<< 07-04-2016 >>

00:06:30gunndom96: not posted yet?
00:06:51dom96gunn: it is, should be in /newest
00:07:20gunnthere it is
00:12:30cheatfatedom96, what do you think about moving from asyncdispatch.nim initialization of functions connectEx, acceptEx, getAcceptExSockaddrs to nativesockets.nim where we starting winsock?
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00:14:34dom96cheatfate: why?
00:17:48cheatfatedom96, i'm in deadlock with your 'why?'
00:18:11dom96cheatfate: why do you want to move them there?
00:18:34cheatfatebecause you declaring api functions for private use
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00:37:51dom96cheatfate: I'm not sure I understand
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00:43:03cheatfatedom96, nevermind
00:44:51cheatfatedom96, what you mean in line 611 of asyncdispatch.nim
00:46:18dom96https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/asyncdispatch.nim#L611 ?
00:46:33cheatfateoops sorry
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00:50:27cheatfatewhat you mean "message oriented"
00:51:38cheatfatebecause if you mean UDP then there no disconnection... because there no connection
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00:53:21dom96"For message-oriented sockets, where a zero byte message is often allowable, a failure with an error code of WSAEDISCON is used to indicate graceful closure."
00:53:41dom96I think i'm talking about that
00:53:54dom96but must have misinterpreted the docs
00:54:05dom96Anyway, need to sleep now
00:54:07dom96see you
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10:50:03veganskhi to all! anybody uses cpp backend? seems like it's broken in the devel :-( https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4055
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10:59:54Araqvegansk: strange, there have been no changes that could trigger this regression
11:00:15veganskfound it, must be nodecl, or header pragma!
11:00:59veganskAraq, my example worked with the older versions of the compiler, but not with devel
11:01:11Araqah ok, I have an idea.
11:02:54Araqtry this please: checkout 0baa1d995581ce9b6 for compiler/pragmas.nim, koch boot and see if it works again
11:04:12Araqnah, that is unlikely the cause. git bisect perhaps
11:06:06veganskyes, fails to compile too
11:07:49Araqare you sure that code used to work? nothing changed in the compiler afaics
11:09:21veganskyes, github says, that it was working 4 months ago :-) https://github.com/vegansk/nimtests/tree/master/ffi/qt
11:12:43Araqbah, well we can make 'importcpp' imply nodecl to fix it.
11:12:57Araqbut I wonder what caused it to work previously.
11:15:48Araqreactormonk: time for your git bisect skills.
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11:25:53reactormonkAraq, doesn't work as well with the nim repo, not every commit is guaranteed to work...
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11:26:25reactormonkgit bisect is pretty easy to use, just go git bisect and I'll tell you how it works.
11:26:32reactormonkAutomatic bisecting might work.
11:26:50Araqso skip the commits that don't work?
11:27:40reactormonkOh right, just go git bisect ./koch c <...>, because it now returns 17 exit code if it doesn't compile, causing git bisect to skip that commit.
11:28:11Araqseems wrong, but ok.
11:28:35reactormonkgit bisect start <bad commit> <good commits>
11:28:45AraqI would have created a 'koch bisect' command instead ;-)
11:29:03reactormonkgit bisect run ./koch c -r <something that returns 1 on fail and 0 on success>
11:29:28reactormonkthat would be a pain to create, because invoking things from git is easier than the other way round.
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11:31:33Araqloop through the commits and do 'git checkout xyz', 'koch temp', git checkout abc ?
11:31:46Araqwhat's hard about it?
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11:45:35reactormonkthe bisecting algorithm.
11:45:46reactormonkJust gotta reimplement it.
11:46:16cheatfatedom96, i'm looking inside asyncdispatch.nim and want to ask. Is it made in mind of future multithreading?
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11:46:46dom96cheatfate: no
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11:48:29cheatfatedom96, if i try to make system code to be multithreading friendly how about macro magic at the end of asyncdispatch.nim, is it able to handle it?
11:50:42cheatfatebecause replacing your selectors with my notify will be not so hard, but i thought to use your `macro magic` code
11:50:57Araqreactormonk: is there more to it than a binary search? (20 lines of code?)
11:56:29dom96cheatfate: take a look at what the macros produce, it should be possible
11:56:39dom96But i'm not sure how you're planning on implementing the multi-threading
11:57:13dom96cheatfate: thank you for working on this btw :)
11:57:21dom96Need to head out for a while, ttyl
11:57:55cheatfateargh, but ok
12:00:49cheatfateAraq, could you please answer me what purpose of crazy_concurrency branch? what you trying to make there?
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12:03:56cheatfateAraq, are you trying to add ability to call poll() from many threads?
12:03:57reactormonkAraq, no code is still best code.
12:05:16Araqcheatfate: not directly, .async procs that 'yield'/'await' are tranformed into "tasks"
12:05:35AraqI want to run these tasks on a thread pool, making use of all the cores a machine has.
12:05:54Araqso you write async code, it uses all cores. simple as that.
12:09:39Araqreactormonk: code that makes us less dependent on anything that Linus wrote is good code.
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12:16:41cheatfateAraq, and what stopped you from continue?
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12:29:45reactormonkAraq, sounds like some personal vendetta
12:30:46Araqit's mostly a poor attempt of getting Linus to join #nim :-)
12:40:51cheatfateAraq, i have made replacement for selectors.nim with multithreading in mind, but with callback architecture
12:41:49cheatfateI can replace [selectors.nim] in asyncdispatch.nim without problems
12:41:58Araqno idea what that means.
12:44:35fredrik92Araq, I'm setting up my automatic build server to build nightlies of Nim, what (apart from ./bin ./lib ) do I need in the output?
12:46:44cheatfateAraq, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/591bee884d9754a76ffacda331d8176c maybe this can explain better
12:56:56Araqfredrik92: not sure. the tester requires sqlite and pcre
12:57:42Araqcheatfate: sorry, I don't understand it. as long as your selector uses 'ref' it cannot be used in a multi threading context properly
12:59:09cheatfateAraq, i showed you only documentation part and it not very fresh... Actual code is uses [ptr] with compileOption("threads") and [ref] otherwise
13:01:04nivis there a way to unpack part of a seq into a tuple? let (a, b) = strutils.split(..)?
13:01:22cheatfatei understand difference :)
13:01:38cheatfatei also made "lock striping" sharedtable
13:03:04cheatfateAraq, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/4686128279863379f6ad9bc328cf5f16
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13:04:30flyxniv: for name, value in t.fieldPairs: value = s[i]
13:04:57flyxniv: t is the tuple, s is the seq. uh, and increment i in the loop.
13:05:53nivnot sure, dont think that's what im looking for. i want to know if there's equivalent to the splat operator some dynamic languages have
13:06:28flyxwhat does that splat operator do?
13:07:01nivtakes an array on the righthand side and unpacks it into individual values. let (a, b) = SPLAT @[1, 2] -> a = 1, b = 2
13:09:04flyxwhat's wrong with a = s[0]; b = s[1] ? you could probably write a macro that does that.
13:10:30flyxso that you can call: splat(a, b, @[1, 2])
13:10:40nivim just curious if there's such a thing. nothing really wrong with doing it by hand, just cutting down on verbosity
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13:39:29elroodby the way, Araq, i assume you don't have any objections against me providing a dash docset for nim for offline documentation browsing? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7jdv2e8zdr03dfz/AADlSvHZ5IRehieM--J1c4Dxa?dl=0
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14:03:29Araqcheatfate: huh impressive. so what's left to do?
14:03:55Araqelrood: yummy :-)
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14:14:21wuehlmauselrood: very nice, especially that you provide an epub, have installed it on my mobile now, great idea!
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14:40:05dom96elrood: Did you see my message?
14:40:19dom96elrood: maybe you could document how you generated that in the wiki?
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14:51:28elroodAraq, wuehlmaus, glad you like it, thanks
14:51:52elroodand dom96, yes, i've seen your message, but since its generation is a rather unstreamlined process currently, and the relevant bits are readily available on the net, there actually isn't much else of value to contribute right now other than the end product
14:53:03dom96elrood: Alright. Might be worth at least adding a link to it on the wiki so that people can find the end product :)
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15:22:51cheatfateAraq, next step was to integrate my anotify to asyncdispatch.nim, but after some investigation i have found that asyncdispatch is not MT safe and now i'm in deadlock
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16:52:54Araqcheatfate: well my asyncdispatch is MT ready.
16:53:21cheatfateAraq, yours you mean from crazy_concurrency?
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17:04:34cheatfatedom96, do you know that your asyncdispatch connect() code makes connections to every possible ip address DNS server returns? So for www.google.com it will make 5 connections
17:05:11dom96cheatfate: it should /try/ every possible IP address
17:05:42cheatfatei'm first see such practic
17:06:04dom96Actually, that's Araq's very old code.
17:06:29cheatfateit should try every possible
17:06:31dom96IIRC I just mostly copied the old socket's connect code
17:06:39cheatfateIP address but not all at once
17:06:58dom96I guess it tries all because it's async?
17:07:05cheatfateyep :)
17:07:07Araqhey don't blame me. I copied it from some reliable internet source
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17:07:21dom96cheatfate: fix it :D
17:07:45Araq"sockets programming for BeOS 9 users, the 15th edition".
17:08:45cheatfateAraq, i though BeOS was dead before 6
17:09:06cheatfatei want to check your reliable internet source :)
17:09:36AraqI got the idea from a children's book.
17:11:04cheatfatedom96, but i dont know how to properly make this in async... :)
17:11:29dom96cheatfate: That's probably why I never fixed it ;)
17:11:44dom96I'm guessing it's harder than it sounds
17:12:21cheatfateok i'l check python asyncio
17:14:09cheatfateok pythoners doesnt use "string" as parameter to connect
17:14:53cheatfatepythoners want to user make dns queries by himself
17:15:03cheatfateand i think its a right way
17:15:16cheatfatebut if i make this changes... all code using asyncdispatch will be broken
17:16:41cheatfateAraq, do you want to try compile Nim on HaikuOS?
17:17:59dom96cheatfate: Python is very inconvenient then :)
17:18:10Araqcheatfate: I ported Nim to Haiku once.
17:18:27Araqwasn't hard but I was underwhelmed by Haiku.
17:18:58cheatfatedom96, if you have async dns resolver then its not inconvenient... but we dont have it
17:22:00federico3cheatfate: what do you mean "by himself"? DNS resolution is not done through a daemon or a syscall
17:22:49cheatfatefederico3, and how do you think dns resolutions made?
17:23:00cheatfatefederico3, its not a syscall of course
17:24:42federico3normally by simply using libresolv, unless you are Java, where the JVM does it's own thing ignoring nssswitch.conf and it's a mess
17:27:09elrooddom96, do you get notified of github wiki edits?
17:27:11cheatfatefederico3, the problem is not how to make dns request, the problem is how to make async connection if dns returns 5 ip addresses for queried name (like www.google.com)
17:28:06federico3well, that's a different issue
17:28:25cheatfatefederico3, currently asyncdispatch.nim code will establish 5 connections at the same time and wait for first completed...
17:28:45federico3yep, they should be queued somehow (and randomized)
17:28:45cheatfateand i dont think its a good way
17:29:24federico3ofc :)
17:29:34dom96elrood: I don't, but i do see it in the feed
17:30:53elroodk. hope my edit is okay, otherwise rant away ;)
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17:38:58dom96elrood: looks good, thanks :)
17:41:33nivdom96: quick jester question. why doesn't the resp template terminate the request?
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17:42:30dom96niv: because you might want to do something after setting the response, it's akin to 'result = blah'
17:43:05nivright. is there a way to break out? halt?
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17:45:30dom96niv: return :)
17:46:14nivdom96: return results in -> system.nim(2527) sysFatal<br/> retFuture.finished Async procedure's (match) return Future was not finished.
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17:46:51dom96niv: D:
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17:47:11dom96well that's a bug
17:47:48dom96actually wait
17:47:53dom96'halt' is the way to do it
17:47:53nivspecifically, it says that from inside a template that i made. if i do it directly in the route handler, it just breaks with 404, as if pass() was called
17:49:43nivdom96: resp(..); halt -> results in a 404 too
17:52:23nivhnh. that works.
17:53:41nivis there a way i can call resp() from inside a template? it appears to .. not actually work. i dont know enough about how to make it run correctly :(
17:54:55dom96you might need to make your template immediate or something like that
17:55:02dom96'resp' itself is a template
17:55:07dom96so this likely won't work very well
17:55:36nivthis is something i would use a exception usually, that would then be caught with some middleware and wrapped into a nice, user-friendly error
17:55:39dom96try adding {.immediate.} to the template
17:56:12nivno joy
17:58:29Araqdom96: er ... is 'async' an immediate macro?
17:58:46dom96IIRC so yes
17:58:54Araqif so, it's no wonder why it works so badly :P
18:00:25dom96Araq: Define "works so badly", what's wrong with it?
18:01:05dom96niv: try passing a `response: Response` as a param into your template
18:01:59nivwhere would i get the response object from? is it already in scope?
18:04:52nivhuh, just added it at the front, still compiles. black magic. doesnt work though
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18:08:48dom96yeah, it's in the scope.
18:08:57dom96it doesn't work? What does it do?
18:09:24nivthe same behaviour as if it wasnt there. the resp() is called, but execution continues beyond the template invocation
18:09:33nivor rather, the halt() is called
18:09:41dom96gist please
18:12:41nivdom96: https://gist.github.com/niv/fe23d50a5e95ebd1304d331a1fcf6add
18:13:54dom96ahh yeah... the actual halting won't work that I'm afraid
18:13:59dom96*that way
18:16:53nivalright, sod that. i'll just wait for your version of middlewares/exception handling
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18:49:57federico3$255 already :)
18:54:28Araqyup, i just quit my job.
18:54:35Araqand develop Nim fulltime.
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19:38:05MyMindAraq: you dont develop nim fulltime anymore?
19:40:04dom96MyMind: Araq never has
19:40:39MyMinddom96: thought he was when nim was sponsored like 1 yr ago?
19:42:19dom96MyMind: Well, kind of, but not really. But I'll let Araq give you the details as I'm not sure he would want me to say.
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20:47:18gokrI just decided to rename Ni. :)
20:48:31Araqname it zu7
20:48:40gokrI already registered a new domain.
20:49:11gokrOk so... I am renaming it to spry.
20:50:00Araqwhy spry?
20:50:00gokrHehe, yeah.
20:50:06gokrWhy not? :)
20:50:24gokrJust kidding, but... it kinda stuck when I was looking at synonyms etc
20:50:44gokrI had some other candidates, but.. spry it is.
20:52:06gokrBtw, the parser in Spry is ... kinda quick. 10Mb source per second approx.
20:53:58gokrOne reason I didn't like "Ni" was that it got confusing together with "Nim" - and they are heavily connected.
20:54:07gokrSo better with something distinctly different from Nim.
20:54:31Araqnever liked Ni either ;-)
20:54:38Araqok, so spry.
20:54:42gokrNah, it was a pun that... went too far ;)
20:55:30gokrI played with throwing 430Mb source on Spry - and it deserializes (parses) and serializes very quickly. I also added LZ4 compression to that.
20:56:13gokrSo... Spry will use Spry source form as its storage form, compressed.
20:56:34federico3gokr: a *very* googlable name would help
20:56:46gokrspry is pretty googlable I think
20:57:09gokrI registered spry-lang.net btw, but... its basically empty still
20:59:04gokrAnd oh, did you guys see all these funny new TLDs?
20:59:09federico3dom96: with an average donation of $20 it's a good beginning. Now it's just a matter of getting 20k donors
21:00:10*gokr goes back to finishing the next blog post on Spry...
21:00:12dom96federico3: yeah, it's pretty good. :)
21:00:30dom96gokr: what would those be?
21:00:48gokrdom96: those?
21:01:03gokrAh, TLDs... .ninja and .beer are nifty ;)
21:01:09gokrBut there are TONS.
21:01:10dom96gokr: the funny TLDs.. yeah :)
21:02:05dom96lot's of possibilities for cool domain name hacks
21:02:32federico3time to start requesting .nim
21:02:56dom96or .lang
21:03:05dom96(maybe that already exists?)
21:05:07federico3there's no .lang
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21:06:14gokr.rocks .wtf
21:07:16dom96nim.rocks would be nice to have
21:07:35dom96what better way to spend those donations... :P
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21:11:58McSpirosdom: how true :)
21:12:47*nivek quit (Quit: Leaving)
21:24:46federico3fredrik92: are you running your own buildbot?
21:27:23fredrik92federico3, well I'm still playing with it to get it right and making it able to support multiple Configurations, but a couple of hours ago I actually got promising results...
21:28:01fredrik92I am using my on-premise Team Foundation Server for automatic building (since TFS is what I already had installed)
21:29:05fredrik92And by borrowing a litlle bit of computation power from the university server cluster, I can actually also trigger automatic binary builds for Linux
21:30:05dom96I wish I could get access to my university server cluster :(
21:31:21fredrik92dom96, yeah you kinda feel the power at your disposal when doing stuff on an 80-node dual-core cluster, and that's only the small one that we students are allowed to use...
21:32:35dom96I guess they can't trust 2nd year BSc students with that kind of stuff.
21:33:22fredrik92Hmm... they actually did last fall! :D Ah, wait no that was the 3rd year BScs
21:34:16federico3:) at least Nim requires tiny amounts of computing to be built or tested
21:34:24*Demon_Fox joined #nim
21:36:35fredrik92federico3, true, although building Nim from the csources build script actually thakes the longest by far (compared to the other build steps), 99s on my computer
21:36:53federico399s, still very manageable :)
21:37:31federico3I run http://nimbench.firelet.net/ on a cubieboard :)
21:38:38fredrik92yeah, I only compile the binaries and package them... I haven't gotten round to actually run koch with the testsuites...
21:38:59federico3package them?
21:39:54fredrik92produce a .zip with all necessary stuff, basically sth. I could unzip to use directly in my PATH
21:42:35federico3sockets.nim(213, 3) Error: type mismatch: got (uint16) but expected 'InPort'
21:43:03federico3am I supposed to be able to recompile a module from the Nim sources or should I do a full rebuild?
21:46:57*Jesin joined #nim
21:54:12fredrik92btw, currently my build produces a zip file containing the following: all files listed in the index of the Nim repo, the nim binary, the nimble binary (compiled from nimble.git), the nimsuggest binary (compiled from nimsuggest.git) and the c2nim binary (from c2nim.git)
21:54:50fredrik92But nothing more... Is it overkill to inlude the entire Nim.git repo?
21:55:37*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:56:23federico3what do you want to do with it?
21:57:33fredrik92well in the ideal case, I would simply like to be able to just take that as the latest "unstable" release and let that replace my current Nim installation
21:58:49fredrik92But as far as I can see, the install files from nim-lang.org also pretty much contain the entire repo...
22:01:30*LiveviL joined #nim
22:01:59fredrik92Hi LiveviL! :)
22:05:59LiveviLThis is a stale channel
22:06:08reactormonkeveryone's asleep
22:06:23cheatfatenot everyone :)
22:07:21LiveviLHey guys
22:08:22LiveviLAnyone game?
22:08:44cheatfateLiveviL, are you bot?
22:09:18LiveviLNo, my algorithms picked up bot and my name in the same message.
22:09:30*boopsies is now known as boopsiesisaway
22:10:01LiveviLBut does anyone?
22:11:21dom96hi LiveviL, why so impatient?
22:11:35dom96what brings you to #nim?
22:11:41LiveviLMental issues
22:12:27cheatfatedom96, its a bot
22:12:45dom96cheatfate: I don't think it's a bot, more likely just a troll
22:12:57LiveviLI'm not a bot, I would be seriously complex
22:13:12LiveviLNor am I a troll
22:13:35LiveviLJust posses attributes of one
22:13:42LiveviLThis place seems nice
22:14:01LiveviLWhat's this community about?
22:14:20dom96how did you find your way here?
22:15:29LiveviLOh sorry, I didn't realise, I know a little C++ *proud*
22:15:49LiveviLMy spider bot found it
22:15:56dom96LiveviL: cool, now you can learn Nim :P
22:16:45LiveviLI'm not really here for that... Um anyone invested any time on the dark net?
22:17:30dom96LiveviL: Be careful or you will get yourself banned from here.
22:17:41LiveviLWhat have I done?
22:18:02LiveviLI'm here because I sell stuff
22:18:22dom96LiveviL: then please go to #nim-offtopic
22:18:43LiveviLEver wanted your own Ebola virus pill?
22:18:54LiveviLI'm guessing that's a no
22:18:58LiveviLSad timez
22:19:49dom96I like my virus pills a bit more obscure
22:21:43LiveviLWell I say Ebola... That's just consumer stuff *cough* H1N1
22:21:58LiveviLBut I don't just sell that
22:22:03LiveviLI sell everything
22:22:49dom96Is that you?
22:23:31LiveviLI have a barrel of radium in a shipping create to my customer in Singapore and a crate of cocaine to my friends in Indonesia
22:23:58LiveviLLive brain in a jar anyone?
22:24:33*SeQeLADD joined #nim
22:24:45dom96LiveviL: a live one?
22:24:47dom96how does that work
22:24:48LiveviLI'm guessing this is futile
22:24:53SeQeLADDhow does this wok?
22:25:18SeQeLADDis anone getting this?
22:25:32dom96hello SeQeLADD
22:26:19LiveviLIt's an expensive procedure, it involves gruesome and Brutal techniques then oxygenated pumps, it's not my creation, I have contacts
22:26:24dom96SeQeLADD: what brings you to #nim? :)
22:26:34SeQeLADDjust digging aroung
22:26:36dom96LiveviL: ok, it's time for your to leave I'm afraid.
22:26:48dom96LiveviL: Join #nim-offtopic if you want
22:26:56LiveviLOkay sorry I insulted you
22:27:43dom96Now I feel bad :(
22:27:57McSpirosaaaaand it's gone
22:28:46SeQeLADDhow did yall find this place?
22:29:37SeQeLADDthis is really cool
22:30:02SeQeLADDwhat channels do you go on the most?
22:30:36cheatfatedom96, looks like booooooooooot attack :)
22:31:42dom96this channel doesn't get enough of them :)
22:31:52*McSpiros quit (Quit: Page closed)
22:32:36SeQeLADDseggestions for channlees i could visit?
22:32:46dom96SeQeLADD: #freenode
22:32:46SeQeLADDwhoops spelling
22:33:06dom96ask there ;)
22:34:31SeQeLADDwont send
22:34:49cheatfatedom96, i think you have banned whole t-mobile UK network :)
22:35:10dom96cheatfate: yeah, I know. Will unban in a minute or so
22:36:28SeQeLADDreally weird, can send here
22:36:32SeQeLADDbut not there
22:37:53dom96SeQeLADD: You should be able to talk there now
22:38:05dom96Guessing they're fighting off their own bot attack
22:38:18dom96so they only give "voice" to the people they trust
22:38:53SeQeLADDso much more sence
22:39:53SeQeLADDwhat does that mean?(mode/#nim [-o dom96] by ChanServ)
22:40:08dom96means ChanServ removed my "operator" privileges
22:40:11cheatfateSeQeLADD, are you bot?
22:40:18dom96(which allow me to kick/ban people)
22:40:35SeQeLADDand no im no bot
22:40:47SeQeLADDdouble negitives
22:43:24AraqSeQeLADD: what's the number of Perfect Shapes in 7 dimensional space?
22:44:01SeQeLADDa 7d space would be impossible
22:44:16SeQeLADDbut if it were possible, idk circle
22:44:38Araqeverybody knows the answer is 3.
22:44:47Araqso ... a bot.
22:44:53federico3Araq: is that a turing test?
22:45:12*darkf joined #nim
22:45:46Araqfederico3: yeah.
22:45:49SeQeLADDhope i passed
22:45:55Araqyou did.
22:45:57SeQeLADDdiddnt study
22:46:44Araq(fyi it's really 3. don't ask me about the names though.)
22:47:29SeQeLADDy is it nim?
22:48:07federico3I was at a machine learning meetup earlier on and some implementations outperform people on the internet at telling cats from dogs and circles from squares
22:48:20SeQeLADDoh cool
22:48:32federico3humanity is doomed
22:49:12SeQeLADD21 pilots
22:49:42AraqSimplex, Octahedron, Hypercube.
22:49:47cheatfatekill this thing please
22:49:50Araq^ I think these are the names.
22:50:01SeQeLADDy kill
22:50:13federico3yep ban the bot please
22:50:14SeQeLADDpeace is the answer to every thing
22:50:23SeQeLADDim no bot
22:50:39SeQeLADDthey make u verify, if u havent noticed
22:51:29dom96SeQeLADD: Do you know what Nim is?
22:51:45SeQeLADDa program language?
22:52:00dom96are you a programmer?
22:53:10dom96How did you find out about Nim?
22:54:02SeQeLADDjoined random channel, looked at people's channels, which led to this
22:54:45*SeQeLADD quit ()
22:55:00dom96problem solved
22:55:28*SeQeLADD joined #nim
22:55:37cheatfatedom96, lol
22:55:41SeQeLADDim back sry
22:55:54*anp1 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:56:26SeQeLADDhow do u keep this up when you close the computer?
22:59:52fredrik92keeping your computer from going to standby when you close it?
23:01:27*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:05:31SeQeLADDwhat going on
23:05:42SeQeLADDeveryone is silent all of a sudden\
23:06:28*SeQeLADD quit (Quit: Page closed)
23:07:30*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
23:15:04*elrood quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:19:09fredrik92YES! Automatic build for Linux now also working!!! :D
23:19:33cheatfateIs "cint" converted to "bool" automatically?
23:20:07cheatfateI have found in asyncdispatch.nim "somebody" declared ConnectEx result value as bool
23:20:40cheatfateis it ok?
23:21:36federico3any suggestion on this? http://paste.debian.net/426340/
23:21:46federico3ops, sorry for the paste
23:22:23federico3there's a type mismatch: got (cint, proc (sig: cint){.gcsafe, locks: 0.})
23:31:14*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:46:32*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:48:48*Demon_Fox joined #nim