<< 07-03-2016 >>

00:02:23*krux02 quit (Quit: Verlassend)
00:02:49fUD_Should I be doing 'nim e install_nimble.nims' from a git checkout of Nim to install nimble? (after I've built nim itself)?
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00:03:46fUDI am getting, Code/Nim/nimble0/src/nimblepkg/nimscriptsupport.nim(8, 11) Error: cannot open 'compiler/ast'
00:04:36def-fUD: if it doesn't work, you can try the instructions from the nimble repo
00:04:38fUDDoes that mean I've missed a config for library loading?
00:04:54def-no, that means nimble can't find the compiler
00:05:05def-ah, you might have to add the compiler directory to $PATH
00:05:17fUDdef-: I thought I had, but I'll double check.
00:05:38fUDdef-: it's at the end as, /Users/billsb/.nim/nim/bin
00:05:51def-and `which nim` points to the correct one?
00:05:57fUDI'll check
00:05:59def-wait, did you install it or just clone the repo?
00:06:07def-because installing it is broken afaik
00:06:55fUDdef-: I cloned the repo then built it, then ran ./koch install ~/.nim
00:07:22fUDdef-: And added the bin path under that dir to the path
00:07:35def-fUD: yeah, that's broken unfortunately
00:07:59def-fUD: you're supposed to just ./koch boot -d:release and use that directory
00:08:21def-as explained here: https://github.com/nim-lang/nim#compiling
00:08:22fUDdef-: as a parameter to koch boot?
00:08:28def-"koch install [dir] may then be used to install Nim, but lots of things don't work then so don't do that. Add it to your PATH instead."
00:08:49fUDdef-: I was tired on Friday, I guess I missed that small point :)
00:09:13fUDdef-: I'll try now. Cheers.
00:12:04fUDdef-: I don't actually know what 'add it to your path instead' means. Add the path of the checkout?
00:12:13def-it depends on your shell, bash?
00:13:05def-then in ~/.zshrc add: export PATH="/foo/bar/Nim/bin:$PATH"
00:13:35fUDSorry to be daft, but that's my checkout dir?
00:16:09fUDok. thanks.
00:16:24fUDok, nimble builds perfectly now.
00:17:06def-i should probably try to fix koch install tonight, working with all these installation issues right now anyway
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00:34:44gorgonzolapastacan't I combine readLine(File, Line) and readLine(File)?
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00:46:43def-gorgonzolapasta: combine how?
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02:28:51gorgonzolapastashould this work or should it not? http://paste.gorgonzolapasta.eu/hB8/ or does it work?
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02:54:07gorgonzolapastaor should this happen? SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
02:55:32dom96gorgonzolapasta: what line does that happen on?
03:10:35gorgonzolapastathe one with the while loop
03:11:16gorgonzolapastathat's what makes me wonder, because there it should have already once read the file?
03:13:36dom96gorgonzolapasta: you need to initialise `line` I think
03:13:41dom96try `let line = ""`
03:13:44dom96good night
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11:02:56ArrrrAraq: i found a weird bug that, unless it is only me, looks like shit. It is related to iterators and (i assume) garbage collector.
11:03:12ArrrrI have a test of 200~ lines
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11:07:46AraqArrrr: ok, report it please.
11:08:02Araqand compile with -d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert to learn more about the bug
11:08:56ArrrrI was about to paste a pastebin, but ok
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11:21:07matkukiwhat is the correct way to cast 'array[1, PyModuleDef]' into a 'ptr PyModuleDef' ?
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11:22:25flyxmatkuki: not, since it is not garbage collected?
11:22:33flyxah wait
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11:23:26flyxprobably (ptr PyModuleDef)(addr(v[0])
11:23:39flyxunsure if it needs a cast
11:24:01matkukilet me try...
11:26:19matkukithat's it, thanks! forgot the [0] index in the addr
11:27:56matkukiflyx: does this pointer translate into a C array pointer 'PyModuleDef*' ?
11:29:11matkukii mean 'ptr PyModuleDef' == 'PyModuleDef*' ?
11:30:20flyxyeah, it should
11:30:27matkukiok, thanks
11:30:27*flyx has not done much C interop
11:31:00flyxin C, arrays and pointers are two different things, unless you sneeze near an array, then it becomes a pointer
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11:43:38PMunchThink I found another bug in the Json module
11:44:09PMunchIf you try to create an empty array by using "var arr = %[]" it gives an empty object instead
11:56:23*niv quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
12:01:19PMunchThere, filed an error on it
12:03:25dom96PMunch: yeah, looks like a bug. You can also just do newJArray().
12:05:24PMunchOh yea, newJArray() is even better than parseJson("[]")
12:06:56PMunchUpdated the bug report to reflect that the newJ* method works as well
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13:50:45arnetheduckhi.. does header imply importc?
13:50:55reactormonkarnetheduck, nope
13:51:04reactormonkactually... not sure
13:52:02arnetheduckstd lib seems to be mixed in this regard, can't really tell
13:52:16reactormonkit does.
13:52:36arnetheduckimportc seems to be used to renamed the imported symbol sometimes, but...
13:54:05arnetheduckreactormonk, ah, right.. well, it kind of makes sense, but the explicit importc's sprinkled here and there confused me ;)
13:54:22reactormonkarnetheduck, remove them, make a PR and see if travis complains.
13:54:54arnetheduckactually, I'm fixing another issue.. looks like munmap has different declarations in different parts of the std lib
13:55:30arnetheduckincidentally, one has importc and the other doesn't, though that's not the bug (return type is)
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14:00:37reactormonkcheck the defines
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14:03:16arnetheduckreactormonk, defines?
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14:10:12reactormonkarnetheduck, when defined() etc. basically checks so lowlevel stuff can be implemented differently for different systems.
14:14:38arnetheduckreactormonk, yeah. munmap always returns an int though, on posix: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3951
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14:19:56reactormonkarnetheduck, I'd forward the return type via {.discardable.} instead of discard - unless that breaks the typing.
14:21:27arnetheduckdunno, the one in posix.nim is not {,discardable.}... seems like good practice to keep them the same (since I guess importing posix in system would be a nono)
14:22:34arnetheduckreactormonk, I
14:22:44arnetheduck'm fine either way though as long as their types are the same
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14:33:17cheatfateis there any tool which i can run on 3VM's so when i save my file all 3VMs start to compile and give me results?
14:33:35cheatfate3VMs = 3 virtual machines
14:33:51reactormonkcheatfate, cssh if you're cheap, ansible if you want something more steady
14:34:16pigmejyou can use fabric also which is even simpler
14:34:33reactormonksimpler than cssh?
14:34:35pigmejbut cssh may be good enough as reactormonk mentioned
14:34:45pigmejwell nothing could be simpler than cssh ;d
14:34:51cheatfateok i will take a look
14:35:20pigmejprobalby you could also do similar multiplexing in tmux
14:35:50reactormonkyeah. But nothing beats cssh in terms of simplicity.
14:35:56pigmejsure :)
14:36:21reactormonkPlus 20 terminals give you an instant geekgasm.
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16:35:12krux02can anyone compile this code? https://gist.github.com/krux02/af47abcef511a26939e0
16:39:27krux02yesterday I created this code and the generated c code didn't compile, today I extracted only the non-compiling part, but the error is now differenrt, I get a segmentation fault during compilation
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16:54:23reactormonkkrux02, ./koch temp c <your code> for a debug build of the compiler
16:55:41krux02reactormonk: thank you
17:04:07krux02 reactormonk: I did as you proposed, I am not sure if it helps me
17:04:23krux02reactormonk: since I do not really understant the compiler architecture
17:04:25reactormonkkrux02, probably not, but it may help you find the error.
17:04:36krux02I put the output there
17:05:47reactormonkkrux02, http://nim-lang.org/docs/intern.html interesting parts: debugging / archidecture
17:06:41reactormonkI'd put a debug or two in to see which code exactly triggers.
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17:24:54Araqproc `$`(v : Vec3f) = $(array[3, float32](v))
17:25:00Araqkrux02: give it a return type?
17:28:18krux02Araq: ok, that definitel is a bug on my side
17:28:34Araqwell the compiler shouldn't crash of course
17:28:59krux02I agree
17:29:03Araqand I think that's a showstopper bug, even.
17:42:17krux02honestly, I would really like if short I can leave out the type for single expression procedures, but I have no idea if that would cause any trouble anywhere else in the compilation model
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17:46:46krux02Araq: I updated the gist now https://gist.github.com/krux02/af47abcef511a26939e0
17:47:41krux02now I have the bug again, where the compiler just creates c code that doesn't compile
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18:04:46ArrrrI'm sorry but it is quite the opposite. I have a bug that, when generating garbage, it gets solved. What the hell http://pastebin.com/sd7iJaZa
18:07:25matkukiCan someone look at this? https://bpaste.net/show/83168ea437e9
18:08:07matkukii'm porting a python3 embedding example, is the Nim code equivalent?
18:08:44matkukithe code compiles, but i'm getting a segfault in line 101
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18:18:40matkukii'm guessing it's somewhere in the PyModuleDef initialization...
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18:26:41krux02Araq: I have here some code snippets that do not compile. I would really like if it would be possible in the future. https://gist.github.com/krux02/fb62c7861bf8a8f6d85b
18:30:33def-krux02: about top level defer: top level code is a special case and sometimes has bad performance, better use a proc anyway
18:31:57def-krux02: postfix cast is probably problematic because it would not be clear whether [float64] might be an array
18:33:15krux02def-: most of the thinks I defer at top level are propably irrelevant anyway, like file closing at program exit (get's done by the os anyway), but I still like to write it in scrips for consistency
18:33:26krux02and in scripts I do not care that much for performance
18:34:08def-krux02: you know that "assignment using if branch" works with simple constructs, like "o" & "dd"?
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18:34:51krux02def-: it also works with writeng "odd" directly, but that's not the point
18:35:43krux02it's more about that there are a lot of cases wher I have to create an object as a local variable, call some setters on it, and then never change it again
18:36:46krux02I know workarounds for all of the cases
18:37:04krux02but they are all workarounds and don't fell natural
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18:55:24matkukithe segfault happens somewhere in the python dynamic library, could a function signature be off?
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19:07:19bozaloshtshkrux02: assignment with if is possible if you keep it all on one line
19:08:56bozaloshtshwhoops, didn't read everything
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21:45:00VarriountAraq: You there?
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22:08:08gmpreussner_he's just checking on you to make sure you're not lazy :)
22:11:06Araqno, we are talking privately.
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