<< 12-04-2016 >>

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06:41:14perturbationdom96: made some more changes to the nimforum edit PR at https://github.com/nim-lang/nimforum/pull/82 Should be ready for CR.
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06:45:08perturbationalso - just starting a new programming blog and first post is about Nim and POSIX APIs http://singularperturbation.github.io/what-the-fork.html
06:45:15perturbationfeedback greatly appreciated :)
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07:52:14Araqperturbation: nice, reading it. (I would call it a 'stream', not 'file'. IMHO there is hardly a term that Unix got right...)
07:56:25Araqyeah, well done. One small suggestion: can you explain why sockets don't use open/close/write/read ? why create, bind, accept?
07:57:06Araqiirc Plan 9 indeed got rid of this arbitrary API.
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09:13:03CcxCZAraq: they did, but changed the semantics slightly
09:14:25CcxCZUnless you want to emulate things like dial… I think it's better to stick what underlying OS actually gives you.
09:17:24CcxCZYou can always layer such abstraction on top, as plan9port does https://swtch.com/plan9port/man/man3/dial.html
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09:41:30gokrHacked together https://github.com/gokr/nim-sophia
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10:01:05wuehlmausperturbation: great blog, thank you!
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10:48:09veganskAraq, hi! I implemented scala like for comprehension and haskell like do notation in my nimfp library. But it looks so ugly without type inference for ``proc(x: auto): auto`` lambda call :-(
10:49:54dom96perturbation: very nice article :)
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10:56:50Araqvegansk: what's wrong with => from future?
11:00:13veganskAraq, I have a function ``flatMap`` for containers like option, list, either etc. It has signature proc flatMap(c: C[T], f: T -> C[T]): C[T], where C is Option|List|Either in concrete implementations. But => doesn work with it, and I mus use (x: T) => ...
11:02:37veganskBut it works with function ``map`` with signature proc map[T,U](c: C[T], f: T->U): C[U]
11:03:14veganskOops, the real signature for flatMap is ``flatMap[T,U](c: C[T], f: T -> C[U]): C[U]``
11:08:04veganskAraq, here is the example of error: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/8876ca453de0cf572c65b210fa004eab
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11:49:28nivrandom noob question: what's the best way to pass a key-value pair of strings to a method? I've tried seq[(string, string)], Table[string, string] and array variants, but i cant get the calling syntax sugar to look right: {"a": "b", "c": "d"}
11:51:27ArrrrCan't you use tuples? like addRegister(("A", "B"))
11:51:59nivyeah, i could do that. thats the seq[tuple] thing. and that works. im looking for the "official"/canonical way to do such a thing
11:52:27ArrrrWell, no idea. Maybe varargs/open array tuple
11:53:35nivheh :) i have no idea either. im just looking for the best supported way to do such a param type. i want it to be interoperable with the minimum amount of fuss
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11:58:02Araqniv: openarray[(string, string)]
11:58:19nivgot it. i assume seq[] in case of async?
11:58:31Araqyeah ...
11:58:56nivive seen a lot of libraries use Table[str, str], so i was confused about what's "the best way"
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12:53:30Araqreally? interesting.
12:57:20perturbationthanks for the kind words, guys :)
12:59:42nivperturbation: lovely blog post. especially the colours and font make for pleasant reading too. not everyone is that kind to their readers nowadays
13:01:18perturbationheh thanks niv - the theme I'm using comes from http://jekyllthemes.org/themes/immaculate/
13:01:33nivregardless where it comes from, good choice
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13:16:07dom96wow, $386 so far in our bountysource campaign :D
13:17:07nivtry to get to $686 at least
13:17:47nivdom96: think there's a way to get the connection fd off a asynchttpclient socket and detach it from the module?
13:17:55dom96Including $75 from Boxifier, I wonder if they use Nim.
13:19:01dom96niv: don't think so, you can add a proc to give you access to it but I wonder why you need access to it in the first place
13:19:41nivdom96: want to use the async httpclient to make the handshake and do ssl for me, but then detach it and use the fd for a websocket connection. if that makes any sense
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13:21:10dom96oh, interesting. Could you maybe extend the async httpclient in a way that makes such extensions easy?
13:21:21nivno idea. just looking into it
13:21:21dom96Also in a way which isn't too specific to your problem.
13:21:32dom96Might be good to look at how other websocket libs do it
13:21:55nivwell, there's no other websocket libs for nim at least. and all the others basically do the negotiation handshake themselves
13:22:20dom96yeah, well look at how ones written in python, go, w/e do it
13:22:23nivi might just do that too i guess. the ws handler doesn't really need to know much http
13:22:43dom96if they do it themselves then you probably should too
13:22:48nivits just "hey gimme socket, upgrade, id" "ok, here you go" and the rest is just binary frames
13:23:29dom96HTTP isn't that difficult :)
13:23:48nivwhat httpclient could use though is streaming support, you're right there
13:23:57dom96And it doesn't seem like you need all the response parsing stuff
13:23:59nivit needs to be able to read chunks at a time, for example for SSEs
13:24:35dom96that would be cool, would need streaming futures for that too though.
13:25:18nivif you care, i want to have websockets for this: https://github.com/niv/pusher.nim
13:26:28dom96I love seeing what people are coding in Nim :)
13:27:15nivits a lovely language
13:27:37dom96looks cool, not sure what pusher.com really is though
13:28:03nivthink of it like a fanout websocket-as-a-service, cross-device
13:28:16nivthey're cool guys, very approachable
13:28:52nivinstead of having to set up your own ws infrastructure and all the shehanigans that come with it you can use their lib, much easier to get started on
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13:29:31nivhere's another small lib that i felt was missing from nim cryptoland. https://github.com/niv/ed25519.nim but its not exactly vetted/verified yet .. so .. not publishing it to nimble
13:43:49federico3btw I got some functions in libsodium wrapped :)
13:44:26nivi had a look at libsodium, but all i wanted was fast sign/verify/xchg
13:44:45nivlibsodium pulled in a million c files and ten lightyears of headers and i decided not to bother
13:46:06nivif you have a working nim wrapper i'd love to see it. the ones i found on github were either straight up broken or ran into compiler bugs
13:47:12federico3niv: https://paste.debian.net/432373/
13:47:53nivah, right
13:48:48federico3it's just a prototype but seems to be working
13:50:15federico3feedback and hints would be welcome
13:51:41nivwell, im not exactly the best person to ask for advice on crypto
13:53:20federico3more on stuff like casts, pointers & friends - dom96 ?
13:53:46nivi guess what nim really needs is a comprehensive binding to libsodium with all the hmac, hashes, crypto helpers and auth/sig stuff easily accessible. but thats a huge task
13:58:50federico3libsodium is not huge
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14:14:11CcxCZthere's tweetnacl
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14:14:58CcxCZhttp://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/ used for example by https://github.com/vstakhov/asignify
14:15:25ehmryif you think libsodium is bad, look at the original NaCl build system
14:15:57federico3I'd rather trust libsodium
14:19:44ehmrylibsodium is not so bad I think, I've gotten to compile without even libc before
14:20:11ehmryjust need to provide stuff like memcpy
14:30:19CcxCZThey should be API identical, the difference is that tweetnacl is signle-file (two, if you count header) & self-contained. Actually, the .h file might be useful for wrapping it.
14:37:11nivtweetnacl makes me sad, there's not a single comment to be found anywhere
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14:39:46CcxCZAFAIK it's mostly just copypasted reference implementations from ECRYPT.
14:39:57CcxCZOr rather, that's what it seems to me.
14:40:41nivclaims its auditable but without documentation .. not sure why someone would want to optimise doc away just so it would fit twitter
14:42:05federico3also, it's not widely used
14:42:18nivnot a good track record for inclusion as a widely used lib
14:42:38nivanyways. lunch! laters.
14:44:45CcxCZI guess for auditing you don't want to be fooled by those pesky misleading comments. :] Or whatever, would also like it to be more verbose.
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18:50:05ArrrrWell, no idea. Maybe varargs/open array tuple
18:50:21Arrrrujj, wrong shell
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19:54:20cnclis this expected? am i doing something wrong?
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20:11:09Araqcncl: good question.
20:19:20cncli guess now would be a good time for me to change to using a source build of nim instead of the binary release, that way i don't have to wonder if the behavior is still the same in the devel version
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20:29:20cnclseems it has the same behavior
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21:02:31cnclit seems that the outer proc is not necessary
21:02:44cnclmaybe i am misunderstanding how nested templates should work?
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21:13:47cnclusing the dirty pragma allows it to compile, which leads me to believe i'm misunderstanding something
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22:09:17Araqcncl: looks like symbol lookups in doubly nested templates are not properly implemented
22:11:19cnclah ok
22:11:54cnclmarking the inner template as dirty makes it work. i was expecting it to give me warnings/errors about redeclaring a variable, but it doesn't do that
22:12:55cnclnot sure why :) another way to make it work is to mark the declared variables in the inner template as injected, and then put it in a block
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22:21:03Araqthat would be counter-productive
22:21:24Araqthe variables are gensym'ed, so warnings about any shadowings would be stupid
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22:53:31krux02what should I do, when I encounter a bug in the nim compiler?
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23:31:48Araqreport it?
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23:34:34cnclAraq: ah, i assumed {.dirty.} removed gensymming
23:34:39cncli guess i don't know what it does
23:35:09Araqcncl: that is correct, .dirty removes gensym
23:40:26cnclthen why are there no shadowing warnings here? also due to nested template symbol lookup, or i'm misunderstanding what's going on?
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