<< 08-04-2016 >>

00:03:26*desophos quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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00:21:58cheatfatedom96, i think the most wanted feature for async staff is function like recvUntil
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00:24:13cheatfateso it will receive data from host until some data bytes will be received, so for receiving http header it needs something like recvUntil("\r\n\r\n")
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01:11:55cheatfatemaybe i sleeping already, but where is error here https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/697cbbee2b0cbb0ef6546d680d418d1c
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11:44:00doreii'm looking for a 16x16 nim icon, preferably with transparency
11:44:04doreiany idea where to get one?
11:49:24cheatfatedorei, i think dom96 knows but he is currently away
11:49:31elroodthe obvious choice would be nim's favicon
11:49:33def-dorei: this one? view-source:http://nim-lang.org/assets/images/favicon.ico
11:50:30doreioh, thanks, i'll give it a try :)
11:52:56doreiit worked :)
11:56:06*^aurora^ joined #nim
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11:58:43elroodlooks like htmlparser doesn't handle <li> tags correctly
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12:02:25cheatfateooo again... Araq please kill/ban this thing
12:07:55*yglukhov_ quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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12:30:19GangstaCatdorei, https://github.com/nim-lang/assets/tree/master/Art
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17:07:20krux02why can I use both ; and , in a proc declaration to separate arguments?
17:08:08def-krux02: "x, y: int" says both x and y are of type int, "x; y: int" says y is of type int, but x is unspecified
17:08:46krux02and `proc foo(x : int, y : int)`
17:09:05krux02why may I use , here?
17:09:55krux02I just realized that I always wrote , when in the examples it was always a semicolon
17:13:42elroodfascinating how people seem to be averse to choice and liberty these days ;)
17:15:48krux02I don't say coise is bad, I just would like to know the reason why I need to make a decision here
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17:51:19Araqkrux02: ; was introduced rather late in the syntax. originally only ',' worked.
17:52:32Araqyou don't have to make a choice though. you can also be spontaneous.
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18:52:41yglukhovAraq: could you remind me how is the routine called which is evaluated upon macro result to set types to returned nodes appropriately?
18:55:01Araqwhat? semacrosanity.nim or something
18:56:11yglukhovah. exactly
18:56:49yglukhovlooking if https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4066 is easy to fix...
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20:05:27yglukhovso it looks like "prev: PType" needs to be passed all over sem-everything. does this make sense?
20:30:48Araqer ... nope.
20:31:02Araqwhy should that be necessary?
20:35:49yglukhovbecause when semEnum is evaluated on the generated EnumTy, it is called with prev = nil? while semEnum on defined EnumTy is called with prev = tyForward DefinedEnum?
20:40:04*boopsies is now known as boopsiesisaway
20:41:08*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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21:35:05Araqso what, fix semEnum ?
21:40:37*wuehlmaus quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
21:40:38AraqsemEnum should work with prev==nil too. I don't see why it wouldn't.
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21:51:32yglukhovhrm, i guess youre right.
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23:04:35*Trustable_2 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
23:12:52nivinstalling nim via homebrew isnt actually supported, is it?
23:16:20*kulelu88 quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:17:33*fredrik92 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:18:04*couven92 quit (Quit: Shutting down . . .)
23:33:18yglukhovniv: have you tried brew install nim?
23:33:37nivyeap. but then the nimble install procedure doesnt work
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