<< 10-08-2016 >>

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12:06:16xet7When trying to compile nimble I get error "nim-lang/nimble/vendor/nim/compiler/semfold.nim(485, 53) Error: type mismatch: got (BiggestInt, float64)". How to fix?
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14:03:44Araqxet7_: good question, does that use 'nim devel' compiler version?
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14:10:40xet7Araq: Yes, newest devel commit dd84dc85d067f0936746b8a80e7f249611b68da2
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14:11:55Araqcompiles for me, try 'nim e install_nimble.nims'
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14:15:04xet7Yes compiling that way works. I did not know that command, I used one from https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble#unix
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14:17:03AraqI'm in the process of updating these docs :-)
14:17:32Araqthe installation fights are gone, I have won :P
14:17:32xet7Thanks :)
14:17:41xet7Cool :)
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14:19:09Araqnow if only I can convince dom96 to add a 'nimble clone' command
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14:19:54vktecAraq: 0_o What would that do?
14:20:25Araqit 'git clone's a nimble package into my current directory and adds it to my --path
14:20:43vktecFair enough
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14:23:24Araqand maybe even 'nimble fork' ...
14:23:37Araqso that I can easily hack away creating PRs
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14:28:16arnetheduckAraq, heapRoot of TLoc looks like it could go as well..?
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14:35:38Araqmeh, but at one day ... oh well
14:36:37arnetheduckany luck with 4567..? if it's trivial... ;)
14:37:11arnetheducknlvm works with gc now btw, thanks for the explanations
14:38:12Araqarnetheduck: I'm still sticking to my priorities
14:39:13Araqyou can checkout semstmts.nim though, (nim)grep for nkDefer
14:39:29Araqand see why n.typ is void
14:42:20arnetheduckstarted looking, but it trivial is not what I'd call it.. something with nkStmtList not becoming an nkStmtListExpr as it should, I think, but...
14:44:16arnetheduckthen in transf, there's a bug too where it assigns from the wrong typ, and that one is trivial, yes..
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15:21:01arnetheduckAraq, btw, it looks like unsureasgnref doesn't look at the location of the source when updating refcount, leading to unnecessary copying of strings & seqs.. any reason?
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15:21:54arnetheduckie consider the case of src being a const
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15:36:44Araqreason: it's already quite complex...
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15:42:38Araqthe "unnecessary" copying is mostly necessary because const seqs/strings have no GC header and so need to be turned into something that has
15:42:56Araqa constant pita in the codegen, maybe consts should simply have this GC header
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16:08:48arnetheduckwell, if consts have the const header, either they'll have to have a non-refcounted flag or they'll no longer sit in the readonly part of the binary
16:08:55arnetheduck*gc header
16:10:56arnetheduckok, well, at least I'm reading the code right ;)
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16:24:20xet7when I try to run "nake android" then nimx complains "Environment variable [ SDL_HOME ] is not set. [OSError]". What should SDL_HOME be?
16:24:33xet7I mean nake droid
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16:45:16PMunchxet7 SDL_HOME should be set in the nakefile to be the home directory of the SDL Library
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16:53:56xet7PMunch: Ok it seems to continue compiling, I'll wait it to finish.
16:54:17PMunchIt takes a while the first time
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16:54:45PMunchWhat are you going to use it for xet7?
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16:55:33xet7I'm just compiling nimx test example to see does it work on my Galaxy Note 3 phone
16:55:56xet7And how long it takes to compile
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16:57:43xet7I'm testing would it be simpler to code with Nim than Go
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17:01:04PMunchWell, Nims cross compilation stuff is still pretty young
17:01:19PMunchSo there aren't a whole lot of tooling and such around specifically for Ni
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17:01:53PMunchThat being said it does compile to C which does have pretty decent tooling for Android development
17:02:26PMunchI'm currently writing a game library for Nim SDL which cross compiles to Android and it all works pretty well
17:02:31PMunchSo it's definitely doable :)
17:02:48ArrrrIs it hard to write stuff for android?
17:02:59PMunchNot really
17:03:06PMunchBut it depends a bit on what you want to do
17:03:39ArrrrYour game for example, do you have to add much specific android code?
17:04:13PMunchWell not me per se
17:04:34PMunchI used yglukhovs cross compilation stuff
17:04:58PMunchSo the code I've written myself (apart from patching a thing or two in his work) has been 100% Nim
17:05:02xet7PMunch: Link to your game library?
17:05:46PMunchIt's still in it's very infancy
17:05:55PMunchHaven't even bothered to change the name and description yet
17:06:17PMunchThis is the game library specific code
17:07:18PMunchCurrently it supports animations, texture atlases, loading files (cross-platform)
17:07:40dom96PMunch: That's awesome!
17:07:52PMunchApplication is an early test which has started to clone my previous game MannBarSchwein
17:07:55PMunchThanks dom96 :)
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17:09:47PMunchThe texture atlas support is also a bit lacking. It basically supports what comes out of texture packer free version. But it ignores a lot of fields so if you do any advanced stuff it won't work properly.
17:11:07xet7Compiling to Android seems to take long at current step "i686-linux-android-strip --strip-unneeded ./libs/x86/libmain.so"
17:13:46PMunchyglukhov, ^
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20:29:58nimnimHey, two questions:
20:30:07nimnim1) Why is Freenode Web IRC banned from this chatroom?
20:31:48dom96Because we had a troll that kept coming in here saying stupid things over the web chat
20:32:05dom96However, I thought it was agreed that we wouldn't ban webchat completely
20:33:13dom96Xe: please don't ban the full web chat.
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20:34:19dom96nimnim: should be fixed now
20:34:23dom96what's your second question?
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20:35:48nimnim2) Well, I keep getting an error "Error: could not resolve: stmts[begin .. pos - 1]" but I can't get a simple test case
20:36:35nimnimIt didn't used to happen before 0.14.0
20:36:45nimnimI'll keep working until I can get a test case
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20:42:18Araqnimnim: devel should at least have a better error message for this now
20:43:57nimnimAraq & dom96: Slices with Naturals are broken
20:44:01nimnimTest Case:
20:44:19nimnimiterator bar(begin: int): string =
20:44:20nimnim var begin = begin
20:44:20nimnim let length = 5
20:44:20nimnim yield "Hello World"[begin..length-1]
20:44:20nimnimiterator foo(begin: Natural): string =
20:44:20nimnim var begin = begin
20:44:20nimnim let length = 5
20:44:21nimnim yield "Hello World"[begin..length-1]
20:44:21nimnimfor s in bar(0):
20:44:22nimnim echo s
20:44:22nimnimfor s in foo(0):
20:44:23nimnim echo s
20:44:31dom96nimnim: Please use a pastebin
20:44:35dom96Don't paste code in here
20:44:57nimnimSorry, http://pastebin.com/dfwxiYBW
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20:49:42Araq*shrug* it never was correct.
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20:50:28ldleworkwow, https://blog.rust-lang.org/2016/08/10/Shape-of-errors-to-come.html
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20:50:44Araqwe can extend the typing rules
20:51:11Araqbut currently if T is bound to natural then it cannot be 'int'
20:51:55nimnimIt worked in previous versions
20:52:13nimnimI guess the type system evolved around it?
20:52:47dom96ldlework: yep, sure is nice having a couple full-time employees being paid to work on this stuff.
20:53:05ldleworkdom96: ah don't be so defensive :)
20:53:48Araqnimnim: usually it used to compile because of bugs ...
20:56:02nimnimHaha, I see
20:56:02Araqhmm we also can make Slices have 2 generic parameters
20:56:33nimnimWell I appreciate the work going into making it less buggy
20:57:27nimnimAraq: You could also change it to SomeInteger
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