<< 08-10-2016 >>

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07:50:01Araqdom96: the Win installer is seriously broken -.-
07:50:01*chemist69 joined #nim
07:50:14Araqno error message when installing to C:\program files
07:50:22Araqand doesn't ask for permissions
08:05:21*bjz joined #nim
08:24:19FromGitter<gogolxdong> how can I change the value of an object field with type int32? like object.x.inc()
08:24:58Araq@gogolxdong use a 'var' parameter
08:26:01*bjz quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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08:28:42FromGitter<gogolxdong> declare the field as var int32 or else?
08:29:01FromGitter<gogolxdong> '''
08:29:51FromGitter<gogolxdong> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=57f8ae7f0aa72e3c5be48e0c]
08:30:20*vl409 joined #nim
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08:36:06Araqyour 'i: Iterator' is a parameter
08:36:22Araquse 'i: var Iterator' instead
08:36:29*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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08:38:38*cheatfate joined #nim
08:39:39vl409installing from github is a mystery to me
08:40:42vl409compilation creates only bin/nim ... how do I install tools?
08:41:16Araqyou compile the tools with the bin/nim
08:41:37vl409github readme says: nim e install_tools.nims # but that file executes somthing from "dist" directory
08:41:52Araqwhere does it say that?
08:41:55vl409and "dist" is only in the prepackaged .tar.xz
08:42:38Araqah, my bad, I forgot that readme.md is mirrored on githbu
08:44:13vl409yeah readme.md line 58
08:47:01*Demon_Fox quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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08:48:49dom96Araq: *sigh*
08:49:32dom96I knew I shouldn't have removed the requirement for admin rights
08:49:35Araqdom96: yeah plus the installer really doesn't install whatever it is that nimble needs in bin/
08:50:09Araqwhy is that in bin/ anyway, can't it be a directory in the stdlib instead?
08:50:41dom96how should it find the stdlib?
08:51:17dom96probably best to just statically compile this file into nimble
08:52:03Araqit already does find the stdlib
08:52:14Araqand uses system.nim from it
08:52:25Araqand others for nimscript support
08:53:31dom96yes, but it's not really part of the stdlib
08:53:59dom96it should be installed into the system nimble package directory, but Nimble doesn't support that yet
08:54:31Araqlib/packages/nimble would be nice
08:54:38Araqwe only have 'docutils' in there so far
08:55:09dom96well, that's a separate issue
08:55:21dom96and I won't get into it now because we'll end up bikeshedding.
08:55:44Araqeverything is better than in bin/ really
08:55:53Araqno bikeshedding required
08:56:15dom96I'll just modify nimble to statically compile it
08:56:31dom96kill 2 birds with 1 stone
08:56:46Araqok, we need to get 0.15.2 out
08:56:59Araqcouple of horrible regressions to fix -.-
08:57:38dom96this one seems difficult https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4856
08:58:11dom96I dunno
08:58:23dom96generics are always tricky, no?
08:58:37Araqit's not generics, it's macros
08:58:48dom96is it something I need to fix?
08:58:58dom96actually, what do I need to fix?
08:59:10Araqthe Windows installer
09:02:36vl409I didn't want to interrupt ... but now, it's my turn
09:03:08vl409Then there is this 'nim e install_nimble.nims'
09:04:30vl409If I use packaged .tar.xz, then I don't use this file at all, when I clone from github it warns, that it will give me screwed-up nimble (that I will not be able to install binary packages)
09:05:24Araqnim e install_nimble.nims is a source based build of Nimble
09:05:27vl409So what is the use of it. And how should I install nimble into github clone - in the first place.
09:05:33Araqwhich fits your source based build of Nim.
09:05:49AraqI dunno the warning you talk about, what does it say?
09:06:30vl409:-) readme.md line 71
09:06:46dom96Warning: If you install Nimble this way, you will not be able to use binary Nimble packages or update Nimble easily. The Nimble readme provides thorough instructions on how to install Nimble, so that this isn't a problem.
09:06:54dom96IIRC I wrote that
09:07:06dom96Perhaps I exaggerated the issue a bit.
09:07:26dom96I think you will be able to install binary Nimble packages, but you won't be able to update Nimble easily.
09:08:34vl409I haven't met any binary package yet, so I can't even test it .... :-)
09:08:49dom96indeed, they are rare
09:09:44Araqdom96: can I remove this warning?
09:10:42vl409So the nimble/readme.md has 2 sections about installation
09:11:36vl409First talks about linux (recommends using nim e install_nimble.nims) and second about windows (recomends clone nimble from github)
09:12:43vl409When I install nim by git clone, maybe i should install nimble this way too. Isn't that better. Or does it work? Or how do you do it?
09:13:47dom96install_nimble.nims performs a git clone anyway
09:13:49dom96so it's the same
09:13:54dom96the only difference is where it is installed
09:14:05dom96install_nimble.nims installs it into nim/bin
09:14:23euantorThe preferably way to install Nimble on Windows should be the windows installer (when it works) really
09:14:28dom96whereas if you install it using Nimble itself it is installed into ~/.nimble/pkgs/nimble-ver
09:14:43euantorThe only reason you should need a different version than the stable version is if you're working on developing Nimble
09:15:04euantorAnd eventually we should get to that state for Mac/Linux too
09:15:19vl409But I can't install nimble using nimble. I don't have any nimble at that time.
09:15:56vl409I have bin/nim and comandline. which should be ok
09:16:26dom96vl409: in order to install like this, you need to clone the Nimble repo, compile Nimble, then install Nimble by using the Nimble you just compiled.
09:16:38dom96You are better off just using nimble_install.nims
09:17:07vl409aha. Now I'm starting getting it.
09:18:06*elrood joined #nim
09:18:20dom96Araq: Maybe it would make sense for the Nimble repo to contain this install.nims file?
09:18:29dom96or maybe it should also contain a similar one
09:20:50vl409just to reiterate. Your remark about 'easy update' means: If I install nimble using nimble, I'm cool.
09:21:20vl409Any other way is not 'easy' (hence more typing on commandline).
09:22:11vl409Or when nimble updates nimble, does it perform some additional checks about installed packages?
09:22:55dom96I don't think you should worry too much about this to be honest.
09:23:09dom96Re-running install_nimble.nims to update should work
09:23:43vl409I thought that too.
09:24:48vl409Then there is this nimscript.
09:25:36vl409When I installed nim, there was only bin/nim. So I went on to install_tools.nim and there was no nimscript.
09:26:00vl409So I started greping that nimble list | grep ...
09:26:22vl409And I still could not figure out how to install this nimscript :-)
09:28:00vl409BTW neither 'nim -h' nor 'nim --advanced' still doesn't list 'e' as one of its commands.
09:29:30*Kingsquee quit (Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif)
09:30:13Araqdom96: I think the readme says it's part of Nim now
09:30:22Araqthe repo is just for issues and its code
09:30:33Araqnot for anything else, as far as I'm concerned
09:31:02Araqvl409: nimscript is 'nim e '
09:31:17Araqgood point about that it's not documented
09:31:34vl409I know. Now. But the initial surprise...
09:31:37dom96okay, I don't think the Nimble readme says that yet
09:32:05AraqI remember updating it, but I don't remember either
09:32:51elroodor, to put it bluntly, nim is in a messy state right now. you guys really need to clean up, streamline your release process, automate as much as possible, and make sure that there's one easy way to get things up and running, regardless of whether one got nim through tarball, installer, git, and that this way is documented prominently and identically on the homepage and a readme
09:33:09arnetheduckso nimscript is nim run by the internal compiler vm?
09:33:14elroodthe way you're currently handling things is just digging holes for yourself to get lost in
09:33:25vl409nimscript is a module
09:33:59vl409I wouldn't calling it as digging holes.
09:34:34vl409They just can't see by the eyes of a newbee anymore. So they miss these moments.
09:36:39elroodkeeping the newcomer's experience in mind is absolutely crucial for nim to succeed, though
09:36:53vl409Okey. One last point. You should give list of recommended nimble packages to install. Recommended means either as a library or as a clean code.
09:37:37vl409Reading clean code is important if you're new.
09:37:54vl409So I installed jester. Because I didn't know any better.
09:37:55Araqelrood: no, things have been sorted out, but the docs lag a bit behind
09:38:25Araqand a single way to install things doesn't work, so there are 2.
09:38:31vl409And there are those immediate pragmas all over the place...
09:40:25Araqelrood: you either install via github or the tarball. the tarball is for stable releases.
09:41:32elroodyou really don't need to tell me, i have been using nim for a while, am comfortably using git, and don't see those problems myself
09:44:02elroodbut reading about all the little things that need patching right after a release which could and should have been automated, contradicting docs and different ways to get your installation set up, and undocumented but essential commands is just a mess and will drive many interested newcomers away, which is just sad and unnecessary
09:45:18vl409Or maybe it should be kept that way :-)
09:46:55elroodwell, that pretty much depends on whether you like to see nim used or just become a footnote in proglang history, i guess
09:47:20vl409Or whether you sell a book :-)
09:47:33vl409No that was ugly joke. I'm sorry
09:48:23Araqhow about you add even more pathos to an issue you don't even experience on your own?
09:48:39elroodnah, we're not that thin-skinned in here, no worries, vl409. but to sell a book you still need an audience ;)
09:49:29flyxseems like directive parameters are not supported by Nim's rST implementation, is that correct?
09:50:08elroodthere's no pathos here, you just need to open your eyes and imagine the effect on all those people that don't make it to this channel, Araq. it's your project, handle it whichever way you like
09:50:40Araqelrood: all I can do is fix reported issues one after another. claiming "it's all a big mess" is not helpful.
09:51:08vl409Ther is pathos. It is mine. But 'elrood' maybe did experienced it, when he came first time.
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09:57:14elroodit's not all a big mess, and i've not said that. but certain aspects of nim are undeniably in a messy state, and if those affect the first experience newcomers make is just about the worst possible thing for an aspiring project which is in desperate need to attract interest
09:59:28cheatfatedom96, and what is problem happend with admin rights?
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10:01:52dom96yeah, I guess in some ways it was worse.
10:02:10dom96We need to figure out if we can get NSIS to prompt for admin rights when required
10:04:52AraqI would remove the NSIS installers
10:05:09Araqthey are hard to maintain and keep producing problems
10:05:28Araqand they don't even solve the most common problem: having a wrong gcc.exe in the path
10:12:59cheatfateso we are going to move to msi installers?
10:39:29elroodone wild guess is that most common problems could be solved or at least mitigated if the homepage had a visibly placed direct link to a wiki with faq and common solutions
10:41:32euantorWell, the website is getting a redesign
10:42:05elroodi know, it's been getting a redesign for quite some time now
10:43:33elroodmy gripe is that the redesign might a little too focussed on the design aspect instead of getting something more usable and navigatable up and running soon
10:43:58euantorFrom what I've see it seems to focus on both the design and the usability
10:44:42elroodthat'd be great, and if it was ready soon-ish that'd be even better
10:44:54euantorI don't think it's too far off
10:45:27euantorBut I'm not 100%. The person who's done all the work on it so far is busy with university and nobody else seems to be trying to contribute to it
10:47:38Araqcheatfate: hell no. I would simply provide a .zip file
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10:56:34Araqbut WiX seems to have come a long way
10:57:56elroodmakes you wonder if any german-speaking developers have been involved in that toolkit
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11:19:46dom96we should provide a zip anyway
11:19:50dom96a portable version of Nim
11:29:05Araqwe could also provide nim32.exe and nim64.exe
11:29:15Araqand have a single zip
11:30:39dom96What is the issue with gcc installation?
11:31:24Araqgcc and nim disagree on the pointer size
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11:34:37Araqhmm can I remove the "update" command from koch?
11:34:57Araqnobody builds with -d:withUpdate anyway
11:35:05Araqand I don't know what it does
11:35:53Araqand it contains stuff like https://github.com/Araq/Nim/zipball/master
11:35:59Araqno idea what that is
11:39:17elroodi'd take the radical approach on stuff like that. if you don't know what it's for and it's not documented anywhere, get rid of it. if something breaks, revert and make the effort to properly document it
11:40:41vl409I want to know the name of the movie you was watching that night .. zipball master .. heh
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11:42:53Araqelrood: alright, it's gone
11:43:25AraqI'm patching koch.exe so that can add stuff to the PATH on Windows and detect a gcc
11:43:41Araqso people should unzip and run 'koch finish'
11:44:12Araqshitty+working wins over fancy+broken now
11:44:27Araqany better name for 'finish'?
11:44:58elroodwell, in the context of unzip.. :P
11:45:57Araqvl409: isn't that more confusing?
11:46:05euantoryes, finish is better
11:46:27euantorIdeally it would just be a case of running an exe without a command, but Koch already does other things
11:46:43euantor(e.g. `./install.exe`)
11:47:26Araqeuantor: any exe with 'install' in it is subject to UAC
11:47:36Araqtook me hours to figure out ...
11:47:40euantordamn, of course
11:47:49euantorDamn Microsoft
11:48:05AraqI want to add a 'finish.bat' that delegates to 'koch finish'
11:48:15euantorYes, that would make sense
11:48:27euantorThat would definitely make it clear I reckon
11:48:49Araqand since it reads something from stdin it doesn't just disappear on double click
11:48:49euantorEspecially if the root of the ZIP is getting cleared up like dom96 talked about a couple of days ago
11:49:38elroodkoch setup / install , but those are only marginally clearer, if at all
11:50:11Araqit doesn't install. it simply changes the environment
11:50:30dom96./koch setup-path
11:50:41Araqadds things to PATH via the registry and creates a start menu entry
11:50:42elroodthat's all the installation that nim needs, isn't it? but true, probably not the perfect choice
11:50:46dom96best to make it as descriptive as possible
11:50:50dom96people will be copying the commands anyway
11:51:02dom96screw the start menu entry
11:51:09dom96PATH is the only thing that's important
11:51:11Araqit's 3 lines of code
11:51:16Araqand it's convenient
11:51:18Araqfor many.
11:51:26dom96it's also annoying for many
11:51:28dom96including myself
11:51:44dom96make it interactive at least
11:51:47Araqyou don't have to press 'Y' for this question...
11:51:49dom96and ask the user what they want
11:51:53Araqof course
11:51:57dom96ok good
11:52:32vl409is this the thing that checks version of installed gcc?
11:53:14Araqvl409: it checks for gcc and then asks about the path and then asks about start menu entry
11:54:02elroodno clue how far along filesystem features have come on windows, but perhaps even placing a link in one directory that is commonly included in PATH would suffice?
11:54:16elroodat least that's what i do on linux
11:54:41AraqI don't understand your question.
11:55:27Araqso ... setup-path vs finish?
11:55:41euantorHe's asking if putting a shortcut to a program in somewhere like `C:\Windows\System32` makes the program available in the path
11:55:47euantorThe answer, to my knowledge, is no
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11:56:52elroodbasically, yep. no clue if that'd be more convenient on windows than changing the PATH, though
11:57:26*Salewski joined #nim
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11:58:17Araqelrood: that is possible but requires admin rights and sucks
11:58:45elroodprobably installing something in windows' system directory is even more invasive, but perhaps there's another directory that's commonly on the path, equivalent to /usr/local/bin
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11:59:17Araqno, the convention is to modify the path
11:59:55elroodalright, was just curious whether coventions on windows changed in the last few years. thanks
12:00:17SalewskiAraq, thanks for fixing #4844 for tables nim. Has that never worked before, or was it working before Nim 0.15?
12:00:43Araqnever worked afaict
12:00:56SalewskiOk, thanks.
12:01:19*Salewski left #nim (#nim)
12:01:22Araqyou're welcome
12:01:31elroodbtw, any recommendations for a new keyboard? this one is swallowing keypresses and sometimes even whole words occasionally? O;-) sorry
12:05:29Araqsorry, I'm not a hardware guy
12:07:08hohlerdeelrood: overall I am very happy with Logitech keyboards
12:07:39elroodthanks, just kidding and offtopically trying to find an apology for my horrible typing skills, ignore me.. i'll see myself out ;)
12:38:33hohlerdethat hookrace.net blog from def, what blog software/theme is it based on?
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12:49:59arnetheducknlvm doesn't need gcc ;)
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12:51:09arnetheduckit needs a developer with windows however
12:51:41AraqI tried to build LLDB for windows once.
12:52:22AraqI don't intend to try again. ever.
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12:52:52Araqfortunately LLVM is easier to build
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13:40:13BlaXpiritplease advise on this issue with identifier construction: https://glot.io/snippets/ej6apcm021
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13:42:39arnetheduckthought lldb and llvm used the same cmake build?
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13:53:24baabelfishAraq: static: assert(not(type(1f) is float)) # this is the single most wtf thing I know
13:54:42baabelfishone would assume 1f32 is float32, 1f64 is float64 and 1f is float
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13:57:31baabelfishsorry about the aggressive wording, didn't mean to be
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14:04:32*cheatfate quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
14:30:15flyxis there anything like a `staticWrite` complementing `staticRead`?
14:31:38libmanYou can hack together anything with staticExec...
14:32:30flyxyeah well, I can just "echo foo >> somefile" repeatedly to write into it, but that wouldn't be nice, would it
14:51:26BlaXpiritflyx, have you tried simply writing any code in a static: block?
14:52:00flyxBlaXpirit: afaik normal file operations do not work in a static block, that's why staticRead exists
14:53:08BlaXpirityou're probably right
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15:48:15Araqflyx: writeFile works in a static block
15:52:41enthus1astvl409 fyi ntfs can create symlinks (like ln -s) and junctions (like ln)
15:52:54flyxokay, thanks
15:53:27enthus1astbut afaik for junctions you need a third party tool or call the winapi
15:53:28def-hohlerde: jekyll, poole, monokai: https://github.com/HookRace/hookrace-web/
15:54:45hohlerdethx def-
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16:07:08dom96Araq: Does readFile?
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16:17:25flyxso, `nim rst2html` now dumps some random JavaScript includes into the output
16:17:45flyxapparently this is meant to be used for the nim source doc generation, but utterly useless for rst2html
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16:19:27flyxalso, why does `nim rst2html` not load a nimdoc.cfg in the parent folder? doesn't it search in parent folder like for nim.cfg?
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16:26:43dom96federico3: you there? Any issues with packaging 0.15.0 we should know about?
16:33:55dom96Araq: I think that in these release notes we need to make it clear that Nimble should be packaged together with Nim
16:37:07flyxah, rst2html *does* search the parent paths, but not of current working dir, but of the rst file
16:40:22federico3dom96: you are aware of the special handling of nimscriptapi; nim doc2 failing on coro.nim; and currently using koch install?
16:41:17dom96The first one I will fix soon
16:41:32dom96I am aware of others but thank you for reminding me
16:41:54dom96Araq: Any ideas how we can fix coro.nim?
16:42:07dom96federico3: as for the last one, what should we do instead?
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16:52:33flyxand I can get rid of the JavaScript stuff with my own nimdoc.cfg
16:54:50dom96flyx: create an issue for this stuff
16:56:11flyxdom96: I am not sure if there is actually a bug.
16:56:53dom96if it adds doc-related things to the output of rst2html then that sounds like a bug
16:57:03dom96Doesn't hurt to report it
16:57:08flyxokay, will do
17:00:19dom96Araq: Nim installation should include the compiler source, right?
17:00:27dom96Arch package doesn't seem to: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/nim/files/
17:00:49AraqI though about moving compiler to lib/
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17:01:02Araqbut it's tedious to move everything
17:01:18dom96Where does ./koch install install it to?
17:01:20AraqI'm too used to my stuff being in compiler/
17:01:47Araqoh yeah, I think our install.sh doesn't put it there either
17:02:03dom96omg lol
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17:02:19dom96It needs to.
17:02:24dom96That's a showstopper, please fix it
17:02:36dom96Gonna report it
17:03:19Araqwell it's not like our config adds lib/compiler to the --path
17:04:52dom96install it into lib/packages/compiler I guess
17:05:21dom96In the future this will become the global Nimble package directory I guess
17:05:28dom96similar to Python's `site-packages`
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17:25:20federico3dom96: sorry I'm afk
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17:41:04Araqdom96: yeah well it needs some thinking
17:41:13Araqas it's already a nimble package anyway
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17:51:29dom96Araq: well, let's discuss it
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18:10:29dom96btw the other issue with windows is the fact that you renamed the ssl DLLs
18:10:42dom96libssl64 looks for libeay32.dll
18:11:00dom96AFAIK there is no way to change this without recompiling
18:11:43Araqhmm? I patched this DLL
18:11:47Araqmonths ago
18:12:04dom96then why did the forum user have trouble?
18:12:08dom96I also had trouble with this
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18:17:27AraqI will look into it and fix it again
18:17:32flyxdo I see it correctly that there is currently no proc in stdlib to walk over items in a directory sorted by name?
18:18:01flyxwalkDir doc contains this: „but not necessarily in this order!“
18:18:05flyxso, the order is undefined?
18:18:06Araqusually walkDir et al are by name
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18:18:23Araqbut the OS usually gets it right
18:18:29flyxah well
18:18:32Araqdepends on how picky you wanna be
18:18:54flyxif it works under common OSes (Mac/Win/Linux) I'm fine
18:19:11flyxif it works under BSDs, it's a plus
18:19:57flyxsince this is only important for NimYAML doc generation and that will usually be done by myself, it does not need to be super portable
18:20:10dom96Araq: thanks
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18:20:51dom96flyx: you can convert the result of the iterator to a seq and then sort
18:20:53Araqflyx: why does the order matter for NimYaml doc generation? o.O
18:22:04flyxAraq: I use a fancy directory history for storing the snippets used in the documentation, so that I can automatically test them. and they should have a certain order when generating the documentation, so I named the folders `01`, `02`, …
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18:23:25flyxdom96: yeah but I am allergic to O(n log n) ;)
18:29:24dom96Maybe you could patch the stdlib to give the iterators an extra parameter for this? :)
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18:30:51flyxmaybe I could
18:31:07flyxlet's see if I am motivated when I'm done with my own code
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18:53:06flyxwhen having `var (a, b, c) = path.splitFile()`, is it possible to leave out values I won't use?
18:53:25flyxthe compiler emits warning when I only use the third value
18:58:52flyxah cool, I have only tried `(,,c)`
18:59:03flyxany reason for using `_` instead of just leaving out?
18:59:17dom96Why is the default $ for objects showing "..." for some fields?
18:59:21dom96it's becoming infuriating
19:01:19Araqit indicates there are fields that are not visible for $
19:01:27Araqit's called "information hiding"
19:02:02dom96that's silly
19:02:45dom96What procedure in the compiler sources reads the nim.cfg files?
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19:08:22enthus1astdom96 looks like loadConfigs(DefaultConfig) # load all config files
19:08:26enthus1astproc loadConfigs*(cfg: string) =
19:08:35enthus1astin nimconf.nim
19:09:43dom96nice, thanks!
19:15:30dom96cool, that worked
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19:56:47flyxhmm, what can be the problem if fileExists() returns false on some path which actually exists?
19:57:06flyxpermissions? I can cat the file from the command line
19:58:10flyxI also do not change the working directory
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20:01:24flyxit seems like calling startProcess with a workingDir changes the current working dir o.O
20:02:57flyxat least when it breaks
20:03:09flyxI guess startProcess needs an absolute path to some executable?
20:03:33flyxis there a way to get the path to the nim executable within a nim source file? at compile time?
20:14:13dom96staticExec("which nim")?
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20:19:55flyxdom96: that only works if the nim executable is in the PATH.
20:20:09flyxdom96: I mean yeah, it would work in most of the cases
20:21:25flyxdom96: I just thought, Nim *could* propagate the path to its executable as that is the first argument of the process (on most OSes) and make it available at compile time
20:21:30flyxanyway, this seems to be a pretty serious issue: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/4867
20:22:17dom96sure, it could
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20:44:09dom96hrm, it is actually strangely surprising that there is not much better than NSIS/Inno/WiX
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20:53:04dom96But then again, so many big names are using NSIS. We must be doing something wrong.
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20:56:30Calinoudom96: Node.js adopted .msi a while ago
20:56:48Calinoubut you are right, nobody seems to have written a modern Windows installer framework
20:57:17CalinouNSIS is pretty broken IMO, I tried it once, couldn't change header/finish images and had no idea why (they were .bmp)
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23:37:02FromGitter<gogolxdong> build nimx example with raised `could not import: SDL_CaptureMouse`
23:39:30*irrequietus quit ()
23:50:32BlaXpiritgogolxdong, > This function is available since SDL 2.0.4.
23:50:43BlaXpiritcheck out that you have the required version
23:51:36BlaXpiritand maybe the library info page should mention this
23:54:18dom96Awesome. One of Nim in Action's reviewers is from Ulster University (A uni in Northern Ireland!)
23:58:30*brechtm quit (Remote host closed the connection)