<< 06-10-2017 >>

00:13:35*Ven`` quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:25:19vivusI have the following proc: https://www.zerobin.net/?aaf22e333a38812a#xVb8q45+jTkLfEk4I3mYcEbqwJ6qRNY9TCggaJNF634= . This code is code I found online. Can someone explain to me what 'type' is todoItems.add TodoItem(...) ?
00:26:28FromGitter<Varriount> @genotrance Looks like a function pointer maybe?
00:27:11FromGitter<Varriount> Our possibly a pointer to a function that returns a pointer to a function
00:29:06vivus@Varriount seeing as you are the only other person awake, care to take a look at that code? :)
00:29:17vivus(if it's not too much trouble)
00:31:19FromGitter<Varriount> vivus: todoItems looks like a global variable that is a sequence, that's having an item of type
00:31:40FromGitter<Varriount> TodoItem added
00:32:07FromGitter<genotrance> @Varriount looks like GCC is happy with it but I'm not sure how to translate it for Nim
00:33:04*Snircle quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
00:34:01FromGitter<Varriount> @genotrance Is BIO_meth_get_write a macro?
00:35:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> @genotrance maybe run it through the GCC preprocessor first and see what it spits out
00:37:21vivus@Varriount what is the simplest way to convert this sequence into JSON?
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00:40:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> vivus: https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=655b51166dd6238e2998a348a0c0d8b6
00:42:09vivus@zacharycarter you are the best, thank you!
00:43:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> np
00:49:32FromGitter<zacharycarter> yay selection boxes work
00:49:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> now for picking
00:50:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://imgur.com/a/Bhjaf
00:52:06vivuswhat alternate type can I use, instead of a sequence, for key-value items?
00:54:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> table
00:54:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> but it's not a built in type
00:54:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> just FYI
00:59:48vivus@zacharycarter : This is what I am trying to do: https://play.nim-lang.org/?gist=a0feb234b7ab74cc113513f22f23e758
01:00:42FromGitter<genotrance> @zacharycarter : that code is what the preprocessor spits out
01:00:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> oh :/
01:01:49FromGitter<genotrance> @Varriount : ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59d6d5fc177fb9fe7e445e89]
01:02:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> vivus: fixed - https://play.nim-lang.org?gist=2f19fc28b3fec499e52d73c06b1cd46d
01:04:23vivuswow, that is verbose. @zacharycarter why did todoItems.id & todoItems.description not work? (is it because the size of the sequence is unknown?)
01:05:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> you had todoitems[0] and todoitems[1]
01:05:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> you should just have todoitems[0] and todoitems[0]
01:06:08vivusbut why not todoItems.id ? I tried that and it failed
01:06:44vivusoh I see it now. each TodoItem object is stored as 1 entry in the sequence
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01:07:17FromGitter<zacharycarter> yes
01:08:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> def-pri-pub: you around by any chance?
01:08:53vivusgetting used to other peoples code requires a bit of introspection XD
01:10:37*def-pri-pub joined #nim
01:10:50def-pri-pubzacharycarter: heyas, you here?
01:11:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> yup
01:11:52def-pri-pubI saw your comment, but I was away on a business trip. And I'm starting to get a cold
01:12:01FromGitter<zacharycarter> ah okay no worries
01:12:03def-pri-pubSo I'm not sure how much I can talk to you about the camera thing
01:12:07def-pri-pubMy brain is a tad fried
01:12:14FromGitter<zacharycarter> it's all good
01:12:22FromGitter<zacharycarter> hope you start feeling better soon
01:17:12vivus@zacharycarter is there a special proc in the JSON module that allows saving to a file?
01:18:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> no - modules hopefully only contain functionality related to the purpose of the module
01:18:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> so json is only for working with json
01:18:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> you'd find something like that in system or some io module
01:18:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#writeFile,string,string_2 would probably work for your use case
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01:21:03FromGitter<Varriount> @genotrance https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20617067/returning-function-pointer-type
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01:21:49vivusinteresting. it would be useful to have a save_as_json though
01:22:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't think that's going to happen vivus
01:22:31vivusme neither :P
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01:32:48FromGitter<Varriount> C type declarations are a headache
01:36:39FromGitter<genotrance> @Varriount I'm not sure how that helps :(
01:39:18FromGitter<Varriount> BIO_meth_get_write is a function that takes a pointer to a BIO_METHOD, and returns a function that takes a pointer to a BIO, a pointer to a char, and an integer
01:40:31FromGitter<Varriount> @genotrance You could rewrite the C code to split the return type into a typedef
01:42:04FromGitter<Varriount> Or do the same thing in Nim
01:42:18vivusin writeFile(), how do I specify a specific folder? eg. data
01:42:36vivuseg. writeFile("data/test.txt", "somestring")
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01:44:34adam12vivus: does that not work?
01:44:49vivusadam12: nope
01:45:01vivusError: identifier expected, but found '"data/"'
01:45:01adam12Hm. Maybe you need to prefix it with the cwd
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01:46:07adam12vivus: That quote looks funny
01:46:10adam12at start of string
01:47:06adam12Anyways, it definitely works. Check your double quotes - one looks like awfully different.
01:47:43vivusadam12: this is how I construct the filename: var myfile = "data" & intToStr(todoItems[0].id) & ".json" and then I pass myfile to writeFile()
01:48:23*endragor quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:49:02adam12vivus: I'm presuming you want: var myfile = "data" / intToStr(todoItems[0].id) & ".json"
01:49:42FromGitter<genotrance> @Varriount thanks! makes sense - I'll try that out.
01:49:45vivusadam12: should it be "data/" instead of "data" / ?
01:50:05adam12vivus: the / instead of & will do the concat for you properly.
01:50:51adam12vivus: Actually, I might be wrong with that..
01:51:03adam12vivus: It does work, but maybe not when concatting two strings.
01:51:14vivusthanks adam12 . will test both out
01:54:10adam12vivus: So, using / does work to concat strings - I just forgot that ospaths module needs to be imported :) Anyways. Good luck.
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03:40:18libmanGo, D, and Swift all down this month on https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ ::schadenfreude:: ;-)
03:41:23libmanJulia, Rust, and Crystal are up.
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05:08:08skrylarzacharycarter: as it turns out, you can apparently make distance fields out of bit planes of textures
05:08:41skrylari saw someone tried it on cartoonish graphics and it works, although getting extremely close has a couple artifacts
05:08:55skrylarwould be curious to see how it worked on "real" textures
05:10:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> sounds interesting
05:12:45skrylaralso finally figured out how smart textures worked. although thats sorta meh
05:13:08skrylarPretty hard to learn but not hard to understand. basically just dot products on normals and basic stuff :\
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06:00:12FromGitter<Varriount> skrylar: What are smart textures?
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06:08:02skrylarvarriount: its a brand name from 3d coat
06:08:20skrylarbut basically its what 3dcoat/substance/qixel do for those "magic" textures that just throw edge wear and stuff on models
06:08:49skrylarwell, substance just does a pipeline of operations. 3d coat simplified it to a layer system with "conditions" like "more inside" or "more exposed"
06:08:57skrylarwhich basically just means more exposed = part of the AO map
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06:46:13FromGitter<Grabli66> waitFor is evil :) It uses timeout 500 milliseconds.
06:48:49FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> import math ⏎ echo 0.5^2Type mismatch??
06:49:35FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> But in math library I can find ' proc `^`T (x: T; y: Natural): T '. Whats going on?
06:50:15FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> Gah need to learn how to format code properly
06:50:58FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> Let me try again. I can see `proc `^`T (x: T; y: Natural): T` in the math library, but `0.5^2` gives me a type mismatch
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07:02:13Araqworks for me. wrong Nim version?
07:02:20Araqwhat does 'nim -v' say?
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07:11:19FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> nim 0.17
07:14:09PMunchIt works for you Araq?
07:15:13FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> just took whatever binary was on the website
07:15:25PMunchThat works for you?
07:19:58PMunchmohamedmoussa89, try with 0.5.pow(2)
07:22:48PMunch@mohamedmoussa89 ^
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07:23:11PMunchIs that how you higlight someone over the Gitter bridge?
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07:39:25FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> pow works
07:39:52FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> Thats what Im using at the moment
07:43:59AraqPMunch: that is what works for me, yes. why wouldn't it work?
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07:55:47skrylarhttps://imgur.com/a/I33Fg whee
08:03:34*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
08:03:37*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:03:57skrylarbefore the topic police go off, yes thats a nim program
08:04:03skrylarits painting distance field brushes
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08:17:42skrylaranother +1 for distinct types
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08:37:25PMunchAraq, here it throws a type error saying that it can't do an "and" between a float and an int literal(1)
08:38:48Araqy is not a float
08:42:04PMunchlib/pure/math.nim(418, 11) Error: type mismatch: got (float64, int literal(1))
08:42:14PMunchOn 0.17.0
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08:47:55Araq0.17.2 has been released
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08:49:11PMunchOh yeah, this machine is not kept on the bleeding edge
08:57:57FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> just tried again at home and it works fine in 0.17.2 - sorry about that. I have 0.17.0 installed on my work machine.
09:03:16gokrHum. I just tested compressing the whole c_code tree from csources. It's unpacked about 370Mb. Using xz it's 26Mb. Using this lrzip thing it's ... 1.4Mb.
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09:03:36gokr1.4Mb - that's... insane. :)
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09:03:58gokrI had to unpack it just to see it actually is true.
09:04:58skrylarhrm. wonder if antialiasing is important when upsampling is involved
09:05:12skrylari would guess 'no' because the valve paper doesn't do it
09:06:43PMunchgokr, thats actually pretty wild. 370Mb -> 1.4Mb
09:08:20gokrI stumbled on it here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/78262/which-file-compression-software-for-linux-offers-the-highest-size-reduction
09:08:48skrylarlooking at it on wikipedia
09:08:58skrylari remember rad game tools has this cute thing, although they charge a pretty penny
09:09:14skrylarafaict they just ripped lz4 and use a fixed dictionary
09:09:25gokrI haven't played with niminst - but it would be slick if we could make "autoconf lookalikes" that sortof do the "./configure && make && make install" dance.
09:10:06PMunchThere is a tool called nake
09:10:17gokr(distributing c code, just like csources)
09:10:29skrylargokr, ah. rzip is basically just doing what borg and others do; take the rsync algorithm and use it to dedup
09:10:35gokrWell, the idea is to only use "Unix tools" so to speak.
09:12:13AraqI avoid ./configure fwiw, it's a big security problem
09:12:48Araqthousands of lines of cryptic shell script code that could send my $HOME's content to google
09:13:24gokrYeah, I was more after a "configure lookalike". As in not generated by autoconf.
09:14:00Araqyay, but it cannot install device drivers, what a completely outdated concept of security...
09:14:23gokrIt would just make a Makefile for proper CPU/arch typically. So... I presume Niminst already produce scripts that... kinda does this.
09:14:43Araqgokr: niminst indeed can also produce makefiles iirc
09:14:49gokrAha, cool.
09:15:41Araqbut it is not tested regularly and I don't want to maintain more ways of doing the same thing
09:16:15gokrOf course, it doesn't make your Nim program "Debian proper-ish" since they don't generally accept generated C code IIRC. But it would be a fairly neat distribution form.
09:16:56gokrI hear ya. You should focus on the important stuff
09:17:43Araqthe current way: - makes updating easy
09:17:52Araq- doesn't require root rigths
09:18:13gokrNote - I am not talking about Nim itself. I like the way it works now.
09:18:16Araq- is well documented and works on a plethora of OSes
09:18:28gokrI am talking about something I write in Nim.
09:18:43Araqoh sorry
09:18:44*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
09:18:49Araqcompletely misunderstood you.
09:19:26gokrThe idea being - here is a cool utility I wrote in Nim. "coolutil-1.2.tar.gz". Just do the dance. No need to install Nim.
09:19:40AraqI see, niminst was made for this indeed
09:20:03gokrI am going to look at it
09:20:24Araqnote that the niminst nimble package is outdated and the one in $nim is used
09:20:38Araqbut it's also more specific to Nim's needs, so ... not sure
09:20:52AraqI suppose we should remove the nimble package again
09:21:00Araqsometimes splits don't work well
09:21:30Araq./configure could just be empty I think :-)
09:21:47gokrHehe, wouldn't it at least detect CPU/arch or something?
09:22:10AraqI think that's done in the generated makefile
09:22:17gokrAh, ok, I will look at it.
09:22:26*libman quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
09:23:04gokrBtw, the arduinobot I am writing (MQTT, Jester, threadpool, Channels, calling out to run executables) runs great on an Rpi.
09:23:33gokrNim is ... really nice! ;)
09:24:32PMunchNice, what are you using it for?
09:25:25gokrIt's a part we are doing in https://project.ecraft2learn.eu
09:26:08gokrThe concept is simply to turn an Rpi into an "Arduino compiler and flasher". That can be operated over MQTT/REST.
09:26:17PMunchOh cool
09:26:26PMunchOh well, lunch time
09:26:41gokrSo that kids can hack using Snap/Scratch and actaully partly also program Arduinos.
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09:48:35cremWith cdecl, all registers except eax, ecx and edx should be intact after a function call, right?
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10:03:34FromGitter<ephja> I think so
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10:04:10skrylarwell i did the things in the distance field paper, but i don't get the smooth edges they do
10:04:21PMunchgokr, wait is Scratch code Android compatible?
10:04:57*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
10:05:12gokrEhm, Android?
10:07:44gokrThe idea is to enhance Snap (reimplementation of Scratch) to also produce partly code for Arduinos.
10:07:46PMunchErr, Arduino
10:08:24gokrYes, there are such enhancements already - though I havent looked yet at them. In fact... its funny, I know one of the guys that apparently makes this, huh.
10:08:31gokr(for example)
10:10:08PMunchI guess it's similar to how microbit does it?
10:11:06gokrSeems to use firmata.
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10:34:31salewskiI assume that Anonymous Procs can not be passed as typed parameters to macros?
10:34:45salewskiI tried button.connect("clicked", proc (b: Button): void = echo "moo")
10:35:12PMunchWouldn't that pass the entire thing as type?
10:35:13salewskiThat gives the funny error: lib/core/macros.nim(370, 3) Error: undeclared identifier: 'scs'
10:36:21salewskiPMunch: I really don't know. I just tried it as some people may like anon procs.
10:36:58PMunchDo you need to accept any proc into that spot?
10:39:02salewskiYes, the procs can have different parameter list, depending on signal name.
10:40:00salewskiBut well, no real problem for me. I think anon procs make sense only for toy apps.
10:40:18PMunchWell, with typed you will get an STMT that starts with a lambda
10:40:33PMunchI guess you would be able to make that work
10:40:34salewskiJust for fun I tried this example https://github.com/StefanSalewski/gintro/blob/master/examples/button.nim
10:40:50salewskiwith use of an anon proc.
10:41:37PMunchIt didn't work?
10:42:25salewskiNo, it gaves the lib/core/macros.nim(370, 3) Error: undeclared identifier: 'scs'
10:42:38PMunchOh rgiht
10:42:51salewskiNo idea where scs come from. Not from my code.
10:42:56PMunchThat's an example of getting in an untyped proc
10:45:37salewskiI have to pass the proc typed, as I investigate the proc parameter list i macro.
10:46:13salewskiWell, for this general macro anonn procs seems not to work.
10:47:07salewskiMaybe I can later add a simpler connect macro/template for toy cases.
10:47:08FromGitter<mohamedmoussa89> I expected both `proc` definitions here to be identical, but they are not. Am I misusing templates here? ⏎ ⏎ ```0 ⏎ 1``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59d75f2bf7299e8f53b57865]
10:47:58Araqsalewski: told you your 'connect' is wrong ;-)
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10:48:28salewskiYes, but works fine for now!
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10:48:41Araqfor a start get rid of the string literals, stringly typed code is not "extensible", it's ugly and error prone
10:49:13PMunchFor the signal names?
10:49:31salewskiYes, I will convert it to AST API as you told me when I have some more free time.
10:49:44AraqPMunch: yes
10:50:21Araqmohamedmoussa89: I would expect it to work, but 'typedesc' is a clusterfuck in the compiler
10:50:37salewskiGTK people expect string signal names! All wrappers of other languages I have seen use this notation!
10:51:02salewskiRuby, Python, many more.
10:52:06salewskiJ. Mansour who started the gobject-introspection coding used strings too!
10:53:04PMunchBut why though?
10:53:06salewskiWhen I learned GTK long time ago I wondered myself why string were used for signal names.
10:53:17PMunchIn this case they could just as well by an enum couldn't they?
10:53:36salewskiMaybe to allow easy extensions?
10:54:09PMunchTo create your own custom signals to go across the GTK signals bus?
10:54:27PMunchDon't think I've ever seen anyone do that..
10:54:28salewskiWhen I would do all very different, then now one would know how to use it.
10:54:45PMunchYeah, that's the issue with wrappers
10:54:58PMunchYou normally want them to be close to the orgiinal so examples are easy to port
10:55:51salewskiYes, I have used Ruby GTK in the past, and I tried do do it similar.
10:56:24salewskiRuby GTK was not bad, I think it was similar to Python GTK bindings.
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10:57:39salewskiFrom the user experience. Of course the glue code is very different.
11:02:08Araqit doesn't matter if all the others do it when it's wrong.
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11:08:31salewskiRust wrapper uses strings too: http://gtk-rs.org/
11:09:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> Araq: did you see my gif from last night?
11:09:12salewskiBut I will ask on gtk mailing list for the reason, maybe someone can still remember :-)
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11:13:39FromGitter<Bennyelg> @dom96 how to I point to some directory in my project to get static files such images, csss?
11:13:45FromGitter<Bennyelg> i tried: ⏎ http://localhost:5000/statics/forum_id1.png
11:13:51FromGitter<Bennyelg> but it's not reatchable
11:16:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://github.com/dom96/jester#static-files
11:16:44FromGitter<zacharycarter> @Bennyelg ^
11:18:47FromGitter<Bennyelg> @zacharycarter Thanks
11:18:54FromGitter<Bennyelg> Looks amaizing
11:19:51FromGitter<Bennyelg> I cant share images here?
11:20:20FromGitter<couven92> @Bennyelg if you post a link to an image, in Gitter it will show up
11:20:38couven92in IRC however, it will just show the link
11:22:16cremThere's no nimbook version for kindle?
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11:26:09couven92Araq, does the Nim lexer/parser read the source code line-by-line?
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11:27:59Araqit's a stream of bytes, premature splitting at newlines is harmful for most parsing needs
11:28:16couven92oh? okay...
11:29:03couven92I have a proprieatary grammar here... I was wondering of how to best deal with it...
11:29:36FromGitter<Bennyelg> I created Forums using jester & Nim
11:29:42FromGitter<Bennyelg> Looks pretty nice
11:30:41FromGitter<Bennyelg> Including migration service, pretty nice, still under heavy work but I'll publish it later
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11:51:25FromGitter<zacharycarter> grr I can't get opengl stencil buffer working to save my life
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12:04:16skrylari didn't have any luck with the signed distance field objects
12:04:27skrylareven compared it to some webgl code
12:04:48skrylarthe odd thing is that version worked, so i guess its a broken distance field?
12:06:18skrylartried being cheeky and pre-computing the distance field for a brush, then painting that on to pixels and trying to use the shader magic so if you zoomed in th brush would remain smooth; if it worked for tf2, it should work for brushes? but apparently not
12:06:34skrylaryet hardcoding a single SDF sphere works just fine
12:07:09skrylarguessing those weird adaptively sampled fields work because you can combine many spheres and they never leave the real-number space
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12:09:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> I've gotten sdf to work for font rendering
12:09:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> but that's it
12:13:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59d77373b59d55b8237da584]
12:13:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> why do I see the stupid rectangle????
12:14:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> yes depth test and stencil testing are enabled
12:14:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> I set sdl create stencil buffer size to 8 bits
12:14:39skrylarthis may sound silly but have you set the stencil clear value
12:15:00skrylari know with the depth and color buffers you have to set those
12:15:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah I clear it before I do any of that
12:15:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> good question not silly
12:16:17skrylarhttps://www.talisman.org/opengl-1.1/Reference/glClearStencil.html ?
12:16:35skrylaryou haven't set the stencil value in your snippet
12:16:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> that looks super old
12:16:47skrylaryou cleared it but not told it what to clear it to
12:17:28skrylarits also in the android docs for GLES1 and GLES2
12:18:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> hrm - tried that still not working
12:18:57FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59d774b0177fb9fe7e47199e]
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12:21:03skrylarunfortunately i haven't really used the stencil buffer, so i can only guess that it's configured backwards or something silly like that
12:21:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah :/
12:21:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> this is going to drive me bonkers
12:21:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> I need a good place to ask for opengl help
12:21:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> or maybe krux02
12:22:20skrylargamedev forums used to be a good place for it
12:22:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm hoping for something more interactive and speedy :P but I may have to resort to that
12:22:51skrylari seem to have butchered this code to the point where there are black spots around the brushes
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12:34:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> when I try to call - glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, addr stencilBits) I get a INVALID_ENUM error :O
12:37:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> ah that's old
12:37:05FromGitter<Yardanico> Is there a way to create an iterator-like async proc to use it like this: ⏎ "for event in listen(): do stuff" where "listen" can do async stuff (with await or yield)
12:37:08FromGitter<Yardanico> ?
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13:12:41FromGitter<exts> How come this code example is the introduction to ref/pointers in nim? https://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#advanced-types-reference-and-pointer-types it's trying to use objects as an example before actually introducing the user to objects. which actually happens at the start of part 2.
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13:26:10gokrIf I just need to share a string or two between threads, what's the most lightweight solution? A sharedtable using manually allocated things? Using some lock?
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13:39:23Araqexts: good point, this needs to be fixed.
13:39:42Araqgokr: protect/dispose the string
13:44:02euantorgokr: https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#protect,pointer
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13:54:18FromGitter<exts> glad I could help :)
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14:03:58libmanRe earlier discussion: last I checked, PPM blows xz out of the water when it comes to text compression.
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14:09:49PMunchAraq, in Karax how often is the renderer callback called?
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14:10:33AraqPMunch: after every event, more or less
14:10:51PMunchAah ok :)
14:11:29PMunchThat's what I assumed
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14:19:55FromGitter<ephja> @zacharycarter what's zgl?
14:20:47FromGitter<ephja> are you checking for errors after every call?
14:23:42FromGitter<Bennyelg> https://imgur.com/a/WmkDW
14:24:06FromGitter<Bennyelg> simple forums system using nim+jester ⏎ https://imgur.com/a/WmkDW :D
14:24:20skrylarhrmmh. awesomebump is using gl 330
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14:24:37skrylarthere is little reason to use that version for what they do, but shrug
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14:27:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> epjha I am
14:27:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> zgl is my opengl wrapper
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14:32:01skrylari guess everyone just does interior vision checks with portals these days
14:32:40skrylari was just pondering about the raymarching stuff and if you could use it to more efficiently make those vision trees by just tossing a ball in each 'cell' and have them throw a handful of traces out
14:33:02skrylarinstead of having every face try to trace every other face
14:33:21skrylarshrug. sleep needed probs
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14:51:23FromGitter<genotrance> @zacharycarter - nice work with https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/846869eb3423e20af04dea226b65c18f, looks like it needs more work
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14:53:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> it does
14:53:39FromGitter<zacharycarter> I enver finished it
14:53:52FromGitter<zacharycarter> never*
14:53:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> I guess I should
14:56:54FromGitter<zacharycarter> ugh I really need to figure out this stencil buffer issue it's driving me up the wall
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15:05:18FromGitter<ephja> looks good
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15:14:16FromGitter<zacharycarter> @here has anyone ever tested stencil buffer with sdl2 / opengl bindings and Nim
15:14:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> I don't see any code on github testing this - I'm wondering if it's working at all
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15:16:00FromGitter<genotrance> @zacharycarter - most wrapping examples for Nim are to bind with the shared lib, that makes sense most of the time. But I'm interested in building libs in statically so that there's no external dependencies.
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15:16:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> I could add a section for that to the guilde
15:16:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> it's relatively simple with dynlibOverride
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15:27:09FromGitter<genotrance> thanks
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15:45:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> okay finally got stencil buffers to work sweet
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15:56:28FromGitter<mratsim> In devel, this `include ./tensors/test_init.nim` is understood as this `include ./tensors/test_init/nim` is that intended?
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15:59:38Araqmratsim: yes but IMO dots should be deprecated
15:59:58Araqto get the interpretation you're after use quotes
16:00:38FromGitter<mratsim> no problem, it was actually unintended on my part and was left for months
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16:02:38FromGitter<mratsim> btw, edubart reworked the whole iterators/closures stuff in Arraymancer and we gained x4 speed so iterators issues are not the most important anymore.
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16:03:47FromGitter<mratsim> The next issue for which we have no workaround at all would be “assignment overloading” so I can implement value semantics for GPU arrays, but with optimized “move” operations https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/6348
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16:16:12FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: What's the solution to the problem outlined in https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/3207#20288 ?
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16:18:02AraqUse different names for different modules. I don't see a problem here.
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16:18:24Araqthey only have to be unique per Nimble package
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16:19:04Araq"I want to follow the directory structure of Python networkx." yes and I don't want you to follow Python's structure.
16:20:03Araqthese names are essentially impossible to talk about ... "open file simple.nim -- no, not that one, the one in "shortest_paths""
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16:37:41dom96Damn. The NimData package is pretty freaking awesome. Nice job @bluenote10 :)
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16:41:40salewskiAraq, there are some reasons for why strings are used for signal identifier. Extensible is indeed one:
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16:42:15salewskiMaybe later I will implement another better interface. Bye.
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16:55:31FromGitter<alehander42> is there a way to stop nim from initializing with zeroes my arrays?
16:55:43FromGitter<alehander42> unchecked doesn't do this too
16:59:12FromGitter<edubart> @alehander42 for static array you can use `var myarray {.noInit.}: array[10, int]`
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17:28:16FromGitter<alehander42> thanks !
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18:04:33FromGitter<genotrance> @Varriount thanks to your input, I'm able to handle those function pointers
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18:20:51PMunchHmm, it's really annoying that you can't have a type that reuses the same name for two types of the same kind..
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18:26:03FromGitter<Yardanico> wat?
18:26:33PMunchYardanico, when using kind.
18:26:36PMunchHold os
18:26:56PMunchThat's what I was trying to do
18:27:48FromGitter<Yardanico> ah
18:27:52FromGitter<Yardanico> I know, yeah
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18:28:11FromGitter<Yardanico> but as always I think this would be hard to implement in the compiler :P
18:28:58PMunchProbably yeah..
18:29:34PMunchI guess I could implement it as three objects inheriting from an empty base class
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18:30:02PMunchWould that work?
18:31:32FromGitter<Yardanico> yeah, but do you really need this ? :) it's actually not that hard to use different field names :)
18:32:22PMunchIt's just a bit annoying
18:32:39PMunchSeeing how the "edit" and "show" kinds are basically the same
18:33:05PMunchIt's only the call which is completely different
18:33:23FromGitter<Yardanico> btw
18:33:32FromGitter<Yardanico> you don't need separate fields for NimNode
18:33:49FromGitter<Yardanico> you can just store kind here as a third field
18:34:01FromGitter<Yardanico> are you doing some GUI framework?
18:34:15PMunchNot quite sure what you mean
18:34:26FromGitter<Yardanico> you have NimNode here http://ix.io/AS6
18:34:27PMunchAnd yeah, I'm dabbling with an idea for a GUI framework
18:34:40FromGitter<Yardanico> so you can just store 3 fields
18:35:14FromGitter<Yardanico> sorry, 4 fields ⏎ kind: UIKind ⏎ variableType: NimNode ⏎ variableSym: NimNode ⏎ callback: NimNode [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59d7cce2210ac26920b63fbd]
18:35:18PMunchAnd just null the ones I don't need?
18:35:23FromGitter<Yardanico> yeah
18:35:38PMunchYeah I guess that's one approach
18:35:43FromGitter<Yardanico> however this trick wouldn't work with some actual types like "int" :)
18:36:05PMunchThat's true, but the logic would be the same
18:36:24PMunch"Don't access field Y when kind == X"
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18:36:42PMunchWhich is explicitly not allowed when using the "case kind" trick
18:36:50PMunchAs the compiler will complain
18:37:41FromGitter<Yardanico> well yeah that would be a very cool feature for object variants
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18:47:57dom96Well that's disappointing :\ https://github.com/bluenote10/NimData/issues/21
18:48:05dom96Anyone got any dataframe packages that would let me do this?
18:48:29FromGitter<Yardanico> are you sure it can't be implemented?
18:48:43dom96it probably can
18:48:49dom96But it requires far too much macro magic
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18:51:42FromGitter<Yardanico> ehm wait
18:52:28FromGitter<Yardanico> it has "mean", but this is not what you want, right?
18:52:41FromGitter<Yardanico> well
18:52:55FromGitter<Yardanico> you can just sum all values in each column
18:53:16dom96it is...
18:53:34dom96I want it done for each column though
18:54:26FromGitter<Yardanico> then you can do that I think
18:54:30FromGitter<Yardanico> https://github.com/bluenote10/NimData/blob/master/examples/example_01.nim#L34
18:54:33dom96I can do it for a single column fine, but doing it for all of them isn't easy
18:54:36FromGitter<Yardanico> so if you define a schema
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18:55:38FromGitter<Yardanico> ah, you want to get a single row, hmm
18:55:43FromGitter<Yardanico> why not try parsecsv ? :P
18:55:53dom96because that sucks
18:55:58dom96I'll need to reimplement all these operations
18:56:13dom96I might be able to somehow get each of the fields inside the tuple generates by the schema
18:56:56dom96or I could copy and paste 30 of `let mean = df.map(item => item[i]).mean()`... :)
18:57:02dom96replacing `i` with the number
18:57:29FromGitter<Yardanico> for x in 0..30 ? :)
18:57:31dom96hrm, thinking about it another way, is there an easy way to iterate from 0 .. 30 at compile time?
18:57:42FromGitter<Yardanico> ah, you mean generate 30 variables?
18:57:50dom96sort of
18:58:09dom96Nim complains about `i` not being available at compile-time if I use a for loop
18:58:39FromGitter<Yardanico> simple macro probably, you can't generate variables with just "for" loop
18:59:08dom96So much magic D:
18:59:25dom96This is for a Uni assignment, my lecturer will freak out lol
18:59:53Araqput the for loop into a 'static'?
19:00:15dom96tried that
19:00:17dom96doesn't change a thing
19:00:27FromGitter<Yardanico> well he wants to generate the code to run at run-time AFAIK
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19:00:42FromGitter<Yardanico> these "map" are macros it seems
19:02:18dom96The annoying thing here is that NimData uses tuples to model rows
19:02:38dom96Which makes it type safe but handling these numbers is a PITA
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19:32:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm slowly getting there with unit selection...
19:32:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/fLpw/Screen-Shot-2017-10-06-at-3.32.05-PM.png)
19:32:33FromGitter<zacharycarter> gaussian blur shaders are a pain
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19:48:45FromGitter<genotrance> is it possible to call a function whose name is stored in a string - like Python eval
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20:06:28libmangenotrance: like Table[string,(proc(blah))] ?
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20:18:33FromGitter<genotrance> I found that thread on the forums, will need to see how to implement it
20:22:07FromGitter<genotrance> would be cool if the compiler built this table at startup by default, but ya
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20:37:43FromGitter<Yardanico> Yes, you can do that
20:40:06FromGitter<Yardanico> It's implemented as easy as you would expect :)
20:41:14FromGitter<adamrezich> how do you check which compiler backend is set as the default?
20:43:59FromGitter<adamrezich> oh is it `cc = gcc` in nim/config/nim.cfg?
20:44:08FromGitter<Yardanico> @genotrance https://tio.run/##PYo7CsAgEAX7PcVipZArpM8B0onFRiQuxA8qyfGNQkj15g0TOfTOIafSsNFxuQoANxUkXDG6Z59O11Y4ngvmkqxURiqAieNzbBtLNWJnfULhWQCQnmuG/IJfSdX7Cw
20:45:12FromGitter<Yardanico> I didn't use playground because I'm from the phone :)
20:45:43FromGitter<genotrance> @Yardanico wow thanks! I thought it had to be done at compile time, guess not
20:47:02FromGitter<Yardanico> Btw proc is implicitly converted to a closure here
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20:50:11FromGitter<Bennyelg> any sample of ` put ` in jester
20:56:53FromGitter<Bennyelg> I have A post / put which send a json
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22:06:48dom96Damn, my stock notifier just gave me a notification. And... it was Amazon deciding to check if my app is a robot :)
22:14:46*JappleAck joined #nim
22:15:08JappleAckhey guys, what would be a right way to write a message to stderr?
22:22:00JappleAcki think i just realized it, it would be `write stderr, "blabla\n"`, pretty intuitive
22:22:20JappleAckjust looking at the sources https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/master/lib/system.nim#L2878
22:23:02JappleAcki see also `writeLine` that i should prefer in my case
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22:51:57dom96JappleAck: You can also write: stderr.write("blabla\n")
22:59:31JappleAckdom96, is this declared explicitly for oop-style or it's just by default `foo.bar x` interpreted as `bar foo x`?
23:06:45dom96the latter
23:06:58dom96foo(x) is equivalent to x.foo()
23:07:00dom96good night
23:07:14JappleAckdom96, thanks, good night
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