<< 08-03-2017 >>

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00:28:20FromGitter<JorySchossau> @Araq *facepalm* Thanks!
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04:25:56*Jesin joined #nim
04:31:32*girvo joined #nim
04:31:38*girvo waves hello
04:34:17girvoquick q: what's the best way of stubbing out imports for testing?
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05:11:13girvodidn't realise nickserv hadn't logged me in there
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05:21:12girvoAnother q: is 'var param' better than defining a 'ref object' type?
05:21:20girvoIn my uses, I can
05:21:33girvoI can't really see much of a difference, so I'd rather lean towards whats conventional
05:22:10*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
05:22:52girvoSorry, meant `var SomeType` as a param
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05:53:44FromGitter<Varriount> Girvo: You there?
05:54:08girvoVarriount, yep
05:56:05FromGitter<Varriount> girvo: Don't worry about memory use when passing arguments. Unless a certain pragma is used, objects above than a certain size (a pointer, I think) are passed via pointer behind the scenes.
05:56:17girvoAh brilliant, that's what I was hoping :)
05:57:38*chemist69 joined #nim
06:00:19girvoWonder what I'm doing wrong with a self: var Type: Error: unhandled exception: cannot open: [IOError]
06:02:41girvoWeirdly, another method on the same object works fine
06:03:29ftsfcan't open a socket?
06:03:40girvoSocket's opening fine weirdly
06:04:25girvoAnd reading data correctly!
06:04:50girvoI think it's because of the curResponse property, it's a Response type but is modified inside of the HttpParser method
06:05:29ftsfwhat is the problem you're encountering?
06:05:40girvoLet me chuck the code up, one second
06:06:07girvoAlright, the whole module is: https://hastebin.com/jifehujiba.nim
06:06:41girvoOutput when I execute the compiled binary: https://hastebin.com/focibovova.txt
06:07:11girvoNow 'method addRawHeader' is being called correctly, and not failing
06:07:35girvoBut 'method parseHeaders' fails with IOError; I believe it's because it's calling 'self.curResponse.headers.add'
06:08:03ftsfhmm, the IOError is interesting
06:08:47girvoDoes `var HttpParser` mean that the `curResponse: Response` property is _also_ `var Response`? I guess not hey
06:10:39girvoActually, red herring. Removing those lines, it still gives IOError
06:11:20girvoAh! It seems rawHeaders was being left empty for some reason
06:11:28girvolines() on it was giving the IOError?
06:12:26girvoYep that was it. Replacing the method with: `for line in lines(self.rawHeaders): echo line`
06:12:41girvoGives the IOError (interestingly, at the method definition line, not the real line that causes it?)
06:14:24girvoAh I'm an idiot. I concatenated some lines together incorrectly with join() so it was always empty. I'm guesing `for line in lines()` on an empty string should be throwing a nicer error though?
06:19:07girvoOr I should be using the right proc lol. I meant splitLines -- jfc I'm an idiot
06:22:40ftsfgirvo, solved your issue?
06:23:26girvoI did indeed :)
06:23:30girvoThanks for the help!
06:25:46girvoI attempted to write an HTTP response parser that worked regardless of transport, but I didn't realise how context-sensitive the HTTP protocol is to the transport its running on heh
06:26:32girvoDocker's Unix socket "speaks" HTTP, which is neat, and now I've just got to add chunked encoding and gzip handling to responses, and we can communicate with Docker in Nim via the /var/run/docker.sock without TCP :)
06:29:59girvoThen all my "execCmd" stuff in https://github.com/girvo/dup can go away, which will be lovely
06:38:37girvoWould it be crazy to have the HttpParser take procvars for it's transport handling? Then one could give it procs for AF_UNIX sockets, TCP, etc. I've not done much with procvars mind you
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10:36:12Araqnimsuggest is getting really good :-) excellent suggestions, stable memory usage
10:39:54Araqand the occasional bug that annoys me -.-
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13:29:16kokozedmanhey guys, been a long time since I haven't been playing and I'm a bit rusty. please, how do I deal with this again?
13:29:18kokozedmanclient.nim(65, 25) Error: type mismatch: got (ptr string, uint16, uint8, ptr InAddr) but expected one of: proc writeIPHeader(buff: var string; totallen: uint16; proto: uint8; dst: ref InAddr)
13:29:57flyxkokozedman: well, a `ptr string` is certainly not a `var string`
13:30:18flyxand a `ref InAddr` is not a `ptr InAddr`
13:30:22kokozedmanflyx: yeah, I know... but I don't remember at all how I dealt with this kind of thing before
13:30:33flyxwell you need to show your code
13:31:08kokozedmanwell, the proc signature is already above, this is how I call it: writeIPHeader(addr ipicmp, 20.uint16, 1.uint8, addr dest[0].sin_addr)
13:31:40kokozedmanI'm guessing, I shouldn't give the addr
13:31:48kokozedmanbut, that won't work either
13:32:06flyxdrop the addr on ipicmp
13:32:16flyxfor the InAddr, things are more complicated
13:32:27flyxyou need to make a ref InAddr from your ptr InAddr
13:32:32flyxthis is not a trivial conversion
13:33:02flyxcan you change the proc signature to take a `ptr InAddr`?
13:34:11kokozedmanyeap, already done
13:34:35kokozedmanthanks flyx
13:39:06SalewskiAraq, thanks for fixing the latest nimsuggest bugs. Will be more fun now without that random crashes!
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16:39:12zahary_I wrote a short guide for debugging the compiler for a friend, who wants to start contributing. Some of you may find it useful too: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Debugging-the-compiler
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17:06:03dom96zahary_: nice :D
17:07:13Araqzahary_ just use 'koch temp'
17:07:27Araqand write about 'koch temp -d:useNodeIds'
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19:09:57FromGitter<konqoro> hey dom96, sometime ago I submitted a package to nimble (not mine) for gnuplot, so would it be ok if I changed it to the fork I made, instead?
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19:10:53FromGitter<konqoro> cause I tried to make pr's but it takes alot for him to merge them, and now I made a lot of changes
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19:18:07dom96konqoro: can you get in contact with the owner?
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19:25:38FromGitter<konqoro> well I thought about sending an email, but I dont see a point
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19:28:53elroodthe point would be that transferring the ownership over a package with the consent of its current owner would be a much cleaner and more pleasant approach than just doing it without consulting him, perhaps?
19:30:49FromGitter<konqoro> well I took the initiative to clean it and make a package from shitty code from 2015, so who the f* cares
19:31:11FromGitter<konqoro> ...honestly
19:32:33FromGitter<konqoro> but ok I will notify him first even though he hadn't merge my previous prs
19:33:14FromGitter<konqoro> or I wouldn't bother do anything cause I already spent a lot of time on it
19:33:26FromGitter<konqoro> and im busy
19:34:18elroodwe don't know who does or doesn't care. would it be such an unreasonable hassle to find out instead of just doing it? your point of having invested a lot of effort is valid, of course, but it still is someone else's package technically and originally
19:36:20elroodsorry for barging in, it's essentially dom96's call, i guess
19:36:48FromGitter<konqoro> no its ok, I agree with you elrood
19:36:59euantorThis whole issue is why PHP packages are namespaced like `euantor\somepackage`, rather than just `somepackage`. Same with .NET: `Euantor.SomePackage`
19:37:09euantorWould probably make sense for something similar in Nim
19:37:41dom96yeah, I would like to do something similar for Nimble.
19:38:23euantorAh, dom96 whilst I have you here did you see my PR for nimforum?
19:38:51dom96Haven't had a chance to review though
19:38:53euantorIf so, was my assumption right about the "Illegal capture" error I was getting, and if so what do you think would be the best approach to fixing it?
19:38:56dom96But waitFor is a show stopper
19:39:15euantorYes, I don't want it merging until I get that fixed
19:40:06PMunchHmm, Araq: in the wxWidgets bindings I noticed that some of the widgets were missing. Some of them were easy to import but spinctrl required me to add a {.emit: "#include <wx/spinctrl.h>".} statement to my code (for some reason I couldn't add it to spinctrl.nim). Why does this one specifically require it but none of the others?
19:45:00AraqPMunch: ha, no idea. you're holding it wrong :P
19:45:20PMunchThat's honestly what it feels like
19:45:37Araqwell create some PR and let me review it
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19:53:01PMunchSince I'm working off of my old branch it automatically added them to my last PR
19:53:08PMunchBut nim.cfg is reverted now
19:53:39PMunchTo your version (I still use --passL:"`wx-config --libs`" on my system)
19:54:56Araqoh btw your DSL is weird
19:55:15PMunchHaha, still not convinced? :P
19:55:41Araq(Frame as mainFrame)(...) ?
19:55:48PMunchYeah, that part was implemented in a rush
19:56:00Araqlet mainFrame = Frame(...): ...
19:56:08Araqthough that needs better parsing support
19:56:11PMunchThe syntax of the whole thing is something that I've more or less selected randomly :P
19:56:27Araqyeah it shows
19:56:43PMunchIt's more of a proof of concept
19:57:01AraqStaticBox(label = "Numbers")[proportion = 1] | Boxsizer(orient = wxVertical)
19:57:29AraqStaticBox(label = "Numbers")[proportion = 1, orient = wxVertical] # I don't care wxWidgets requires a Boxsizer for that
19:57:50PMunchOh no
19:58:05PMunchproportion is how the static box would be packed into the parent sizer
19:58:15PMunchAnd then | Boxsizer is the sizer for the StaticBox
19:58:38PMunchso [proportion = 1] is used for packing it into the parent Panels sizer
19:58:45Araqyes? that's what I mean. I don't care.
19:59:07Araqin fact the sizers are all horrible design, but that's besides the point
19:59:29PMunchWell, the idea is fair enough. Keep layouting separate from your widgets
19:59:57Araqwhat's a widget then? it's not layout, it's not behaviour, it's not ...
20:00:30PMunchWidgets (or window which they are confusingly called in WX) are the visual elements on the screen
20:00:48PMunchSizers define the layout for the widgets in them
20:00:56Araqsee? *visual* elements. hence layout belongs to them. :P
20:01:19PMunchWell, you don't really see layout as such
20:01:43Araqwell I use text to describe it.
20:02:23PMunchBut that is more out of necessity for WxWidgets. The whole thing is supposed to be as transparent with WxWidgets as possible.
20:02:37PMunchSo if you know WxWidgets it would be a small step to start using this
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20:03:53PMunchIt would obviously be possible to wrap it in a further layer of abstraction
20:04:22PMunchBut for now I just wanted something that was easier and more pleasing to work with than WxWidgets but still allowed to the same power and flexibility
20:04:35AraqI don't think a shortcut for BoxSizer would be a further layer of abstraction
20:04:46PMunchWell, there are other sizers
20:04:50PMunchLike Grid sizer
20:05:03Araq"orient = wxVertical" could imply BoxSizer
20:05:15Araqand "orient= wxGrid" or whatever the grid sizer
20:05:26Araqanyway, https://github.com/Araq/wxnim/blob/master/private/spinctrl.nim looks like I wrapped this
20:05:38Araqand it uses header: wx, not wx/spinctrl
20:05:52Araqmost likely that was wrapped but never tested?
20:07:30PMunchOh yeah, it was wrapped already
20:08:04PMunchBut it doesn't work unless you add {.emit: "#include <wx/spinctrl.h>".} to your file for some reason
20:08:17PMunchAs you can see in controlgallery.nim
20:08:36AraqI think wx.h only #includes common controls
20:09:07Araqand so we don't get away with header: wx for some controls like wxSpinCtrl
20:09:20Araqdoes that make sense?
20:09:31PMunchAnd about the sizers "orient" is just one of the arguments that the boxsizer takes. It would definitely be possible to add some more defaults but for now I've kept it as light-weight and transparent as possible.
20:09:49PMunchAah right, that makes sense
20:10:36PMunchSo SpinCtrl is basically not a part of the most common set of controls
20:10:44AraqPMunch: I'm not telling you what to do. I only make some incompetent suggestions
20:11:25Araqbut the DSL syntax should be a bit nicer, no matter if you abstract over the foolish sizers or not ;-)
20:12:13*rokups quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
20:12:19PMunchOh yeah, the DSL could be a lot nicer.
20:13:09PMunchAnd the whole system could be nicer if it was either wrapped in an abstraction or if you wrote something from the bottom up.
20:16:43Araqwell the DSL is not bad, I only dislike the % and | really
20:17:00PMunchYeah, I wasn't quite sure what do do with those
20:17:07PMunchEarlier I didn't have |
20:17:19PMunchAnd sizers just looked like normal widgets
20:17:35PMunchBut that had some issues since they are not really handled in the same way
20:18:02PMunchSo it was cleaner to put the sizers along with the widget they belonged to
20:18:18PMunchAnd | was randomly designated to be the character for that :P
20:18:31Araqyeah, sizers should be hidden, so no need for |
20:18:45PMunchWell, that would break with the transparency idea
20:18:48Araqand % should be an explicit 'let name = ...'
20:18:57PMunchPlus the system DSL would need to know where to add them..
20:19:10Araqit's still transparent if you document it well.
20:19:27Araqsome list of props that indicate a sizer
20:19:30PMunchCurrently it doesn't really know anything about the system :P It just generate code and let's the compiler decide if the resulting code should work or not
20:19:48Araqthat's how DSLs should work :-)
20:19:49PMunchYeah, but then I would have to compile a list
20:19:56Araqyeah but that's simple.
20:20:00*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:20:06PMunchI know, but I'd still have to do it :P
20:20:28PMunchThis is a v0.0.1 proof of concept
20:20:43PMunchI actually added the first defaults yesterday night
20:20:59Araqit's not v0.0.1, it's close to "useful"
20:21:33PMunchNow all widgets expand to their containers and have a slight border on them. Earlier you basically required packing options on all widgets :P
20:22:41Araqyeah, wxWidgets is cumbersome to work with
20:23:12Araqthere is a reason why web apps took off :P the native UI libraries are all quite bad
20:23:50PMunchYeah, it's a shame really
20:24:41PMunchI was actually thinking about rewriting LibUI in Nim, and make a "native" DSL for it
20:26:00Araqwow :-)
20:30:19*scriptum quit (Quit: Leaving)
20:30:20PMunchBut that would require a bit of work..
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20:35:18FromGitter<Jeff-Ciesielski> I always found kivy fairly nice to work with in python, but it lacked a lot of 'business' widgets. That DSL looks great and sort of reminds me of the KV DSL that kivy uses.
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20:56:09Calinoulibui is alright, except that it targets GTK+3 on Linux :P
20:56:16Calinou(it should have targeted Qt 5 instead)
20:56:28Calinou(but maybe that's not possible with a C library)
20:59:11PMunchQt 5? :S
21:00:14PMunchProblem with Qt is that it's quite different from other widget toolkits
21:05:14*nsf joined #nim
21:11:15cheatfateit should not target any ugly windows toolkits
21:11:30cheatfatei mean windows/linux toolkits
21:13:02demi-cheatfate: harsh but fair :)
21:14:54cheatfatePMunch, what is current native UI on Linux?
21:15:02cheatfateits XWindows, Mir and Wayland
21:15:19PMunchLinux doesn't really have one native UI, since it's not really one system
21:15:20cheatfateexcept XWindows Mir and Wayland don't have widgets
21:15:43PMunchBut most distributions typically ships their core utilities in either Gtk or Qt
21:16:05PMunchKDE for example is QT, while Gnome is Gtk
21:16:16cheatfatebut most stable applications are using xcb,xlib
21:16:30PMunchOnly the really low-level stuff
21:16:49PMunchI've written stuff in xlib and trust me, that's not something you want to do
21:17:02demi-i think the same can be said about Qt tho
21:17:21cheatfatePMunch, i know what i'm talking about because i have used xlib/xcb too
21:17:45FromGitter<Jeff-Ciesielski> QT also has licensing issues
21:18:08PMunchOh yeah, that's also a factor
21:19:47Calinousame for GTK+
21:19:48Calinouboth are LGPL
21:20:29Calinouthe most permissive widely-used solution is wxWidgets (LGPL + static linking exception), but it's not very pretty
21:21:19PMunchwxWidgets uses the system default graphics toolkit
21:21:31PMunchSo it should look like any other native program
21:22:25PMunchAnd Qt is only LGPLv3 for open source projects
21:22:34Calinouit's LGPLv3 for everyone
21:22:47Calinouyou can develop proprietary software, comply with the LGPLv3 and distribute your commercial software
21:22:51Calinouit's cumbersome but possible :)
21:23:00Calinou"LGPLv3 for open source projects" doesn't make sense
21:23:04PMunchNot according to their licensing chart
21:23:15Calinouthey like to sell lies :)
21:23:21Calinou(and apparently, it work)s
21:23:39PMunchLGPLv3, GPLV2/GPLV3, or Commercial licence (for $79 a month).
21:23:59Calinouif you don't use any GPLv2/v3 components, you should be fine with dynamic linking
21:24:57PMunchGtk+ is GNU LPGL for everyone
21:29:16PMunchAnd wxWidgets has it's own license, but it's pretty much the same as LGPL
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21:32:13PMunchHmm, Araq you on?
21:32:31PMunchI was wondering if you could screenshot the controlgallery window
21:32:39PMunchI'm curious to see what it looks like on Windows
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21:55:52AraqPMunch: sorry I'm busy
21:56:59PMunchNo problem
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22:40:22AraqPMunch: you have debug echos in your macro constructions
22:40:57PMunchOh yeah, I forgot to take those out when I pushed it
22:41:36Araqtell me when you want it merged
22:42:00PMunchWill do
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