<< 08-08-2016 >>

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07:11:58pdvQuick question: getType for empty object type (with no fields), getTypeImpl for it, and getTypeImpl for generic type where the only field is eliminated because the type argument is void all return different ASTs. Is this the intended behaviour? Here's the code: https://gist.github.com/nigredo-tori/d85528b79226d7949ebcb4a0f4cd4010 . I'm especially perplexed by RecList(RecList()) in the last case.
07:13:11*bjz joined #nim
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07:38:21Araqpdv: not really :-)
07:38:49pdvOk, will add an issue.
07:39:33*kssreeram quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:43:03*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
07:43:28Araqyour macro needs to be able to deal with nested RecLists though
07:49:02pdvWhen is nested RecList non-empty?
07:52:45Araqtechnically speaking RecList(RecList(a), b) needs to be handled like RecList(a, b)
07:52:54Araqyou need to flatten it
07:53:10Araqkind of like StmtList
08:01:13pdvOK, got it.
08:02:43pdvThank you.
08:07:52*gokr joined #nim
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08:37:07*ftsf_ quit (Quit: :q!)
08:38:41Vladarhm, what could "received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
08:38:41Vladar0x000000000043936a in popFrame () at /home/vladar/.nim/lib/system/excpt.nim:50
08:38:41Vladar50 framePtr = framePtr.prev" be about?
08:41:16*der-landgraf quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
08:50:13Araqdon't use Tiny C.
08:51:18Vladarusing gcc
08:55:42Vladarand it just crashes at random times with this
08:57:51Araqturn of --tlsEmulation
08:59:27*kssreeram joined #nim
09:01:58Vladarhm, now it crashes at different point:
09:02:00Vladarreceived signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
09:02:00Vladar0x0000000000422b51 in auxwritestacktrace_19005_1689653243 (f0=0x7fffffffe4f0,
09:02:00Vladar s0=0x7fffffffe478) at /home/vladar/.nim/lib/system/excpt.nim:144
09:02:00Vladar144 it = it.prev
09:02:35Vladarthis is through gdb, by the way. In other case there's no trace at all
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09:13:26Araqstack overflow?
09:15:41Vladarshouldn't be, I think. And there's usually a clear error about it. The app is just performing a standard infinite game loop through the sequence of entities.
09:16:09Araqis it threaded?
09:16:59*kssreeram quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
09:17:05*kingofoz joined #nim
09:18:09Araqyou have some other corruption then, check your low level sdl2 stuff
09:18:33*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
09:18:35Vladarok, will look into it, thanks
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09:25:35kingofozdo we recently have any change to random?
09:26:00kingofozget an error: character.nim(369, 20) Error: undeclared identifier: 'random'
09:26:23kingofozI have always change 'from math import random' to 'import random'
09:27:57Araqkingofoz: no but I changed symbol lookup rules, apparently introducing a regression
09:28:36kingofoz'import random' works
09:28:54kingofozbut seems random is still not recognized in line 369
09:39:45kingofozI create a new file which has two lines:
09:39:46kingofozimport random
09:39:46kingofozecho random(180.0f32)
09:39:59kingofozand this file runs correctly
09:43:44*desophos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:48:50kingofozAraq, I will have more debug and let you know
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09:58:54*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:00:09*yglukhov_ joined #nim
10:01:44*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
10:29:59yglukhov_Araq: there is unsureAsgnRef in generated code of swap proc. is this intended? can it be omitted?
10:30:48Araqintended, yes
10:33:19kingofozrandom(3) just outputs an identical number, is this by design?
10:34:29yglukhov_Araq: here's the thing. we're packing a whole lot of resources on build, involving png compression, and it involves a lot of quicksorts of ref objects, and it swaps, and it unsureAssgns. i've written a small sample that demontrates that quicksort is 10 times faster when the elements of array are swapped in "c" way.
10:35:12yglukhov_and i want this optimization =)
10:35:23Araqyglukhov_: so optimize it.
10:35:35yglukhov_so can it be omitted then?
10:35:50Araqthe C codegen knows the locations of the involved expressions
10:36:01Araq'var openArray' is not necessarily on the heap
10:36:28Araqso the codegen cannot optimize the unsureAssigns away
10:36:45Araqtry a quicksort that operates on 'var seq'
10:37:57yglukhov_i'm not sure what unsureAssign does? we're still keeping both refs as they were. if they were on the stack, they both remain there. and if on the heap - again, they're there. so why do we need it?
10:38:20Araqbecause of possible stack <-> heap exchanges
10:39:16Araqyeah these things are tricky. I'm pretty sure I made this bug and always generated '='
10:40:00yglukhov_what do you think of a new function sequtils.swap(a: var openarray[T], index1, index2: int) ?
10:40:15Araqit's not correct for openarray
10:40:21yglukhov_why not?
10:40:25Araqit can only be optimized for seqs
10:40:39Araqoh wait, hmm
10:40:50yglukhov_in case of openarray there can be no stack-heap swaps
10:41:09Araqyeah ok, this can work.
10:41:51yglukhov_can i somehow produce the code i need without emits?
10:42:12Araqcast to ptr if T is ref?
10:42:33yglukhov_will do
10:43:23*andrewo91 joined #nim
10:44:12andrewo91can anyone elaborate on gc:stack? I found it mentioned in the issues and read it's going to replace gc:none...?
10:44:27andrewo91is it supposed to work on baremetal?
10:47:08*kssreeram quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:50:02ArrrrA complaint was: what if you want to disable managed pointers and get warnings when you use one
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10:56:42yglukhov_Araq: what do you think of term rewriting? maybe lets add this swap to system.nim and add a term rewriting?
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11:00:55andrewo91Araq: where do you specify where the heap is going to be on baremetal if you use gc:stack?
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11:01:34andrewo91like, do you give it an address or something?
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11:24:19andrewo91in theory, couldn't we use any of the GCs? we just need to provide the appropriate runtime support (i.e., allocation and freeing), don't we?
11:24:39andrewo91is there a list of the C functions that have to be implemented?
11:42:04*kssreeram quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
11:46:44Araqandrewo91: in lib/system/mmdisp.nim
11:47:14Araqand yes, you're mostly right, except that the GC likes page based memory management
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12:43:11yglukhov_Araq: could you please remind me the flag to disable certain definitions while booting?
12:43:46Araqbut I think it highlights a real bug somewhere else
12:44:56yglukhov_Araq: which is already fixed? because it doesnt reproduce with latest nim?
12:46:35yglukhov_or am i missing smth?
12:51:05Araqastalgo contains swap data[h], data[favPos]
12:51:16Araqso your optimization is applied here and it breaks things
12:51:34Araqhowever, if you mean that it bootstraps for you this way already
12:51:45Araqthen it indeed means the bug has been fixed already.
12:51:51Araqand I recall fixing TR macros ...
12:52:13Araqbtw your TR macro is really cool
12:52:29Araqyou could write a blog post about it
12:52:36cheatfatewhat is TR macro? :)
12:53:10Araqsomething that no other language except Haskell supports.
12:54:12cheatfateexcept nim too?
12:59:08Araqyes, *no other*
12:59:18Araqmeaning "other than Nim"
12:59:18*PMunch joined #nim
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13:00:56cheatfateAraq, it looks like 'do you want this candy? but i dont give it to you!' :) give more information :)
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13:09:01*michael_campbell joined #nim
13:11:32PMunchI saw you squashed the explicit conversions not using convertors bug Araq :)
13:12:50AraqI fixed so many bugs I had to take a weekend off
13:13:41PMunchOh wow, certainly you've earned it!
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14:11:37ftsfAraq, \o/
14:11:43andrewo91Araq: is the function you were referring to "setStackBottom"?
14:12:29Araqandrewo91: no, but that too needs to be supported by your platform
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14:32:49andrewo91Araq: do you need to patchFile that or do you just have to link with a library that supplies the functions?
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14:36:47AraqpatchFile it. we pretend there is no linker.
14:36:59andrewo91oh ok, that makes sense
14:37:22andrewo91I'll give it a try
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14:56:12ftsfhmm any reason result is invalid as a capture?
14:56:47Araqtechnical details
14:56:52ftsfheh ok =)
14:56:56ftsfeasy to work around anyway
15:11:26andrewo91hey, so I'm trying to compile nimkernel with --gc:stack instead of --gc:none
15:11:43andrewo91compilation fails with this error
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15:12:21andrewo91/Users/andrew/Programming/nimkernel/nimcache/stdlib_system.c:10:20: fatal error: string.h: No such file or directory
15:12:21andrewo91 #include <string.h>
15:12:44andrewo91I guess gc:stack is not completely standalone?
15:16:45Araqthis has come up before and I have no good solution
15:17:19andrewo91I think it's because of ansi_c.nim. so let's say I define that header and those functions
15:17:22AraqIMO it's bonkers that string.h is considered "part of the OS" when it's just using cpu specific instructions for performance
15:17:34andrewo91I agree
15:17:42Araqyou C environment should have string.h. fullstop.
15:17:50andrewo91I still need sys/mman.h as well
15:17:55andrewo91to provide mmap and munmap right?
15:18:06Araqthat's what your patchFile should provide
15:18:10andrewo91and then gc:stack should work provided that those function handle virtual memory correctly?
15:18:37andrewo91shouldn't need to patchFile if I have my own sys/mman.h, am I correct?
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15:18:53Araqyeah but why would you
15:19:00Araqthe point is to write everything in Nim.
15:19:24andrewo91that's a good point
15:19:48andrewo91ok so patchFile on gc_stack.nim to call memory mapping functions written in Nim
15:20:06Araqno, it's osalloc.nim that you need to patchFile, iirc
15:21:24andrewo91oh I see it now, the hostOS == "standalone" branch
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15:32:31andrewo91last question
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15:33:00andrewo91is there any directive or something to require memory aligned allocation of objects?
15:33:08andrewo91pretty important in baremetal programming
15:35:23Araqnah, nothing beyond .codegenDecl
15:37:31andrewo91{.codegenDecl: "__attribute__((aligned(x)))".} would do the trick?
15:39:06*nairobi quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
15:53:48Araqnah, you need to give it some "declaration pattern" with $1
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16:02:27dom96The Nim community survey will close in 4 hours! http://nim-lang.org/survey
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17:23:06michael_campbell^ submitted
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17:58:17dom96michael_campbell: thanks :)
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18:12:11michael_campbellI hope you get more than 1 submission, or my answers aren't as anonymous as I'd hope =D
18:13:36Araqyglukhov: er, your PR increases bootstrapping times from 3.2 to 5.7 secs
18:14:03Araqthat's pretty bad, I'll disable it for now again.
18:14:24Araqwe either need to improve TR macro performance
18:14:39*yglukhov quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:14:43Araqor live with your swapOpenArray workaround
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18:52:16*heinrich5991_ is now known as heinrich5991
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18:59:28SalewskiAraq, concerning my forum post about nimsuggest: Seems to work when sufficient mem is available. But is 2 gigabyte Ram used really intended for c2nim.nim or nimble.nim?
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19:01:27Araqno, expected is 300MB for the compiler itself
19:01:42Araqand less for smaller projects
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19:03:55SalewskiOK, then there must be a bug in recent nimsuggest. I installed nim devel and nimsuggest today, and since that time mem usage is so large lor larger projects.
19:05:18Araqdo use EPC?
19:05:52SalewskiWhat is EPC?
19:05:59Araqthat means 'no', ok
19:06:18Araqdo you build nimsuggest without nimble?
19:07:03SalewskiI used nimble to build nimsuggest.
19:07:26*pregressive quit ()
19:07:29Araqtry 'nim e compile_without_nimble'
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19:08:47SalewskiFirst "nimble install nimsuggest", then a second try with first cloning nimsuggest manually and "nimble install"
19:09:02SalewskiWill try your suggestion, thanks.
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19:22:20Salewski~/nimsuggest $ nim e compile_without_nimble nimsuggest.nim
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19:22:24SalewskiHint: operation successful (87127 lines compiled; 52.912 sec total; 228.527MiB; Release Build) [SuccessX]
19:22:49SalewskiError: arguments can only be given if the '--run' option is selected
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19:24:36SalewskiAraq: works for small projects, buts eats all of my ram for larger projects still. (Have only about 1.5 gigabyte available, my box has only 2 G total.)
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19:25:44Araqdoes it start with 100s of MB and then quickly leaks into GB?
19:25:50Araqor does it start with GBs?
19:27:12SalewskiRams usage increases from about 200 megabyte up to nearly 2 Gigabyte within a few seconds, then I have to kill it.
19:28:58*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
19:29:32*zahary quit (Quit: Leaving.)
19:31:17SalewskiTried again, indeed seems to start with only 100 Megabyte of Ram comsumption.
19:33:11dom96Araq: It pains me to see that you would think that Nimble could be responsible :(
19:34:36Araqwhat does "within a few seconds" mean?
19:34:46Araqwhat are you requesting?
19:35:28Araqdom96: nimble tends to use outdated stuff for me
19:35:31Salewski~/nimsuggest/nimsuggest --stdin strutils.nim # works fine and consumes only about 100 megabytes
19:36:30Araqdom96: we talked about it, nimble doesn't support my workflow yadda yadda yadda
19:36:41dom96yeah yeah
19:37:11AraqI would fix it but I don't have the time and you don't accept my PRs :P
19:37:25Salewskibut for c2nim.nim or nimble.nim or my editor ned.nim it requests all my ram after about 5 seconds. (My box is old, only 2 cores, only 2 G ram total)
19:37:29dom96More like I don't have the time to accept them
19:37:30Araqspeaking of which ... my Aporia PR is still open.
19:37:42dom96I've got a pretty lengthy to do list
19:37:56dom96Which I recently organised into "High"/"Medium"/"Low" priorities
19:38:07dom96"Finish book" is currently pretty high up there
19:38:23dom96and something which I was going to work on today but again it seems like I won't get the time to arghhhh
19:38:25AraqSalewski: sorry but what do you do?
19:38:32*space-wizard quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:38:37Araqbrowse the code via def/use/dus?
19:38:42Araqor autocompletion?
19:39:45dom96Also, I need to move our damn server
19:39:50dom96no ssl sucks
19:40:01SalewskiAraq, problem is startup of nimsuggest: nimsuggest --stdin c2nim.nim
19:40:58AraqSalewski: you mean you startup and then don't send anything to it?
19:41:11SalewskiOf course I tried to use it from within my ned editor this morning, but observation was that even startup in terminal fails.
19:41:41SalewskiYes, I can send anythink, my box freezes with no ram left.
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20:00:51AraqSalewski: do you compile nimsuggest with -d:release ?
20:02:59Araqfor me 'nimsuggest --stdin compiler/nim.nim' consumes 322MB
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20:04:44Araqnever mind, I can reproduce the regression -.-
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20:18:38dom96The survey is now closed!
20:18:40dom96790 responses
20:20:56Araqthat's not representative
20:21:03Araqjust kidding.
20:23:40dom96It's cool, we'll just duplicate everyones response.
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20:28:12dom96Now I "just" need to analyse this data...
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20:37:03federico3dom96: let's only hope 450 of the responses aren't from the troll
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20:37:20dom96lol, I don't think so
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21:39:21cheatfateAraq, what is .ndb file for?
21:40:46Araqcheatfate: it's debug info from Visual Studio afaik
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