<< 06-02-2021 >>

00:13:38FromDiscord<zidsal> @dom96 not sure how I missed that nice spot
00:14:27FromDiscord<zidsal> oh wait I didn't miss that you've made that change
00:25:19*tane quit (Quit: Leaving)
01:45:14FromDiscord<Cohjellah> Haven't been in here in a while
01:45:24FromDiscord<Cohjellah> Kings :nim1:
01:45:37FromDiscord<Cohjellah> How's Nim travelling these days?
01:51:05FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Digitally as always
01:53:29*njoseph quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
01:53:53*njoseph joined #nim
01:58:34*Gustavo6046 quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
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03:16:38*wasted_youth quit (Quit: Leaving)
03:43:32*abm quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:00:26FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Hi trying pass varargs to template
04:00:36FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Here is the code
04:00:37FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2Otv
04:01:05*vicfred joined #nim
04:06:28FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I believe you need to use `macros.unpackvarargs`
04:08:12FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> can you show an example
04:09:30*irchaxwell_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:09:42FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> What's the issue currently?
04:11:08FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Well, As you can see in code I want to pass a variables to a template and want their sizeof() and addr
04:11:34FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Well they're untyped so i dont think this will work
04:11:36FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> I would use a proc but they are untyped
04:11:59FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> So what would a macro look like for it
04:12:32FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> On idividual level they will be opengl byte,bool,float,int
04:21:17FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I dont know if there is a better way, but this puts you most of the way there https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OtB
04:22:06FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Thanks
04:23:14FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I guess it isnt hmm really
04:24:28FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> This might do the trick, but yea really depends on the arguments you pass https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OtD
04:26:07FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Thanks this one worked super
04:26:49FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yay!
04:27:39FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Btw am using compute shaders with raylib so had to make some functions to create ssbos
04:27:49FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> This was the mainone
04:50:07*spiderstew_ joined #nim
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04:57:26*irchaxwell joined #nim
05:00:55irchaxwellIs it possible to use variables in heredoc?
05:01:27FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> heredoc?
05:01:51FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Seems that's a name for multiline string literals?
05:02:24FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> !eval import strformat;let a = 100; echo fmt""" Hello all {a} nim users"""
05:02:28NimBot Hello all 100 nim users
05:03:16FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> !eval import strformat;let a = 100 echo "Hello all $1 nim users" % a
05:03:18NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 60) Error: undeclared identifier: '%'
05:03:27FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Shit that's strutils isnt it!
05:04:00FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> !eval import strutils;let a = 100 echo """Hello all $1 nim users""" % a
05:04:02irchaxwellThat's right, multiline string.
05:04:05NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 65) Error: undeclared identifier: 'a'
05:04:12FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> God damn it! ๐Ÿ˜„
05:04:29PrestigeHey Beef
05:04:33FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Well anyway you have your answer use `strformat.fmt` or `strutils.%`
05:04:48FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Uh oh prestige is here, going to suggest MI again, time to smokebomb
05:04:50FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Hello
05:05:54PrestigeSup man how's it going
05:05:58FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Want your inheritance kill your parents
05:06:12PrestigeI don't need $5
05:06:27FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I'm fine, avoiding developing my game apparently
05:06:30FromDiscord<Rika> bruh
05:06:38FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> What?
05:06:38PrestigeOh you're making a game? Neat
05:06:50FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> How have you not seen me spamming the link to it? ๐Ÿ˜„
05:07:02FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Pmunch seems to love playing it
05:07:04PrestigeI don't think I have haha, been too busy writing code recently
05:09:42FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> What've you been working on?
05:09:45FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Nimdow 2.0? ๐Ÿ˜„
05:10:23PrestigeHaha well I've been thinking about Nimdow's architecture a lot, but I've been working on a gym management system (website & rest api server) in typescript
05:10:46Prestigewanted to write the server in Nim at first but the tooling seemed lacking. Going to try selling this when it's ready
05:11:41FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Wow, cant believe you'd say that
05:12:13Prestigeyeah :/
05:13:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I totally dont have a problem that whenever i'm not writing nim i wish i was writing nim
05:13:45PrestigeI do, but I think TS is the closest I can be to Nim without being upset lol
05:14:10PrestigeI tried writing Java a few months ago and wanted to die
05:14:28Prestige(I used to write Java professionally)
05:14:31FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I wrote some python earlier just to show how to clean someones basic code up and i kept leaving off the `()` on function calls
05:14:49FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It's so weird to go to a place without that feature
05:15:44FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> What was nim lacking anyway?
05:16:41PrestigeSo I was looking at jester but I think it's not stable yet, and is dealing with some bug with the framework it uses. That was my biggest concern
05:16:46FromDiscord<Rika> nim's http servers are a bit too simple and wonky and inconsistent
05:17:22FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Yea i've never touched web dev so i've looked at the backends and go "yep seems to work"
05:17:54FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I do know jester has an issue with httpbeast, but it does have a work around
05:22:18FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Is it actually not considered stable, both the nimble directory and playground use jester?
05:26:11*dv^_^9691 joined #nim
05:27:23PrestigeI assume it's not stable because it hasn't reached 1.0, I don't want breaking changes on updates
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05:39:51FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Just ask dom for a pinky promise ๐Ÿ˜›
05:44:26*xet7 joined #nim
05:46:09*Tlangir quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
06:02:59*waleee-cl quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
06:03:37*Xatenev joined #nim
06:08:11leorize[m]use flywind's prologue
06:08:21leorize[m]that stuff is actively developed
06:09:15*Xatenev left #nim (#nim)
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06:29:31Prestigelooks interesting
06:34:34Prestigeoh also other stuff I would need: libs to interact with postgres and redis, ability to mock things for tests, type validation on incoming json (with types in my code) etc. Haven't looked into any of these, just don't know if they are available and mature
06:39:55*Tanger joined #nim
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07:57:02*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
08:03:54*xet7 joined #nim
08:05:13*wasted_youth joined #nim
08:17:00FromDiscord<Dav1ss> Is nim convenient for making APIs or backends?
08:17:07FromDiscord<Dav1ss> (edit) "nim" => "Nim"
08:18:42FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> Could somebody look over my proc and let me know if there are things I can improve upon ? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2Oua
08:20:01FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> I think Nim would be
08:20:23FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> line 41 can be `result.valid = attribute in possibleAttributes`
08:20:58FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> nice catch
08:21:05FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> I fully skipped over that lol
08:21:35FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> God dammit, now i've gotta ad a few more things to my `strviewutils` package ๐Ÿ˜„
08:21:36FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> I think I can also yeet the pragma
08:21:46FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> Like what ๐Ÿ˜›
08:21:51FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> `startsWith`
08:21:59FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> its in stdlib
08:22:13FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> What is your strviewutils package ?
08:22:36FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It's strutils operations but without the reallocations with things like `split`
08:22:43FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> ooo
08:22:45FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> Got a link ?
08:22:54FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> https://github.com/beef331/strviewutils
08:23:11FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Think it fails if not using Arc/Orc
08:23:31FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> Neat
08:23:44FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> What are views ?
08:24:04FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Nim's experimental borrowing features
08:24:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> well i guess `lent` isnt experimental
08:24:26FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> What does it do ? I genuinely didn't know we had something new lol
08:24:56FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It allows you to store `openArray[T]` and `var T` into variables on the fly borrowing the original
08:25:17FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> oh whaaat thats good '
08:25:39FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> So in my case instead of `seq[string]` i do `seq[openArray[char]]` which is where that bit of speed comes from
08:26:07FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> thats kind of funny ngl
08:26:08FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> It doesnt duplicate the memory, and doesnt need to allocate new strings, so both good for memory and sppeeeeed
08:26:11FromDiscord<Rika> why strviewutils and not strviewtils lol
08:26:20FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> ^
08:26:23FromDiscord<Rika> im joking
08:26:40FromDiscord<Avatarfighter> i support your innovational name
08:28:48FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Also use `Option[Cookie]` instead of `result.value`
08:29:14FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> That way whenever you have an issue you just o `return none(Cookie)` and not have to remember to set that `valid = false`
08:29:45FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Although we could remove a lot of these results
08:29:47FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> (edit) "results" => "returns"
08:33:09FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Oh shit line 41 is just completely redundant
08:33:50FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> you could just set it to true, then have the case statement set it after since you do that anyway ๐Ÿ˜„
08:35:09*vesper11 joined #nim
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10:48:11FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> undeclared field: 'GLuint' for type easygl.ShaderProgramId [type declared in /home/kai/.nimble/pkgs/easygl-0.1.1/easygl.nim(9, 5)]
10:48:18FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> My computer is drunk
10:48:31FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> I am just type casting there
10:49:05FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> Maybe It's too sleepy because of the overdose of compute shaders I gave it
10:49:38FromDiscord<Rika> Let it sleep geez
10:50:18FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> But seriously This shouldn't occur right
10:50:34FromGitter<offbeat-stuff> ShaderProgramId = distinct GLuint
10:52:03ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by HJarausch: Generic functions : syntax / deduction / debugging, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7480
10:55:12FromDiscord<Rika> Is GLuint exported
11:03:47*letto quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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11:23:30*xet7 quit (Quit: Leaving)
11:25:09*Productive2 quit (Quit: Leaving.)
11:43:43*PMunch joined #nim
11:46:10PMunchHello everyone :)
12:02:48FromDiscord<dom96> hello hello
12:05:24PMunchHad a look at the FOSDEM schedule?
12:17:27FromDiscord<carpal> ... what do all that reaction stickers mean ๐Ÿ˜‚?
12:18:24FromDiscord<carpal> (edit) "that" => "those"
12:18:45FromDiscord<dom96> https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/337
12:22:02FromDiscord<haxscramper> For my docgen I just planned to hardcode list of compiler defines and add heuritics based on that
12:22:20FromDiscord<Rika> Are there uses for defined other than for when branches
12:22:25FromDiscord<haxscramper> And there is also a murky territory of `-d:nodejs` etc.
12:23:19FromDiscord<haxscramper> Actually not, scratch that, userDefined == passed as `-d` to compiler, so this is mostly clear
12:24:08FromDiscord<raymanlib> Is it possible to recreate the turbo vision look with nim? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/807587426137669632/turbovision.jpg
12:25:31FromDiscord<Rika> I donโ€™t see why not
12:26:05PMunch@raymanlib, sure, why wouldn't it?
12:29:53FromDiscord<Ardek> you could use the `terminal` stdlib
12:32:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> Or https://github.com/johnnovak/illwill
12:35:40FromDiscord<raymanlib> I don't even know where to start with making a borland like text editor/IDE. How should I start? Make a simple box first?
12:45:02FromDiscord<Ardek> define functions for drawing primitives
12:45:40FromDiscord<Ardek> and GUI elements
12:48:05*abm joined #nim
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12:51:21FromDiscord<raymanlib> Code is just overwhelming at times. How do you guys deal with that?
12:52:59FromDiscord<Rika> do it part by part
12:53:08FromDiscord<Rika> dont implement everything as soon as you think of it
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13:01:07PMunchNonono @Rika, the best way to do it is spec everything out first. Then slowly bake more and more and more stuff into your spec until your project is unimaginably complex and difficult. Then slowly lose interest because you have no idea where to start and no matter how much work you do you will never get to where you wanted. Then drop the entire thing, voila, you didn't have to code anything at all!
13:01:23FromDiscord<Rika> lol
13:01:29FromDiscord<haxscramper> I prefer to just look at the sceen until it looks back at me
13:01:33FromDiscord<Rika> when i think of an idea i write it on my whiteboard
13:01:33FromDiscord<haxscramper> Works most of the time
13:04:06FromDiscord<Ardek> when i think of an idea i forget it when i think of the implementation
13:04:17FromDiscord<Rika> thats why i have the whiteboard
13:05:40FromDiscord<carpal> is pointers size 4 bytes also on x64 in nim?
13:06:06FromDiscord<Rika> i believe any pointer is 64bit on a 64bit computer
13:07:05PMunchThat's kinda what it means..
13:07:39PMunchI have a folder called "Ideas" where I create text documents to write down ideas I have
13:07:50PMunchEither there or in my notebook that I carry with me everywhere
13:08:41FromDiscord<dk> do you ever read them? ๐Ÿค“
13:09:23FromDiscord<Rika> the whiteboard thing is nice too, means you cant work on another project without finishing the old one lol
13:10:24PMunchFrom time to time, yea
13:12:52FromDiscord<carpal> me too, I asked before a few days ago I was asking for something similar and someone said me a pointer in nim weighs 4 bytes also on x64....
13:13:14FromDiscord<Rika> well yes, literally anywhere it is like that
13:13:30FromDiscord<Rika> on a 32 bit machine pointers are 32 bit, 64 on 64, etc
13:15:34FromDiscord<carpal> I mean that person said me a pointer in nim weighs 32 bit both on x32 and x64
13:15:41federico3unless you are running 32bit executables on a 64bit CPU...
13:19:28FromDiscord<Rika> well i'd say that its still running on a 32bit machine
13:19:35FromDiscord<Rika> though not the physical machine
13:19:48FromDiscord<haxscramper> @mratsim I've done some digging on dependency resolution (though my level of expertise in SAT-solver-related field can only be described as non-existent at best), and found a paper that I think might be adopted to our use case
13:20:02FromDiscord<haxscramper> Together with construction of explicit dependency graph, which is a must
13:20:28FromDiscord<mratsim> You probably know more than me on graphs and SAT now then ๐Ÿ˜‰
13:20:50*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
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13:21:10FromDiscord<haxscramper> Though I stumbled upon a problem described in top comment here - https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/45ftk1/so_you_want_to_write_a_package_manager/ that I don't know how to address yet
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13:23:08FromDiscord<haxscramper> Says person who has a repo named "Parametric Integer Linear Programming Solver and Polyhedral compilation backend"
13:24:40FromDiscord<haxscramper> (well at least I suppose it is related because you linked it)
13:25:18FromDiscord<mratsim> There is a field called "constraint programming", to find solutions according to constraints.
13:25:38FromDiscord<mratsim> It is used for example to schedule classes, or nuclear maintenance
13:25:54FromDiscord<mratsim> depending on team availability and reactors that can be stopped and when.
13:26:13FromDiscord<mratsim> constraint programming is an alternative to SAT that can solve dependencies constraints
13:26:49FromDiscord<mratsim> And I said it's an alternative that is a dead-end for us because we would be the first to use that for dependency resolution
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13:27:08FromDiscord<mratsim> while Z3 and libsolve are pretty mature and have been used before
13:27:23FromDiscord<mratsim> libsolv being even tuned for dependency resolution so you can even forget about all math
13:28:39FromDiscord<mratsim> that's an interesting link you found.
13:28:48FromDiscord<mratsim> can be added as references to the thread
13:29:19FromDiscord<mratsim> This problem reminds me of nqueens with backtracking needed.
13:29:32FromDiscord<haxscramper> done
13:30:09FromDiscord<mratsim> https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Libzypp_satsolver this might be libsolv since it's also opensuse
13:30:31FromDiscord<haxscramper> And about z3 vs libsolv - I personally only looked into z3 for now, because it looks like it has more advantages, at least at first glance wrt. to long-term gains
13:30:42FromDiscord<haxscramper> Though personal interest also plays a role here
13:31:10FromDiscord<mratsim> I have no horse there
13:31:38FromDiscord<mratsim> pragmatic is libsolve but we will end up using Z3 at one point for other needs so ....
13:31:57FromDiscord<haxscramper> yes, that's close to what I think too
13:31:58FromDiscord<mratsim> more people aware of just building it can only help @Araq
13:32:49FromDiscord<haxscramper> For now I need to address this first, and have some kind of coherent vision wrt. to how this could be implemented
13:34:34FromDiscord<mratsim> maybe we can have a library for dependency resolution, separate from nimble
13:34:46FromDiscord<mratsim> then we can have nimble call it
13:34:59FromDiscord<mratsim> or any alternative package manager people are starting to build
13:35:01FromDiscord<haxscramper> yes, that is a good idea
13:35:17FromDiscord<mratsim> nimble.directory can also use it.
13:35:18FromDiscord<haxscramper> I strongly support pushing all non-trivial parts into separate libraries
13:36:44FromDiscord<mratsim> @dom96 thoughts? ^
13:38:01FromDiscord<Rika> imo that sounds nice
13:39:03federico3@mratsim for what purpose on nimble.directory?
13:39:21FromDiscord<mratsim> maybe you want to display the graph of dependency visually
13:39:30FromDiscord<mratsim> (edit) "dependency" => "dependencies"
13:39:55FromDiscord<mratsim> all tooling around packages basically might be able to benefit from this
13:41:47federico3(hence my points on the github issue)
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14:04:04FromDiscord<haxscramper> I realized is quite close to "rewrite libsolv in nim"
14:04:19FromDiscord<mratsim> it can be wrap
14:04:39FromDiscord<mratsim> libsolv or Z3
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14:05:18FromDiscord<haxscramper> Yes, though I meant that we can look into how libsolv implemented and base our solution on this
14:05:44FromDiscord<haxscramper> Or make abstracted API and then it doesn't really matter
14:08:33FromDiscord<mratsim> from experience, the best way to go about implementing math heavy library is to start with a wrapper, creat test cases on top just to make sure we wrapped correctly. And then if we want to reimplement, reuse the same test cases.
14:08:51FromDiscord<mratsim> that gives a test suite, experience in the API strengths and limitations.
14:09:20FromDiscord<mratsim> it's likely that when debugging you will want to debugEcho in the original lib also.
14:44:26FromDiscord<dom96> @mratsim sure
14:47:16FromDiscord<dom96> Personally I'd love to see how far we can take the naive approach. I think a lot of the problems with Nimble's current dependency resolution is that Nimble doesn't have a clear idea of the full dependency tree upfront. I don't think a SAT solver helps here either, it's a side effect of Nimble's decentralised design.
14:47:42FromDiscord<mratsim> it's a NP complete problem
14:47:43FromDiscord<dom96> So to get a SAT solver to work we would need to solve that problem first anyway
14:48:16FromDiscord<mratsim> you can do heuristics sure, and given the current Nim ecosystem they might be suffucient
14:49:07FromDiscord<mratsim> but in that case you still need a test suite that tests various dependency constraints.
14:50:25FromDiscord<dom96> Yep, writing these tests has always been a pain. I think a framework that gets rid of a lot of the boilerplate would help a lot.
14:50:41FromDiscord<dom96> That way we can quickly model the bugs and add them to the test suite
14:50:59FromDiscord<dom96> Right now it requires creating dummy Nimble packages which gets old quickly
14:51:21FromDiscord<haxscramper> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21696363 - about necessity of SAT solvers
14:51:47FromDiscord<haxscramper> Good response, specifically part aboutโ†ต> nstead of manually adding heuristics everytime a user files a GitHub issue.
14:52:01FromDiscord<dom96> > The naive exponential algorithm is fine, and it leads to more maintainable and understandable code.
14:52:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> And there are number of github issues already
14:52:11FromDiscord<dom96> That's exactly my feeling too
14:52:23FromDiscord<dom96> and now that pcwalton shares it I'm inclined to believe it even more ๐Ÿ™‚
14:52:25FromDiscord<haxscramper> And who is going to patch this heuristics?
14:54:05FromDiscord<haxscramper> SAT is a kill-all approach I believe, and right now I don't exactly see any explicit dependency resolution at all - though the part I linked in my comment https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/890#issuecomment-774476074 might not be related
14:54:21FromDiscord<haxscramper> Likely I missed something
14:56:09FromDiscord<mratsim> Also it makes more sense to write graph tests in a graph library rather than requiring nimble create fake packages.
14:56:52FromDiscord<dom96> Agreed
14:57:15FromDiscord<mratsim> you can put nimble logic as a "graph library" core that you test first
14:57:55FromDiscord<mratsim> Also I don't think this is exponential, I'm pretty sure the problem is in similar class to nqueens which is O(n^n)
14:58:17FromDiscord<mratsim> and with backtracking O(n!)
14:58:28*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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15:04:05FromDiscord<dom96> From what I was told the infamous lock files PR has fixes to dependency resolution issues
15:05:06FromDiscord<dom96> in the long run I believe we will need to centralise the storage of packages, even if to just gain a cache of dependencies
15:05:39FromDiscord<dom96> What's more pressing though is fixing SSL problems, anyone willing to help out? https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/893
15:11:54*xet7 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
15:12:04federico3@dom96 can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?
15:12:46FromDiscord<dom96> `nimble build && ./nimble refresh` reproduces it on Ubuntu (WSL) for me.
15:13:09federico3not here
15:16:13federico3what failure are you seeing exactly?
15:17:14FromDiscord<dom96> You can see the failures in CI here https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/runs/1842564468
15:17:36FromDiscord<dom96> and actually it appears they do not happen on Nim 1.4 in the CI
15:20:02FromDiscord<dom96> hm, yeah, just checked again locally and it works with 1.4.2
15:21:48FromDiscord<dom96> I guess we have some SSL changes that need to be backported to Nim 1.0.x
15:22:30federico3but... is Nimble going to be shipped again with the 1.0 train?
15:23:03FromDiscord<dom96> yeah, we should make sure that it does get shipped with the latest Nimble
15:24:21federico3instead of backporting the fix to the version of Nimble that was shipped with the last 1.0.x release?
15:25:28FromDiscord<dom96> I don't think we do this. But I don't do the backports so not sure
15:30:10FromDiscord<dom96> I created https://github.com/nim-lang/security/issues/2
15:30:44FromDiscord<dom96> Feel free to make suggestions there
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15:47:28Oddmongerfor creating a ref, new is not mandatory ?
15:47:58Oddmongertype Foo = ref object โ€ฆ var f:Foo = Foo() # is ok, but not var f:Foo = new Foo()
15:48:24*irchaxwell quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:49:37Oddmongerthink i'm confusing with C++
15:50:23Oddmongerwhen you compile without GC , what happens to ref objects ?
15:50:58FromDiscord<dom96> Gotta love CI failing because of warnings
15:51:43FromDiscord<lqdev> Oddmonger: they will never get deallocated
15:51:56Oddmongerfor example, with this , i get leaks ? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2Owm
15:51:58FromDiscord<lqdev> if you use --gc:none, you need to use raw allocations
15:52:13FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah, this leaks with --gc:none
15:52:36Oddmongerso i cannot use ref , with no gc ?
15:52:45Oddmongeror can i free ref ?
15:53:25krux02Oddmonger, no gc really means don't use ref string seq
15:53:36krux02not the most useful language
15:53:46krux02use orc or arc
15:54:13krux02no personal experience with it, but it is what you probably expect fron no gc
15:54:53Oddmongerthanks for your anwers. So , there is no ยซmanualยป way to free a ref
15:57:27FromDiscord<lqdev> no.
15:58:43Oddmongerok , at least no magic
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16:04:49ForumUpdaterBotNew thread by Mantielero: Exportc - , see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/7481
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16:38:54FromDiscord<zetashift> Hola
16:40:39saemHiya, folks
16:43:51saemI'm psyching myself up to write some tests or futz with symbols or whatever this bug needs.
16:44:01FromDiscord<trickster0> Hello i am fetching a couple of column results from database and then try to render it but i am getting an error that it returned None as result or there was not return . Anyone knows why? i can share the code block
16:47:37*irchaxwell_ quit (Quit: Leaving)
16:48:46saemThose kind of things are more about debugging an operational chain.
16:49:32saemCan you echo the query before execution?
16:49:47saemThen try it by hand to see if it gets results?
16:50:49FromDiscord<trickster0> it does get printed
16:50:52FromDiscord<trickster0> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OwJ
16:51:37FromDiscord<trickster0> if i print data it gets printed like this ({'uid': 'DESKTOP-UK0BA80'}, {'uid': 'DESKTOP-UK0BA81'})
16:51:50FromDiscord<trickster0> they are random value so dont worry about it ๐Ÿ˜„
16:52:36FromDiscord<trickster0> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OwN
16:53:35saemNeed more snippet.
16:54:27saemOh so the result does echo, but it's not going into the template?
16:54:41FromDiscord<trickster0> no
16:55:11FromDiscord<trickster0> i get โ†ตTypeError: The view function did not return a valid response. The function either returned None or ended without a return statement.
16:57:08saemIt's too hard to advise without a more complete example.
16:57:30FromDiscord<trickster0> this is the whole thing, there is really nothing more than it
17:00:15saemIt's not, because there is a view function or something and your snippet doesn't show that. I don't know what libraries you're using, etc...
17:01:39FromDiscord<trickster0> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2OwV
17:03:13saemPerhaps someone with more experience with these libraries and such can help.
17:05:51FromDiscord<Solitude> how is this nim related?
17:06:42saemOh wait, that's Python flask?
17:06:55saemI thought maybe a Nim port
17:07:13FromDiscord<trickster0> omg sorry i confused the discord channels lol
17:07:18FromDiscord<Rika> nim doesnt have "TypeError" i believe
17:09:21FromDiscord<lqdev> don't delete your messages, it's futile because https://irclogs.nim-lang.org/ exists
17:12:10FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> Oddmonger: there is a way to free refs
17:12:11FromDiscord<trickster0> it is not about logs
17:12:18FromDiscord<trickster0> it is about this place being a Nim place
17:12:30FromDiscord<trickster0> if it were Nim i would have left it
17:13:28FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> with gc:regions you manage use manual memory management the same way as you would with gc:none + you can use memory regions to allocate and deallocate refs and strings or any ref object
17:13:49FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> crappy writting right there
17:14:31leorizegc:regions can probably use a reimplementation on top of gc:destructors
17:14:59leorizebut I don't think Araq is gonna stablize and document gc:destructors hooks anytime soon
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17:17:46FromDiscord<Recruit_main707> leorize: yeah i thought about something like that, but regions wont be developed by the nim team any further, but if its there for me and anyone else to use it (and commit) i have more than enough
17:17:49ForumUpdaterBotNew post on r/nim by Rc202402: How can i create a function to return random string?, see https://www.reddit.com/r/nim/comments/le1ye9/how_can_i_create_a_function_to_return_random/
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17:37:22i_use_arch_btw[mAnyone knows how to generate a random string from given charset and length?
17:38:09i_use_arch_btw[mI tried sample(seq) from random module. It's not that random ๐Ÿ˜…
17:38:30leorizehave you called `randomize()` to initialize the generator?
17:38:42leorizeofc it also depends on how random do you want things to be
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17:39:34FromDiscord<dom96> Anyone wanna give me an approval? https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/894. Just want to make sure I didn't miss something.
17:40:19FromDiscord<lqdev> this feels like a band-aid solution tbh
17:40:44leorizelooks fine but shouldn't you replace doCmdEx with something taking a `varargs[string]`?
17:40:49FromDiscord<lqdev> the better solution would be to just omit the shell entirely
17:40:52FromDiscord<lqdev> yeah
17:41:29FromDiscord<lqdev> https://nim-lang.org/docs/osproc.html#execProcess%2Cstring%2Cstring%2CopenArray%5Bstring%5D%2CStringTableRef%2Cset%5BProcessOption%5D
17:41:35FromDiscord<lqdev> just remember to pass options explicitly.
17:41:58i_use_arch_btw[m<leorize "have you called `randomize()` to"> Yes
17:42:12FromDiscord<dom96> It fixes the problem though. That sounds like a wider refactor.
17:42:19leorizei_use_arch_btw[m: what kind of randomness do you want?
17:42:39leorizedom96: preventative measure is better imo
17:42:55FromDiscord<lqdev> yes dom, "if it works, don't touch it". right?
17:42:57i_use_arch_btw[m<leorize "i_use_arch_btw: what kind of ran"> It's like a client identifier auto generated for each client when connecting to an api.
17:43:29FromDiscord<dom96> @lqdev yes, I've already spent a large portion of my Friday fixing the CI and the other problems.
17:43:29leorizei_use_arch_btw[m: the sysrand package would work better then
17:43:34FromDiscord<lqdev> the thing is that a bigger refactor may reveal more potential bugs
17:43:46FromDiscord<lqdev> with doCmdEx usage
17:43:58i_use_arch_btw[m<leorize "i_use_arch_btw: the sysrand pack"> Ok. I'll check the docs and be back
17:44:43leorizedom96: that PR is fine for a quick fix but please open a bug for a refactoring
17:45:29FromDiscord<dom96> leorize: can you please open it? I'm actually about to head out ๐Ÿ™‚
17:47:34FromDiscord<dom96> tbh maybe to be safe we should do this refactoring
17:47:42FromDiscord<dom96> But I will leave that to Araq
17:48:21leorizeyou're handing nimble to Araq?
17:48:41i_use_arch_btw[mWow didn't knew cheatfate open sourced sysrand. Nice module.
17:49:50FromDiscord<lqdev> i believe araq has other important stuff on his head right now. namely getting IC to a usable state
17:49:52i_use_arch_btw[mUh. Wait. Is sysrand linux only ?
17:50:06FromDiscord<lqdev> c'mon, a little refactoring never killed anyone.
17:52:19FromDiscord<mratsim> @i_use_arch_btw, no it uses the OS RNG but it works with Linux, Windows, BSD, Macs ....
17:54:06leorize@dom96: opened #895 if you want to give it a priority tag
17:54:17i_use_arch_btw[mYeah. I Just checked the [sources](https://github.com/cheatfate/nimcrypto/blob/a065c1741836462762d18d2fced1fedd46095b02/nimcrypto/sysrand.nim#L154)
18:06:12*Productive2 joined #nim
18:07:40i_use_arch_btw[mhi. I'm kinda new to nim so excuse me
18:07:54i_use_arch_btw[mWhat's the difference between seq and openarray?
18:09:20FromDiscord<lqdev> a seq is an actual container that you can modify, while openArray is more like a Go/Rust slice - basically a bounded, low-overhead pointer to some array in memory
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18:27:26i_use_arch_btw[mSo, sequences are like dynamic arrays that can be modified, and updates its parameters during runtime. Like python3 arrays / [ ].
18:27:26i_use_arch_btw[mopen arrays are just like sequences but usable only as paramters.
18:27:26i_use_arch_btw[mThat's all right? did i miss something?
18:30:24FromDiscord<lqdev> open arrays cannot be resized
18:30:32FromDiscord<lqdev> so you can't add/remove elements from it
18:30:37FromDiscord<lqdev> you can change the elements, though
18:30:52FromDiscord<lqdev> if it's a `var openArray[T]`, though
18:31:03FromDiscord<lqdev> though though though though.
18:31:50FromDiscord<haxscramper> For the most part you can think of `openarray` as a convenience type when dealing with procs that need to accept `seq or array`
18:35:44i_use_arch_btw[mI guess I'll not need it until I need a staic iterable array as a parameter.
18:36:05i_use_arch_btw[mAlso thanks though ๐Ÿ˜
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19:28:46leorize!eval var x = -1; echo uint(x)
19:39:19FromDiscord<Ardek> !eval echo uint(0x2be or not 0x2be)
19:39:21NimBotCompile failed: /usercode/in.nim(1, 10) Error: -1 can't be converted to uint
19:39:33FromDiscord<Ardek> welp
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19:40:32FromDiscord<haxscramper> now for some reason two more CI tasks fail due to dependency resolution
19:41:14FromDiscord<haxscramper> While some ones work perfectly fine
19:42:27saemhax nkError related stuff?
19:43:06FromDiscord<haxscramper> no, just nimble can't resolve dependency
19:44:14FromDiscord<haxscramper> I plan to start workin on `nkError` maybe next month, not earlier because I have hands full with C++/haxdoc
19:44:29FromDiscord<haxscramper> @lqdev https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3 - this is a physics engine you wanted to wrapp for C++?
19:44:34FromDiscord<lqdev> yes
19:46:50saemIs there a way to run compiler tests for the language features and not so much the stdlib?
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19:50:37FromDiscord<haxscramper> I believe testament supports test categories
19:50:50FromDiscord<haxscramper> So maybe there are parts dedicated to compiler-only testing
19:51:47saemI'm looking at categories.nim and am running a few but nothing seems to fit the bill. Koch has test, but that seems to just run everything.
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20:08:31saem@timotheecour if you're about and have time do you think I could rubberduck/bounce some thoughts off your about 16922?
20:10:55leorize[m]saem: depends on what language features you wanna run tests for
20:13:22saemleorize[m]: most of them, it's a bit fuzzy I admit, but I'm mostly trying to avoid IO and slower bits of the tests. I want to get fast feedback because I'm changing things that will impact procs, templates, macros, methods, ...
20:13:48leorize[m]tests can import compiler modules if you want that
20:15:12saemA crappy first definition would be stuff in the manual and experimental.
20:18:44ForumUpdaterBotNew post on r/nim by sigzero: Nim and MacPorts, see https://www.reddit.com/r/nim/comments/le5uci/nim_and_macports/
20:18:56FromGitter<timotheecour> > *<saem>* Is there a way to run compiler tests for the language features and not so much the stdlib? โŽ โŽ that would be feasible via https://github.com/timotheecour/Nim/issues/445
20:19:10FromGitter<timotheecour> *<saem>* @timotheecour if you're about and have time do you think I could rubberduck/bounce some thoughts off your about 16922? โŽ โŽ whaddup
20:22:40saem@timotheecour yeah categories like that would be handy or if the language feature bits were just a test suite onto themselves in a hierarchy.
20:23:07saemFor 16922 I'm not sure, I was hoping to describe a few things on a chat and then see what comes of it.
20:23:33FromGitter<timotheecour> categories suck, thatโ€™s why i suggest tags instead in that RFC :)
20:24:46saem@timotheecour: https://meet.jit.si/16922justthinking <-- that work for you?
20:26:26FromGitter<timotheecour> for 16922, either araq intends to continue on his branch after merging yours against his, in which case itโ€™s fine to do a PR against his, or he doesnโ€™t, in which case you should rebase against devel so it can be in a mergeable state; if done properly, when PR is squashed and merged, both him and you will be attributed if thatโ€™s what youโ€™re worried about
20:26:59FromGitter<timotheecour> what about just PM on gitter?
20:27:33saemI'm not worried about the rebase and all that. It's about what the fix should actually be.
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20:31:38FromGitter<timotheecour> > It's t11166.nim that's demonstrates the issue โŽ โŽ how is tests/js/t11166.nim related?
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20:32:26saemThat's the test that fails. It fails because it was relying on the vm global fail counter/short circuit behaviour.
20:32:49saemWhich itself shouldn't be there and once removed it re-exposed the unresolved bug
20:33:43FromGitter<timotheecour> `nim r -b:js tests/js/t11166.nim` works on devel
20:34:07saemBecause devel is broken and papering over the bug?
20:34:09FromGitter<timotheecour> o i c, u mean it fails in your PR
20:34:33saembasically that compiles causes us to go into the dot operator code in jsffi
20:34:57saemin there you'll see the template with the return type of Obj.V, line 308 or so
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20:35:28saemThat return type is where things go awry in sem.
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20:36:27saemOnce we're there the sem pass is doing the following: semtypes.semtypenode nkdotexpr branch calls out to semexpr.
20:38:01saemsemexpr goes into the nkdotexpr branch, semfieldaccess does its thing and it comes back as a nkdotcall with nfdotflag, which then goes into that if call and back into semexpr, this time the nkCall ... branch.
20:39:56saemThe problem is that it keeps doing this because in `compiles(c.props)`, `c` is of type tyProxy, because it doesn't exist. Nothing in the call/field access/lookup code ever considers this and it keeps retrying over and over.
20:40:17saemuntil you hit the recursion limit (2k) and it errors out.
20:41:50saemMy hacky fix catches that occurrence and bails. I doubt it breaks anything, but it seems all wrong to arbitrary check that there. There is a deeper set of issues here and I'm struggling to sort out what the approach should be.
20:42:23saemBits of this have to do with sym lookup being conflated with sem pass bits -- pointed out by Araq elsewhere as a general statement.
20:43:24saemPart of it seems to be the way overload resolution not taking into account the "receiver" -- first parameter.
20:43:47FromGitter<timotheecour> a few things: โŽ โŽ 1) it would help if you rebased against devel โŽ 2) if you added `fix https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11166 properly` in your PR top msg โŽ Also, `nim r -b:js tests/js/t11166.nim` does work both in devel and your PR, but is the problem that the `#if g.config.errorCounter > 0: return errorNode(idgen, module, n)` commenting is what you call peppering out? thatโ€™s not clear
20:43:47FromGitter... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=601eff83428d9727dd5d6918]
20:44:19saemPart of it seems to be not passing quite the right information along to trigger the exit of the recursive loop.
20:45:56saemCommenting that out is the right thing -- that code should go. Instead bugs causing those errors should be fixed.
20:46:04FromGitter<timotheecour> also, IIUC this has nothing to do with `js`, can you add a repro bug that also affects regular backend (via some code that has a dot operator)
20:47:59saemThat's a language spec as a set of tests IMO.
20:48:44saemwhich is what I'd like to run first and foremost and then add to based on the gaps.
20:49:41saemNailing down the behaviour definition is part of it, like what should these things even mean.
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21:49:34saemI wonder if reworking sem*.nim files so includes are no longer used but instead a set of recursive import/exports would be accepted? It'd open up nimsuggest working on sem sooner and the restructuring might have knock on benefits as the dependencies are clearer.
21:51:39leorizethis is the kind of stuff that you would have to ping @Araq
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21:52:39audiophileanyone know how i can intercept clipboard on windows using nim?
21:56:19FromGitter<timotheecour> @audiophile please make a PR + RFC, itโ€™s generally useful and exists in most OS so we should offer a os-independant API that wraps around each OSโ€™s way to do this (osx, linux, windows)
21:56:58audiophileI wish I were competent enough to do that :/
21:57:09leorizethis is not something to be in the stdlib tbh
21:57:09FromGitter<timotheecour> just try :)
21:57:21leorizestdlib is not a kitchen sink anymore
21:57:21audiophileI guess maybe take inspiration from autohotkey?
21:57:32FromGitter<timotheecour> at very least fusion. itโ€™s important enough
21:57:41leorizeneeded-libraries is a good place to put a request
21:58:07leorizethe way things like clipboard function is very volatile between OS
21:58:24FromGitter<timotheecour> thatโ€™s the whole point, you wrap it into a OS-independant API
21:58:28leorizeI think this is too complex for something in the stdlib
21:58:53leorizeno, I mean that each OS has a different semantic in how this work
21:59:04leorizethe idea of clipboard is not synchronized
21:59:17FromGitter<timotheecour> for the 90% use case itโ€™s good enough
21:59:22leorizeand it would require external deps, meaning that it's not suitable for fusion
21:59:47FromGitter<timotheecour> individual modules can require optional deps
22:00:09leorizewe do have a library ecosystem... we should try to grow it instead of shoving things into fusion/stdlib
22:01:30leorizefusion works for things we want to standardize, basically stdlib candidates
22:01:38FromGitter<timotheecour> it can be a nimble package too; but itโ€™s not something that can grow indefinitely with lots of features, itโ€™s a well scoped, solvable problem that is useful enough
22:02:13FromGitter<timotheecour> unlike a gui library which can keep growing over time
22:02:50leorizeI would say this is pretty much in the gui automation library bucket
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22:06:52FromGitter<timotheecour> > I wonder if reworking sem*.nim files so includes are no longer used but instead a set of recursive import/exports would be accepted? It'd open up nimsuggest working on sem sooner and the restructuring might have knock on benefits as the dependencies are clearer. โŽ โŽ @saem Iโ€™d be strongly in favor of that, almost all includes should be turned ino imports , at very least for compiler code
22:07:38leorizenote that Araq plans to have IC implemented as backing for recursive imports
22:09:31leorizeaudiophile: for your case I suppose you should look for how it is done in Windows C++ then go from there
22:09:56leorizeyou can request for an automation library like autohotkey in nim-lang/needed-libraries :P
22:10:39FromGitter<akavel> Hi! Noob question: having a ref to a "base" type, (how) can I print the name of the "runtime" type it points to?
22:11:05leorizeI don't think you can without hacks
22:12:11FromDiscord<zidsal> just checking according to stackoverflow nim used to have a list comprehension macro in sgar. Am I right in thinking this was replaced by `collect` ?
22:12:36FromDiscord<InventorMatt> yes, collect is the list comprehension equivalent
22:12:36FromDiscord<zidsal> (edit) "sgar." => "sugar."
22:12:43FromGitter<akavel> uh :/
22:13:30leorizeakavel: I suppose you're doing this as a debugging thing?
22:14:00FromGitter<akavel> @leorize yep, I try to use some library that uses refs hierarchies extensively and I'm trying to understand what's the structure it builds
22:14:18FromGitter<akavel> (namely, nim-markdown)
22:15:00leorizemaybe repr can print it, but then it would print a bit too much
22:16:01FromGitter<akavel> @leorize: yeahhhh, tried repr first thing, *much* too much ๐Ÿ˜… unfortunately
22:16:55leorizelooks like not even the typeinfo module has it
22:17:07leorizeyea, I suppose that you can't do it without hacks
22:17:29leorizeyou can try to copy whatever repr do
22:17:34leorizerepr should be written in Nim
22:18:20leorizein the future ARC/ORC will get rid of most RTTI so it will be even worse
22:18:59FromGitter<akavel> @leorize: actually, from what I see, repr seems to print much too much, while still not printing names of the types actually.......
22:19:29leorizethere is this very ugly hack you can try
22:19:49leorizegrep the codebase for everything inheriting the type you're inspecting
22:20:07leorizethen make a bunch of `if x of T` :P
22:20:43FromGitter<akavel> hmmmmm that is *some* way out indeed.....
22:21:40FromGitter<akavel> seems like this could work; thanks!!! <3
22:22:41FromGitter<akavel> uhh, tho it
22:22:44FromGitter<akavel> 's tricky
22:23:19FromGitter<akavel> as that's a *hierarchy*, so there's further inheriting from inheritants....
22:23:44leorizethis is one of those time that you would wish nimsuggest worked
22:24:05FromGitter<akavel> hm, I think I can grep all 'of' words
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22:24:10FromGitter<timotheecour> IMO what we need is `parentClass`
22:24:23FromGitter<akavel> and then compiler will shout at me for the ones that can't fit in the hierarchy
22:24:34leorizesounds like a plan
22:24:44leorizetimotheecour: what's that?
22:24:48FromGitter<akavel> hmh, but then killing them one by one will be painful :/
22:25:18leorize`nim c --maxErrors:999` :)
22:25:49FromGitter<akavel> ohhhhhhhhhhhh that's a nice one, thanks again!
22:26:11FromGitter<akavel> Nim's options are a whole separate universe.....
22:26:42leorizeyou can thank @timotheecour for those flags :P
22:27:13FromGitter<akavel> ok, thank you @timotheecour then!
22:35:57*liblq-dev quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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22:39:33*Adeon is now known as ajkshdksajhd
22:39:46*ajkshdksajhd is now known as Adeon
22:53:10FromGitter<timotheecour> sure :) โŽ โŽ > IMO what we need is `parentClass` โŽ > *<leorize>* @timotheecour: what's that? โŽ ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=601f1dd6428d9727dd5db47d]
22:54:32FromDiscord<Ricky Spanish> Is there some kind of frameworks available for laying out a vm? I'm looking for a way to create a dynamic c analysis tool by loading in a parse tree and then executing it but I'm not sure if a vm is the approach I should take for this problem?
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23:33:13krux02what kind of C analysis tool are you thinking about?
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