<< 05-08-2016 >>

00:01:20freezerburnvWhy does "11/30 0:0:0 2016" parse as "Tue Nov 29 23:00:00 2016" from the format "M/d H:m:s yyyy"?
00:02:11freezerburnvShouldn't it be Wed Nov 30 00:00:00?
00:02:41freezerburnv"5/31 0:0:0 2016" correctly parses as "Tue May 31 00:00:00 2016"
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00:03:34freezerburnv(by my definition of correct, at least. I might be assuming something wrong)
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00:04:55freezerburnvChanging the Nov one to "11/30 2016" with "M/d yyyy" parses the same
00:05:32freezerburnvOh, right, forgot to mention: I parse it then immediately use toTime on it
00:06:05freezerburnvI need to be able to check if any given day is within a specific date range
00:08:14freezerburnvThe only way I could figure out to do that was to parse those specific dates and do comparisons with `<`, etc. on the current time versus the parsed times
00:08:24freezerburnvIf there's a better way, I'm all ears
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04:04:20ftsfis there a way to force a single proc or module to be optimised/have checks removed but not the whole project?
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04:59:32chrishellerftsf: take a look at the compilation option pragmas http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas-compilation-option-pragmas
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07:17:19ftsfhas anyone successfully cross compiled to OSX from linux with nim?
07:17:59Araqgood question, no idea.
07:18:57ftsfjust successfully cross compiled my game to windows \o/
07:19:04ftsfbut OSX is generally harder
07:19:20ftsfdoesn't like thread_local
07:19:42ftsfbut seems that's not implemented by clang for certain targets
07:20:34ftsfnimcache/stdlib_strutils.cpp:266:8: error: thread-local storage is not supported for the current target: extern NIM_THREADVAR Gcheap60018 gch_60087_1689653243;
07:23:05Araqyeah OSX used to be a barbaric piece of junk, not supporting thread local storage properly
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08:16:52reactormonkYeah... gotta build some frontend stuff with node :-(
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10:08:01ArrrrIt is funny that a week ago i praised compilation speed, because in the last few days compiling nimc takes a lot more of time, more than it used to.
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11:18:35AraqArrrr: doesn't for me. can you spot some commit that caused it?
11:39:13def-Arrrr: maybe you built with ./koch boot (without -d:release)
11:39:23def-happened to me a few times and I wondered about the performance
11:43:37ArrrrI use release flag. I think it happened at the same time that [Exec] hint was enabled
11:44:21ArrrrMost of the time is spent there. Before the most time consuming was the processing
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15:08:54SentreenWhat's the policy on removing trailing whitespace when working on a module? Should I just leave it alone or edit it out in a seperate commit?
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15:14:16elroodi'd vote for one preferrably complete and automatic check and fix commit, a public shaming for those who commited them, and a commit hook to prevent similar oversights in the future
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15:29:33ehmryI'm a bit confused, what happens when I wrap a C++ constructor in a proc that returns a ref type?
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15:29:56ehmryI get a reference to an object constructed on a heap?
15:46:33AraqSentreen: just remove it in some way, there can't be much of it
15:47:03Araqelrood: yeah. OR: we actually care about important things instead.
15:47:08SentreenWill do
15:53:45elroodAraq, that's not an exclusive-or decision
15:54:31elroodnot that i really particularly care either, it's just good practice
15:58:06elrooda well setup editor and scm simply takes cares of those things automagically so that one doesn't ever have to waste any thought and energy on the matter in one's life again
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16:27:10ftsf\o/ cross compiled my nim app from linux to windows and osx (untested)
16:28:39ftsfnow to acquire a mac to test on
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16:37:54vktecftsf: You could see if anyone on ##apple would test it for you
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16:38:44jjidoI use Macs
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16:42:50libmanPirate a MacOS X VM image ;)
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16:57:05michael_campbellWhen nim is updated or fixed in any way, are all the outputs (objc, cpp, javascript, c) always kept in sync? I remember Scala trying to do both the CLR and JVM, and eventually lost interest in the CLR.
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16:58:05dom96michael_campbell: Not always, there are certain features which the JavaScript backend still doesn't support AFAIK
16:58:32michael_campbellgotcha. Idle curiosity on my part; I don't have a need there. Just wondering.
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17:02:33Eyesis there a way to specify headers to send with a request on an asyncHttpClient
17:03:18dom96Eyes: yep, http://nim-lang.org/docs/httpclient.html#AsyncHttpClient
17:03:24dom96the 'headers' field is exported
17:03:58Eyesis that per request or per client?
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17:09:49Eyesprobably per client, stupid me
17:10:58SentreenIf I create a proc that returns a `ref`, is the implicit result variable of that proc initialized to point to nil?
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17:15:22FreezerburnVSo I had a proc I was putting into a table in the same module as the table. I just moved that proc into a separate module and is declared as public, and now I'm getting the error: 'theProc' cannot be passed to a procvar
17:15:42FreezerburnVThe table is being created with toTable({"procKey": theProc, ...})
17:16:20FreezerburnVI can call the proc without a compilation error
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17:17:59dom96Eyes: per client :)
17:21:03FreezerburnVArrrr, Ah, it needed {.procvar.}. Thanks!
17:39:54*libman is only using the easiest 10% of Nim, and loving it. You can really enjoy Nim without the advanced features.
17:41:03libmanI guess years of P-programming (Python, PHP, Perl) have wired my brain for simplicity.
17:41:08FreezerburnVAnd now I'm getting this error after fixing the previous procvar bit:
17:41:09FreezerburnVError: type mismatch: got ((string, proc (idx: int, vargs: seq[string], env: HandleEnvironment): int{.gcsafe, locks: 0.})) but expected '(string, proc (idx: int, vargs: seq[string], env: HandleEnvironment): int{.gcsafe, locks: <unknown>.})'
17:41:26FreezerburnVWithout changing table creation
17:41:59FreezerburnVBut I added in the HandleEnvironment object and it suddenly started breaking (using that to store global state due to the proc being in a new module)
17:42:04dom96Sentreen: yep
17:43:00SentreenPerfect, thanks :)
17:43:11SentreenI tested it, but I wanted to be sure I understood what was going on
17:43:53dom96FreezerburnV: strange, I wonder if the two vs. one parenthesis are significant.
17:44:10FreezerburnVdom96, That seems to be the case, but I have no idea why it's creating that extra set
17:44:35dom96FreezerburnV: can I see the code?
17:45:49FreezerburnVdom96, Sure, one sec. Just gonna make sure it's fully anonymized
17:50:51FreezerburnVdom96, https://gist.github.com/Freezerburn/c16071e48756b0e8e8e04c53e303bffa
17:51:19FreezerburnVNot sure it'll compile as is, I tore it to pieces quite a bit. But that should generally be how it's set up
17:51:32FreezerburnV(actually it won't because all the handler procs are defined)
17:53:24dom96hrm, I don't know
17:53:38dom96It would be nice if you could give me code that reproduces the error
17:53:45FreezerburnVdom96, Alright, gimme a sec
17:57:19FreezerburnVI left the original HandleEnvironment object in main instead of deleting it after copying it to utils
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17:59:56dom96FreezerburnV: ahh, the compiler really needs to give a better error message for that sort of thing
18:00:07FreezerburnVdom96, T'would be nice
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18:08:26Araqit does
18:08:49Araqit's just that you got unlucky with the inferred locking levels :P
18:09:12Araqthe compiler checks "oh, are these types rendered to the same string repr? yes, so add type qualifiers"
18:09:28Araqbut this heuristic failed for you :P
18:09:32FreezerburnVlol yup
18:09:50FreezerburnVI honestly thought it was the qualifiers at first so I started adding all the gcsafe ones
18:13:48Araqso make a suggestion. and no, we don't want the compiler to always emit the qualifiers, that's too verbose
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18:22:20dom96Araq: what? It seriously just does string equality?
18:22:46Araqwhat else should it do?
18:22:47dom96Can't you see whether the parameter names/types are equivalent?
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18:23:08dom96and if they are include the prefixes?
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18:27:47Araqit's not that easy and I have real bugs to fix instead
18:31:18*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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18:41:05FreezerburnVAraq, Not sure if it's easy or not, but it is probably simpler than fully checking types: prefix the type name with the module it's from. If I had seen that in the error, I would have figured out the problem a lot easier
18:41:48FreezerburnVObviously this is probably not a super common situation, so do whatever, but you mentioned suggestions, so I figured I would throw one out there
18:42:49AraqI can leave out the {..} in the comparison
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19:23:21Schala_ZealI seem to be having a major dilemma regarding making a server in Nim for a Unity game
19:23:46Schala_ZealUTF 16 string handling
19:24:28Schala_Zeallike... I figured it'd be seq[Rune16], but... do I actually have to set it like I would an array?
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20:09:38dom96Schala_Zeal: Good question, sorry I can't help
20:12:47Schala_Zealprobably better ways of doing this, but: http://pastebin.com/qnVCfyaP
20:18:30dom96Schala_Zeal: Can't you store the UTF16 runes in a normal string?
20:21:10Schala_ZealI'm not sure. I thought it was UTF8
20:21:53Schala_Zealbeing as this is a server, I'll probably be reading strLen * 2?
20:25:07Schala_ZealI did write a guid module in pure Nim though, based off the Boost.Uuid implementation
20:25:18Schala_Zealheavily modified though
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20:28:00Schala_Zealso enjoy
20:30:08dom96add it to nimble's package repo
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20:31:58Schala_Zealdecided just now it makes no sense to do < or > operations on a GUID so...
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20:35:02FreezerburnVI think I'm still misunderstanding the pegs module: I'm trying to put together a peg to replace all instances of ' or " in a string with ['"], and I put together: peg"{ (!'[\'\"]' [\\'\"]) }", but it's giving me compile errors on the first ] despite being in a string literal
20:35:40FreezerburnV(the first ! match is to ignore anything already replaced in the string, unless I don't need that and can iterate over the matches array?)
20:36:32FreezerburnVReducing to just: peg"{ [\'\"] }" still errors with wanting an expression on the ]
20:37:29FreezerburnVOr rather, that's what NimLime is telling me. Attempting to compile just gives "invalid indentation"
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20:43:51Trixar_zaI came on to ask something - and instantly forgot what it was
20:53:23dom96Just found this via the author's (I'm assuming) presentation: https://github.com/jcosborn/qex
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20:58:30Trixar_zaOh right - if I say put all th dll files in /dll, how do I make the compiler know I put the libraries in there when I compile the exe? Oo
20:59:39dom96Your application will load the DLLs dynamically when it starts
20:59:47dom96the compiler doesn't check for their existance
21:03:10Trixar_zaI meant for SDL2 - because if I put it in the dll folder, the exe file gives me could not load: SDL2.dll, how do I tell the exe file that I put SDL2.dll in the dll folder within the directory where the exe is?
21:04:23dom96It needs to be beside the .exe or you need to add the directory with the dlls to your PATH
21:04:31dom96Pretty sure this is an OS limitation
21:04:35Trixar_zaWould look less clustered if I did it that way than leave all the dll files in the main folder - especially if I use sdl_ttf, sdl_mixter and sdl_image together
21:05:00Trixar_zaThere has to be a way to tell the compiler where I put the library files :/
21:05:11Araqit's not the compiler's business
21:05:24Araqand while I think there are ways to influence the search path
21:05:33Araqit's unwise to work against the OS
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21:06:11elroodTrixar_za, you're looking for rpath, either via passL pragma in your code or as a commandline option
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21:09:08elroodsomething in the vein of --passL:-Wl,-rpath,dll should work
21:10:31Araqelrood: .dll means he's on Windows
21:12:01FreezerburnVTrixar_za, Pretty sure it's highly common to see a bunch of .dll files next to the main .exe on Windows. Open up any game folder and you'll probably see multiple
21:12:40Araqyup, it works like OSX really. it's the only way to distribute native binaries that works.
21:12:49FreezerburnVNobody really sees that folder anyway other than devs, so it doesn't matter if it's slightly "messy"
21:13:30FreezerburnVAraq, Ugh, wrangling dynlibs in OS X is a huge pain, since it compiles where the dynlib is into the binary
21:13:53FreezerburnVHave to use some magic strings to get it to be able to reside near the binary correctly in general
21:13:58Araqall I know is that OSX pretends the directory is an "app" and you can click on it
21:14:04Araqand the deps are in the dir
21:14:19Araqquite possible they fucked it up, wouldn't surprise me at all.
21:14:30Araqit's Unix based, after all.
21:14:36Trixar_zaYes, but 17 dll files for sdl2, sdl_mixer, sdl_ttf, sdl_image and sdl_net and one exe file is a bit much
21:14:42FreezerburnVYup. The details suck for packaging up your own dynlibs into the directory though. Have to get some compiler flags just right
21:14:47dom96yeah... you should see the crap needed to get GTK bundled in a .app bundle on OS X
21:15:10dom96Pretty sure that Aporia still doesn't work for some people
21:15:10elroodAraq, i am perfectly aware of that, and afair the mechanisms and flags are the same on *nix and windows, at least if using gcc/clang. does nim use a different c compiler on windows?
21:15:11FreezerburnVTrixar_za, Why do you have 17 dll files for 4 libraries?
21:15:22dom96and it stopped working suddenly on my MacBook
21:15:36Trixar_zaThe requirements behind the libraries themselves
21:15:40dom96after I spent weeks compiling GTK myself
21:16:16Trixar_zaYou probably don't need the sound and image libraries you won't be using, but not everybody strips down to what they need.
21:16:49FreezerburnVTrixar_za, Guess you're going to have to live with 17 dll files :) It'll look like peanuts compared to all the graphics files in the long run anyway. And the code files, and...
21:17:39Trixar_zaLuckily those will hopefully be in their own folder called assets - because dammit, I'm not going to add more clutter
21:18:47dom96just write a file manager that puts all files with a certain file extension in special "virtual folders" :P
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21:20:18Trixar_zaFailing what I wanted to do, can I write a launcher exe file that calls an exe file inside the 'dll' folder? That's also a viable work around.
21:20:54FreezerburnVYou could just create a shortcut I would imagine
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21:22:16*elrood shrugs
21:22:21elrooddon't try rpath then
21:23:41dyce_so you can do 'for kind,path in walkDir("/someDir")' but you cannot do 'for kind,path in concat(toSeq(walkDir("/someDir")),toSeq(walkDir("/someDir2")) ?
21:24:13dyce_for x in concat(toSeq(walkDir("/someDir")),toSeq(walkDir("/someDir2"))
21:24:19dyce_then i accessed x.path x.kind
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21:29:24Trixar_zaelrood: Mostly because I don't know how I would use rpath on Windows like that
21:29:40Trixar_zaor even what rpath is to be completely honest
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