<< 06-03-2016 >>

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02:19:21girvohey all
02:20:26def-hi girvo
02:20:34girvoquick q: what build systems are people using for larger projects?
02:20:40girvohey def- :)
02:20:44girvolong time no see
02:23:46girvoi'm tossing up between meson and cmake, basically, and using the compile-to-c-but-don't-link system to let the build system handle the final compilation, but I'm struggling a little heh
02:28:11def-what's wrong with just using the nim compiler and nimble?
02:31:22*cheatfate joined #nim
02:36:03girvodef-: they're brilliant, but have no concept of dealing with external shared libraries, which is completely to be expected of course! using cmake for example, one can ensure a dependency exists at build time for a given shared lib, which is extremely useful
02:36:47girvobasically, nim + nimble is brilliant for pure Nim projects, but once you rely on external c libraries they come up a bit short, which is again to be expected as that's not really their job!
02:38:10def-hm, right. there's this thread on the forum: http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/129/
02:40:12*francisl joined #nim
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02:46:05def-girvo: I think I'd rather supply passC and passL parameters to Nim instead of compiling the C files by hand
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03:56:33OnwardEulerey guys, how do we stand on the whole "Game engine with nim" thing? Any projects that seem to be panning out?
03:57:24OnwardEulerI'm cleaning up an old c++ sdl project and thought it would be cool to port it to nim
03:59:22def-OnwardEuler: sdl2 and sfml wrappers should be in good shape, not sure about high level game engines
04:01:09OnwardEulerYeah, the sdl wrapper is great! I have half a class written for glfw, I think I saw a nim-glfw project
04:02:17OnwardEulerThere are a couple of projects on github, but none with a large codebase
04:02:57OnwardEulerAny tips/gotchas with porting c++ to nim?
04:44:52*brson quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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04:48:10girvoyeah, be careful with memory leaks when you cross the nim-c-type boundary ;)
05:12:35*francisl joined #nim
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05:14:44jamespCan operators be interpreted as anonymous functions in nim?
05:18:30jamespfor example, let what = [`$`] won't compile :/
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06:09:51VarriountAraq: I'm here now, and will be on for another hour or so.
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08:57:06matkukiHi guys, what is C's 'size_t' Nim equivalent?
08:59:33matkukioh, csize. nevermind.
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10:23:56gokrOnwardEuler: I do presume you are aware of Urhonimo?
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15:48:31EastByteWhy does the strutils join implementation only support string sequences/arrays? Wouldn't it be better to support any sequence using `$` ?
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16:29:52gorgonzolapasta[~/Nim-0.13.0]$ bin/nim e install_nimble.nims
16:29:53gorgonzolapastalib/system/sysio.nim(62, 12) Error: IOFBF not ported to your platform
16:30:30gorgonzolapastaEastByte: da ^
16:33:15dom96gorgonzolapasta: What OS are you running?
16:33:28def-EastByte: maybe so that you're aware of when you have to convert to a string
16:36:09gorgonzolapastadom96: OpenBSD
16:36:25EastBytedef-: but converting a T sequence to string sequence requires an additional step
16:36:30dom96gorgonzolapasta: please report it on Github
16:36:54EastByteis that really necessary if I wanted to unpack an int sequence for example?
16:38:38def-EastByte: hm yeah, could probably be extended
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16:47:27def-EastByte: just checked, the current version of join is optimized so it only needs to allocate the string once and never resize, that wouldn't work nicely with other types
16:47:56EastByteah, I see
16:48:23def-give me a few min and I'll make a PR for a general version as well
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16:58:18def-EastByte: something like this: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3946
17:01:38EastByteinteresting I haven't seen "T: not ..." before
17:03:04def-me neither, I just tried and it seemed to work :P
17:03:48def-I think maybe it should work with just [T] but right now that gives an ambiguity error
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17:41:35federico3dom96: re https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3648 can we detect is the symbol is available at compile time instead?
17:55:28def-federico3: that's difficult when you also want to be able to cross compile
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18:30:26VarriountAraq: Ping
18:36:50*cjbest quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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19:00:55VarriountAraq: You wanted to talk about something related to the Nimsuggest PR?
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19:03:10matkukiDoes anybody know anything about the python wrapper? Why is the first field in 'TPyTypeObject' 'ob_size*: int '?
19:10:11matkukiVarriount: Can you elaborate, please? Why isn't it '#define PyObject_VAR_HEAD PyVarObject ob_base;' which would be 'ob_base*: PyVarObject'?
19:10:12VarriountIf you look at that, and at the definition for PyTypeObject, you'll see that part of the struct is variably sized.
19:13:20Varriountmatkuki: Design of the wrapper maybe?
19:13:27VarriountI'm not sure.
19:14:54Varriountmatkuki: Could you give me a link to the Nim file with the relevant type?
19:16:00matkukiVarriount: https://github.com/nim-lang/python/blob/master/src/python.nim#L423
19:16:14matkukiThe 'PyObject_VAR_HEAD' macro is just a substitution, right?
19:16:48Varriountmatkuki: Yeah, it declares a ob_base member wherever it's used.
19:19:28Varriountmatkuki: It looks like the wrapper is embedding the members of the PyVarObject struct, rather than using the ob_base member
19:19:47matkukiVarriount: Any idea why?
19:20:12Varriountmatkuki: Convenience possibly? I don't think it affects anything like memory layout, just semantics.
19:20:38matkukiNo, it doesn't work if I use 'ob_base*: PyVarObject'!
19:21:11matkukiit only works with the first field ob_size*: PySizeT.
19:21:21matkukior ob_size*: int
19:21:42matkukiand I have no idea why
19:22:07Varriountmatkuki: The structure inherit from the base PyObject
19:22:21VarriountPyVarObject also inherits from the base PyObject.
19:23:10VarriountThus you'll end up with a duplicate section of PyObject data, right after the first one.
19:26:54matkukiI'm looking at TPyObject and I'm still not getting it, a little more help please
19:28:24matkukiVarriount: what should I be looking at: https://bpaste.net/show/db302b0840cd
19:35:38matkukiVarriount: ping?
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19:37:38Varriountmatkuki: Sorry, was vacuuming
19:37:50matkukino problem, sorry
19:38:20Varriountmatkuki: So, in Nim, when you inherit from a type, the parent type's contents essentially get inserted into the beginning of the child type definition.
19:38:53Varriountmatkuki: TPyTypeObject inherits from TPyObj
19:40:02Varriountmatkuki: In the C code, `PyObject_VAR_HEAD` basically declares a ob_base member of type PyVarBase
19:41:01VarriountEr, PyVarObject
19:41:55VarriountPyVarObject also has PyObject as its first member.
19:42:52matkukiOh, I see! And PyVarObject has fields: ob_base and ob_size. And there is already a PyObject from inheritance in there!
19:43:37matkukiThanks a bunch Varriount. I've been staring at this for more than an hour and didn't realize it.
19:44:03Varriountmatkuki: It's an understandable mistake, and one I probably would've made.
19:44:33matkukiThanks again!
19:48:16*cjbest quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:48:41Varriountmatkuki: What are you doing with the python module?
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19:57:46matkukiVarriount: first project is scripting for a game, and the second is going to be a nim app that uses a HTTP server written in python for communication with a PLC
19:57:47matkukiand I don't have the time to rewrite it in Nim
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20:39:49gorgonzolapastaso anything i can do about openbsd and nim? :(
20:43:18def-gorgonzolapasta: fix the bugs probably. is it about the github issue?
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20:44:38def-gorgonzolapasta: IOFBF and IONBF are in lib/system/sysio.nim. if you can find out their values for OpenBSD, it should work
20:45:17def-gorgonzolapasta: about the httpclient import, that should work and sounds like a problem with the paths to the installation. did you set the PATH to the nim directory?
20:46:49gorgonzolapastai did. the binary itself works, only no libs
20:47:23def-hm, strange
20:47:31def-i don't remember that happening last time i tested on OpenBSD
20:48:09def-gorgonzolapasta: `which nim` gives the right binary?
20:49:35gorgonzolapastaok, it was one slash too much in there. thank you >.<
20:50:02def-where was the slash? it shouldn't fail because of a slash too much, should it?
20:50:55gorgonzolapastawithout it it works :)
20:51:01def-that sounds like a bug in Nim, let me see if I can fix it
20:51:05def-glad to hear it was such a simple issue
20:51:18gorgonzolapastait is not
20:51:23gorgonzolapastaits part of an issue :/
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20:53:08def-gorgonzolapasta: what's still wrong?
20:53:53gorgonzolapastai am not sure, was this successful or not?
20:54:45def-something seems wrong with the way paths are handled in BSD
20:54:47*cjbest quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
20:54:57def-it can't find nimscriptapi.nim in src/nimblepkg
20:58:24gorgonzolapastai understand
20:58:32gorgonzolapastachmod +x is doing his job
20:58:43gorgonzolapastaonly the IOthing left
20:58:57def-what had chmod +x to do with it?
20:59:25def-for the IOthing I would search in /usr/include for the actual values of IOFBF and IONBF
21:00:53gorgonzolapastanothing, i am just unexperienced
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21:03:17def-great, so 0 and 2 should work on BSDs as well
21:03:59*krux02 joined #nim
21:04:33krux02I have an compile error in the generate c file
21:04:54def-krux02: then that's a bug, you can check on github if it's been reported already, otherwise report it
21:05:11def-or you're doing wrong casts
21:05:56krux02ok the funny thing is, it works with one if branch
21:06:11krux02if I repeat the same if branch under it, it doesn't anymore
21:06:40krux02it is not a specific code that creates this bad behavior
21:06:50krux02but I certanly do cast a lot in my code
21:13:43*matkuki quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 44.0.2/20160210153822])
21:15:24*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
21:17:02krux02 if true:
21:17:02krux02 for vertex in memptr[Vec3f]( va.offset, hdr.num_vertexes ):
21:17:02krux02 echo vertex
21:17:02krux02 if true:
21:17:03krux02 for vertex in memptr[Vec3f]( va.offset, hdr.num_vertexes ):
21:17:05krux02 echo vertex
21:17:09krux02this did not compile
21:17:14krux02but this code did:
21:17:31krux02 if true:
21:17:31krux02 for vertex in memptr[Vec3f]( va.offset, hdr.num_vertexes ):
21:17:31krux02 echo vertex
21:17:31krux02 if true:
21:17:32krux02 for vertex in memptr[Vec2f]( va.offset, hdr.num_vertexes ):
21:17:34krux02 echo vertex
21:17:57krux02only difference is that in the working version the generic argument of the second call to memptr is different
21:18:30def-krux02: better post big pastes on pastebin/gist
21:18:57def-and the Vec3f instead of Vec2f
21:19:34def-eh, you said that already
21:19:48krux02I will try to post something later, but first I want to test weather it is the same with the latest development version of the compiler
21:19:56def-krux02: you could read the generated C code to find out what's wrong
21:20:01krux02I will try to isolate the problem
21:20:04def-krux02: or just search for it on github and post a bug
21:24:17gorgonzolapastahttp://paste.gorgonzolapasta.eu/Jb4/ ok, changed the io thing, now htis
21:25:05def-PATH reset again?
21:25:17def-I booted up my OpenBSD vm and am trying to work through the bugs now
21:25:37gorgonzolapasta/home/pasta/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/games:.:/home/pasta/Nim/bin should be it
21:26:06def-you could check with `which nim` again
21:26:16def-but I'm also getting that error sometimes and not sure yet why
21:26:32gorgonzolapastayes. which nim is /home/pasta/Nim/bin/nim
21:27:37gorgonzolapastanim e install_nimble.nims works? o.o
21:27:50gorgonzolapasta(still compiling)
21:28:09gorgonzolapastayes it works :3
21:29:02def-great, so you have a working nimble?
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21:30:57gorgonzolapastai am able to install things
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21:33:39gorgonzolapastayes, everything works now
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23:51:46def-so: last mailing list post was 10 years ago, doesn't look active