<< 10-03-2017 >>

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08:08:04FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Valgrind works with Nim?
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09:26:32Araqvarriount: yes with the right "ignore" rule
09:28:45*uthini quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:35:11*Salewski joined #nim
09:36:44SalewskiAraq, I assume that the recent change of nimsuggest output format for chk command was intentional?
09:37:02Araqshould be much easier to process now
09:37:14Araqbut tbh I only test --stdin and --epc protocols
09:37:25Araqso maybe it got worse for the raw sockets protocol
09:37:31Araqwhat does your editor use?
09:37:43SalewskiOK, then I will fix it for my NEd editor.
09:38:17Araqit's actually now not ambiguous anymore, no more guessing where the error stopped
09:38:27SalewskiYes, generally the new format is more consistent with output of the other commands.
09:38:42Araqyeah, that was the intention
09:38:48SalewskiFixing is easy, but it will need some testing.
09:39:10Araqalso, if you want chk for more than the current file, use --refresh:on
09:39:17Araqwhen invoking nimsuggest.
09:39:24Araqeventually this will be the default though
09:39:40SalewskiAh, interesting.
09:39:46Araqnimsuggest is now threaded, it processes the current file immediately
09:39:57Araqand the other modules when there is hopefully less activity
09:40:43Araqand the upcoming version has context awareness ... it prefers type symbols in a type context and all that
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09:40:54Araqand the results are now sorted by relevance
09:41:00Araqso don't mess with the order.
09:41:50Araqand I implemented a --maxresults switch
09:43:16Araqand in case statements it will suggest the possible enum values... all thanks to the more precise cursor tracking within the compiler
09:43:40SalewskiMaybe you should document and announce the changes -- users of other editors may be confused.
09:44:32Araqyeah, but maybe you can add some quick notes to news.txt?
09:44:50Araqit surely gets tiresome to do everything :P
09:45:27SalewskiOK, bye.
09:45:34Araqty, bye
09:45:43*Salewski left #nim (#nim)
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10:19:28SusWombatHey all :)
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10:26:58euantorAwesome news about nimsuggest @Araq! Sounds like some major improvements, now I just need to finally get around to getting it installed...
10:31:08Araqeuantor: I think the VS plugin should be announced on the website together with 0.17.0
10:32:07euantorThat would be great, should be a good way to show off a bit
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10:33:15cheatfateAraq, but we still don't have 0.16.2
10:33:48cheatfatei will miss most stable version
10:33:58Araqcheatfate: the current devel will be 0.17.0, not 0.16.2
10:34:48cheatfateso there will be no 0.16.2?
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10:36:12AraqI don't think so.
10:36:24Araqwe could backport critical fixes from 0.17 to 0.16.2
10:36:44Araqbut right now we have no release model for this -.-
10:37:12Araqwe need to do this though, it's what Python does too, even Python 2 is still getting bugfixes
10:38:08Araqanybody with cherrypicking skills around?
10:39:11*arnetheduck joined #nim
10:39:15euantorIs it not over-complicating things when the project hasn't hit 1.0 yet?
10:39:29Araqthat's what dom96 says too.
10:39:50Araqbut since we need this release model, we might as well think about solving the problem now
10:45:14dom96seriously, we don't need this.
10:45:24dom96Focus on releasing 0.17.0 instead of backporting fixes.
10:48:26cheatfatefrom my not very long experience every .0 release was buggy, that's why .2 release was always much more stable
10:50:19cheatfatethat's why i'm missing 0.16.2
10:51:15*Ven quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:51:47Araq^ yup.
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10:53:33cheatfateis nim17 will be not compatible with nim16?
10:59:10Araqit breaks compatibility in minor ways, yes
11:00:07Araqmost important change is that .base method's effects are not inferred anymore
11:03:43Araqdom96: as I said, we need to solve this problem anyway.
11:04:26Araqand 0.17.0 could be delayed further, still need to fix the jester codegen regression
11:05:11dom96what problem though?
11:05:28dom96You just create a branch off 0.16.0 and backport the fixes
11:07:24Araqproblem is I want a nice tool for this :P
11:07:41Araqand ideally it would be smart about conflicts
11:07:57Araqor let me move partial commmits over to the branch
11:08:16dom96You will always need to resolve conflicts yourself
11:09:02dom96git will help you out to a point
11:09:13dom96but there is no need for a tool
11:20:25*Arrrr joined #nim
11:24:09Araqgit cannot even show the diffs conveniently
11:24:31Araqit's a terminal app, how could it.
11:26:21SusWombatShouldnt a nice git client be what you want?
11:27:17Araqyeah, I tend to try these and not use them for anything :-)
11:28:57euantorI really like Tower on my mac, it actually helps me get stuff done with Git
11:29:19federico3are you looking for http://meldmerge.org/ ?
11:29:22euantorthough it isn't free software, it's worth the cost
11:29:32SusWombatI havent done anything complicated with git yet, but i really like magit for commiting stuff
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11:33:55SusWombatwhat is the recommended gui lib for nim?
11:35:17AraqSusWombat: the jury is still out there, but PMunch is improving my wxWidgets wrapper
11:36:33AraqI prefer nim-lang/ui but that's still very limited in the widgets it supports
11:36:43SusWombatok thanks :)
11:37:41Araqwe also have gtk2, gtk3 and iup wrappers
11:42:06PMunchSusWombat, if you have any questions just let me know :)
11:42:15PMunchI've looked into the various GUI toolkits
11:42:41SusWombatPMunch, sure. I just want to play around a bit with guis as i never have done anything besides css+html in that area
11:43:11PMunchWell, libui is pretty neat for the basic stuff. It's quite a simple and straight-forward API
11:43:22PMunchBut it is, as Araq mentioned, a bit limited in functionality
11:44:45PMunchwxWidgets has all the features you would probably ever need, but it's a bit harder to use since it's old and the wrapper isn't all there yet. But I have written a macro for it which makes creating GUIs pretty easy
11:45:09*Gonzih quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.7)
11:45:12SusWombati guess ill look into these two then
11:45:17PMunchhttps://github.com/PMunch/wxnim/blob/master/examples/controlgallery.nim <- that is an example of the macro in use
11:45:55PMunchIt's pretty wxWidgets specific so if you look at wxWidgets tutorials it's pretty easy to see what it does.
11:47:17SusWombatah thx for the link
11:47:42Araqlibui is quite complete if you don't mind drawing custom widgets on your own :P but the event handling simply isn't there yet
11:48:08Araqtry to get a unicode representation of a keypress, I think it's impossible with libui
11:48:48PMunchWhile wxWidgets is old and has a silly large reach (it even has a target with pure X11 without Gtk..)
11:49:05PMunchSo everything in it is wrapper, a string is a wxString, a thread is a wxThread etc.
11:49:29PMunchBut I found that converting is easy (the macro has converters), and you can use Nims threading instead
11:49:41*couven92 joined #nim
11:50:54AraqwxWidgets is also harder to link against and I dislike the API very much
11:50:58*bjz_ quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
11:51:49Araqthe event handling macros, the fact that you need to inherit and override
11:52:54PMunchIt's a pain to work with. But the flexibility is pretty unparalleled
11:53:23PMunchIf you go through the trouble of using wxWidgets then you can export to pretty much any platform
11:53:45PMunchAnd it's not that bad to link with. I did static linking the other day and it was pretty straight forward
11:53:51*Gonzih joined #nim
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11:54:17PMunchPlus with the macro, some converters, and Nims built-in threads it's pretty simple to use actually
11:55:04*elrood joined #nim
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12:14:36enthus1astlittle question, there are no higher level async udp bindings right know except for them in asyncdispatch right?
12:16:50cheatfateenthus1ast, yep
12:18:24enthus1astmhh ok (and i'm such a lazy ass)
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12:20:37enthus1astcheatfate: i see you have deleted your branch with your approach, is it still somewhere lying around? :)
12:25:50cheatfateenthus1ast, hmm which one?
12:26:09cheatfatemy approach inside of asyncdispatch, but was slightly modified by vegansk, if i remember correctly
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12:32:06enthus1astmhh then i think i try what i wanted to do with the asyncdispatch one
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13:01:59ArrrrSo, it is sure that named tuples will dissapear? I have to make my body
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13:05:44PMunchNo named tuples?
13:12:41zachcarteranyone know how to create a dylib with cmake / gnumake? right now all my makefile is producing is a .a file
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13:17:44Arrrr'Plans regarding named tuples' https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2823
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13:22:50elroodzachcarter, not really nim-related, but since there's low traffic anyways.. care to paste your cmakelists.txt somewhere?
13:23:34zachcarterwell it is indirectly but sure I can link to it, one second
13:24:09zachcarter(this is not my library - I’m just trying to create nim bindings to it)
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13:26:52zachcarterI don’t know how the option thing works in CMake :/
13:31:37zachcartersomething in this secition I would think - https://github.com/grimfang4/sdl-gpu/blob/196c09400b78745babef059f88c46c31cc8e40ac/src/CMakeLists.txt#L85
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13:36:44elroodsee if you can run something like ccmake . or cmake-gui . in your build directory to adjust the options. or look for the appropriate add_library directives and change STATIC to SHARED manually
13:37:33zachcarteralright thanks
13:37:34zachcarterI’ll try that
13:38:47AraqArrrr: more likely to stay than to be removed
13:39:15elroodzachcarter, np, good luck hunting
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14:27:28subsetparkI didn't even know tuples could be anonymous!
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14:55:03FromGitter<evacchi> hey all. it seems like nimsuggest in vscode is not working for me. nimsuggest looks on the $PATH
14:55:28FromGitter<evacchi> is there any command I could type in the editor to check whether it is finding/using it ?
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15:05:04FromGitter<evacchi> huh
15:05:19FromGitter<evacchi> [Extension Host] Activating extension `kosz78.nim` failed: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '../Cellar/nim/0.16.0/bin/nim
15:12:30*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
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15:14:12PMunchevacchi, had some trouble in Sublime as well
15:14:20FromGitter<evacchi> i have uninstalled from brew and just added the nim dir to the $PATH, now it says it can't find it at all
15:14:24PMunchBut after explicitly setting the path everything worked fine
15:14:25FromGitter<evacchi> console says
15:14:28FromGitter<evacchi> [Extension Host] Here is the error stack: TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
15:14:39FromGitter<evacchi> how do I set it explitly ?
15:15:08PMunchNot sure for the VS Code plugin but for Sublime it was a configuration option
15:15:52FromGitter<evacchi> uhm
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15:16:44FromGitter<evacchi> [Extension Host] Error: Command failed: "/Users/evacchi/Devel/extras/Nim/bin/nim" c -d:release --path:"/Users/evacchi/Devel/extras/Nim" nimsuggest.nim
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15:18:25FromGitter<evacchi> huh found this ticket https://github.com/pragmagic/vscode-nim/issues/28
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15:20:13PMunchSo it tries to build nimsuggest?
15:21:47IrcDroidClientare there numpy- like lib in nim?
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15:22:08FromGitter<evacchi> at some point it did, now I have built it as suggested
15:22:26FromGitter<evacchi> it worked!
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15:50:20FromGitter<evacchi> it seems like there might be a problem with resolving symlinks, though, that might be why it didn't work with brew
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16:15:23zachcarterI’m trying to debug some bindings I’ve written using LLDB and when I try to step into one of the methods I’ve bound to, the debugger fails to step in - it just steps through the instruction. Does that mean that the dylib I’m binding to doesn’t contain debug instructions or….
16:15:40zachcartererr debug symbols rather
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16:29:17demi-possibly, if it was built with optimizations applied to the C code then that won't work
16:34:37zachcartergotcha, thank you demi-
16:38:51demi-check the gcc/clang invocations for a `-g`, if that is there, you should be able to debug it
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19:40:30FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Regarding the whole backport thing, you could just use this: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
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19:55:13Araqvarriount: that's pretty much the thing we already use
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20:12:35FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: We don't have a hotfixes branch based off of master.
20:13:39Araqwe have feature branches
20:13:53Araqok, we don't have hotfix branches
20:23:43jonathonwhen trying to compile using gcc.exe=musl-gcc i get "nimbase.h: No such file or directory" but gcc and clang can both find it...
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23:56:04*Ven joined #nim