<< 08-09-2019 >>

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00:59:42FromGitter<mratsim> @awr1 I can run tests on my SLI system if you want, but after Sept 20th
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02:46:39skrylar[m]oh. well, rip. wanted to see how well tabnine worked with nim but they went sub-only.
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05:05:20Hideki_Could anyone advise me how to convert a JSON hash table to Nim's object easily? I cannot do that with Marshal library.
05:05:20Hideki_let cnt = to[Table[string, int]]("{ \"Apple\": 1, \"Orange\": 2, \"Banana\": 3 }")
05:05:20Hideki_--> Error: unhandled exception: invalid field name: Apple [ValueError]
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05:14:25leorizethe json module should do
05:21:13Hideki_let cnt = to(parseJson("{ \"Apple\": 1, \"Orange\": 2, \"Banana\": 3 }"), Table[string, int])
05:21:20Hideki_It works! Thank you leorize!
05:23:43*Romanson joined #nim
05:43:25leorizeglad it worked :)
05:44:01leorizesmall trick: let cnt = to(parseJson("""{ "Apple": 1, "Orange": 2, "Banana": 3 }"""), Table[string, int])
05:44:12leorizetriple quote will save you from having to escape quotes
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06:06:22FromGitter<awr1> @mratsim thanks for the offer, unfortunately i should really focus on making this renderer more concrete for single-GPU
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06:07:10FromGitter<awr1> i was able to ask someone i knew w/ more experience using multi-GPU on vulkan though, turns out i didn't quite understand how device groups worked
06:07:48FromGitter<awr1> i was a little confused with the way queue operations worked
06:07:59FromGitter<awr1> within device groups
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08:39:29dom96that's surprising, no negative values supported by CountTable? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=1Uzp
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11:30:50Zevvpositive thinking!
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13:29:40RomansonI am thinking of exploring this language.
13:30:00RomansonIs nim compiler in gentoo packages?
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13:41:05disruptekRomanson: yes.
13:43:59leorizecheckout my overlay if you want the devel version
13:46:54Romansondisruptek: Its a masked package tho.
13:47:37disruptekthe 0.20 series of compiler is inherently unstable.
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13:50:00Romansondisruptek: It won't break the system right?
13:50:15RomansonI guess I'll give it a shot.
13:50:25RomansonWhat editor and plugins are you guys on?
13:51:02disruptekleorize wrote an nvim plugin which i also use.
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14:32:10disruptekfederico3: any more thoughts on your slow json issue?
14:34:52federico3disruptek: no, I haven't been looking into it more
14:39:05disruptekreally odd problem worth figuring out. if you get an idea on how we can compare our environments, lemme know.
14:39:50federico3disruptek: if you compare python.json / ujson / Nim on your host[s] you can still see some poor performance
14:40:21disrupteki cannot reproduce your issue; the nim version takes 2.0s for me.
14:40:50federico3...compared to?
14:41:08disruptek3.9s for python/json.
14:42:05disruptek(and under a second for ujson version)
14:42:12federico3much better but far from excellent
14:42:21leorizehave you tried Araq's packedjson?
14:42:54federico3it failed to decode, also it's a different topic: I'm concerned about stdlib
14:43:08disrupteki haven't, but clyybber did; it was ~20% slower.
14:43:21federico3slower than..?
14:43:50disrupteki can only guess compared to stdlib.
14:44:37leorizeif packedjson consistantly beats stdlib's json in performance then wouldn't it be a good candidate as the new json module?
14:44:51disruptekit doesn't fully implement the same api.
14:48:02leorizehmm, would npeg be capable of producing a faster json parser than the json module?
14:49:31disruptekcan't rule it out, especially since it seems the json module might be crippled in some environments.
14:49:58FromGitter<arnetheduck> things tend to be faster because they have a better or different api - the std lib is not a place for changing api - the easy way out is to stop using the std library, then you have the infrastructure to change to an even better json library in the future
14:50:11disruptekwe could call it `ujson`.
14:50:50FromGitter<arnetheduck> we have a json lib as well in status, though it's type-based instead of generic
14:51:21Zevvleorize: npeg parses faster then json, but I would need to do new tests to see if that still holds. I wouldn't reccomend npeg for high performance things though, these things are better coded by hand
14:51:29FromGitter<arnetheduck> the std library is where code goes to die ;)
14:55:47federico3anyone wants to bench against go and rust and so on?
14:57:44disrupteki think there's already a json benchmarking tool, or maybe it's just a test suite.
15:11:46federico3I can replicate it on circleCI
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15:20:05federico3https://circleci.com/gh/FedericoCeratto/nim-morelogging/90 there you go
15:22:56disruptekwhat am i looking at?
15:25:35federico3look at the last log pane
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15:28:04disruptekit looks like this series of tests took 27s and failed due to an inability to compress something. how can we compare the speed without an equivalent python test in the same job?
15:28:16federico3:D the UI just broke
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15:29:32federico3446 msec VS 1.6s
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15:33:02disrupteki think i have a repro.
15:42:50disruptekwell, i can get it to take 23s... but only in a debug build.
15:49:20disruptekit takes python almost 30s to benchmark 10 iterations of the loop, or about 15x nim's speed for one loop. what i don't understand is how it's taking your machine 11s to run the same code. what os?
15:49:56disrupteki should say, 15x slower than nim.
15:50:38disruptekor 1.5x or something. you know what i mean.
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15:58:37federico3disruptek: what you saw is on a CircleCI buildbot
15:59:09disruptekyeah, i know. my 30s python was run locally.
16:00:13federico3look at the paste again: 1.7 s for Nim to parse the whole file VS 0.446 for Python ujson
16:00:16disruptekthe buildbot is taking 1.7s to run the nim, right?
16:00:42disruptektry running that python command line.
16:00:45federico33.9 x slower
16:01:03federico31.7 is only the parsing, without the executable start time and so on
16:01:35disruptekokay, but python isn't measuring executable start time, either.
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16:02:26disruptekthat python benchmark takes me 30s to run. are you telling me that my ujson in python is extremely slow?
16:02:58shashlickSorry to interrupt but what's a good tool to help test across multiple machines / os
16:03:09shashlickPretty much a local CI
16:03:33federico3no, the timeit module runs the bench *multiple times* by itself
16:03:52shashlickBut something like - git clone, make edits, run command which tests locally and on other machines with same changes
16:04:39federico3a simple makefile with rsync and ssh does the trick
16:06:10*rokups quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
16:06:42disruptekwell, going back to what i can reproduce (and understand), ujson is about 800ms for me and nim is about 2000ms. and that's pretty close to what the buildbot is producing, right?
16:08:30federico3generating json input with different sizes and contents might help
16:08:34disruptekwhat's your local os?
16:09:35federico3I'm testing on different hosts. Debian with kernels 4.14 and 4.19
16:11:06shashlickYa rsync, etc but is there something that makes this easy or I have to spend hours building it from components?
16:12:50disruptekall i can think of is buildbot with multiple containers in the cloud.
16:13:02disruptekand, yes, it will take awhile to setup.
16:14:23federico3http://paste.debian.net/1099539/ something that simple
16:14:30shashlickShould I look at things like ansible and co?
16:14:46federico3disruptek: you don't usually want to run bench on VMs / containers
16:14:49federico3jesus no
16:15:08disrupteki don't think shashlick is trying to do benchmarking, right?
16:15:43federico3shashlick: #nim-offtopic
16:16:02shashlickYa, for example, making a code change in nimterop and running the test across all my machines
16:16:11shashlickAcross various versions of Nim
16:16:21shashlickProbably off topic ya
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16:18:08disruptekfederico3: wanna send me a binary to test?
16:20:21skrylar[m]disruptek: i haven't had 0.20 crash; whats unstable about it?
16:20:39disruptekit's changing.
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16:20:55skrylar[m]oh. that definition of unstable
16:21:31disrupteki guess my intention was to suggest that nim itself is less stable than its ebuild.
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16:39:59federico3disruptek: uh? Do you expect binaries to be significantly different?
16:40:40disruptekif their runtime is the same regardless of host, it sounds like a nim issue. else, it sounds like an env issue.
16:41:22disruptekbut if you prefer, post your c output from nim. or, i can post mine.
16:41:29federico3they are obviously different depending on the host but the slowness compared to Python is the same across hosts as you saw
16:41:52federico3you can even log on the CircleCI host
16:42:17disrupteki haven't seen that. my host and that of circleci agree, but your host is taking 11s to run the same code that takes 1.7s on buildbot, right?
16:42:30disruptekor was it 20s?
16:42:41federico3you can also fork https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nim-morelogging/tree/jsonbench and run CircleCI on your account
16:43:19federico3disruptek: the host doing 11s is a slower machine and the nim/python ratio is still the same
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16:45:35disruptekso your original post said that the nim version took 20s and python took 5s. my result is about 2s in nim and 4s in python. so that's what i'm trying to replicate. and the closest i can get to those numbers is to simply compile the nim in debug mode.
16:46:23disruptekcircleci is running the python benchmark at about 2.5x faster than nim. that's twice as slow as you are experiencing on your local machine.
16:47:23disrupteki mean, your local machine is twice as slow, in terms of the ratio, as circleci (or my machine).
16:47:53federico3the 20s was with the stable Nim release instead of devel. I'm still seeing slowdowns between 2x and 5x
16:49:09disruptekokay, let's just talk about ujson and pretend native python's json doesn't exist for now.
16:49:30disruptekyou can reproduce the same ratio on your local machine that you see on circleci? because i can reproduce that, too.
16:49:56livcdhttps://github.com/kostya/benchmarks <- even back then Nim's version was just on par with ujson or slower
16:51:34disruptekit seems to me that your machine is slow and that's why it takes longer. also, ujson is fast.
16:55:24federico3I'm seeing the same on another host
16:55:38federico3an Atom from scaleway
16:57:40federico3approx 4x slower than ujson using Nim 0.20.2
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16:59:23livcdi am going to try it on my crappy windows laptop
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17:01:04federico3trying on a scaleway ARM...
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17:04:58federico37.00 sec in Python ujson vs 19.6s in Nim 0.20.2 on the poor little ARM
17:05:48livcdhow do i unpack this on windows jeez
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17:18:44Zevvfederico3: what does your benchmark do, parse and convert to the normal JSonNode tree?
17:19:35disruptekit just parses it line-by-line.
17:21:23livcdjesus christ i cant decompress it
17:21:35Zevvbut also creates the Json tree, right
17:21:38disruptekyou need an lz4 reader.
17:21:40disruptekZevv: yeah.
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17:32:47disruptekyou need to import strutils for strip, btw
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17:33:33federico3yes i'ts there but it's not being rendered by GH
17:33:42disruptekoh, neat
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17:37:54federico3....is not accessible using discriminant 'kind' of type... <-- how do you handle this?
17:38:32disruptekdepends on the code, but it sounds like the field isn't in the variant you are accessing.
17:42:48FromGitter<mratsim> are you using generic methods?
17:43:06FromGitter<mratsim> I had that issues when a variant was used as part of a generic method
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18:08:57FromGitter<deech> Are there any write ups on the experience of using Nim for non trivial applications? I'm looking for good & bad.
18:11:51AraqI don't know any, however what does "non trivial applications" mean? you're better off with naming the application domain IMO
18:12:17disruptekfor Araq, all applications are trivial. ;-)
18:12:35FromGitter<deech> I wanted a way to say commercial without excluding bigger OSS projects.
18:13:10disruptekit's probably easier to look at bigger OSS projects, then.
18:13:11Araqdisruptek: no, on the contrary, the domain matters the most.
18:13:23Araqdeech: ask Yuriy if he is around
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18:49:49FromGitter<mratsim> or ask @gogolxdong
18:50:19FromGitter<mratsim> but yeah, Nim for cloud services vs Nim for games vs Nim for embedded is completely different
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19:05:56FromGitter<deech> Yes, I realize this is probably the case, but it's still valuable to know that eg. Nim is great for embedded in spite of GC but sucks for highly concurrent servers even though it has a built in futures story.
19:24:42FromGitter<mratsim> I don’t think it sucks for highly concurrent server, what sucks is that someone needs to be the first to write the code
19:26:26FromGitter<deech> I wasn't clear. I wasn't stating that as a fact just an example of surprising thing that might fall out of someone's experience that would be valuable to know ...
19:26:32Zevvwerent you planning to do just that, mratsim? :)
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19:40:40FromGitter<mratsim> uh no, I’m only interested in parallel compute, not parallel IO
19:41:41shashlickcan you importc a #define
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19:52:38FromGitter<mratsim> yes
19:53:27FromGitter<mratsim> see: https://github.com/mratsim/weave/blob/master/e04_channel_based_work_stealing/primitives/coz.nim#L21 and https://github.com/mratsim/weave/blob/master/e04_channel_based_work_stealing/primitives/coz.h#L79
19:53:39FromGitter<mratsim> you might want to add nodecl
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20:22:29shashlickInteresting - but if it is a constant, I cannot echo it right?
20:30:18FromGitter<mratsim> you can import as a var
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20:39:39shashlickyep figured that out
20:53:29shashlick@mratsim - needed it for this forum post - https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/5176#32497
20:53:54shashlickthanks - i'd use your method for mapping procs to #defines but unfortunately, i don't have type information
20:59:48FromGitter<mratsim> I think the hasCompileTimeFFI and whatever was the other flag to enable libFFI at compile-time allows defining const from C headers
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23:58:47shashlickhaha nimterop finally has a v0.1.0 tag, now that v0.2.0 is almost out
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