<< 09-03-2017 >>

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00:27:13girvoHey all
00:28:41ftsf_o/ howdy
00:32:13girvoI'm trying to work out whether it's possible to specify a proc on a type via a concept, where the proc can receive the "concept" type as it's first param, but specifying the concrete types of the _other_ params
00:35:06PMunchNot quite sure if I follow
00:35:13girvoHehe I explained it terribly
00:35:20girvoLet me upload a dumb example, should make it clearer
00:42:57PMunchI don't think so
00:44:27Araqsure, it's easy
00:44:31Araqvar s: string
00:44:38Araqdance(x, s)
00:44:56Araqin the concept body
00:47:11PMunchHuh, cool
00:47:17PMunchNever heard of concepts before
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00:47:56PMunchIt's similar to interfaces in OO
00:48:31PMunchWhich is something I've been missing in Nim
00:50:05Araqno, concepts are not interfaces, nor are they similar.
00:50:14PMunchThey're not?
00:50:31Araqthey will get similar capabilites though, zahary_ is working on it
00:50:38PMunchAh right
00:50:52Araqno, they are not. it's just an advanced generic constraint.
00:52:09PMunchYeah, but interfaces specify an object to have various functions. So you could create a concept which checks if the type has those functions and then have functions that only works on those concepts
00:52:17PMunchWouldn't that be kind of the same?
00:53:39Araqno. you can have an array of Interf and then you get a heterogenous container
00:54:11Araqin contrast an array of concepts is not valid.
00:54:26Araqit's really nothing like an interface.
00:55:08Araqit's a generic constraint, you get type specialization, multiple instantiations etc etc
00:57:30PMunchHmm, I'm too tired to think about this kind of stuff..
00:57:46PMunchI'll have to look into it tomorrow
00:58:56*couven92 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:01:19girvo@Araq, amazing, that's exactly what I was hoping for!
01:02:38girvoYeah, best to not even think of it like an interface from my understanding of it. Gets rid of a lot of boilerplate and annoyances of some of my crazy generics I've played with
01:03:55girvoThough I suppose if you squint a little, they can kind of look like Go's interfaces
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07:27:22Araqhmmm, would it harm if isAbsolute() considers paths starting with ~ as absolute on Unix?
07:28:08cheatfatemaybe because ~ is alias for /home/xxx ?
07:28:59Araqyes, exactly
07:29:29Araqit's unclear when the expansion should happen though
07:29:42Araqyou can do the replacement before calling isAbsolute
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07:39:10cheatfateAn absolute or full path points to the same location in a file system, regardless of the current working directory.
07:39:16cheatfateso ~ is absolute path
07:39:43def-but you can have a directory called ~
07:40:02def-only the shell expands ~ to $HOME
07:41:44Araq~ is not a filesystem feature, but a shell feature. difficult question, but I think some parts of os.nim already consider ~
07:42:11cheatfatedoes anybody tested it?
07:42:18cheatfatei dont think ~ is allowed to be even filename
07:42:38def-mkdir \~
07:42:40def-cd \~
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07:43:54cheatfatebut in such case ~ is actually escaped
07:44:55def-only in the shell because the shell expands ~ to $HOME
07:46:12def-and if you start emulating shell behaviour, where to stop? ~username is also nice
07:47:09*girvo quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
07:47:32def-oh, and instead of escaping you can also do mkdir '~'
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07:53:03cheatfateAraq, then paths starting from `~` can't be considered as absolute, because they can actually be relative
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08:00:36Araqyup. agreed. it's a bad idea to handle it in os.nim.
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08:14:45*cheatfate quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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08:56:55FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, what do you think about possibility to specify ref type to be always not nil, something like: ⏎ ⏎ ```type X = ref object not nil``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=58c118d6872fc8ce62d981d4]
08:58:44Araqjust don't use 'not nil' until we fixed the compiler
08:59:10AraqI've never seen a bug prevented by it.
09:00:11Araq'not nil' should be the default anyway, but it'll take some blood and sweat to get there
09:01:37FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: And beer? :P
09:02:17AraqVarriount: I don't drink anymore.
09:02:26Araqnah, just kidding :P
09:03:58*rauce quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
09:04:25FromGitter<vegansk> The bug is simple :-) Just add the field to the object that must be not nil semantically and forget to initialize it in the places where you create that object
09:05:36FromGitter<vegansk> That's why I made the macro to create data types with constructors, immutability, etc :-) Example: https://github.com/vegansk/nimboost/blob/master/tests/boost/test_typeutils.nim#L116
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09:06:29Araqvegansk: the same bug could be prevented by enforcing object constructors name every field explictly
09:07:03Araqthat's what Jehan argued for. if you have explicit initializations everywhere 'nil' bugs can only creep in when 'nil' is in the source code
09:07:35Araqand maybe that's what we should do for v1
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09:10:06FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, then please look an my implementation, it also has default values, mutable/immutable fields. Maybe it will be good to have all of these features in the standard object definition?
09:16:15FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, the small description here (http://vegansk.github.io/nimboost/docs/0.4.0/boost/typeutils.html)
09:31:00AraqI dunno. we in general discourage object constructors
09:31:15Araqwhy should they get more features then.
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16:17:54FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Object constructors as in the procedures, or the notation `Type(name: value)` ?
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16:24:32SalewskiAraq, I just updated Nim and Nimsuggest from git. It seems that you have disabled error detection in Nimsuggest completely?
16:25:37SalewskiIn my NEd editor I get always zero errors! nim check file.nim still detects errors.
16:27:49SalewskiGoto definition still works fine, also showing information about symbols.
16:28:35SalewskiBut I can do arbitrary changes, and always get zero errors. Well, not a big problem.
16:32:08zachcarterblegh, I’m back to facing memory access issues / hard crashes with nim-bgfx
16:35:11SalewskiWell, calling nimsuggest from the command line still shows errors. Maybe socket communication has changed, I have to investigate that.
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16:42:56SalewskinsProcess = startProcess(nimsuggestBinPath, nimPath, ["--v2", "--threads:on", "--port:" & $NSPort, $path], options = {poStdErrToStdOut, poUsePath})
16:43:35SalewskiIs that code deprecated in some way now? Was working until todays update.
16:44:03zachcarterI know I’m reaching here… but maybe someone can look at this backtrace for me and tell me why this is happening
16:44:18zachcarterif I uncomment - https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/8a533120ac1545e8bc7775d342c37c14#file-crashes-nim-L55
16:44:27zachcarterand comment out - https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/8a533120ac1545e8bc7775d342c37c14#file-crashes-nim-L24
16:44:32zachcarterthings work
16:45:00zachcarterI’m not sure why calling this proc inside of another proc, is causing the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error to be thrown
16:45:17zachcarterbut calling it outside of the proc seems fine
16:57:38SalewskiOK, found it. The problem is only, that the output of nimsuggests check command has changed a bit, so I have to tune my evaluation proc!
16:57:47SalewskiThanks, bye.
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21:12:06FromGitter<konqoro> hey is there a reason to use the quit proc than raise an exception?
21:17:04dom96konqoro: yeah, if you want to quit with a successful error code.
21:18:51FromGitter<konqoro> ok thanks dom96
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21:39:10Araqexceptions also produce a stack trace in debug mode.
21:39:24Araqand usually you don't want your users to look at stack traces
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22:49:38zachcarterI could use some help with understanding some memory issues I’m having with my program
22:49:38zachcarterhttps://github.com/zacharycarter/demo is an example repo I’ve created - if you’re running OSX you should be able to check it out and compile and run with nim 16.1
22:50:23zachcarterthis example app works
22:50:23zachcarterthis example does not
22:51:09zachcarterthe difference between the two is, I’ve moved a lot of code out of main.nim and into an engine module
22:51:09zachcarterif anyone is willing to help me, I can explain more thoroughly what is going on
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22:55:11Araqif it's some help for you:
22:55:26Araqif you have a stack corruption, moving code around may hide it
22:55:40Araqbut the corruption exists in both programs
22:56:20zachcarterI’m not sure if it’s a stack corruption or not
22:56:39Araqso don't think "wtf, how can this fail suddenly" but instead "ok, where is the mismatched C/Nim declaration"
22:57:05AraqI'm not sure either, just saying.
22:59:50zachcarterin the second example the program hangs and if I debug it with lldb I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in the bgfx render thread, which is a thread I have no control over
23:01:15zachcarterthe main difference is I’ve moved this code https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/examples/01-spritebatch/main.nim#L43 into https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/src/engine.nim#L28
23:02:30zachcarterand I’m also now passing in an instance of this tuple - https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/src/engine.nim#L15 | https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/src/app/app.nim and calling the procs declared in it
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23:38:17zachcarterI added another example of the freeze, a simpler one - https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/examples/01-spritebatch2/main.nim
23:39:19zachcarternow the only difference between this and the working example is this section https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/examples/01-spritebatch2/main.nim#L29-L36 and this line - https://github.com/zacharycarter/demo/blob/master/examples/01-spritebatch2/main.nim#L63
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23:42:22Araqthat's not how it works.
23:42:59Araqyou cannot look at code diffs when you have a corruption. the corruption could be in both programs, but only triggered in one.
23:43:16zachcarterhow can I detect the corruption?
23:43:20zachcarteror if there is one?
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23:50:30zachcarterthanks I’ll check that out
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