<< 09-10-2016 >>

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00:55:15FromGitter<gogolxdong> @BlaXpirit thanks
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01:51:11enthus1astNSIS is supporting every windows version from win95
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02:17:19FromGitter<gogolxdong> which package should be imported to support `undeclared identifier: '%'` with `logging.debug("quantile:$1" % $quantile) `
02:29:41FromGitter<gogolxdong> found , strutils
02:34:46FromGitter<gogolxdong> how to trace crash stack?
02:39:00FromGitter<gogolxdong> --stackTrace:on
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02:47:56FromGitter<gogolxdong> looking for help ,https://glot.io/snippets/ej6wey8wqi
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03:29:56enthus1astgogolxdong try to import strutils and `logging.debug("quantile:$1" % [quantile] )`
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11:35:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> `Error: sdl2.init(INIT_VIDEO): Failed to connect to the Mir Server ⏎ Error: could not set stencil size: Video subsystem has not been initialized ⏎ Could not create window!`
11:40:05FromGitter<gogolxdong> apt-get install mir-demos ubuntu-desktop-mir
11:41:36flyxis it possible to execute a process at compile time? nimscript can do it, but I cannot access the nimscript API in a macro, right?
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11:43:24elroodflyx, staticExec?
11:44:20flyxoh, I oversaw that
11:44:54flyxbut it doesn't seem to allow me to check the exit code
11:47:41flyxis there a possibility to retrieve it?
11:59:53*Dankrad quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
12:00:41flyxhmm, I have an error again when reading a file. this time with slurp. but staticExec("pwd") returns the correct directory, so it doesn't seem to be the same error as yesterday
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12:08:24flyxoh dear
12:08:42flyxI have an assertion failure when compiling NimYAML with Nim debug build
12:08:46flyxbetter report that
12:12:05*akaisora quit (Read error: No route to host)
12:13:07FromGitter<gogolxdong> still stuck after install mir
12:14:24flyxgogolxdong: does not seem to be a Nim-related problem, perhaps ask Mir people?
12:15:07elroodflyx, apparently neither zahary nor araq considered exit-codes returnworthy at the time, if there's a compelling use-case you'd need those for and you're filing issues anyway you might want to add one for that as well
12:15:42flyxelrood: yeah, good idea.
12:20:03elroodin that context, do magic compiler features imply humble users shouldn't fiddle with or try to comprehend those? and do we want inline assembly in nim?
12:21:58flyxelrood: there's already http://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#statements-and-expressions-assembler-statement
12:23:20elroodoh, nice, was grepping for assembly and missed those. thanks
12:24:10flyxelrood: most of the things in system.nim are magic, but very common. I do not think it makes sense to have some kind of barrier labelled „only go behind this if you know what you're doing“. some features of Nim obviously assume that (like inline assembly), of course
12:26:12flyxheh. I now have 8 entries on Nim's Issues front page.
12:28:49Araqelrood: no idea what you mean.
12:28:55Araqwe use exit-codes.
12:30:59elroodyou do? staticExec returns a string, there didn't seem to be an obvious way to retrieve the spawned process' exit code. please enlighten us
12:31:59Araqah staticExec, there is an issue open for that :P
12:33:26elroodfiled by flyx a few minutes ago, perchance? ;P
12:34:58Araqno, it's an old issue
12:35:24flyxah yes, I found it
12:35:29flyxwill close mine as duplicate
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12:42:03elroodit's even marked as easy.. a hacktoberfest-candidate, flyx? ;)
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12:49:33flyxlet me first create another issue to compensate for the one I just closed: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4871
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13:27:18dom96So I finally modified Nimble to use the main feature that NimScript support brought https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/master/nimble.nimble#L4
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13:28:12*Pisuke quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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13:50:27dom96Does anyone know if methods work with the JS backend?
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13:57:20flyxhum, I wonder if „walkDir does not work on travis“ a good issue description
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14:01:46flyxI wonder even more if all these things work on Windows
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15:02:38Araqdom96: they do work.
15:02:50Araqflyx: walkDir works on every OS I tried it
15:03:20Araq"So, staticExec uses the current working directory, while staticRead uses the source file's location."
15:04:00flyxAraq: well all I know is that it didn't work on travis. issue may be elsewhere, but debugging on travis is hard, so I just called ls instead, which worked.
15:04:05Araqyes, and that's correct or at least not a bug. usually you don't have binaries next to .nim files
15:04:26*PMunch joined #nim
15:04:56AraqstaticExec is different from staticRead, I'm tired of this "inconsistent" bullshit Totschlagargument
15:05:38Araqit's not inconsistent because consistency is not implied by similar names. It's different, big deal.
15:07:56flyxit is not just the names which make those procs similar. I do not see how you can argue that they do not have to do anything with each other
15:09:01Araq"usually you don't have binaries next to .nim files"
15:10:52flyxconsistency is usually assumed by the user if functionality is grouped in some way. grouping can be done in a number of different ways, including packages, files, or whatever. and yes, in a large package like system.nim, grouping happens by similar names and positioning in the documentation (they are next to each other)
15:11:24flyxyou can like it or not, but from a user perspective, this is unexpected behavior
15:11:30Araqthe proposed consistency makes no sense.
15:12:35PMunchWait, what's the proposed consistency?
15:12:57PMunchLooking at the docs they appear to behave as you would suspect
15:17:37PMunchNo one?
15:19:03flyxfor me, the inconsistency makes no sense. I cannot see how this would help anyone to write or read Nim code. if you have to keep in mind the exact environment for every different proc rather than for groups of procs, this makes both reading and writing code harder.
15:19:36PMunchWhat inconsistency though? Sorry I dropped into the conversation a bit late
15:20:00flyxPMunch: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4871
15:21:14PMunchAaah, I can see how that would be confusing..
15:22:24PMunchPersonally I think that staticExec should be changed to work like staticRead, even without knowing of staticRead
15:23:00PMunchThat way executing the compiler from different locations won't give different results which honestly would be quite confusing.
15:23:20flyxyes, I would also prefer that solution
15:26:40Araqok, so fix it
15:28:44Araqmakes staticExec inconsistent with the stuff of osproc, but we only care about consistencies when it suits our arguments, right?
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15:35:20flyxthat is a different module, its procs have a different environment (compile time vs. runtime), so I do not see how there can be any consistency that could be broken
15:36:32flyxthe working directory of a binary compiled with Nim actually is a third thing besides the working directory of the compiler and that of the source file, so it would be „inconsistent“ anyway
15:37:18*Ven_ quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
15:38:21Araqwhatever man. 'nim c -r' means these dirs are often the same and somebody not aware of these differences would argue about "consistency" from his point.
15:39:00Araqwhich is actually my main point: Arguing staticExec should behave differently because of reasons is good and convincing.
15:39:10Araq(In fact, you already convinced me.)
15:39:36Araqbut the argument "it's inconsitent with some other thing" is tiresome and not convincing.
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15:56:26Araqhmm bug #4856 is really hard
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15:58:02Araqit doesn't help the description of what happens is wrong
16:05:21flyxwell that wasn't too hard. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4872
16:05:41flyxI think if that gets merged, I can also tackle the issue about the missing error code
16:08:24Araqconsider it merged and work on the error code already
16:09:38Araqah plus I don't want to merge it until 0.15.2 is out
16:09:52Araqit changes behaviour
16:15:53PMunchAraq, I totally agree with your stance on the inconsistency thing. As long as they're not actually related then inconsistency doesn't matter. But I'm glad to see that you agree on the other reasoning for changing staticExec. Must be an ungrateful task being the owner/coordinator of a language, don't envy you for that :P But to let you know I really like what you've done and keep doing with Nim :)
16:16:48PMunchOh by the way, is there a way to create a macro using < and > as brackets? It seems to parse them as less than/greater than which leads to syntax errors in the case I wanted to use them.
16:17:10Araqthere is no way besides hiding the <> in a string literal
16:17:50derlafffhmm. /me is getting strange "Cannot allocate memory"
16:17:55AraqI consider it a great feature of the language that the same parsing rules are used throughout
16:18:09derlafffwhile I still have about 7M for free
16:18:13Araq(ooops, am I arguing for consistency)
16:19:56PMunchMakes sense, I was just wondering
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16:20:31AraqPMunch: what I did for xml was something like <>tagname(attr=value)
16:20:56Araqnot ideal, but close enough
16:21:27derlafffError: unhandled exception: An attempt was made to complete a Future more than once. Details:
16:21:56PMunchHmm, that makes sense I guess. I was just looking into the possibility of implementing docopts(.org) into a macro that would evaluate types and create a more robust parser. So the only thing you would have to worry about was writing your program :)
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16:37:24flyxAraq: why has gorge a `= discard` in system.nim, while slurp hasn't? is that relevant?
16:37:59Araqwith the = discard it's easier to bootstrap things
16:38:04Araqso newer things tend to use it
16:42:20*Ven_ quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
16:53:53jh32regarding PR #4828: should I remove the refactoring part? But I think the exit code issue that is shown by the test case really needs to be fixed.
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17:00:25Araqjh32: I don't see the refactoring as a problem, but the "assign -3 hack" should somehow be removed
17:00:32Araqany ideas how to accomplish this?
17:01:37Araqoh wait sorry
17:01:40jh32it's fixed with PR #4828 - I just thought that you might not want the refactoring part of it
17:02:11Araqso this doesn't really change behaviour except for edge cases right?
17:02:36jh32that's the intention :-)
17:03:27Araqalright, it'll be in 0.15.2, merged.
17:03:47jh32cool, thanks
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17:05:44Araqhi zidane_g welcome
17:06:42jh32should I try to get rid of the -3 thing?
17:06:43flyxAraq: I think I need some background on the VM. I have no idea what things like `genBinaryABCD` are and how I use them to add a parameter to gorge
17:06:46zidane_ghello, thank you
17:08:06Araqflyx: there is no ABCD
17:08:33Araqa VM instruction is opcode + up to 3 optional arguments
17:08:52flyxwell that's what's used here: `of mStaticExec: genBinaryABCD(c, n, dest, opcGorge)`
17:09:11Araqif you need 4 arguments you need to use a 2 word instruction
17:09:24flyxah okay, and the first argument is the return value
17:09:29flyxif I read it correctly
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17:15:00Araqwell it depends
17:15:08Araqit's the "destination"
17:22:09flyxokay, but in this case, it is. that's why it is already a two-word instruction
17:22:27flyxso I should add the additional parameter to the second word
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17:29:12Araqflyx: are you talking about staticExecEx which returns (exitCode, string) ?
17:30:09flyxAraq: I want to implement the version with an optional bool parameter onErrorRaise
17:31:04Araqah ok
17:31:19flyxI almost have it
17:31:26flyxonly need to raise an exception now
17:32:00flyxlooks nontrivial, but I can probably borrow the code from opcRaise
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17:35:53flyxany advice on how to generate an Exception object to raise?
17:37:39Araqhe, no, I think it's quite impossible to get the proper type descriptor at this point
17:37:52elroodflyx, it would be quite useful to return the exit code and let the developer decide how to handle that instead of hiding that information and offering a black-or-white solution, don't you think?
17:39:34flyxelrood: yeah, that can be in the Exception's msg. anything else would ask for an additional staticExecEx command. and I believe Araq when he says that returning a tuple is hard, so I do not want to try that for now.
17:39:44flyxAraq: I feared that
17:40:29chemist69Hi, is there a version of `echo` that does not add a newline at the end?
17:41:25flyxchemist69: stdout.write
17:41:55Araqflyx: returning a tuple is hard, but raising an exception is harder
17:41:58chemist69great, thanks.
17:42:34flyxwell I have an implementation that breaks with a stack trace if onErrorRaise is true. that's a good start
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18:02:23flyxAraq: if I see it correctly, I cannot use the same "StaticExec" magic for a staticExecEx proc, because I cannot check which one was called in opcGorge. but if I add another magic, bootstrapping will become a problem?
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18:11:13Araqno, '= discard' solves the bootstrapping problems
18:16:47elrood0.15 << 1.0 we shouldn't be too afraid of breaking changes yet, especially when they are minor, easy to fix and a step forward. an improved staticExec in the long run would be the better alternative to another proc which essentially does the same thing
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18:37:38Araqelrood: for my the version number only says "serious bugs left"
18:37:51Araqit's not an excuse to never deliver anything stable.
18:40:14dom96IMO staticExec should raise an exception and we should add staticExecEx as well which returns a tuple
18:40:22dom96That way it's consistent with osproc, kind of ;P
18:45:11elroodAraq, laudable attitude, otoh if one wants to smooth out rough edges, it's better done early and often than too late or never
18:46:24*Calinou quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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18:56:10*libman wants a lot more compile-time features, especially the ability to `import`
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18:57:36flyxAraq: made it. https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/4874 I guess it is no problem for it to include the other PR, because you'd merge it after 0.15.2 anyway
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18:59:28Araqlibman: 'import' is resolved at compile-time
19:01:27libmanI wanted to walkDir() a source sub-directory to automatically import .nim files which register additional arguments for this command.
19:01:52flyxdom96: well as Araq said, raising an exception is very hard. but I added an optional onErrorBreak to staticRead in my PR.
19:02:05libmanIn https://github.com/lbmn/nim/tree/master/lice (WARNING: super duper ugly unfinished code)
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19:04:40flyxlibman: that should be already possible with a macro
19:05:25dom96flyx: what is the difficulty in raising an exception?
19:06:32flyxdom96: generating the exception object inside the VM
19:07:41dom96I think that in the long run we should ensure that staticExec raises an exception (and staticRead too if it doesn't already).
19:07:51dom96As long as it doesn't require us having to rewrite the VM of course
19:08:45dom96elrood: I do agree with you. If I can help it, 0.16.0 will polish as much as it can even if that means many breaking changes.
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19:18:29flyxdom96: staticRead currently issues an errCannotOpenFile if it fails
19:21:22dom96and what is that?
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19:25:05flyxit break with a stacktrace and an error message.
19:27:34flyxso, basically, we need a possibility to create an exception object within the VM to make these improvements. that's the hard part, if we have that, raising it looks rather easy
19:33:29chemist69does Nim have something like the `shuffle` function in Python, which randomizes the order of the elements of an array or a seq?
19:35:38flyxI don't think so.
19:36:01chemist69ok, thanks.
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20:48:03cheatfatewhy you guys dropped support for asmgen?
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20:55:07Araqcheatfate: did we?
20:55:22cheatfateAraq, last update was in 2015 :)
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22:02:26PMunchHmm, in many languages you can simply do i+=1 in a for loop to skip an iteration. Nim doesn't declare i as var so that doesn't work. Any other ways to skip?
22:04:59reactormonkTry `next`
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22:06:34PMunchThis is a simple for i in 1..variable: loop by the way
22:07:19BlaXpiritPMunch, continue ?
22:07:46reactormonkah right, wrong language.
22:08:06PMunchBlaXpirit, continue is drop everything else in this iteration and go to the next
22:08:16PMunchI want to skip the next iteration
22:08:27PMunchWhat i++; continue; would do in other languages
22:08:34BlaXpiritPMunch, use a while loop
22:08:56BlaXpiritthese "other languages" don't have a for loop, it's a fake while loop. so use a while loop.
22:09:09PMunchHmm, I guess
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22:10:30dom96PMunch: maybe there is a different solution, what algorithm is this for?
22:11:06PMunchA string parser
22:11:17PMunchI'm parsing a string into a tree
22:11:24dom96yeah, use a while loop
22:13:59dom96and instead of looking at the length of the string break out of the loop when str[i] == '\0'
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22:14:59dom96Something like this, except use a case statement whenever you can https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/lib/pure/parsecsv.nim#L122
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22:42:48PMunchdom96, is there a way to do the multicase switch statement possible in languages that needs a break between cases?
22:43:10PMunchI.e. multiple cases doing the same thing
22:44:29BlaXpiritPMunch, if the body of two cases are the same then just write them separated by comma
22:44:38PMunchAh, nice
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