<< 09-09-2019 >>

00:04:05*Hideki_ joined #nim
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00:12:04FromGitter<awr1> i find in attempting to create these sorts of grand design projects you will usually come across some specific issue about the language that you kinda would like to see fixed
00:12:46FromGitter<awr1> although i think the potential for this is waning as the language has been slowly but surely maturing
00:14:31shashlick@awr1: which projects are you talking about?
00:15:38FromGitter<awr1> i meant kind of in a general sense (i'm working on a game engine currently) but also out of observations i've seen with like the status team
00:17:39FromGitter<awr1> but i mean, you've worked on nimgen so it's quite possible you've had that feeling too
00:17:46shashlicki relate - every nim project i have worked on, i have run into roadblocks
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00:21:00shashlickin my case i've mostly built projects to make the Nim ecosystem better so my roadblocks are perhaps less frustrating because they improve Nim overall
00:22:52shashlickbut i know I was extremely frustrated for feud, the text editor, and that was for my personal toolkit
00:23:04shashlicki cannot imagine what it would be like if there was $$$ involved
00:25:04FromGitter<awr1> hello
00:25:10shashlickwhich brings me back to wanting to improve the Nim ecosystem - it's hamster wheel
00:25:18shashlicklong time @ryukoposting - what's up
00:26:04ryukopostingnot much, sorry for disappearing lol
00:26:35FromGitter<awr1> also @deech it's been mentioned a thousand times but the current lack of cyclic import becomes an issue for programs once they attain a certain size and scope
00:26:36ryukopostingit's been a very busy few months, seems like a lot has happened while I'm gone!
00:26:53FromGitter<awr1> not always, but it is common enough
00:27:19shashlickwhat stands out the most @ryukoposting?
00:27:58ryukopostingwell, the push to go stable soon is the big one
00:29:35FromGitter<awr1> it would be funny if nim stabilizes and finalizes its spec before rust does
00:31:00FromGitter<awr1> unfortunately rust has a lot more manpower than us...
00:32:36FromGitter<awr1> for some reason i always get colds in the summer and not the winter
00:38:08*lmariscal1 joined #nim
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01:00:21*CirclingTheVoid quit (Quit: leaving)
01:05:22*joshbaptiste quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
01:17:16skrylar[m]woo. got my nim simplex optimizer to work kinda
01:32:34*joshbaptiste joined #nim
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04:07:19FromGitter<zacharycarter> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/JcKz/image.png)
04:07:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> think I got some decent looking terrain now boyz
04:14:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> now to add texture splatting
04:45:13*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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05:32:02Zevvwow thats pretty sweet zacharycarter!
05:33:43Zevvlooks like NASA footage
05:40:29*absolutejam1 joined #nim
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05:44:11FromGitter<zacharycarter> Once I texture it, it will look a lot better. Thanks!
06:22:44*Mister_Magister quit (Excess Flood)
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06:24:40*absolutejam1 quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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06:26:01Zevvpretty cool as it is already, I like the sand/snow look with the rocks sticking through
06:34:34*alex92 joined #nim
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06:38:09alex92Araq, so what's left of 1.0
06:38:12alex92before 1.0
06:39:05Araqand promotion material
06:42:35alex92and what about newruntime
06:43:22alex92i wonder if there are any small tasks to ponder on
06:45:47Araqyou could fix newruntime bugs
06:45:56Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/168 here, now was that so hard ...
06:46:14AraqConcepts done right (IMHO)
06:51:20*hoijui joined #nim
06:53:01Araqand compare it to https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual_experimental.html#concepts :P
06:55:05alex92hm, i'll take a look at the async issues
06:58:03*gangstacat quit (Quit: Ĝis!)
06:59:46*PMunch joined #nim
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07:25:25nc-xAraq: is the concepts RFC for 1.0 or later?
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07:47:56Araq1.x, probably 1.3 but this schedule needs to be fleshed out, currently my plan is:
07:48:11Araq1.1: incremental compilation (cause every Nim user benefits)
07:48:16Araq1.2: new runtime
07:48:28Araq1.3: type-check generics aka concepts
07:49:17*nc-x joined #nim
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07:49:32Araqnc-x, read the logs please
07:50:47nc-xWell, I would put IC later. I haven't used many projects where compilation is annoyingly slow. And newruntime and concepts would basically be defining how libraries (and other projects) are written, so they should be higher priority IMO.
07:56:51PMunchWhen using complex macros compile-times can shoot up quickly
07:57:19PMunchI've definitely had projects where compile-time was starting to become annoying (compared to normal Nim compile-times, still fairly fast)
07:58:42PMunchBut I agree that library design would be influenced by the two others..
08:02:43skrylar[m]fast compilation matters in weird ways
08:04:17*nc-x quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:07:03skrylar[m]the lisp/smalltalk thing of paying for compiles in short steps when you make each function is kinda nice, since you never get sacked with waiting too much to iterate, but i dunno how likely we'll ever see that level in the wild
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08:32:04Araq1.3 doesn't allow many new things, it's about restricting generics
08:35:52Araqand I have an alternative for 1.2
08:35:57Araqso 1.1 is most important
08:36:48*arecaceae quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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08:38:05lqdev[m]can't wait for 1.1 then
08:38:31lqdev[m]compiling planet overgamma is a pain in the butt since it takes like 6 seconds until I see a window
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08:40:16nc-xWell, just don't forget to add "cyclic imports" and "removal of requirement of forward declaration" to the 1.x schedule and I am happy 😁
08:41:13PMunchHuh, never heard of planet overgamma before. Looks cool :)
08:42:04*hoijui quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
08:42:47*nc-x quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:45:06alex92i like IC too
08:45:46alex92how would you remove formward decl: i guess macros really make this difficult?
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08:52:45Araqnc-x we need IC before attempting to do these things so that we can measure if everything still works out with an inherently slower compilation setup
08:55:58*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
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09:10:05alex92but why
09:11:57Araqbecause recursive dependencies change the game
09:12:04*hoijui quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
09:12:08alex92do we need to expand macros or something for forward decl? we can just pre-pass the direct proc definitions and resolve them and require forward for macros
09:12:14alex92sorry, can't remember the logic
09:12:35alex92ah i wonder about the forward proc decl-s, can't remember why is it complicated
09:13:05Araqoh forward decls are different
09:13:14AraqI spoke about recursive module dependencies
09:13:46Araqbut removing forward decls might also have an impact on the IC implementation, it's wise to work on IC first IMO
09:14:28alex92hm, but if we ignore IC for a moment
09:14:34alex92does the simplish pre-pass thing work
09:14:42alex92as an algorithm
09:16:11Araqwhat do you mean? 'reordering'?
09:16:20Araqit's used extensively without trouble
09:16:37Araqbut it's not the same thing as getting rid of forward decls
09:16:53alex92well, doesn't it leave only cases where
09:17:00alex92macro-s generate proc definitions
09:17:08alex92i wouldn't call it reordering
09:17:16alex92more like "predeclaring"
09:35:19*solitudesf quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
09:35:41*Araq shrugs
09:36:18Araqnot every proc is produced by a macro, most aren't. a design that is explicit what works and what doesn't is good enough
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09:38:03Araqbut it's not really important is it? it doesn't keep you from writing good Nim code. Cyclic imports are more important for most people who complain about these things
09:39:32livcdAraq: do you have some features of Nim that might disappear / get removed due to whatever reasons
09:40:08Araqlivcd, as I said, I only know about 'do'
09:40:40Araqwell there is '.this' but it's already deprecated
09:40:42*leorize_ joined #nim
09:40:49livcdi did not even know about do :-)
09:41:23alex92i just hope `using` stays
09:41:23Araqbut there would be an RFC process and a migration period etc yada yada
09:41:53alex92otherwise i'd love to see async newruntime, but not sure how much work is left for this
09:42:15alex92of course, that's after-1.0
09:42:19Araqthe 'shr' change and '-d:danger' things are things that had no RFC and we got blamed for it. and rightly so
09:42:47Araqand this has ended, you want a change, at least write an RFC
09:42:50alex92i have a lot of `do`, but i guess i can write a tool to automate porting that
09:43:46Araqjust relax
09:44:01Araqwe need to offer an alternative before we can deprecate it
09:44:01*leorize quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
09:44:01alex92i am very relaxed about it
09:44:04alex92i like writing tools
09:44:12alex92just trying to find a reason for it :P
09:45:06alex92well, iirc `a do ()` is just `a(.. , () => same stuff)` or `a(.. , proc(..) = .. )`
09:48:47alex92we can RFC a `dont` .. you write a dont (): echo 0 and nim doesnt execute such code while calling `a`
09:49:26Araq(it was a joke, right?)
09:49:31alex92i was already ashamed while writing it
09:49:42alex92it was supposed to be one .. :D
09:49:57alex92ok, back to work
09:54:08*ofelas quit (Quit: shutdown -h now)
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09:55:38*leorize_ is now known as leorize
10:08:06FromGitter<AmberSaber> Hint: used config file '/usr/local/Cellar/nim/0.20.2/nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf] ⏎ Hint: system [Processing] ⏎ Hint: widestrs [Processing] ⏎ Hint: io [Processing] ⏎ Hint: greetings [Processing] ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5d76248550508949d3029ec3]
10:11:02alex92run the failing clang command and see the output :(
10:27:47*lnx joined #nim
10:45:30*Romanson joined #nim
11:05:21*absolutejam1 quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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11:21:46FromGitter<AmberSaber> I fix it
11:21:58FromGitter<AmberSaber> It can works
11:23:47FromGitter<AmberSaber> I modified some system configurations, causing clang to fail to link to header files
11:26:37alex92well done!
11:30:53FromGitter<AmberSaber> I will study nim in September. I didn't intend to learn it. But with the Chinese official website, this makes more people like me look more confident.
11:32:31livcdAmberSaber are you chinese ?
11:32:44federico3do you have problems fetching libraries from GitHub?
11:33:38livcdwell I had because of corporate firewall
11:36:59FromGitter<AmberSaber> There are some Chinese people here, but they have enough programming experience and their English reading level is not bad. I am very poor in these two aspects.
11:40:36*gangstacat joined #nim
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12:05:06federico3livcd: how so?
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12:13:52FromGitter<AmberSaber> The firewall is to protect those fools, their minds are easily brainwashed by outside information.
12:14:12FromGitter<AmberSaber> Firewall is never a problem
12:15:29FromGitter<AmberSaber> China has a population of 1.4 billion, which means there are too many fools.
12:15:40*absolutejam1 joined #nim
12:16:43FromGitter<AmberSaber> Like Hong Kong’s 7 million people, millions of them are stupid.
12:17:10alex92please, no political "analysis" here
12:17:57alex92if you really want to go into such topics, there is #nim-offtopic
12:18:18narimiraneven there, political topics can only cause trouble
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12:21:03FromGitter<AmberSaber> Yes, I don't like to talk about politics, but there are always people who use the firewall to cause controversy.
12:28:22FromGitter<AmberSaber> Living is always difficult, but things are always getting better, not worse. There are difficulties, but there is always a way to solve it. Discussing a firewall is a political mapping.
12:28:44livcdI think you misunderstood
12:30:49FromGitter<AmberSaber> Stop this topic, forget it, let me do something else now.
12:32:16Zevvwell, its only four times older then nim :)
12:32:56alex92we need e
12:33:37alex92typo, sorry
12:34:00narimiranZevv: and it will be only less and less! :P
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12:37:43*narimiran quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12:39:15*dddddd quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
12:40:02Zevvtrue :)
12:40:16*hoijui quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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12:41:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> so we just need to put more Nim programs in the cloud
12:41:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> and then Nim will never die
12:42:03FromGitter<zacharycarter> also would help if we could figure out a way to clone Araq a few times
12:46:11Araqhaven't you noticed? I stopped programming, I'm only writing specs and RFCs for you to implement
12:46:19*Araq is kidding
12:46:38Araqbut the idea has some merit ... hmmm
12:47:03alex92we also write RFC-s for you to implement
12:47:10alex92so it's just a loop
12:47:56Araqbut I don't implement the RFCs :P
12:48:08alex92and we don't implement your RFC-s :P
12:48:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> I propose a RFC to talk about implementing RFCs
12:48:13federico3zacharycarter: in the cloud? It's more volatile than anything else
12:48:15FromGitter<zacharycarter> or not implementing them
12:48:18alex92and in the end only timothee and krux implement stuff
12:48:22alex92while we all bikeshed
12:48:22disruptekif i get time to code today, i expect to have native nim cloud apis for amazon finished. i need to add signing for azure and google apis, but it shouldn't be difficult. 😉
12:48:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> federico3: the article basically said that since COBOL applications are moving to the cloud, they will outlvie us
12:48:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> so i was just making fun at that
12:49:06alex92zacharycarter, we got to the "lets do a conf" stage
12:49:45alex92can you host us
12:51:13FromGitter<zacharycarter> conference? where?
12:51:27alex92in finland
12:51:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> probably the best place to have a Nim conf at this point seems to be China
12:51:45alex92if you host us , all 20 of us
12:51:48livcdbut only if you can live with the firewall :-)
12:52:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah - only firewall lovers may attend
12:52:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> I mean, you guys can stay in my apartment
12:52:22alex92i am not sure if they will let us thru the border check physical wall first :P
12:52:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> but someone will probably end up sharing a bed with my dog
12:53:08disruptekhong kong sounds nice.
12:53:10FromGitter<zacharycarter> and as far as where the conference is held, I don't have many resources besides my apartment
12:53:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> this is starting to sound like the most depressing conference ever
12:54:01alex92finland has many lakes
12:54:07FromGitter<zacharycarter> this is true
12:54:16alex92but no, i would prefer souther europe
12:54:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> we could probably just like take over an island near Helsinki
12:54:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> and no one would notice
12:54:31alex92its warm, easy to access and the food is tasty
12:54:36alex92oh, does it have islands?
12:54:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> because there are so damn many of them
12:54:42alex92but greece have like 500
12:55:00alex92disruptek, it sounds disrupting!
12:55:20FromGitter<zacharycarter> Helisnki has like 300+
12:55:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> but not 500
12:55:43narimiranCroatia also has plenty of islands, and it is closer to the western/central Europe than Greece :P
12:55:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> definitely don't come to Finland for the food
12:55:55FromGitter<zacharycarter> the food here is bad
12:56:23alex92i like croatia, never been there, sounds like a balkan superpower
12:56:36alex92dont you have a lot of fish zachar
12:57:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> Everyone loves salmon here - like Salmon soup is everywhere
12:57:42*nif quit (Quit: ...)
12:57:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> and I think Finns also love picked / fermented herring
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12:57:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'll take a hard pass on both
12:58:59FromGitter<zacharycarter> I feel kind of dirty working on the feature I'm working on at work
12:59:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> like my soul needs to take a shower or something
12:59:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> adding lootboxes to the game
12:59:38alex92uh why do they need it
12:59:49FromGitter<zacharycarter> so we can get people addicted to our game and make more money of course
13:01:40FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm just glad I don't have to make the decision whether they get added or not. I'm just the sap that gets to implement them
13:04:04FromGitter<zacharycarter> there's a really good South Park episode about this topic :P
13:14:23Zevvso how are the textures coming
13:26:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> they haven't started yet :P still at work
13:26:37FromGitter<zacharycarter> will start on them this evening I guess
13:26:46FromGitter<zacharycarter> probably just going to use world machine to generate them for now
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13:40:15PMunchzacharycarter, are you dissing Salmon soup?
13:40:42FromGitter<zacharycarter> what? I would never do such a thing! /throws up at the thought of it
13:41:00FromGitter<zacharycarter> actually, joking aside, it doesn't sound THAT terrible
13:41:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> but fishy soup, I just don't know
13:41:43PMunchIt's super good :)
13:41:53FromGitter<zacharycarter> I will at least try it before I leave Finland
13:42:12PMunchNorway is a huge producer of salmon, and we eat quite a bit of it
13:42:22PMunchA nice creamy salmon soup, yum!
13:43:24FromGitter<zacharycarter> I do like reindeer - I've discovered that much since getting over here
13:43:34PMunchOh yeah, that's super tasty as well
13:43:45FromGitter<zacharycarter> poor Rudolph
13:44:01PMunchHaha, you don't eat the red-nosed ones
13:44:06FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
13:45:41PMunchYou should try the pickled fish as well, it's really good :)
13:45:51FromGitter<zacharycarter> now you're pushing it haha
13:46:14PMunchHaha, I haven't even gotten to the good ones yet
13:46:28PMunchHere in Norway we have all sorts of weird fish dishes
13:48:17*ZORR0W joined #nim
13:49:23FromGitter<zacharycarter> something about Scandinavia....
13:56:07ZevvDo people here abuse tuples for multiple assignments? I find myself often typing things like ` var (fg, bg) = (fgDefault, bgDefault)`
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13:57:33PMunchZevv, I've never seen that being used before :P
13:58:00Zevvoh :)
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14:01:17lqdev[m]Zevv: too much Lua :P
14:02:09ZevvI love it :)
14:02:25ZevvI'd even more love it if I could drop the parentheses!
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14:09:53ldleworkI use tuples in C# but not for simply renaming two variables.
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14:14:29Zevvits not renaming, its assignment: var (a, b) = (42, "foobar")
14:14:56shashlickwhy do C/C++ libraries give random names to the compiled .so and .a files
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14:27:37Zevvhow do you mean, random names?
14:28:08Zevvthe symbols in the file, or really the file names?
14:35:05disruptekZevv: tuple destructuring... i use it sparingly; i'm not sure i trust destructuring without names, because tuples feel like objects in nim versus, say, python.
14:35:43disruptekbtw, i just played with duc for the first time last night. cute! but, ncurses mode crashes for me for some reason.
14:39:15disrupteki guess what i really mean is that i'm not sure when and why to use tuples, unlike in python. i use them because they are the most minimally complex type that i need, but their semantics still seem hit-and-miss.
14:40:04leorizeI just use tuple when I need the deconstruction semantics of it
14:40:13alex92i use them when i dont really care for the object
14:40:20alex92e.g. i just use it in one place
14:40:23alex92in a big structure
14:40:24shashlick@Zevv - zlib compiles to libz.a and libz.so in Linux but on Windows, it uses libzlibstatic.a on Windows
14:40:27alex92and i dont really want to name it
14:41:46disruptekso why don't tuples have a `len()`?
14:41:50leorizeshashlick: it's a mingw thing
14:42:31leorizeon *nix the naming convention of library starts with `lib`
14:42:51shashlicklibXYZ.[a/so] is reasonable
14:42:52disruptekthey don't have a `fields()` and they don't have a `high()`, a `low()`, but we can access them with integer indices... i don't really get it.
14:43:04shashlickbit libzlib => libz isn't convenient either
14:43:07leorizewindows don't share that naming convention though
14:43:19leorizepretty sure you can patch things around to make it output libz
14:43:45shashlickya i am improving getHeader in nimterop - needs to be generic enough to find all these random names
14:44:16leorizedisruptek: maybe you can add them? :P
14:44:28leorizeit seems like that all of those stuff are implementable with a macro
14:45:26disrupteki looked into implementing high/low and there was some kind of breakdown that gave me a good argument against it.
14:50:04disrupteki guess it's a lightweight stack-only multivalue for return type, primarily? i'm just guessing at the motivation...
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14:54:19alex92i guess it doesnt really make sense
14:54:26alex92because you know how long they are
14:54:29alex92when you write the code
14:54:41alex92except if you write a generic function using only `tuple`
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14:58:21alex92proc len(b: tuple): int =
14:58:22alex92 return b.type.arity
14:58:27alex92with import typetraits
14:58:30alex92gives you len
14:58:50alex92i guess you can define high / low too
14:59:28disruptekfair point. so, i guess i should submit that pr.
14:59:45alex92underrated module: typetraits
14:59:53alex92if its really ct-only, it should be fine
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15:00:14alex92i dont know: the core team decides
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15:01:56*lqdev[m] uploaded an image: image.png (4KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ZYZZfROsbkDzKzfOVDxkNtgE >
15:02:04lqdev[m]I don't know why but I find this amusing
15:03:29FromGitter<awr1> nice work @zacharycarter !
15:03:32FromGitter<awr1> where is the heightmap from
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15:07:00disruptekthat was useful, glad i brought it up. i've definitely changed my style wrt tuples now.
15:07:43disruptekie. i won't use them without names and types.
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15:09:14Araqthe only good tuple is one without field names ;-)
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15:10:48FromGitter<awr1> somewhere a C programmer is yelling in the distane: "named tuples? back in my day we called those 'structs'"
15:13:07FromGitter<arnetheduck> I know this might be heresy to some, but `nimbus` is talking over libp2p to a `rust` program :) https://twitter.com/paulhauner/status/1170952290469122048
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15:16:48disruptekhow can i achieve a type-check like this: `for kv: KeyValueTuple in something.pairs: echo "key: " & kv.key`? should i just raise a compile-time error?
15:20:39leorizejust let the compiler do the type check?
15:20:58disruptekright, but how?
15:21:13leorizeI don't think I quite understand your problem
15:21:20shashlickhow do you do a default initialized proc param
15:21:43FromGitter<mratsim> proc foo(x = default(int)) =
15:22:01leorizeonly in nim >= 0.20
15:22:06disruptekthe convention is `for k, v in something.pairs:` -- if i want to pass $k to something, it could be any number of types. how can i clamp it down?
15:22:42shashlickproc abc(xyz: proc(def) = ???)
15:22:42leorize`when k is type`?
15:22:53disruptekthen, that's what i meant by manually.
15:23:13narimiranre tuples: i use them regularly for Cartesian coordinates. should i really switch to objects? why?
15:23:36leorizehow often do you destruct those tuples?
15:24:21leorizedisruptek: I'm still not sure of what you're trying to do...
15:24:24leorizeany example?
15:24:24narimiranleorize: the usage is often just `p.x`, `p.y`
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15:25:48narimiranand if i have `seq[Point]`, i just do `sp.add (x, y)`, which i cannot do if i had use objects
15:26:17leorizeyou can `sp.add Point(x: x, y: y)` :P it's longer but it works
15:26:36narimiranyeah, i know i can do that, but i don't see any benefit in that
15:26:57leorizethe biggest advantage would be better type checking
15:27:16narimiranare there any performance differences, or why are tuples usually no-go?
15:27:17leorizeif you don't need that then you can just stick with tuple
15:27:39leorizetype checking is the biggest argument against 'em
15:27:56leorizeany perf differences would have probably been sorted out long ago
15:28:22leorizeobjects no longer have RTTI embedded by default anymore, so they are as fast as tuples can be
15:29:24Zevv\o/ http://zevv.nl/div/t.png
15:29:35narimiranok, i guess i'll continue to use tuples in the case like above. and i'll continue to hear from others that objects are better than tuples, and i shouldn't use tuples :)
15:30:09leorizeobjects are better than tuples and you shouldn't use tuples :)
15:30:22Zevvdeprecate tuples then!
15:30:40leorizeZevv: ooh, what's that?
15:30:58leorizea new way to write peg? :P
15:31:07Zevvnpeg debug output
15:31:22Zevvascii rendered. I'm so proud :)
15:31:41leorizethat's dope
15:32:20Zevvso much time in my life I could spend on useful things instead. walking in the woods, playing with the ducks, talking to the squirrels
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15:42:13disruptekleorize: https://gist.github.com/disruptek/2141003dc7e129fabec8bf50ad41a9da
15:43:09disrupteki'm so impressed by that output, zevv. i hadn't given it much thought, but i didn't have the first clue of where to begin to render that.
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15:48:38leorizedisruptek: wouldn't the type of the pairs iterator let you know which type is that?
15:53:42Zevvdisruptek: funny how few code it is, it's just boxes in boxes in boxes
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16:00:47FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: there's an annoyance with '#' chars getting into .c filenames. It makes it hard/impossible to work with such files with make at al. Can we fix it?
16:02:04FromGitter<yglukhov> the '#' come from the package dir name in nimble packages like 'foo-\#head'
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16:05:52leorizedisruptek: does the `master` branch work better than `refactoring` or it's just your pc having a rough time at that point?
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16:10:48Araqyglukhov: consider it done
16:11:13FromGitter<yglukhov> Awesome, thanks!
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16:12:03leorizewouldn't some quoting fixes the problem?
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16:26:12disruptekZevv: hopefully more a testament to your design work than my naivety!
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16:27:08disruptekleorize: the type of the pairs iterator won't matter; ie. that proc could return ("foo", "bar") or ("bar", "foo") and my code won't be any wiser.
16:27:38FromGitter<yglukhov> leorize: well, if I'm plugging an Android.mk to android ndk build system, and it's all fine in my Android.mk, and later in deep in the android build system it all gets messed up, what should I escape? :). Point is, even if it could be escaped, I think most build systems will never consider for such edge case.
16:27:43disruptekbtw, master doesn't seem to run out of files but i still have periodic freezes.
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16:28:08leorizedo you have any other plugins activated?
16:28:17leorizethey might be a problem as well
16:28:28disruptekany idea on how to identify?
16:28:42disrupteknimsuggest is only using a few hundred meg of memory, fwiw.
16:28:54Cadeycan you import nim code from a nimble script?
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16:29:31leorizeevidence that nim.nvim is vastly superior than VSC right there lol
16:29:48leorizeanyhow, ususally I'd use nvim's :profile
16:30:03disrupteki know, it's silly that a 300meg seems reasonable for this.
16:31:48leorizethe problem with nvim :profile is that it doesn't correctly deal with async functions
16:32:14disruptekthat's what has confused me; i really didn't think my editor could get blocked.
16:32:15AraqCadey, yes, you can
16:32:28leorizebut you can try it regardless
16:34:19leorize:prof start bottleneck.log
16:34:26leorize:prof func *
16:34:45leorizeafter you've done with your long editing session
16:34:47leorize:prof stop
16:35:58leorizenote that you have to do this or else it won't write down the profiling data
16:36:04leorizedisruptek: ^
16:36:43disrupteknoted, thanks for the howto. ;-)
16:38:01disruptekit could be gitgutter, i guess. i will know more once i trim out some runtime and profile it.
16:38:27leorizewatch out for async procs though
16:39:29leorizethey won't have their `execution count`, and the runtime will be huge, but that's just due to how often they execute
16:40:05shashlickwhat are potentially the top 5 C/C++ libraries of interest in the Nim community
16:41:03narimirandisruptek: can you share the list of the plugins you use in neovim?
16:43:30narimiranand the problem is slowness/stuttering?
16:44:00disruptekperiodic input freezes for a few seconds.
16:44:01leorizeI'd blame having both syntastic and ale :P
16:44:06narimiranyep, had that before
16:44:20narimiranand my blame guess goes to deoplete
16:44:31disruptekwell, those are both off, so we'll see.
16:46:10narimirani remember those situations getting on my nerves, i decided to remove all plugins and then enable them one by one, until i had minimum number of plugins that gave me just enough of the functionality. i probably now use 40% less plugins than back then
16:46:16disrupteki mean, i don't run all of these. if i move away from a module, i don't necessarily remove the tree; i'll just -x it so i can bring it back in without editing anything.
16:46:59narimiranand gitgutter is currently enabled for me, and i don't have these hiccups
16:48:22disruptekcool, that helps. i hated to give that up even for an hour.
16:49:08narimiranyeah, start with disabling powerline/airline - i'm sure you can live without them :)
16:49:39leorizei got lazy setting them up and I lived without them since :P
16:55:47disruptekthing is, i think it's only on buffer writes. but, we'll see if disabling most stuff changes behavior.
16:57:41disruptekshashlick: good question, what have you come up with so far?
17:06:14shashlicki'm trying to make getHeader robust - so far i've gotten liblzma and zlib working with it
17:06:20shashlicki want more test cases to add
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17:07:56disrupteksearch github for `embedded`, choose C or C++ language, sort by stars.
17:13:58disrupteki guess the solution tuples is to have `proc fun(y: TupleTypeFoo) = discard; for x in foo.pairs: x.fun`
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17:18:23disruptekupdated solution: https://gist.github.com/disruptek/2141003dc7e129fabec8bf50ad41a9da
17:18:48shashlick@disruptek - library seems to give more interesting matches - https://github.com/search?l=C&o=desc&q=library&s=stars&type=Repositories
17:19:19disrupteki would love some kind of embedded db i could build on.
17:20:12disruptekshashlick: dear imgui?
17:31:13FromGitter<brentp> I am using `countSetBits` heavily in some code. I get a major (~4X) speedup using `--passC:"-mpopcnt"` compared to the same code and workload without that flag. Is this expected?
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17:35:52shashlick@disruptek - there's one being maintained here - https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl/blob/master/src/nimgl/imgui.nim
17:36:31disruptekyeah, i couldn't remember. well, that's great. :-)
17:39:12FromGitter<zacharycarter> @awr1 thanks! it's from the BGFX example: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/blob/master/examples/runtime/textures/dmap.png
17:39:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> shouldn't be hard to generate my own though I would imagine
17:51:31Zevvbrentp: it is not surprising, popcnt is doing just that
17:52:27Zevvalthough I'd expect it to automatically deduce it should use popcnt. That is your platform?
17:52:39FromGitter<brentp> I just figured that instruction was common (old) enough that I wouldn't need any march stuff.
17:53:10Zevvwell, Nim does not hardcode that instruction, but it has fast paths for common compiler intrinsics
17:53:36Zevvbuiltin_popcnt32() etc, but there are some checks to see if your platform supports that. Thus my question, what is your platform?
17:54:12FromGitter<brentp> gcc 5.X on linux
17:54:26Zevvhm that should be just fine. let me see if I can reproduce
17:55:44Zevvright, reproducable indeed
17:56:10Zevv6.4 times faster
17:56:44disruptekthat kind of a speedup could be a breaking change. 😛
17:56:47FromGitter<brentp> `useGCC_builtins` is defind for me too.
17:57:13FromGitter<mratsim> popcnt flag is for Pentium 4+
17:57:14FromGitter<brentp> out of curiosity, how'd you reproduce?
17:57:16Zevvyeah, I checked and it actually uses the intrinsic. But maybe gcc is not allowed to emit unless the mpopcnt is specified
17:57:44FromGitter<mratsim> I think most old CPU have pop count but the hardware flag was not exposed since pentium 4
17:57:59Zevvnim c -d:danger t.nim && time ./t && nim c -d:danger --passC:-mpopcnt t.nim && time ./t
17:58:04FromGitter<mratsim> Also nice article: https://vaibhavsagar.com/blog/2019/09/08/popcount/
17:58:11FromGitter<mratsim> you need -d:release in there as well
17:58:26FromGitter<brentp> cheers.
17:58:56Zevv-march=native is always nice
17:59:50FromGitter<brentp> I am implementing this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3025716/ I had it as naive loops, converting to bitops+popcnt makes it ~30X faster for 600 samples.
18:00:11FromGitter<brentp> yeah. I first found the speedup with march=native. then figured it was popcnt that was making the difference.
18:00:41Zevvmratsim: ah that was on HN today :)
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18:01:31Zevvbrentp: but still, interesting that gcc does not dare to emit that by default. We should consider adding a note to the countSetBits() docs
18:01:53FromGitter<brentp> yeah, I saw that same thing @mratsim, which prompted my recent dev here: https://github.com/brentp/somalier/blob/popcount/src/somalierpkg/bitset.nim#L38-L52
18:01:57FromGitter<mratsim> atually it’s in x86 only since Nehalem so 2009?
18:02:19FromGitter<brentp> @Zevv sounds good
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18:15:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> I wish there was something easier than world machine to generate a splat map for this heightfield
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18:19:58FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: recent nim produces c files like `..@..@[email protected]@pkgs@x11-#head@[email protected]` (note the leading dots). That's something undesired as well :)
18:21:13FromGitter<yglukhov> in fact what is the reason to prepend "..@..@[email protected]@pkgs@" whereas it could be just x11?
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18:27:09leorizeto support that fancy multiple nimble package version feature?
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18:40:07FromGitter<yglukhov> huh? Is it even considered to be supported now? I thought it's not gonna happen in the nearest time.
18:41:14Araqmodules of the same name within the same nimble package are supported now
18:41:45Araq(there is at least one bug left, of course... *Sigh*)
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18:42:33FromGitter<yglukhov> right, i know that. but why this long prefix? it should be the inner-path to disambiguate, which there is I think. but the prefix doesn't seem to be needed
18:44:45AraqI don't know either
18:44:51Araqneed to investigate
18:45:03Zevvzacharycarter: world machine?
18:50:26FromGitter<zacharycarter> https://www.world-machine.com/
18:51:03FromGitter<awr1> world machine is cool, i've used it before
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18:53:56FromGitter<awr1> @mratsim "I think most old CPU have pop count but the hardware flag was not exposed since pentium 4"
18:53:59FromGitter<awr1> the final word in detecting ISA extension coverage: execute newer instructions and capture potential SIGILL :P
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19:12:37ArrrrrrSo, I have a stupid question: what about passing -DNDEBUG when assertions are disabled?
19:13:53ArrrrrrI mean, should it be defined in the general nim.cfg?
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19:17:27Araqwhy? Nim's assertions are not C's assertions
19:19:59ArrrrrrBut they server the same goal. I don't know much C, recently I got into looking what information is packed into the binary and found out that the full path appeared there, including my name. I had no idea how to remove that until I learned about assert.h
19:20:34ArrrrrrNot a big deal, but got me thinking that, since they are roughly the same (C asserts and nim asserts), maybe the could be both disabled at the same time.
19:24:34FromGitter<akavel> Hi! A newbie question: I have a function `foo` generating a hierarchy of nested `ref object`-s; I am writing a test for the function, but `check foo() == Hierarchy(of: Nested(obje: Cts))` fails, because == comparison on ref objects returns false for distinct objects (IIUC). How can I do a "deep equal" comparison on them? Should I redefine the == operator on each ref object in the hierarchy?
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19:30:40FromGitter<awr1> normally i would suggest `foo()[] == Hierarchy(of: Nested(obje: Cts))[]` but i have a feeling that won't work, because you need to compare the whole tree
19:33:06FromGitter<awr1> what you may end up having to do is recursion, where the base case has no children.
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19:34:49FromGitter<akavel> @awr1 For the recursion I would need to compare field by field anyway, no? as the fields containing `ref object`s will always be different anyway, so x[] == y[] won't work anyway, I suppose?
19:35:50FromGitter<mratsim> implement == for your objects
19:35:58FromGitter<mratsim> ref object*
19:36:00FromGitter<awr1> if you don't want to compare field by field make the data contained within the hierarchy type a special object type of its own
19:36:07FromGitter<awr1> and then check that recursively
19:37:50FromGitter<akavel> @awr1 No, can't do, the syntax of the hierarchy is aimed at ease of writing, adding artificial nesting would make it much uglier
19:38:36FromGitter<akavel> @mratsim ok, thanks; maybe for objects will be actually enough, then I could do x[] == y[] and hopefully it would work?
19:38:39Araqakavel: it's better to use a different name, usually, like 'equals' or some new operator like '==*'
19:39:01FromGitter<akavel> Araq: Ok, thanks!
19:39:03FromGitter<awr1> you can use a macro to generate getters for the data so that you don't have to type `hierarchy.data.someField`, rather just `hierarchy.someField`
19:39:08FromGitter<awr1> *getters + setters
19:40:15FromGitter<awr1> alternatively you can just do what you were doing previously and iterate through the fields
19:40:19FromGitter<akavel> @awr1 If Araq says equals, so it will be ;) and actually this will potentially make it more reusable for other tests, at different levels of the hierarchy.
19:40:26FromGitter<awr1> and test each
19:40:50FromGitter<akavel> Thanks everybody!
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20:18:53ZevvIs there a way to profile compile-time code, and some hints for performance tuning?
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20:23:30FromGitter<alehander42> @akavel i think you shouldn't redefine it
20:23:33FromGitter<alehander42> for each ref
20:23:38FromGitter<alehander42> just overload it for T
20:23:40FromGitter<alehander42> and reuse ==
20:23:46FromGitter<alehander42> and again for ref T
20:23:54FromGitter<alehander42> but i might be mistaken?
20:24:08FromGitter<alehander42> e.g. equals[T] ..
20:24:50FromGitter<alehander42> equals(a: ref T, b: ref T) ?
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20:32:30skrylar[m]i did recently abuse some comparison operators for building constraint objects
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20:37:08FromGitter<alehander42> oh, how did it look!
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21:25:58FromGitter<mratsim> @Zevv, compile-time code? like you are running compute intensive code in the VM?
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22:47:16*skrylar[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ILBbCNPnyhOzdyFtKKOfwBDk >
22:48:23skrylar[m]theres some procs so trying to add/sub will wrap variables in terms, comparing terms creates the constraint object, which might also flip the terms / rearrange them based on what the simplex can actually solve, and then when added it does the rest
22:48:48skrylar[m]non-linear stuff it just won't let you do, because you can't anyway
22:49:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> Hongkong is unstable right now, probably will last.
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23:43:53rockcaveraHow do I import this package if it has same name as a standard package?
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