<< 06-07-2015 >>

00:01:34EXetoCthere we go
00:02:08reactormonkdom96, I'm gonna do it if it isn't slower, currently creating benchmarks
00:02:30Araqreactormonk: it doesn't matter if it's slower or faster
00:02:41Araqit's not how the rest of the API works
00:02:41EXetoCbut I was trying to have it complete all the tasks at which point it would just exit the program by getting to the last statement. is that possible?
00:02:51reactormonkAraq, don't worry, I wont' change the API
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00:19:52EXetoCI should have just used Future[void] there I think
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00:28:19EXetoCworking on a novel mongo driver *again*. it's just so much more fun
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01:15:54reactormonkWhat to use for benchmarking?
01:16:43reactormonkwell, there's tests/benchmarks/
01:19:55def-reactormonk: maybe this and the links at the bottom: https://github.com/def-/nim-benchmarksgame
01:22:56reactormonkdef-, I wanna test my table fetchers, but I'm not sure how to do it in such a manner that the compiler doesn't simply make it a const
01:23:25reactormonklet's see if volatile works
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01:32:12reactormonkhow exactly does var work in the type system? In proc[T](a: T): T = a, can T be var? In proc[T](a: seq[T]): seq[T] = a, can T be var?
01:36:25reactormonkI'm currently wondering why https://gist.github.com/5bf2048f53240e0a1d3e won't compile with Error: type mismatch: got (Option[system.int]) but expected 'int'
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03:28:30Varriountreactormonk: Sounds like the manual needs an 'about var types' section. :3
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03:41:29VarriountIs it possible to try/catch an exception thrown from an iterator in a for loop, and still continue the iterator?
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03:46:17fowlI doubt it
03:46:52fowlfor x in iter(): <-- where can you specify except: here
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05:07:31fowlcool https://github.com/andreaferretti/patty
05:13:42reactormonkfowl, that's some next level awesome
05:14:35reactormonkeven the define statment for the debug code ^^
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05:35:22reactormonkok, first try with macros: segfault.
05:44:41reactormonkhttps://gist.github.com/59b23beaf9f9468586dc <- could someone help me out with macros?
05:47:42reactormonkAh fuck it, I'll try the forums
05:48:45reactormonkO.o there isn't even an emacs mode for restructured text
05:50:16reactormonkThere's apparently rst-mode, but no package, eh.
05:51:01reactormonkoh, it's integrated. oops.
05:52:38dtscodepatty seems awesome
05:53:10reactormonkdtscode, yeah, currently working on a patch to use pure enums instead of suffixes, let's see if I get anywhere
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07:34:19EXetoCnim is rad
07:34:25EXetoCpeas out
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10:14:11gokrHey guys
10:14:49fowlSup goku
10:15:04gokrLast 2-3 days of work before... vacation :)
10:15:22gokrMy Ni is completely messed up :)
10:15:49gokrMessed with it last night, but... I think its going toward a "good place"
10:16:48gokrNot sure if I mentioned it - but I added the ability for functions (and prims) to decide if the argument is meant to be evaluated before being passed - or not.
10:17:43gokrIt really messed up the code ;)
10:21:53gokrWell... hard to explain.
10:22:33gokrI have most of the tests green again, but I think my semantics aren't fully well defined.
10:22:52gokrI need to think it through.
10:30:42def-Saw a russian nim article today: http://habrahabr.ru/post/261801/
10:31:22Araqer why can a banned user still post?
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11:28:36maxvihi everybody! has Nim lib to work with websockets ?
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11:32:41Araqmaxvi: onionhammer1 has a websockets library on github, I don't think it's in Nimble yet ... :-/
11:32:51def-maxvi: this looks like the best shot: https://github.com/onionhammer/onion-nimrod/tree/master/websockets
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15:40:17EXetoCdom96: do you think it would be useful to have optional timeouts for the socket routines in asyncdispatch?
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15:45:51EXetoCshould I just use asyncnet? or I could just roll my own future
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16:10:58r-kuquick add that ru article on wikipedia nim article references before they delete it
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16:40:30Araqr-ku: got my message?
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16:41:05r-kuyes Araq, i think i fixed it on local version but not that it helps much
16:48:11r-kuAraq: that looks better? https://github.com/r-ku/Nim/blob/coroutines/lib/system/gc_ms.nim#L542
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16:53:25dtscodeIf I need to represent this unicode character: U+200B , how would I do that in a string?
16:53:31dtscode\u200B ?
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16:56:55r-kusource file is utf-8, just write unicode character in the string
16:57:29dtscodewell I can't write the character
16:58:10r-kuin that case i dont know
16:58:23EXetoCyou could copy it from a website
16:58:50dtscodeyou can't though. The character I need is the zero width whitespace character. theres literally nothing to copy
16:58:53EXetoCbut I suppose you could treat an integer as a unicode glyph, if you must do that
16:59:42EXetoCjust chain multiple hex literals
16:59:45EXetoCthat'll work, right?
17:00:11dtscodeUmmm I'm not sure
17:00:18dtscodeI don't even know the hex value
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17:01:13EXetoC200B would be the hex value
17:01:18dtscodeoh ok
17:01:22dtscodeso just \200b then?
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17:01:59EXetoCe2808b in utf 8
17:02:09EXetoCdtscode: \x20\x0b ?
17:02:47dtscodeoh ok. thanks for helping out a noob :D
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17:04:29EXetoCthere we go. I know how to paste now
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17:15:27Arrrris a person!
17:20:19Demosit's probably valid C++
17:22:25dtscodeyou mean perl
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17:25:24dom96EXetoC: use sleepAsync
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17:25:47dtscodeyay my modifications to irc.nim are done :D
17:26:32dom96TIL Perl has a bless command/keyword/function(?)
17:29:11dtscode>This function tells the thingy
17:29:31*dtscode is now known as dirtyheddwch
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17:32:10Arrrrnim must have a 'curse' proc
17:36:05*PaulMaudib is now known as ErroneousNick
17:37:05*ErroneousNick is now known as dtscode
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17:53:46EXetoCdom96: ok
17:54:37EXetoCArrrr: 0.001% chance of code segment mutation?
17:55:13Demosperl has a very .... unique ... way of supporting OOP
17:55:30DemosI kinda like it, but then again I rather like perl's attitude as a whole
17:56:40EXetoChow do you actually define variables that are local to a function? it just seemed really confusing
17:56:46EXetoCin perl that is
17:57:09reactormonkAraq, could you read my backlog questions about var?
17:57:15dtscodesuper complicated: my $var #local to the function
17:57:47dtscodeforgot a ;
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17:58:45Demosinterestingly local $var is a global
17:58:52Demosas far as I remember
17:59:08EXetoCI think that's what confused me
17:59:28Demosyeah perl is full of stuff like that
17:59:31Demosit's fun!
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18:23:33Araqreactormonk: no idea what you're asking
18:24:30reactormonkAraq, is there a way to make a proc that handles both var Table and non-var Table?
18:25:39Araqyou can easily share the impl though as it's done
18:26:25reactormonkon another note, http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/1411
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18:42:32Araquse : untyped instead of : stmt
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19:35:03dtscodehow come the stdlib has no split with a max split?
19:35:39Araqthere was a patch for that and I rejected it
19:35:51Araqsaw no point in it.
19:36:23dtscodeit can have uses
19:36:34Araqsplit is a poor man's parser anyway, "split with max" even moreso
19:37:12dtscodeof course its a poor man parser, but by that logic sockets is a poor mans network lib
19:37:41dtscodeeh I guess I'll just run a modded stdlib
19:38:28Araqor use parseutils
19:38:38Araqwhich is for parsing stuff
19:39:04dtscodewhy would I need a full on parser when I just need a seq with 3 elements split on the first 3 ws's
19:39:50Araqwhy would the first 3 be separated by whitespace and not the rest?
19:40:26dtscodeIf I were writing a rudimentary ircd, and the command type was PRIVMSG, I would only need PRIVMSG, CHANNEL, and :MSG
19:40:37dtscodeit would be pointless to split :MSG
19:41:44Araqwell I can see that it would come in handy for your situation but I still don't see the point of a split with max.
19:42:00dtscodeor I'm reading from a file, and each line contains POINT POINT LINE, and I need to put LINE at (POINT,POINT) but not parse the rest of the line
19:42:10Araqwhat if it's the last 3 items you're interested in?
19:42:32dtscodethen you would split the whole line
19:42:33Araqdo you then want a "split with min"? a "split with range"?
19:42:49EXetoC-3 :p
19:42:59fowldtscode thats not right for irc anyways
19:43:17dtscodeits just an example fowl
19:43:20fowlYou only need to search for ' :' to find the last arg
19:43:42dom96using split() is not maintainable
19:44:02dom96just look at the way the irc module does parsing
19:46:10EXetoCdon't you want to use that? there are some conveniences missing though but it's easy to patch
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19:50:49apensecan compiler procs be generic?
19:51:14apenseasking to see if `nimDestroyRange[T]` can have the export marker removed
19:57:32Araqapense: no, they cannot
19:57:46Araqbut nimDestroyRange will be obsolete eventually anyway
20:01:52dtscodeso dom96 if I understand the irc module correctly with [email protected] dtscode becomes the user and dtscode.io becomes the host?
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20:32:39dom96dtscode: yes
20:32:54dom96you can just test it, just pass some string to parseMessage or whatever it's called
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20:53:56dtscodeeh fair enough
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22:34:38dom96_Hi wirbi
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22:35:37wirbiIs there somebody russian speaking?
22:36:02wirbiI need consult but my english is very bad.
22:37:30dom96_It doesn't sound too bad :)
22:37:41dom96_I can't speak Russian at all :(
22:37:50dom96_Maybe Google Translate could help?
22:38:04wirbiSo, sorry, I'll try in english. :)
22:39:26wirbiNeed I use pastebin for the code or copy it right here?
22:39:34dom96_use pastebin
22:39:44dom96_or better gist
22:39:49dom96_(it supports Nim)
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22:44:46dom96You can't do this: https://gist.github.com/wirbi7/3ada37c12ddac52fcc0a#file-gistfile1-nim-L28
22:44:58wirbiBut then I try to compile it, I receive error: Error: value of type 'proc (ws: WebSocket): Future[system.string]{.gcsafe, locks: <unknown>.}' has to be discarded
22:46:12wirbiYes, I have error exactly in this line
22:46:33dom96This might work
22:47:28dom96You should make your callbacks return a Future[void] btw
22:47:33dom96So that you can 'await' them :)
22:48:03dom96oh, your WebSocketRecvClosure already does that.
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22:50:35dom96wirbi: hrm. I get C code gen error when I try to compile the code I gave you...
22:50:40dom96looks like a Nim bug
22:51:10dom96I shall report it
22:54:32dom96Adding {.closure.} to line 6 compiles though: https://gist.github.com/dom96/721f126bc75c2979ca50
22:54:38dom96Good night!
22:56:00wirbidom96: Oh... Thanka lot!
22:56:06wirbidom96: Oh... Thank a lot!
22:57:11wirbiGood night!
22:57:38*wirbi quit (Quit: Page closed)
22:58:15*Demos joined #nim
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