
23:49:35Araqoh well
23:50:58*pregressive quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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23:58:04EXetoC"proc update() {.async.} = result = client.sock.send(data) ... proc main() = waitFor update() ... main()" nothing is being sent. what am I doing wrong?
23:58:25reactormonkdom96, maybe >:)