<< 09-08-2016 >>

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04:30:58animosityquit question: after calling a C function I receive back a Nim 'pointer'. How do I convert that to a seq[byte] ?
04:32:13ftsf_animosity, cast[ptr array[int.high,uint8]](foo)
04:32:41animositythank you sir
04:33:05animosityi assume I can't rely on array.len after this cast
04:33:16animositythank you
04:33:19ftsf_you'll have to do your own safety
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10:20:33SalewskiAraq: Unfortunately I was banned yesterday suddenly. As I wrote in the forum, startup is fine now, but using nimsuggest still eats my full 2 gigabyte availlable ram.
10:22:11SalewskiBut it is not a big problem for me, for testing I can use small projects, and in a few months I will have a box with 32 G.
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11:22:17AraqSalewski: I can fix it tonight
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11:27:27SalewskiAraq: would be great!
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14:00:02*der-landgraf quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
14:00:43arnetheduckAraq, I saw plenty of keepalive stuff in compiler that's no longer being used, want a patch that cleans it up?
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14:01:27arnetheducksame for afDestIsNil?
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14:07:17Araqno, eventually I will use that to generate better code
14:08:29arnetheduckthink you can have a look at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4567? the error runs deeper than just transf
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14:56:58Araqlooks trivial
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16:00:50flyxshouldn't `when defined(debug)` be true by default?
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16:01:08flyxit only works for me if I explicitly give `-d:debug`
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16:13:28dom96perhaps, but you should instead check `when not defined(release)`
16:14:23SentreenOr define your own debug flag which enables various features (you could automatically enable it when release is not defined too)
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17:28:16flyxcan someone confirm if this is a regression or actually a new feature: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4593
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18:53:24FreezerburnVIs there a way to have a subprocess inherit the parent streams (so it can take over the terminal, e.g.: less) while also manually sending data to it? (e.g.: opening a file and only sending lines to less that I actually want to see, filtering out clutter)
18:53:49FreezerburnVI'd prefer to be able to do that instead of a big grep command or series or grep commands
18:55:20dom96osproc.ProcessOption.poParentStreams maybe?
18:55:59FreezerburnVI know about poParentStreams, I'm wondering how to write to the process. Do I just use stdout?
18:56:29dom96Not sure
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20:37:54Araqyglukhov: sure it's the commit you said it is?
20:39:01yglukhovi can check it again
20:40:03dom96yglukhov: did you test https://github.com/nim-lang/nimforum/pull/90 ?
20:40:52yglukhovdom96: yes, but i had to change email client to use ssl for me to work. i guess it somehow works otherwise for you.
20:41:02yglukhovsomething is really strange with ssl on macos...
20:41:22dom96okay, i'll merge it but will deploy later
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20:49:50yglukhovAraq: confirm. 09f122f - fails. be6f792 - works.
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20:52:30yglukhovAraq: oh damn i think i've messed up log. let me check it again.
20:53:07Araqwell it's a cool example. no idea how it ever worked :P
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21:00:49yglukhovAraq: so yeah, it is the commit. why should not it work?
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21:46:43Araqah never mind
21:46:52Araqindeed the bug is related to my changes :P
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