<< 11-09-2022 >>

00:02:19FromDiscord<! Nilts> Nim xml cannot find child body? Why? I think this is a parser error
00:03:17FromDiscord<! Nilts> wait, it's actually compiling.
00:04:23FromDiscord<! Nilts> nvm, it's still nil
00:05:12FromDiscord<! Nilts> I just realized i need html first
00:06:33FromDiscord<! Nilts> nvm
00:06:41FromDiscord<! Nilts> ignore these msgs
00:07:16FromDiscord<beans> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4ab7
00:07:23FromDiscord<beans> I'm on nim version 1.6.6
00:08:34NimEventerNew thread by treeform: Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9457
00:14:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You do have a linker and compiler for arm64, and set the config to use them?↵(@beans)
00:17:39FromDiscord<treeform> In reply to @NimEventer "New thread by treeform:": I am around to answer any questions about my Stable Diffusion nim site.
00:29:08FromDiscord<beans> In reply to @Elegantbeef "You do have a": I have a compiler and linker installed. I don't know what more I would need to do for it to compile to arm64. Interestingly compiling to `--cpu:arm` works as intended but not arm64
00:29:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html#crossminuscompilation
00:29:34FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Config the stuff at the bottom for arm64
00:29:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Either in a config file or on the command line
00:31:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4ab8
00:31:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Obviously if yo uuse `clang` might make sense to do `--cc:clang` and `.clang.` instead of `.gcc.`
00:32:39NimEventerNew thread by bung: Scorper now has efficient way parse http multipart, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9458
00:36:50FromDiscord<! Nilts> How do i delete a xml node in nim. I want to delete it via an object. like `mynode.delete()`
00:37:40FromDiscord<Bung> it's seq's delete
00:38:43FromDiscord<Bung> https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#delete%2Cseq%5BT%5D%2CNatural
00:44:18FromDiscord<! Nilts> That deletes itself?
00:46:21FromDiscord<! Nilts> because the docs don't really like
00:48:11FromDiscord<Bung> should point to its parent then find the element index
00:51:00FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "should point to its": but how do i find the index
00:52:21FromDiscord<! Nilts> ?
00:52:23FromDiscord<Bung> the node store as ref NodeObj, can just compare use `==` , am not very sure
00:57:55*disso_peach joined #nim
01:28:39*jmdaemon quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
01:54:23FromDiscord<demotomohiro> I hope @dain is aware of `sizeof(Hash)` and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem
02:03:25*jmdaemon joined #nim
02:14:38FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wasm3 is a breeze to use, really solving all my issues with other runtimes
02:17:01FromDiscord<Bung> how to know my pr merged into which version?
02:17:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a much simpler C-API than the others and as such is much easier to pipe it around
02:17:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Look at #version1-6 on github and if it's not there it's #devel only
02:17:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If it didnt get backported it's devel only
02:18:09*jmdaemon quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
02:19:01FromDiscord<Bung> by eye? I want to know the first occurred version
02:19:29FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I mean look at your PR if it didnt get backported it's only in devel
02:22:16FromDiscord<Bung> oh, I goto that file and check commits , switch versions, it's in 1.6
02:30:34*arkurious quit (Quit: Leaving)
02:49:42*jmdaemon joined #nim
03:01:19*jmdaemon quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
03:04:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> @Girvo\: well if you want an update wasm3 is a breeze, implemented a few tests using Nim compiled modules that use WASI and it just works. https://github.com/beef331/wasm3/blob/master/tests/test1.nim
03:04:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Though in your embedded use case I assume `/` from std/os will error so need to do that properly
03:12:15*jmdaemon joined #nim
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03:16:49*rockcavera quit (Killed (molybdenum.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services)))
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03:48:10FromDiscord<Prestige> Playground was never rebooted? Dang
03:50:18FromDiscord<Rika> you didnt scold pmunch enough
03:50:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Someone get the playground down pitchfork
03:50:36FromDiscord<Prestige> sent a code paste, see https://paste.rs/zJv
03:50:44FromDiscord<Prestige> In reply to @Rika "you didnt scold pmunch": Gonna have to
03:51:26FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> > Use init proc or initOrderedSet proc before calling other procs on it.
03:51:31FromDiscord<Prestige> Error is just on the last line
03:51:42FromDiscord<Prestige> I used initOrderedSet with the same outcome
03:52:40FromDiscord<Prestige> hm only for f1 though, if I initOrderedSet for both it works 🤔
03:52:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Likely the hash proc then
03:52:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim#L860
03:54:57FromDiscord<Prestige> Yep that was it, the hash function was failing for some reason when I was using unsafeAddr
03:54:58FromDiscord<Prestige> scary
04:00:01FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> Matrix dieded
04:00:14FromDiscord<Prestige> Rip
04:00:20FromDiscord<ElegantBeef> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1018370383558230170/unknown.png
04:01:59FromDiscord<Prestige> Thanks
04:02:09FromDiscord<Prestige> I was using unsafeAddr but that wasn't working for some reason
04:02:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Odd
04:02:29FromDiscord<Prestige> so I added an `id: int` field that I just increment globally... eh
04:02:32FromDiscord<Prestige> not fun
04:02:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What're you doing?
04:03:06FromDiscord<Prestige> this: https://github.com/avahe-kellenberger/safeset/commit/972e5de069a03db9989c78e7f47a9ebcda3bd77f
04:03:15FromDiscord<Prestige> contains function for SafeSet
04:04:19FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Where were you using `unsafeaddr`?
04:04:43FromDiscord<Prestige> inside the hash function
04:04:57FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Yea that's cause your type isnt `{.byref.}` so you were getting a stack pointer
04:04:57FromDiscord<Prestige> `hash(this.unsafeAddr)`
04:05:01FromDiscord<Prestige> ah
04:05:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `sizeOf(Foo) < 3 sizeof(float)` means pass by copy
04:05:31FromDiscord<Prestige> I see, thanks
04:06:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Does it still error with a `initOrderedSet` and no `id`?
04:06:39FromDiscord<Prestige> Yeah
04:06:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Less hacky
04:06:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aby
04:07:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Though i'd suggest you just make your own hash function and put a `{.warning: "Using this with an empty set results in 0".}` in it
04:08:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That way you dont ever need to worry about this index error in the future
04:08:23FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You just call `hash` and it works
04:09:22FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Actually i'd `hash(0)` 😄
04:09:25FromDiscord<Prestige> oh really? That's crazy
04:09:40FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What?
04:10:10FromDiscord<Prestige> didn't know I could just hash the children like that
04:10:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Well obviously it's better to have a hash for the type
04:11:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> A slight suggestion for your `pendingElements` is to check if it's above like 64 elements if so set it to a new table of 64 elements
04:12:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Or any other size that you think makes sense, this way you dont hold onto a buttload of memory
04:14:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> \A dumb thing you could do is annotate `elements {.guarded: pendingClear.}` and a template that emits `{.lock: [mySet.pendingClear].}` to give you some compile time assurances that you do infact lock before accessing, but that might be a bit to anal
04:15:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual_experimental.html#guards-and-the-locks-section-protecting-general-locations explains that
04:16:21FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Now with those unasked for suggestions i'm going to shush 😛
04:19:11FromDiscord<Prestige> heh thaks
04:19:14FromDiscord<Prestige> thanks
05:48:47*jmdaemon quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in)
05:49:48*vicecea quit (Remote host closed the connection)
05:50:16*vicecea joined #nim
05:55:22FromDiscord<ravinder387> `type↵ Person = Object↵ name: string↵ age: int`
05:55:37FromDiscord<ravinder387> compiler say invalid indentation
05:55:39FromDiscord<ravinder387> error
05:55:57FromDiscord<Rika> `Object` -> `object`
05:55:58FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `object` not `Object`
06:02:12FromDiscord<ravinder387> let p = {name: "ravi", age: 28} and function manipulate(p){...} js code. when i try to call in nim it get error
06:02:42FromDiscord<ravinder387> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/4abS
06:03:25FromDiscord<ravinder387> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/4abT
06:04:28FromDiscord<ravinder387> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/4abU
06:04:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> use `cstring` and import it as mutating cstring
06:04:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> or import it mutating string and hope that works
06:05:52FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Wait
06:06:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Why are you importing this that operates on `obj.name` then passing it `obj.name`
06:06:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Your js function also doesnt return anything
06:11:18FromDiscord<ravinder387> In reply to @Elegantbeef "Why are you importing": becoz the definition of manipulate_obj function written in js.. i just wanna call it.
06:11:28FromDiscord<ravinder387> jsffi use to call any js code
06:13:32FromDiscord<ravinder387> in js ` let obj = {name: "alex", age:60}`
06:13:42FromDiscord<ravinder387> how to map this data into nim
06:16:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You did map it
06:17:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you can do `proc manipulate_obj(a: Person): JsObject {.importc, nodecl.}` if you need
06:20:30FromDiscord<ravinder387> if i write sum function in js file `function sum(){}`
06:21:01FromDiscord<ravinder387> now I want to call this `sum(my_nim_data)`
06:21:06FromDiscord<ravinder387> how to wrap it
06:21:18FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The same way you did
06:21:32FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> then convert your nim object to jsobject with the conversion proc
06:21:58FromDiscord<ravinder387> any proc to convert nim obj to jsobject
06:22:50FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/docs/jsffi.html#toJs%2CT
06:47:18FromDiscord<soda> Is there a recursive dir copy operation? os.copyDir() doesn't seem to do it
06:48:06FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `moveDir`?
06:48:21FromDiscord<soda> I want to copy
06:48:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I misread
06:48:59FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @soda "Is there a ": huh, very weird, I'd assume it would
06:49:05FromDiscord<Yardanico> since directories inside a directory are a part of it
06:49:07FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The source seems it does
06:49:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/version-1-6/lib/pure/os.nim#L2584-L2590
06:49:21FromDiscord<Yardanico> maybe the problem is with something else
06:49:24FromDiscord<soda> Yea but in effect, this is just creating the destination dir and leaving it empty
06:49:42FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @soda "Yea but in effect,": can you show the relevant part of your code and the directory structure?
06:49:47FromDiscord<Yardanico> also maybe there are permissions issues, not sure
06:50:56FromDiscord<soda> oh hmm
06:51:12FromDiscord<soda> yeah it must be an issue with paths or permissions indeed
06:52:25FromDiscord<soda> i was getting paths from a file. it was a parsing error
07:01:43FromDiscord<Hapenia> Can we use something like `export xxx_module as Mod` ?
07:02:14FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No you can only do `import x as Mod`
07:03:17*Guest9127 joined #nim
07:05:50FromDiscord<Hapenia> This feature is a great way to help organize the code structure... Through this, we can get something like `static class`, solving naming problems
07:06:35FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can just do `mymodule.proc`
07:07:08*Guest9127 quit (Client Quit)
07:08:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim doesnt have "naming problems" really
07:08:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> In the case of ambiguity you just use the module name
07:09:30FromDiscord<Hapenia> The problem is, when I try to create a library, the entry should expose all of functionalities to lib users, these modules has inner structures but `export` will flat them out
07:09:55FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> That's exactly what Nim programmers want
07:10:08FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Nim programmers do not want to have to go `somename.someProc(a, b)`
07:10:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> They want to be able to do `a.someProc(b)`
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07:11:41FromDiscord<Hapenia> this can be fix by simple `using somename a`
07:12:06FromDiscord<Hapenia> or even `from xxx import Somename as a`
07:12:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> There isnt a problem you're solving
07:12:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> But anywho
07:13:10*Guest9948 quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
07:13:51NimEventerNew thread by bather: Why compiler doesn't check the size of types with the `size` pragma?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9459
07:22:05FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @Hapenia "this can be fix": youre misunderstanding
07:39:25FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> how do i loop over a table and in those iterations delete something from it
07:40:21FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Hapenia "This feature is a": static class? Well, for nim it'd be more `static object`. ↵I'm confused, types exist at compile-time either way, what would be the purpose?
07:40:56FromDiscord<Hapenia> Well, I mean, when we import a huge library (OpenGL) or something, code hints will be polluted by a whole bunch of unused methods, of course we can `import opengl as OG`, but we should do this each time we use it. Why dont we directly do this in `export`?
07:41:38FromDiscord<Hapenia> Further, we can use this method to divide a large library into many smaller blocks
07:42:11FromDiscord<Phil> But you can do that already, I'm not seeing the lack of feature
07:43:09FromDiscord<Rika> That really sounds more like a library design issue than a problem of the import system
07:43:28FromDiscord<Phil> Depending on what precisely you want, you can either split one massive module that belongs together into multiple smaller modules and have a "mainModule" file that uses `include` for the imports, or you do what is best practice for libs and have a "main" module whose sole purpose it is to import and export the modules defining the public API of the lib
07:43:42FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @PyryTheBurger "how do i loop": copy it I guess?
07:43:48FromDiscord<Yardanico> or iterate, and record which keys you want to delete
07:43:51FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> like how
07:43:52FromDiscord<Yardanico> and after the iteration delete them
07:44:03FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> is thewre an example
07:44:30FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @PyryTheBurger "is thewre an example": just create a seq, iterate over the table, add the keys you want to delete to the seq, after that iteration loop over values in the sequence and delete those keys
07:45:05FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> i need to delete from the taböle
07:45:15FromDiscord<Yardanico> yes
07:45:25FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> oh
07:46:47FromDiscord<soda> Wow os.CopyDir is slow...
07:47:15FromDiscord<Yardanico> I assume you compiled with -d:release ? and slower than what - copying directly in explorer?
07:47:40FromDiscord<soda> hmm no i didn't
07:47:45FromDiscord<soda> let me try that
07:47:54FromDiscord<Yardanico> well nim compiles to a full unoptimized debug build by default
07:48:01FromDiscord<Yardanico> it tells you that in caps in the compiler output
07:48:14FromDiscord<Yardanico> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aca
07:48:56FromDiscord<soda> In reply to @Yardanico "it tells you that": No it doesn't tell me anything
07:49:14FromDiscord<Yardanico> did you disable hints or set verbosity to 0?
07:49:15FromDiscord<soda> ?
07:49:20FromDiscord<soda> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4acb
07:49:21FromDiscord<Yardanico> no, just use `-d:release`
07:49:36FromDiscord<soda> In reply to @Yardanico "did you disable hints": no but i'm using ubuntu so the compiler might be outdated lol
07:49:42FromDiscord<Yardanico> `nim -v` ?
07:49:53FromDiscord<soda> also tbf, this is wsl so the speed might be affected by that
07:50:03FromDiscord<soda> oh wow yeah this is from 2020...
07:50:11FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @soda "also tbf, this is": yes, WSL has slower IO
07:50:15FromDiscord<Yardanico> it's a known issue with it
07:50:26FromDiscord<Yardanico> than native Windows/Linux I mean
07:50:34FromDiscord<soda> well i can't test the speed fairly at this point
07:50:51FromDiscord<Yardanico> any reason you're not compiling on windows natively?
07:50:55FromDiscord<Yardanico> Nim supports Windows just fine
07:51:06FromDiscord<soda> some issue with mingw
07:51:09FromDiscord<Yardanico> huh
07:51:14FromDiscord<Phil> I recall windows having some fundamental design difference in how its filesystem and its io works compared to linux, maybe that translation-step is whats hurting
07:51:36FromDiscord<Phil> no guarantee for the above statement
07:51:48FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> i am in windows, everything fine
08:12:11FromDiscord<soda> Is there a quick way to trim symbols from a string?
08:12:15FromDiscord<soda> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=
08:12:25FromDiscord<soda> This is an example of a string that was read straight from a file
08:12:34FromDiscord<soda> the \c symbol in the end is what i want to get rid of
08:14:54FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> how do i get access to the user directory or the appdata directory
08:15:30FromDiscord<soda> os.getHomeDir
08:15:34FromDiscord<soda> os.getConfigDir
08:15:40FromDiscord<PyryTheBurger> okay
08:38:09*mahlon quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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09:06:07NimEventerNew thread by NameUndefined: Include directory, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9460
09:12:06*mahlon joined #nim
09:18:39FromDiscord<ravinder387> In reply to @NimEventer "New thread by NameUndefined:": help me how to do string interop `this is $x`
09:18:52FromDiscord<ravinder387> `"this is $x"`
09:19:04FromDiscord<ravinder387> how to print value of variable inside string
09:19:39FromDiscord<aruZeta> you could use `fmt` from `std/strformat`
09:19:54FromDiscord<aruZeta> `fmt"this is {x}"`
09:21:03FromDiscord<beluwuga> is there any benefit outside readability to saying a func instead of proc
09:21:52FromDiscord<aruZeta> func's are a shortcut to making a noSideEffect proc
09:22:47FromDiscord<aruZeta> `func foo(a: Bar): Bar` and `proc foo(a: Bar): Bar {.noSideEffect.}` are the same
09:27:46FromDiscord<ravinder387> In reply to @aruZeta "`fmt"this is {x}"`": `var str1: cstring = "My car is "↵ var str2: cstring = "years old."↵ c.innerHTML = str1 & fmt("{age(myCar)}") & str2`
09:27:54FromDiscord<ravinder387> I 'm compiling to js not c
09:28:05FromDiscord<ravinder387> fmt is for compile c
09:28:07FromDiscord<ravinder387> not js
09:28:31FromDiscord<aruZeta> fmt does work in js
09:28:46FromDiscord<aruZeta> idk if it works with a cstring tho
09:28:57FromDiscord<aruZeta> it uses a `static string`
09:29:27FromDiscord<ravinder387> c.innerHTML = "My car is " & fmt("{age(myCar)}") & "years old."
09:29:28FromDiscord<Yardanico> In reply to @ravinder387 "`var str1: cstring =": that's not how you use fmt
09:29:31FromDiscord<aruZeta> and there you are passing an static string
09:29:42FromDiscord<Yardanico> why are you using fmt if you're still concatenating manually
09:29:49FromDiscord<aruZeta> yh
09:30:15FromDiscord<aruZeta> `fmt"My car is {age(myCar)} years old."`
09:30:39FromDiscord<Yardanico> @ravinder387
09:30:41FromDiscord<Yardanico> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4acs
09:31:09FromDiscord<aruZeta> it sure works since my QR lib uses it and compiles perfectly to js
09:31:17*clemens3 joined #nim
09:32:07FromDiscord<ravinder387> warning cstring implicit depreceated in near future what should i do https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1018453876237684788/2022-09-11.png
09:32:19FromDiscord<Yardanico> what does `age` return?
09:32:39FromDiscord<Yardanico> ah I see what you mean
09:32:54FromDiscord<Yardanico> yeah in this case you should do `c.innerHTML = cstring fmt"My car is {years} years old."`
09:32:58FromDiscord<Yardanico> but again, that's a warning, not an error
09:33:32FromDiscord<aruZeta> it's just telling you to conver it to cstring explicitly
09:33:41FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "conver" => "convert"
09:33:50FromDiscord<aruZeta> (edit) "it's ... just" added "a warning"
09:37:20FromDiscord<ravinder387> sent a long message, see http://ix.io/4acw
09:37:24FromDiscord<ravinder387> this is js code
09:37:48FromDiscord<ravinder387> return number in js
09:41:15FromDiscord<Yardanico> okay, so?
09:41:44FromDiscord<ravinder387> I just wanna wrap in nim.. that's i want
09:42:30FromDiscord<Yardanico> wrap exactly what? do you have a JS library in mind?
09:42:49FromDiscord<ravinder387> yes
09:43:13FromDiscord<Yardanico> take a look at https://nim-lang.org/docs/jsffi.html then
09:49:55FromDiscord<Phil> ... did recent versions of nimibook somehow break? ↵I'm trying to compile nbook.nim in norm with `(base) ~/dev/norm % nim c -d:release ./nbook.nim` ↵and I'm getting ↵`/home/philipp/.nimble/pkgs/stew-0.1.0/stew/ptrops.nim(39, 11) Error: invalid pragma: checks: off`
09:50:30FromDiscord<Yardanico> i doubt many people use nimibook, but the error is wrong indeed
09:50:49FromDiscord<Yardanico> i wonder why nimibook uses status' stew though
09:51:02FromDiscord<Yardanico> pointer operations
09:51:04FromDiscord<Phil> Is that something I can "fix" with a compiler flag or sth?
09:51:17FromDiscord<Phil> Wait, I'm on devel, maybe I need 1.6.6
09:51:35FromDiscord<Yardanico> to replicate I just need to clone norm and run nbook or what?
09:52:11FromDiscord<Phil> That should be it, my clone is a couple weeks old and I have a few custom branches, but nothing that should affect nimibook since I didn't do anything in regards to it
09:52:55FromDiscord<Yardanico> also weird that nimibook uses tempfile nimble package, we have tempfile stuff in the stdlib nowadays
09:53:08FromDiscord<Yardanico> @Phil I get a different error `/mnt/d/Projects/NimExperiments/norm/nbook.nim(4, 12) Error: undeclared identifier: 'initBookWithToc'`
09:53:11FromDiscord<Yardanico> with nimibook freshly installed
09:53:23FromDiscord<Yardanico> ah head
09:53:27FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @Yardanico "<@180601887916163073> I get a": Yeah, my error I only got while on devel, on 1.6.6 I also get that issue
09:53:51FromDiscord<Yardanico> yeah idk, it works here after I did `nimble install -y nimib@#head nimibook@#head` like in the norm nimble file
09:54:47FromDiscord<Phil> Huh, yeah that made it work
09:55:34FromDiscord<Yardanico> but I still wonder why nimibook depends on status' stuff
09:56:08FromDiscord<Yardanico> ah, toml_serialization from mustache
09:56:18FromDiscord<Yardanico> it brings the whole status dependency chain in result
10:02:38FromDiscord<Phil> > [nimibook.error] could not find 0 sources, and 1 build outputs↵Hmm... well, new error new round of google
10:03:41FromDiscord<Yardanico> google?
10:03:47FromDiscord<Yardanico> i doubt google will help you with nimibook :P
10:08:51FromDiscord<Phil> Sadly you are correct, what the heck is this bug
10:22:50FromDiscord<Bung> how to initialize custom Error with extro fields ? I use `result = newException(HttpError, msg)` got `Error: The HttpError type requires the following fields to be initialized: code`
10:24:03FromDiscord<Bung> previously I use new HttpError but get cant prove init
10:32:07FromDiscord<Phil> Somehow got my stuff fixed, no idea what the root cause was
12:03:03madprops"Which language deals with nulls best?"
12:04:49FromDiscord<Rika> I’d say for sure it isn’t Nim
12:05:59madpropsis it rust then?
12:08:09FromDiscord<Rika> No
12:08:31FromDiscord<Rika> They deal with it in a way that detriments other aspects so no
12:08:53FromDiscord<Rika> I mean “best” is ill defined anyway
12:10:59FromDiscord<Bung> language that has no null keyword
12:11:09FromDiscord<exelotl> I like how kotlin does it
12:15:25*krux02 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:16:03madpropsisn't that similar to typescript?
12:20:20FromDiscord<exelotl> Not sure, but I think its basically how `not nil` in Nim should work if it were the default and you had to annotate nilable references explicitly instead: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/null-safety.html
12:21:24FromDiscord<exelotl> It's smart enough to implicitly convert a nilable reference to a not-nil one if it can see from the control flow that the variable couldn't possibly be nil
12:24:09FromDiscord<Rika> Flow typing, hm
12:24:18FromDiscord<Rika> Do you think Nim should have flow typing
13:03:27*arkurious joined #nim
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14:06:58FromDiscord<dlesnoff> I can not believe `toSet` (which has been superseded by `toHashSet`) in `std/sets` is still there from Nim v0.2 . It is confusing to ask for a conversion to a `set` and get a `HashSet` which is not the same thing as the built in `set` type. Do we really have to wait for the nim v2.0 to remove all functions with deprecated pragmas in stdlib ?
14:29:10*kenran joined #nim
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15:10:05FromDiscord<! Nilts> Parsehtml in nim turns `<!DOCTYPE html>` into a document tag? How do I remove the document tag and add `<!DOCTYPE html>` back to the top?
15:14:17FromDiscord<Bung> strip it out when as input , prepend it to result when output
15:14:57FromDiscord<Bung> sounds like same problem when I use httpparser and xml
15:15:11FromDiscord<Bung> (edit) "httpparser" => "htmlparser"
15:15:37FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "strip it out when": sorry, i.
15:15:43FromDiscord<! Nilts> (edit) "i." => "i never use stripping"
15:15:56FromDiscord<! Nilts> How does it work?
15:18:53FromDiscord<Bung> just slice your input string
15:21:44FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "just slice your input": i got it.
15:37:55*jmdaemon joined #nim
15:49:10FromDiscord<dain> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4adY
15:49:17FromDiscord<dain> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4adY" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4adZ"
15:49:21FromDiscord<dain> i.e. why can't i just use `map` on the values iterator
15:51:58FromDiscord<dain> i mean i know the useless answer, you have to cast to `seq` first by doing `mytable.values.to_seq.map(x => x > 10)`
15:52:04FromDiscord<dain> but that's not an answer .. why do i have to do that in the first place
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15:52:23FromDiscord<dain> (edit) "useless" => "unenlightening"
15:52:48FromDiscord<Rika> because values is an iterator and map takes a seq
15:53:02FromDiscord<dain> that's not an answer, that's just a restatement of the problem
15:53:14FromDiscord<dain> why doesnt map just take an iterator
15:53:23FromDiscord<Bung> use toSeq
15:53:37FromDiscord<dain> yeah i know you have to use toseq, i'm asking why i have to do that
15:54:31FromDiscord<Rika> because it does not
15:54:50FromDiscord<Rika> values is an inline iterator, there is no runtime representation in data
15:55:02FromDiscord<Rika> for map to consume it, it would need to be a template
15:55:09FromDiscord<Rika> it isnt implemented therefore it cannot
15:55:10FromDiscord<dain> like .. if i have an iterator that's infinite, or is really big or something, and i want to do a bunch of filter and map and other stream operations, and then finally at the end i only have a few items, i don't want to cast to seq right at the beginning because that undermines the whole point of stream processing
15:55:21FromDiscord<dain> i only want to cast to seq at the end
15:55:59FromDiscord<Rika> it could be said that map is from sequtils and not iterutils as well
15:56:04FromDiscord<Bung> you can implement a map proc that takes iterater after iteration reset its state I guess?
15:57:30FromDiscord<dain> the problem i have is that there just isn't a unified "iterable" type or whatever that can be relied on to work as i expect. there are at least four different kinds that i have to keep track of. and they all have a non-overlapping set of procs you can use on them
15:57:47FromDiscord<Rika> theres only two
15:57:51FromDiscord<dain> no there are four
15:57:59FromDiscord<Rika> please list them, i might have forgotten
15:58:07FromDiscord<dain> inline iterators, closure iterators, seqs, and other non-seq container types
15:58:19FromDiscord<Rika> sequences boil down to either inline or closure
15:58:21FromDiscord<Rika> nonseq as well
15:58:49FromDiscord<dain> they're not the same in practice
15:59:53FromDiscord<dain> inline iterators: indefinite size, do not easily compose↵closure iterators: indefinite size, can compose sometimes?↵seqs: definite size, you can convert to these with no overhead from iterators↵non-seqs: definite size, you cannot convert to these from iterators unless you write your own template/proc to do it, you have to go through toseq first
16:00:26FromDiscord<dain> like if i have `someiterator` i can't do `someiterator.tohashset`. i have to do `someiterator.toseq.tohashset`
16:00:31FromDiscord<Rika> inline and closure are not indefinite, they are undetermined, either indefinite or definite
16:00:50FromDiscord<dain> and if `someiterator` has a bunch of repeated elements that would get discarded in set construction, that's just a waste to convert it to seq in the intermediate step
16:01:07FromDiscord<dain> In reply to @Rika "inline and closure are": this is hairsplitting
16:01:16FromDiscord<Rika> what do you want me to tell you
16:02:12FromDiscord<dain> im trying to figure out if there is an underlying tradeoff that makes it the way it is, that i haven't appreciated. or whether it's just a bunch of gaps
16:04:06FromDiscord<Rika> i am under the impression that this is only due to the organic expansion of nim
16:04:20FromDiscord<Rika> there are a good amount of 3rd party iterator helper libraries
16:04:24FromDiscord<dain> im sorry if im coming off as really hostile
16:04:29FromDiscord<Rika> no
16:04:37FromDiscord<Rika> its okay, i'm a bit stressed thats all
16:04:46FromDiscord<dain> its just like, whenever i try to do some kind of processing on iterables/iterators in nim, i step on some kind of inexplicable landmine
16:04:56FromDiscord<dain> i try to do some reasonable thing and the compiler is just like "lol. no."
16:05:01FromDiscord<Rika> yes i understand that much lmao it does get annoying
16:05:29FromDiscord<dain> and its not predictable ahead of time what will work and what won't, unless you commit the whole stdlib and manual to memory
16:06:14FromDiscord<Bung> maybe just because these libs api not fit your use case
16:08:14FromDiscord<dain> if i get some free time i might try to characterize the problem a little more clearly, maybe do a PR if i can figure it out.
16:10:03FromDiscord<Rika> In reply to @dain "and its not predictable": unfortunately i'm one of those who have already done that so i cant really give you a "sane" response most of the time
16:10:12FromDiscord<halc> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4ae2
16:10:20FromDiscord<Rika> collect i believe does avoid intermediates
16:10:31FromDiscord<Rika> collect can be found in module `sugar`
16:10:54FromDiscord<dain> yeah collect is one way of doing it. but it's verbose
16:11:17FromDiscord<dain> like .. one of the things i love so much about nim is the UFCS
16:11:50FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @dain "if i get some": I think you can simplely change your code , like initHahsset then in map hs.incl it ?
16:11:58FromDiscord<dain> everything about the language syntax is begging me to do `some_iterable.map(blah).filter(blah).all(something)` etc. i think they call that an affordance or something, in ui/ux
16:12:30FromDiscord<Bung> there's already libs doing so like https://github.com/hamidb80/iterrr
16:13:37FromDiscord<halc> I reckon you want something like rust iterators?
16:13:50FromDiscord<dain> i haven't used rust
16:14:41FromDiscord<dain> my background is in python where you can just write generators that take arbitrary iterables like lists, sets, generators, ranges, etc and it all just works seamlessly
16:15:34FromDiscord<halc> ah yea, that's also a thing in python
16:15:55FromDiscord<dain> In reply to @Bung "there's already libs doing": this might work but i get wary of using a library for this .. it wants me to use some weird syntax like `|>`. and i have to learn the library author's way of extending it but i'd much rather it just be like, vanilla to the language. if that makes sense
16:16:00FromDiscord<dain> maybe an unreasonable ask idk
16:16:19FromDiscord<dain> i get wary around DSLs
16:16:52FromDiscord<Bung> check https://github.com/hamidb80/iterrr#inspirations
16:17:10FromDiscord<dain> like i tried to use zero-functional a while ago but i couldn't figure out how to write my own procs to extend it
16:18:37FromDiscord<halc> it's not unreasonable, I also sometimes wish I could chain nim iterators lol, though that might just be because I was used to python generators too
16:18:52FromDiscord<dain> one low hanging fruit i can see is to just extend the `toBlah` procs for all the stdlib `Blah` containers to take iterators instead of just seqs
16:19:14FromDiscord<dain> do you think that would be a good PR? ive not contributed to nim before but i can't see how it would be that hard to do
16:20:54FromDiscord<Rika> it really isnt unreasonable
16:21:17FromDiscord<Rika> its just an underdeveloped area for nim (in terms of frontend to the programmer), i'd say
16:22:07FromDiscord<Phil> Do PR's of stuff in the std lib get rolled out significantly slower than PR's on the compiler?↵Flywind fixed a bug in `std/strutils.parseEnum` before (https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/19463) and that was in Febuary, it appears to neither be in 1.6.6 nor in the RC for the upcoming 1.6.8 release and I'm slightly confused, that thing has been merged for half a year now and is one of the main reasons I'm compiling with devel nowadays
16:23:05FromDiscord<dain> In reply to @Rika "it really isnt unreasonable": k i might take a crack at it
16:23:32FromDiscord<Bung> maybe try make nimble package see how's going then create issue ask whether it's acceptable then create PR to nim repo
16:24:03FromDiscord<Rika> i tried composing iterators with iterators but its still subject to nim function depth ofc
16:24:22FromDiscord<Rika> then again, i was doing the iterator version of the sieve of eratosthenes so LMAOOOOOOO
16:25:17FromDiscord<Phil> I'm also slightly saddened that flywind's fix for #20149 didn't make it 😦
16:25:48FromDiscord<Phil> (edit) "I'm also slightly saddened that flywind's fix for #20149 didn't make it 😦 ... " added "(made it possible to use the "warning as errors" flags again essentially)"
16:28:56FromDiscord<aruZeta> f
16:29:40FromDiscord<Prestige> I'm having a strange issue with caching - I've updated dependencies to my project, but running `nim r foo.nim` inside my project complains about not being able to find old dependencies that I've already updated. How can I "break" this cache?
16:29:49FromDiscord<flywind> In reply to @Isofruit "Do PR's of stuff": A PR won't be usually backported unless they are labelled as "[backported: 1.6]" in the PR title/commit message. The 1.6.x branch accepts bug fixes which are fit for it, otherwise the fix stays on the devel branch. You can request them to be backported if they are non-broken and simple fixes.
16:30:33FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @flywind "A PR won't be": I'm fine with that, but since your fixes for these two issues are already in the devel branch of nim, when will they actually be in a release candidate?
16:30:34FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Avahe "I'm having a strange": why not nimble r ?
16:31:43FromDiscord<Prestige> Why nimble r?
16:31:44FromDiscord<flywind> In reply to @Isofruit "I'm fine with that,": The devel branch is for 2.0. A fix on the devel branch never gets into stable release unless it is specified.
16:32:31FromDiscord<flywind> In reply to @flywind "The devel branch is": Or 1.8.0 if there would be one.
16:32:45FromDiscord<Phil> Ohhhh
16:32:46FromDiscord<flywind> (edit) "In reply to @Isofruit "I'm fine with that,": The devel branch is for 2.0. A fix on the devel branch never gets into ... stable" added "a"
16:33:09FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Avahe "Why nimble r?": it will check dependecies
16:33:29FromDiscord<Phil> That's where my missunderstanding stemmed from, I assumed the RC's were generally generated from the devel branch
16:33:48FromDiscord<Prestige> I don't think nimble r is a thing
16:34:09FromDiscord<dain> woa wait a minute, there is a way to take an arbitrary iterable and convert it to a set. it's in setutils. i didnt even know that existed
16:34:13FromDiscord<dain> why is it a separate module
16:34:24FromDiscord<Prestige> but regardless, there should be a way to delete the nim cache
16:34:42FromDiscord<Prestige> I have an updated version of a framework installed, and the old version deleted
16:34:48FromDiscord<Prestige> And I get errors that it can't find the old version
16:35:25FromDiscord<Prestige> If I add a newLine to the file it will run successfully
16:35:39FromDiscord<Bung> nim c will use newer version
16:36:02FromDiscord<Prestige> Don't want to be creating a binary though
16:36:55FromDiscord<Bung> I mean use nim directly not nimble
16:37:07FromDiscord<Prestige> I am using nim directly
16:37:58FromDiscord<Prestige> Where is the nim cache by default? I guess I'll just delete it every time I update package dependencies
16:38:24Amun-RaIIRC ~/.cache/nim
16:38:47FromDiscord<Prestige> Thanks, that worked
16:39:22Amun-Rayou can set your own cache dir
16:40:14FromDiscord<Prestige> I just needed the old files deleted because I updated dependencies, and the old files were linking to deleted nimble files I guess
16:40:22Amun-RaI see
16:40:24FromDiscord<Prestige> Kinda terrible
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16:59:40FromDiscord<codic> I don't expect the compiler to but has anyone tried cross-compiling Nim code to windows 9x, or early NT, etc?
17:00:47FromDiscord<codic> also is/will gc:none be deprecated? because I want to write programs where i never free meomry
17:00:56FromDiscord<codic> (edit) "also is/will gc:none be deprecated? because I want to write ... programsmemory" added "short lived" | "meomry" => "memory"
17:03:14FromDiscord<codic> while still using stdlib
17:11:39FromDiscord<dain> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aej
17:11:50FromDiscord<dain> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aej" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aek"
17:12:50Amun-Rais gc=none be deprecated? I hope not
17:13:39FromDiscord<Rika> i cant think of issues other than for inline iterators
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17:14:00FromDiscord<dain> what issues would arise with inline iterators
17:14:04FromDiscord<Rika> maybe not no
17:14:11FromDiscord<Rika> its okay
17:14:13FromDiscord<Rika> i think its okay
17:14:29FromDiscord<dain> :D okay i might make a pr for this for all the stdlib containers
17:14:48FromDiscord<Rika> you can probably make a template that generates to procs
17:15:08*wallabra quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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17:23:15FromDiscord<Bung> barely use deques, it's more like end user code rather than in lib
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17:58:35FromDiscord<! Nilts> What is the nim http client equivalent of `curl -X POST -s --data-urlencode "code=<script> alert( 1 ); </script>" https://htmlcompressor.com/compress’
17:58:44FromDiscord<! Nilts> (edit) "https://htmlcompressor.com/compress’" => "https://htmlcompressor.com/compress`"
18:05:09FromDiscord<dain> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aet
18:05:27FromDiscord<dain> or is there a way to do tuple unpacking on the types
18:05:57FromDiscord<dain> maybe im not understanding how templates are meant to work
18:21:04FromDiscord<demotomohiro> You might find some hints by searching Nim repo for similar code:↵https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/search?q=iterable&type=
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18:35:51FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4aez
18:42:50FromDiscord<Bung> https://nim-lang.org/docs/typetraits.html#elementType.t%2Cuntyped or check here
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19:34:04FromDiscord<dain> i have also thought for a while that the nim manual/docs are really poorly laid out and should be rewritten. very confusing to find things. with one exception: the stdlib search feature is excellent
19:34:26FromDiscord<dain> wish all languages had a snappy live search in their docs like that
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19:43:23FromDiscord<dain> for example, the manual does not even link to the tutorials anywhere on the page. even though someone would usually be jumping between the tutorials and manuals a lot
19:44:18FromDiscord<dain> another example: the first sentence of the proc section in the manual is incorrect (it says you need an identifier for a proc, but that's not true because anonymous procs exist)
20:01:27FromDiscord<dlesnoff> I have a question about macros. I have read the tutorial on https://dev.to/beef331/demystification-of-macros-in-nim-13n8↵Is it possible to see the AST generated by quote do: block inside our macro ?
20:03:11FromDiscord<dlesnoff> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af1
20:03:37FromDiscord<dlesnoff> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af1" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af2"
20:05:29FromDiscord<dlesnoff> My final goal is from the definition of a type, to initialize a variable, and echo the size of both the type instance and its fields
20:06:35FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af3
20:06:35FromDiscord<dlesnoff> I wish to improve http://zevv.nl/nim-memory/#_how_nim_stores_data_in_memory documentation
20:08:18FromDiscord<Bung> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af4
20:09:54FromDiscord<dlesnoff> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af5
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20:31:56FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @not logged in "What is the nim": I can’t figure this out. Idk how to use multipart
20:41:02FromDiscord<dlesnoff> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4af8
20:42:19FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @not logged in "I can’t figure this": var data = newMultipartData()↵data["code"] = "your code"
20:43:06FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "var data = newMultipartData()": Yeah, i tried that, does not work
20:43:58FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @Jiezron "Actually no, it returns": my bad, use compiler flag expandMacros ? I guess
20:46:01FromDiscord<Bung> In reply to @not logged in "Yeah, i tried that,": should use urlencode to your code
20:46:44FromDiscord<! Nilts> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4afa
20:52:50FromDiscord<Bung> no , should not use multipart
20:53:55FromDiscord<Bung> it's header Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded with body key=encodeUrlComponent(value)
21:03:13FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "it's header Content-type: application/x-www-form-ur": ? So put it in he header?
21:04:14FromDiscord<Bung> look carefully
21:04:47FromDiscord<! Nilts> ok
21:08:33FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "look carefully": I am so confused, i added the header and it did nothing
21:10:40FromDiscord<Bung> show the code
21:11:48FromDiscord<! Nilts> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=4afj
21:12:08FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "show the code": Data is sent as the multipart
21:12:22FromDiscord<Bung> do not use multi part
21:12:41FromDiscord<! Nilts> How? It forces you to use it.
21:12:42FromDiscord<Bung> your content write as body directly
21:13:21FromDiscord<Bung> then u pick wrong api
21:13:47FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "then u pick wrong": nim forces me to use it, not the api
21:14:19FromDiscord<! Nilts> httpclient has no option to post a custom body
21:15:58FromDiscord<Bung> https://nim-lang.org/docs/httpclient.html#using-http-post
21:15:59FromDiscord<! Nilts> or im stupid
21:16:02FromDiscord<! Nilts> nvm
21:16:38FromDiscord<Bung> no language std lib will lack of this kind of api
21:16:55FromDiscord<! Nilts> i forgor how args worked
21:19:34FromDiscord<! Nilts> ok last thing. What is the header equivalent of curl `--fail --compressed`
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21:21:41FromDiscord<Q-Master> Seems that compressed is Content-Encoding\: gzip↵(@not logged in)
21:21:51FromDiscord<Bung> what's fail ?I barely use curl , compress , I don't think it's supported
21:22:16FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "what's fail ?I barely": Idk, i don’t either. The only examples the api gives are in curl
21:22:41FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Q-Master "Seems that compressed is": tried that
21:23:37FromDiscord<Bung> U'll need another tool compress your data
21:23:49FromDiscord<Q-Master> You might look here https://php.watch/articles/curl-php-accept-encoding-compression↵(@not logged in)
21:25:56FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Q-Master "You might look here": hmmmm, i think my file is to big
21:26:42*dtomato quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
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21:27:28FromDiscord<! Nilts> im trying a different approach, thanks for the help tho
21:27:34FromDiscord<Q-Master> And --fail just doesn't output server errors in curl and return with retcode.↵(@not logged in)
21:29:02FromDiscord<Bung> compress is client side send accept encoding
21:29:41FromDiscord<Bung> what u need is transfer encoding with encoded data
21:29:42FromDiscord<! Nilts> now im getting error `could not load libpcr.so`
21:29:58FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @Bung "what u need is": im giving up on the api :)
21:30:09FromDiscord<! Nilts> (edit) "libpcr.so`" => "libpcre.so`"
21:30:30FromDiscord<Bung> sure , just send plain data
21:46:18*adium quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
22:00:02FromDiscord<! Nilts> Does anyone know of a nim wrapper for https://www.html-tidy.org ?
22:08:59FromDiscord<!&luke> In reply to @not logged in "Does anyone know of": https://nimble.directory | https://github.com ↵If u don't find it there it probably doesn't exist
22:11:34FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @ripluke "https://nimble.directory | https://github.com ": i can’t find anything
22:11:44FromDiscord<! Nilts> Uh oh.
22:11:49FromDiscord<!&luke> Is it a c lib?
22:12:04FromDiscord<!&luke> Something like futhark can automatically wrap it
22:13:00FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @ripluke "Something like futhark can": how?
22:13:05FromDiscord<! Nilts> In reply to @ripluke "Is it a c": yes
22:29:49FromDiscord<Patitotective> In reply to @not logged in "how?": read https://github.com/PMunch/futhark
22:46:47*disso_peach quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
22:56:54*disso_peach joined #nim
23:23:59*adium joined #nim
23:53:52*monkeybusiness quit (Quit: Leaving)