<< 10-04-2016 >>

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12:14:15federico3niv: very nice
12:14:38nivfederico3: pardon?
12:14:46federico3your reactor library
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12:14:57nivoh, haha. its not mine. i just found it.
12:15:28federico3ah. Then kudos to zielmicha
12:20:51nivi havent played with it yet, im loathe to move away from the builtins unless neccessary
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12:49:26dom96niv: haven't played with it myself, but looks nice.
12:49:48cheatfatedom96, it has same problems with timers like yours implementation
12:53:01*fredrik92 quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
12:57:54cheatfatelibuv dont use hardware timers
12:58:51dom96cheatfate: any other advantages/disadvantages in comparison to my implementation?
12:59:51cheatfateok it support signals/processes/custom user events and has async dns resolver (but it uses threads)
13:00:11cheatfateso its not true async dns resolver :)
13:01:02cheatfatei dont tested reactor.nim i just give you info on libuv
13:01:23cheatfatereactor is based on libuv
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13:12:15*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
13:12:17endragorhow do I disable XDeclaredButNotUsed hint for single proc (not whole module)? Wrapping it into {.hints:off.}, {.hints:on.} seems to work, but doing so for the single hint ({.hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]: off/on.}) doesn't. bug?
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13:12:45nivdom96: dogmatic style question: pure enums, or prefixed enums?
13:13:17dom96niv: pure
13:14:01Araqendragor: there is something weird going on, and it's been reported already.
13:14:20Araqthat said, .push/.pop around the procs is flawed to begin with.
13:14:53Araq"undeclared" messages are produced at scope end
13:15:15Araqand by then the compiler doesn't remember the .push/pop pair.
13:15:39*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
13:16:07endragorAraq: so no good way to do that for now? (hints off/on acts differently from push/pop as it seems btw)
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13:48:59nivon a scale from 1 to omg, how horrible is this? https://gist.github.com/niv/6e2cbd9217a02bc694e2f0bef06ede23
13:55:33federico3niv: what exactly?
13:55:57nivjust the general hackishness of it. i was being cheeky, fishing for feedback
13:56:11nivim sure there's better ways to do it or horrible things in the night that i overlooked
13:56:47nivi like the idea of being able to just declare a tuple on the stack and unpack json into it without going through the usual motions
14:04:06federico3a structured deserializer is quite useful
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14:09:30federico3niv: I wonder if you could use template and macros to generate the deserialization code at compile time
14:10:24nivfederico3: maybe, but i dont know enough about that? and it seems kind of "too smart", considering i only need to cover a handful of cases
14:11:39federico3maybe this should be part of the JSON module actually
14:16:27nivneeds more polishing in any case. and the time handler currently breaks non-gmt timezones :)
14:16:44nivmaybe add support to supply converters for custom types, but no idea how to best do that atm
14:16:53federico3IMO anything non-JSON should be optional
14:17:22nivwell the time converter one is pretty json-y and its something anyone working with json apis will run into
14:19:21*PMunch quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
14:19:54federico3uhm? JSON does not have a data format
14:20:39nivnot by spec, no. but virtually everyone is using iso8601 in utc timezone
14:21:28federico3yup, that why I'm saying it can be supported optionally by enabling it with a flag
14:23:52federico3actually, given that the user is providing a type for JSON conversion, it's going to be quite clear if there are fields that will contain a Time
14:27:31nivyoure right though, best make it optional/replaceable
14:28:35federico3there could be a strict parser that refuses to handle any type that contains non-JSON formats and a lenient one
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15:05:06cnclis there a way to assure the nim compiler that i'm initializing a field (in this case via memset) when using the requiresInit pragma?
15:06:25Araqcncl: I don't think so.
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15:10:42cnclah ok. no problem
15:10:57cnclturns out it makes almost no performance difference in this case
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15:40:16federico3writing a wrapper for nettle doesn't seem that obvious.
15:43:14nivfederico3: https://gist.github.com/niv/d2b7e41ad5b2c8d8b62b4ccaef337043
15:43:48nivnow with more pluggability or something
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15:57:22nivis there some kind of documentation somewhere on how to structure nimble packages?
15:57:45nivi see the private/ directory repeated across packages. is that a requirement, and/or good style?
15:59:23*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:02:11dom96niv: nimble readme
16:02:55dom96and yes, to the second question
16:03:53nivso if i have a global file called jser.nim which is used to pull in the core packages, is it good style to put optional packages in jser/*.nim? i've tested with nimble install, and it then looks like this: import jser ; import jser/more...
16:04:23nivi've split up the internals into separate files and im putting them into private/, then from the global file i just include them inline
16:07:54dom96sure, sounds good
16:08:11nivthank you :)
16:24:17*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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17:05:28nivhmm, there's a bug in the times module i think
17:07:18nivah, already reported. nvm
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17:24:44nivdom96: if you want & have some time in the coming days, kindly look over https://github.com/niv/jser.nim to see if all is proper, before i attempt to publish to nimble (federico3: might interest you too)
17:29:19dom96niv: private dir should be inside 'jser' dir
17:29:25dom96btw did you see the marshal module?
17:30:25nivdom96: oh, with jester its not in a subdir. and yes, saw marshal, but that doesnt save field names and seems a bad idea to throw user generated json against anyways
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17:34:17federico3dom96: I have a little doc build/publish script at https://gist.github.com/FedericoCeratto/410fcc8b94f7ecd0f1ec0be6f6b1157b
17:35:02federico3do you see it being part of nimble, or on the wiki or something?
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18:33:48dom96federico3: I'd rather put it on the wiki for now.
18:34:10nivdom96: whats the reasoning for putting private into a subdir?
18:34:39dom96niv: if two packages install 'private/utils' then which one should the compiler pick?
18:35:01nivhmm, right. i just figured it was a special case since i have seen a lot of packages do it
18:37:57dom96it is a special case, but some packages do it wrong (including Jester)
18:38:35nivso the best way is to do it <pkgname>/private/whatever?
18:38:49nivhow is it handled as a special case then?
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18:42:32nivsorry for asking all these questions, just want to know what's the right thing to do
18:43:49dom96well, it's not really handled as a special case by any of the tools yet
18:43:55dom96it's just a special convention
18:44:33nivgot it
18:46:13nivwhats the new nimscript equivalent of SkipFiles and friends?
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18:48:33nivfound it, it's skipFiles = @[]
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20:24:13mat4hi niv
20:24:31couven92Hi there :-)
20:32:31mat4what is the syntax for defining a constructor (I mean a function which is implicit invoked at object instanciation) ?
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20:46:26cheatfateasyncdispatch code is something looks like it was outsourced at least 2-3 times :)
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20:49:54cheatfatebecause algorithm of send() in windows is different from unix send() :) about connect() i told some days ago :)
20:52:04*Matthias247 quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:01:58krux02mat4: there is no function that get's implicitly invoked
21:02:57krux02the pattern to use, is to write a procedure that is called newMyType(arg1 Type1, ...) : MyType =
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21:12:49mat4thanks, I hoped this feature was added recently
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22:03:03nvt_Hello all, does anyone know if Boehm GC supports the max pause settings? Also, are there any good general references about Boehm GC?
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