<< 06-08-2016 >>

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01:57:00HogynCymraeghi. Is there an opposite of parseEnum? I'd like to print the string representation of an enum if that's even possible.
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02:14:21HogynCymraegah i see repr() does this
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06:22:01ArrrrNow i compiled koch with release flag (last time seems like i didn't) and compiling nimc is fast again, you were right. The exec display is not anymore
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10:11:05ehmryis it possible to sting quota in a pragma? like const Foo = 9; .. {.importcpp: "Thing<$Foo>".}
10:11:12ehmrythat gives me an error, but am I just doing it wrong?
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10:23:02ftsfehmry, what's the error?
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10:25:34ehmryftsf: 'invalid fromat string [ValueError]'
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10:26:57ftsfehmry, on that line?
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10:27:53ftsfyou can use quotes in pragmas like you're doing there
10:27:59ehmryftsf: it doesn't give me a line number, just 'Unhandled exception'
10:28:21ftsfehmry, during run time or compile time?
10:28:27ehmrycompile time
10:34:42ehmryhmm, I can do {.importcpp: "Foo<" & $Bar & ">".}
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13:35:30dom96Ahh, when you write a script and it compiles on the first try.
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15:19:04*elrood quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:36:27*fredrik92 quit (Quit: Shutting down . . .)
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15:53:33dom96In case anybody is also interested in Crystal, here is a script that I just roughly translated from a Crystal script https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/web/bountysource.nim (and the crystal version: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-website/blob/master/scripts/bountysource.cr)
15:53:59*libman quit (Client Quit)
15:54:06*libman1 is now known as libman
16:02:59*libman quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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16:19:59libmanI got -4 points on https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12223395 for saying that "Crystal isn't fit to carry Nim's jockstrap". :P
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17:00:12dom96That is a strange way to put it :P
17:12:16dom96Right. So, the Nim community survey will now officially close in 2 days, so it's your last chance to answer it if you haven't done so yet! http://nim-lang.org/survey
17:25:07*nsf joined #nim
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17:29:16*libman quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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17:32:56*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
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17:38:44dom96Hrm, somebody named "Date in Asia" donated $5 to our BountySource
17:38:55dom96oh well, it stays on our sponsors page :P
17:46:54*nairobi quit (Remote host closed the connection)
17:49:27ehmry"Date in Asia" must be written in Nim
18:07:11*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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18:47:26*libman quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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18:53:37onionhammerso in this talk, araq says "nim compiles to c++" multiple times, and compiling to C is more of a sidenote
18:53:52onionhammerwas that a shift in direction, or taking the audience into account?
18:54:12onionhammer(I feel like I've been trying to get you to switch to C++ "by default" for years :P )
19:00:07*Trixar_za joined #nim
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19:01:33libmanhttp://libman.org/img/bak/20160806-Nim-StarGazers.jpg <== art for my FB post congratulating Nim with 3000+ GitHub Stars! :D
19:03:14libman(Facebook scales down resolution, so I limited it to 1484 (53*28*90px) of 3003 avatars, sorting by size to eliminate the autogens.)
19:03:50*Trixar_za wonders if his ugly mug is in there
19:06:49Trixar_zaNow to ask the obvious question. Who is using Shodan? If it's not Araq, then it's somewhat of a waste.
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19:12:19kierlibman: very cool idea :) I spy dom96's mug in the lower right corner :p
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19:13:11dom96libman: wow, that is awesome!
19:13:35dom96Can I use it on Twitter? I'll share your post on Nim's FB page but I don't think you have Twitter (right?)
19:14:24dom96One suggestion (feel free to say no of course): the nim logo is a bit stretched, could you maybe preserve the aspect ratio?
19:14:55libmanYup, everything I do is public domain, do whatever you want. ;)
19:15:39libmanhttps://github.com/lbmn/nim/tree/master/starfield - I wanted to generate the image fully in Nim, complete with GraphicsMagick bindings, but didn't have time so cheated with a shell script and gimp.
19:17:25dom96hehe, that's fine. At least you used a bit of Nim :)
19:26:38*dom96 is happy he is managing to write one update a month
19:26:47dom96I think I will start cross-posting them to nim-lang.org
19:26:59dom96because they are becoming very much like general Nim updates as well
19:33:57*Trixar_za quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:38:13*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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19:43:58libmanhttps://www.facebook.com/software.libman.org/photos/a.220472174811436.1073741828.220434508148536/538597802998870 - archived (accessible to those that didn't yet sell their souls to the Facebook satan) at https://archive.is/JwoR4
19:47:50libmanhttp://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ updated for August - nothing very exciting...
19:52:43dom96Argh, I really hate how Facebook shows you the status then after 3 seconds opens a modal window above it to show a "loading" bar to show the same damn status!
19:55:07dom96whoa, a flood of reactions/likes
19:55:23dom96DAE have a strange love for Fast and Furious?
19:55:28*irrequietus quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
19:56:48dom96libman: love your page, its got a cool look :D
20:10:06*brechtm_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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20:21:12libmanUncut collage of 3000 Nim stargazer avatars in random order - http://libman.org/img/bak/20160806-Nim-StarGazers-HUGE.jpg (35MB)
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20:50:59libman"BountySource Update: The Road to v1.0" that's from today, right? I recommend using dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, so there's no ambiguity.
20:51:29libman"06/08/2016" is June 8th in USA'n...
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21:04:48dom96yeah, I was thinking that when writing it
21:05:02dom96Will add that as a todo :)
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23:23:57mccSo, I'm building a binding script-- let's say that there's a class SampleView, and it has a "static method" that you access like SampleView.StandardThing()
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23:25:11mccWhat would be the recommended idiom for representing that inside Nim? SampleViewStandardThing I guess?
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