<< 04-08-2016 >>

00:00:34*irrequietus quit ()
00:03:41Araqsome package requires devel? and devel gets ~5 commits each day
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00:44:27Demosthat's fair
00:44:44Demosbut the package probably won't work if I'm using the nim on my path and forget to update it
00:44:50Demosalso how do I specify the size of an enum
00:45:00DemosI remember there is a pragma for it but I forget the name
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01:48:55freezerburnvIs there a way to start a process from Nim such as less that takes over the console? I attempted doing that earlier and it just seemed to get stuck
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03:27:35mccSo let's say I do type X of rootObj\n\tONE*: float {.importc:"_ONE".}
03:28:07mccIt doesn't seem to like that. it says "invalid indentation". (also imagine instead of \t i had put four spaces there, i don't know it's hard to describe multiline nim code on irc)
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04:37:25ftsf_mcc, use a link to a gist or pastebin
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07:29:18ArrrrMmm, is .explain. implemented already?
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08:57:39Araqzahary: oh my, 'type T' and vtables?
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13:03:45*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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15:21:41*FreezerburnV joined #nim
15:22:44FreezerburnVIs there a way to hand control of a terminal off to a program (e.g: less) that takes over the entire terminal? (assumedly through curses/something similar) I tried that yesterday and the nim process seemed to just hang until I Ctrl+C'd it
15:23:28FreezerburnVI didn't see any flags for startProcess that were obviously to be used for this purpose
15:25:10ftsfFreezerburnV, so you want to make it take over the terminal but have your process keep running in the background?
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15:26:39FreezerburnVftsf, Ideally my process would be the parent, much like running "less someFile.txt" in bash, and would continue once less finishes, again like bash. If that's not possible, I can work around that (the thing I'm working on can handle multiple commands at a time, so it woudl be ideal to continue with the next command after the first one finishes, but it isn't strictly necessary)
15:27:09FreezerburnVIt doesn't use curses to control the terminal, just echos
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15:34:12ftsfFreezerburnV, you want to inherit the parent streams i think
15:34:20ftsfto attach to the terminal
15:34:34FreezerburnVftsf, Ah ha. Lemme try that real quick
15:34:51ftsf(tested with execCmd and it seemed to do the right thing)
15:35:45FreezerburnVftsf, That does work, thank you! Would never have guess that
15:35:56FreezerburnVWhat exactly does inheriting the parents streams do? And why does it suddenly make less work?
15:36:49ftsfwell less needs to connect to the terminal
15:37:05ftsfso connecting to the parent process's stdin/stdout which are attached to the terminal
15:37:32FreezerburnV...yeah, that makes sense. Seems obvious in retrospect
15:38:30FreezerburnVIs there a way to connect it to the parent stdin/stdout but still manipulate the data going to less's stdin? e.g.: startProcess with poParentStreams, then call inputStream on the Process?
15:38:42FreezerburnVOr would it jsut be using the current global stdin in that case?
15:38:51FreezerburnV(which I'm assuming it would due to being the parent's stdin)
15:39:16FreezerburnVI'd like to be able to filter the data from a file before it hits less without having to chain greps
15:40:13ftsfhmm i'm not sure
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15:41:57FreezerburnVMaybe I can call less without giving it an argument, then write to the global stdin? Hm
15:42:29FreezerburnVOr stdout or whatever
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16:10:05libmanhttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12223395 :/
16:14:34Eyesis there a way to get the `ord()` of a string instead of just the chars within?
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16:15:32ftsfwhat would the ord of a string be?
16:15:51Eyesbadly worded
16:15:57Eyessorry, i meant like
16:16:07Eyesit's hard to explain
16:16:25ftsfshow me a string and what you want the output to be
16:17:17Eyesthe string has a value of 4004 in the underlying bytes
16:17:48ftsfoh, you want the binary?
16:18:34Eyesbasically like python's `int.from_bytes`
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16:21:55ephjacast[ptr intN](str[i].addr)[]
16:24:19ephjathere's nothing in there for dealing with endians, but there's this http://nim-lang.org/docs/endians.html which is a little low level atm
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16:25:58ftsf /o\ relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `gEnv' defined in COMMON section
16:26:02ftsfnever seen that before
16:26:32*brechtm quit (Remote host closed the connection)
16:26:46ephjauh oh. ruuuuuuuuuuun!
16:28:11Eyesthe data is big endian so
16:31:01ftsfEyes, ^
16:34:00*Trixar_za joined #nim
16:34:28ephjabigEndian64(outp = myVar.addr, inp = str[i].addr)
16:35:26ephjaI was trying to add high level interfaces to the endians module, but apparently I never created a PR
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16:36:46Trixar_zaHow do I add SDL2 to nim?
16:37:06ftsfimport sdl2
16:37:20ephjathough I'm not sure how much it will help if one is doing endian conversions but doesn't know about pointer operations
16:37:21ftsfnimble install sdl2
16:39:28Trixar_zaThanks - now to actually make git work on Windows
16:41:04ephjaI just run the installer and use the defaults
16:43:55Eyesalright, thank you ephja and ftsf
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16:56:26Trixar_zaThat should do it. Also I note somebody wrote a tutorial. Thanks def-
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16:59:26*Trixar_za eye twitches
17:00:23*allan0 quit (Quit: no)
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17:01:49Trixar_zaI need Mercurial too?
17:13:44Trixar_zaNeeded the dll file, but works. Thanks guys
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17:54:31Trixar_zaSeems I'm not the only one interested in game engines
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18:50:35FreezerburnVIs there a way to ask a user for a password without having the password show up in the console? (similar to read -s -p "Password: " password in bash)
18:51:18AraqFreezerburnV: terminal.nim has some support for this iirc
18:57:05FreezerburnVAraq, Will take a look into that, thanks
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19:10:47libmanAraq: speaking of terminal.nim, it could use a proc for changing the terminal title (ex. https://github.com/lbmn/nim/blob/master/warc/lib/libmanisms.nim)
19:11:36libmanAnd (speaking of my ugly code there), why doesn't strfmt do thousandth separator like in Python?
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21:00:56michael_campbellGuessing, but my guess is because ANSI C doesn't?
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21:14:10libmanYeah, should probably check the env TERM / TERMINAL and do nothing if running without GUI / screen / tmux...
21:14:49Eyesis there a way to have circular types
21:15:02Eyeslike, on type A you have a field of B, and on type B you have a field of A
21:16:06dom96Eyes: Should work as long as they are both 'ref's and defined in the same type section
21:16:15*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
21:16:33Eyesthey're not, they're defined between files
21:17:07*FreezerburnV quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:17:55AraqEyes: workaround, use subtyping or generics
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21:44:01Eyeshacky subtyping has worked, thanks
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22:17:08krux02Araq: what are these tokens for: (. .) [. .] ? They are in the documentation, but I can't find them used anywhere
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22:18:48Araqkrux02: they are not used yet.
22:19:12krux02are there plans to use them?
22:20:19krux02I don't feel there is anything missing in the language that needs them
22:23:17AraqI argued we should use [. .] for explicit generic instantiations
22:24:17Araqto fix the current ambiguous mess that's a[i](x, y)
22:25:45ephjait's less common than indexing, isn't it?
22:27:12*kingofoz quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
22:27:28Araqephja: can you look into this? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4528
22:27:30ephjaeven more so had it been possible to turn them into parameters in more cases, by having the ability to refer to a succeeding parameter
22:27:38Araqit was you who implemented generic subtyping, right?
22:27:49Araqmost ridiculous open bug IMO.
22:28:06ephja(typedesc parameters at the end of the list)
22:28:22ephjawell, the majority of my attempts at fixing stuff have failed :p
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22:30:46AraqI patched your patch btw
22:30:51Araqessentially had to rewrite it.
22:31:03Araqdunno why I review and accept code only to find out it's bonkers
22:31:18*Araq sucks at code reviews
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22:37:07Araqkrux02: also (. .) could be introduced as a macro operator
22:37:44Araqmacro `(. .)`(x: varargs[typed]): typed = ...
22:38:01Araq(."let's", "construct", 34, "something".)
22:38:09*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
22:38:19Araqthough m(...) can do the same so it's rather pointless
22:39:44ephjaI need to find a better way to figure things out if I am to give it another go, so as to not drown in a sea of mysterious calls
22:40:06*jefuss quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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22:42:32Araqwell sigmatch.nim is horrible for the best of us
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23:15:08krux02Araq, you are right a[i](x, y) actually is very ambigious, I just had never problems with that ambiguity. I was just surprised in the beginning of learning the language, that [] was used for generics array indexing and array literals. That was a bit much in my opinion.
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