<< 12-04-2024 >>

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01:10:30FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=hsAOwkAZwQqe
01:11:20FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> The goal is more or less to get rid of the "unnecessary" arguments and to return objects instead of bools
01:12:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> pass in the `result` as the `arg: pointer` then just do `cast[ptr seq[Process]](arg).add c[]` would work proper
01:13:16FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> eh
01:13:29FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> first i need to rebuild my brain after reading that
01:13:46FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Your proc takes in a `pointer` which is type erased data
01:13:56FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you can do `enumProcessImpl(ccb, result.addr)`
01:14:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Then your internal proc adds to the result and you can call it a day
01:14:13FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> no way
01:14:13FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sec
01:17:29FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=XtnUznCYOxEX
01:17:49FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Remove `result = s`
01:17:55FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I don't even know where you're getting `s`
01:18:24FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Ye well, thats the other issue, i couldnt properly allocate a internal seq[Process]
01:18:30FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> so its preallocated
01:18:54FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Well now it'll work and be totally self contained
01:19:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> not yet it seems,
01:20:19FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=RUrXMHfcrhXv
01:21:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You need to dereference the pointer before add
01:22:55FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Wow
01:23:12FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=EwzalrDIQRgV
01:23:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Cant admit that it can follow this but it works
01:23:26FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> beef, is it possible to pass keywords into `untyped` parameters and interpret them as strings into the template in someway?
01:23:35FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Thank you!
01:23:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `astToStr`
01:23:47FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If you don't understand it read it until you do
01:24:14FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> ?
01:24:26*def- quit (Quit: -)
01:24:27FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The `astToStr` was for you
01:24:33FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The other comment was for hypnotoad here
01:24:45FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> kk, i was confused by the second. makes sense
01:24:57FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Will do, i have 5 other Enums that need to be made more "nimmonisch" (yes that will be a thing)
01:25:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You also probably can just use Nim's `bool` and disregard `boolt`
01:26:29FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Its the same anyway. Apart from boolt being "True" instead of "True"
01:26:51FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I need to remove most of the t's still
01:27:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> before it was lm_bool_t, which was a uint8 typedef
01:27:30FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> so its evolving
01:29:07FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> crap, `::` is reserved 😔
01:30:45FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> If by reserved you mean not an operator yes 😄
01:31:16FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=pogsgINAQuBy
01:31:30FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=nnyAyUCaqIEG
01:32:16FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=fuCHADOjPaqC" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=jrQUANUPANEy"
01:32:32FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=XjvTwunJZTky" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=yUzJpFGgLRlp"
01:33:01FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=WxvJdIzWANpV" => "https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=OjoirQNegmio"
01:34:41FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> In reply to @Elegantbeef "If by reserved you": well, whatever it is... it doesn't let me use it as `template :: (arg1 :T1)` 😦
01:35:13FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=loYWMuwuvbUo
01:36:33FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Oh I didn't think `:` was allowed in operators but it is
01:40:03FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Oh i have anothe question. Could someone tell me what the usecase of procedure types are? I dont really understand what they would do. Considering my code from above i thought about doing the callback as a type but i couldnt figure out how to use it.
01:40:39FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Procedure types are pointer procedures, this allows you to call specific behaviour at runtime
01:41:22FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=vtgKZBSylcgO
01:41:34FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> how would i "use" (call) it?
01:41:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You don't call it
01:41:44FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> It's a type not a value
01:41:59FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You give the type to a parameter or variable and then you can call that
01:42:02FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> but what do a0 and a1 are then?
01:42:08FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> ah
01:42:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> They do nothing
01:42:25FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you can do `_: A, _: B` if you wish
01:42:31FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> But it does document the type
01:44:02FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=AaaMMAZCGvZN
01:44:11FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> yes
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01:45:33FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=aLyspUdnysCF
01:46:58FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Makes sense i guess. I still cant really see a benefit here but thats probably because of limited imagination at this time of the day
01:47:17FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Thanks anyway, REALLY helpful
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02:05:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> The benefit is that it gives the programmer the ability to specify what happens inside code↵(@the_real_hypno)
02:05:30FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> you can have events and call the user provided callbacks
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02:49:49FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Is the streams module a poor example of this?
02:50:13FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Or is it a fine example? Just wondering
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02:57:12FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Given that it uses pointer procs as interfaces I'd say it's meh, but ok
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03:51:48FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Hey can anyone spot why this code isn't actually adding tokens to the tokens variable? https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=CkEMJEQiTtVL↵It's a basic lexer for testing, but for some reason after trying to view the output of the tokens in the list, seems to have nothing inputted despite the codepaths seeming to run
03:58:51FromDiscord<odexine> “While position is greater or equal to code length”
03:59:02FromDiscord<odexine> Never true
03:59:07FromDiscord<odexine> Lex never runs anything
03:59:50FromDiscord<odexine> @Robyn [She/Her]
04:05:15FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Aah okay, thank you!
04:06:00FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I forgot a 'not' :p
04:07:01FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Wait no I didn't
04:07:02FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> What
04:07:41FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Why is `pos != code.len - 1` working but not `pos >= code.len`
04:07:59FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Wait no
04:08:02FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I did forget a not
04:08:07FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I have no reading comprehension rn
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04:11:35FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=gRfzHYskgPsp
04:12:06FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Forgot a break
04:12:16FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> It works now, yay
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05:42:40anddamwhat is https://dpaste.com/5QWGLTJH9 supposted to do? Second python example at https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Nim-for-Python-Programmers
05:42:54anddamx/posted/ c/posed/
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07:42:02FromDiscord<janakali> In reply to @anddam "what is https://dpaste.com/5QWGLTJH9 supposted": I believe it demonstrates that you need unintuitive workarounds (`nonlocal`) in python to use locally scoped variables
07:42:44FromDiscord<janakali> (edit) "In reply to @anddam "what is https://dpaste.com/5QWGLTJH9 supposted": I believe it demonstrates that you need unintuitive workarounds (`nonlocal`) in python to use locally scoped variables ... " added "(with same name as global variables)"
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08:25:22FromDiscord<janakali> probably related to this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8447947/is-it-possible-to-modify-a-variable-in-python-that-is-in-an-outer-enclosing-b
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08:52:31anddamhrmm will test it later, but I cannot see how that would even compile in python, my guess is the assert should go into a method not in the class attributes
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09:04:39FromDiscord<ghostbuy_> TEEN/ONLYFANS PORN HERE JOIN NOW! :pizza::peach: https://discord.gg/pornox @everyone
09:05:08Amun-RaPMunch ^
09:06:15PMunchI was already on it :)
09:07:16PMunchCan't remove the message on IRC though
09:07:54Amun-Ra:pizza::peach: these emoji choices are always interesting
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09:45:08anddamPMunch: well you shouldn't do onlyfans during office hours…
09:45:29anddamAmun-Ra: eh, they had my attention at pizza
09:45:48Amun-Raanddam: same here, not gonna lie
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11:44:09FromDiscord<ayex> for writing a nim-js browser plugin that fills tedious forms,↵↵is there something similar/equivalent to python selenium's `driver.send_keys` ? 🤔
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12:00:50FromDiscord<ayex> ok nvm, seems like I do not need to go via send\_keys equivalent. 🙂
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12:13:45FromDiscord<ayex> but in the same context how would I translate this js line\:↵`inputElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));`↵↵specifically the Event.Input to nim?
12:15:26FromDiscord<ayex> for `inputElement.dispatchEvent(Event(DomEvent.Input))` I get type mismatch error\:↵`Error: type mismatch: got 'DomEvent' for 'Input' but expected 'Event = ref Event:ObjectType'`
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12:24:23FromDiscord<solitudesf> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=YWIgKEdLJKkH
12:25:26FromDiscord<ayex> ah? [solitudesf](https://matrix.to/#/%40_discord_104136074569211904%3At2bot.io) thank! you let me try
12:26:46FromDiscord<dolfy0191> Hi there
12:26:57FromDiscord<ayex> yay compiles 🎉
12:27:06FromDiscord<dolfy0191> In nim is it possible to use name aliases for long names?
12:28:06FromDiscord<dolfy0191> something like↵let slp=myobject.somelongparam↵without copying?
12:29:02FromDiscord<grumblygibson> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=FlKjasIyIScl
12:30:16FromDiscord<grumblygibson> That's often my favorite trick to make readable code until views becomes stable/better.
12:31:11FromDiscord<dolfy0191> perfect! thank you!
12:31:48FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> is there an inverse to `astToStr`, to get the ast from a string? 🤔
12:32:09FromDiscord<solitudesf> In reply to @heysokam "is there an inverse": https://nim-lang.org/docs/macros.html#parseStmt%2Cstring%2Cstring
12:32:27FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> oh... parse! wasn't finding it, tyty ✍️
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12:33:31FromDiscord<pmunch> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=hafynFjVknik
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12:36:05FromDiscord<dolfy0191> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=pGzmZRVnJiqV
12:58:56FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @dolfy0191 "something like let slp=myobject.somelongparam": Have you looked at templates?
13:01:31FromDiscord<minamorl> Hi, i am very new to nim lang and wanna learn about how pragma works. is there any good reference?
13:08:09FromDiscord<windowssmece> i have 1 question, if i build a library in nim using noMemoryManagment, and import it in another project that uses ORC will that work and vice versa
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13:32:44FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> In reply to @windowssmece "i have 1 ": you can do it, but you need to teach orc how to do the management with `destroy=` hooks and friends
13:33:09FromDiscord<ringabout> In reply to @minamorl "Hi, i am very": You can read the Nim manual => https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html or read the source code of the Nim compiler
13:33:59FromDiscord<ringabout> (edit) "https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html" => "https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#pragmas"
13:34:06PMunchWell, if you have written a library which doesn't need automatic memory management then you can use it with automatic memory management turned on
13:34:11PMunchIt just won't do anything
13:34:20FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> (edit) "In reply to @windowssmece "i have 1 ": you can do it, but you need to teach orc how to do the management with `destroy=` hooks and friends" => "sent a long message, see https://pasty.ee/AjncrywDStQA"
13:34:39PMunchThe other way around of course is not as trivial
13:34:47FromDiscord<ringabout> (edit) "compiler" => "compiler; here is where pragmas are implemented https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/compiler/pragmas.nim"
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13:36:26FromDiscord<sOkam! 🫐> In reply to @minamorl "Hi, i am very": the just of it is that pragmas mark the identifier with specific functionality↵so "how pragmas work" is like asking "how multiple features work"↵they "tag" the identifier to be used in a certain way, so you need to reference each of the pragma's manual to understand what each of them do ✍️
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13:41:09FromDiscord<minamorl> In reply to @heysokam "the just of it": ty for the clarification! ya i thought it was like so
13:41:30FromDiscord<minamorl> In reply to @ringabout "You can read the": thanks for sharing links !
13:43:04FromDiscord<minamorl> i didn’t recognize that nim itself is self-hosted
13:43:16FromDiscord<minamorl> (edit) "i didn’t recognize that nim itself is self-hosted ... " added "till now"
13:43:26FromDiscord<minamorl> cool
13:51:57FromDiscord<windowssmece> hm oke, 1 question are sets in nim determistic i know in c# default implmentaiton is not determistic
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14:02:16FromDiscord<windowssmece> in nim we do not have any private public accessors right
14:13:37FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @windowssmece "in nim we do": we can emulate them in nim
14:13:52FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @windowssmece "hm oke, 1 question": not sure what you mean by this exactly, deterministic in what way?
14:22:32FromDiscord<jaar23> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=lHsvVUjYirsO
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14:23:25FromDiscord<jaar23> i tried it, didn't expect it would works, but it do works, i can do `obj.t.add()` and `obj.t.getOrDefault()` without error.
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14:35:17FromDiscord<solitudesf> In reply to @jaar23 "i have this object.": no, tables just have checks in their procedures to initialize them if they arent.
14:37:14FromDiscord<jaar23> In reply to @solitudesf "no, tables just have": so you mean, it is initialize when i call `add` instead?
14:38:01FromDiscord<ringabout> You example doesn't compile for me
14:38:09FromDiscord<solitudesf> In reply to @jaar23 "so you mean, it": yes
14:38:36FromDiscord<jaar23> In reply to @ringabout "You example doesn't compile": haha, i just type of psuedo-ly.
14:42:33FromDiscord<jaar23> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=fIPiEdVtfwWb
14:44:16FromDiscord<ringabout> In reply to @jaar23 "haha, i just type": I thought you were talking about the type inference for generic object constructor
14:44:38FromDiscord<ringabout> Yeah, they are initialized since https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11094
14:47:23FromDiscord<jaar23> ah, no. the generic object constructor will come later until i fix other issue 😅 ↵appreciate the table is initialize for me
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15:09:28NimEventerNew thread by impras: How to migrate from Discourse to Nim Forum?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11423
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15:43:48FromDiscord<windowssmece> In reply to @odexine "not sure what you": 2 pc runing same code different result, from what i know in c# hashing is using some float magic or something so it can break determistc
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15:49:49FromDiscord<odexine> for system-sets `{}` they use bitsets instead so no problem there, for `sets` module `HashSet` nims hashing is iirc deterministic so it is deterministic
15:56:50FromDiscord<wannabelokesh> In reply to @pmunch "You'd have to be": Yes, I can provide information related to the context in order for others to help me. ↵Please ask.
15:58:17FromDiscord<pmunch> You just said you needed help. You didn't even specify what your problem actually was
15:58:38FromDiscord<pmunch> If you have a question just ask it here and if someone can help they will
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17:06:31FromDiscord<0b110111101> does the system module re-exports libraries ?
17:09:36FromDiscord<zz9za> Dumb newbie question that I couldn't find in the tutorial... how do I iterate over an arbitrary range (specifically, from 1 to n). The naive for x in range[1..n] doesn't work because n isn't known at compile time, at least that's what the error says
17:09:46FromDiscord<zz9za> and there doesn't seem to be a range proc to just make one at runtime
17:10:23FromDiscord<zz9za> I mean, I could do it with a manual loop and state vars obviously, but I'd rather...not
17:13:50FromDiscord<vindaar> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=CDFyOEqSQwMY
17:14:08Amun-Rafor i in 1 .. n: …
17:16:28FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @0b110111101 "does the system module": it does
17:25:32FromDiscord<jakub19245sdf> hi
17:25:41FromDiscord<jakub19245sdf> does anyone do scripts outside of roblox?
17:25:56FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Is the void type from experimental considered a nil or is it just nothing?↵If i would have a nilable value from an imported C-Function, could i use void there when wrapping?
17:26:31FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> In reply to @jakub19245sdf "does anyone do scripts": Weird question, are you sure you are on the correct Discord?
17:26:55FromDiscord<jakub19245sdf> In reply to @the_real_hypno "Weird question, are you": correct Discord what?
17:28:03FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Where does the roblox reference come from? In what context? Scripts are not bound to Video games
17:28:05FromDiscord<0b110111101> In reply to @odexine "it does": which library defines int8 and in32 and so on ?
17:28:14FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Ctypes afaik
17:28:30FromDiscord<0b110111101> no
17:28:36FromDiscord<0b110111101> that is for c types
17:28:45FromDiscord<0b110111101> what about the nim types ?
17:28:50FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Ctypes..
17:28:58FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> ctypes nim
17:29:06FromDiscord<jakub19245sdf> Basically I have codes that are leaning to the dark side of discord..
17:29:19FromDiscord<jakub19245sdf> I just need help
17:29:48FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> In reply to @0b110111101 "what about the nim": what are you asking exactly? if you are asking where aee they defined for nim, it's system.nim
17:29:59FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> (edit) "aee" => "are"
17:30:15FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> (edit) "system.nim" => "system.nim, which is implicitly imported"
17:30:17FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> https://nim-lang.org/docs/ctypes.html
17:30:22FromDiscord<0b110111101> In reply to @.lisuwu_ "what are you asking": something made me asking this question some c types are defined in system which is weird
17:30:40FromDiscord<0b110111101> the rest of the types defined in ctypes
17:30:51FromDiscord<0b110111101> wtf
17:31:22FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> In reply to @0b110111101 "something made me asking": for stuff like uint16, int32 etc... they are defined in system
17:33:13FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> it's not really weird, and looking over ctypes it does say "for compatibility between providers and backend"
17:33:21FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Ah you are right, i confused it with them being imported from x haha
17:33:27FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "x" => "c"
17:33:38FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> (edit) "providers" => "platforms"
17:34:30FromDiscord<.lisuwu_> (edit) "backend"" => "backend", so ctypes is not C types, it is COMPATIBLE types"
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17:49:14FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> Ive been meaning to ask, did nimble remove the develop feature, or is it just used differently now, took a break from nim for the latter half of last year and havent messed around enough to figure out which is the case.
17:50:09FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> actually it could also just be an issue with my install if neither of those are the case
18:02:26FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> What did you expect it to do?
18:03:06FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I used it on 2.0.0 and it did what the doc said
18:03:49FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> If i remember right when I used it before it would symlink a package so i dont need to run `nimble remove <package> && nimble install`, is that no longer what it does
18:05:09FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> This was a while ago so it would make sense if thats changed
18:05:12FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I dont want to confuse it with local packages but as far as I remembered it makes dependencies locally available in your project
18:05:43FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "remembered" => "remember"
18:06:06FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> and ignores externals
18:06:27FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> yea sounds like they changed it then, tbh its not too much of a issue for me bc I dont have too many self managed packages I depend on
18:07:17FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> I think this was like 1.6 behavior so not surprised it changed in 2.0, the new nimble system is way cleaner
18:07:39FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I would still test it because my brain tells me there is something wrong with what i said
18:07:45FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I just cant grasp it
18:09:11FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> omg, im dumb, forgot you can do -h for subcommands in nimble, looks like the old behavoiur was either moved to `nimble develop --global` or im just forgetting that i needed that flag
18:09:59FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> I knew there was something with local and global involved
18:10:18FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Good that you got it working
18:10:27FromDiscord<@@prestosilver> yea lol
18:24:04FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Does anyone know if there is something like a "Best practice for .... " source for Nim and if not, would there be people willing to collab on such a project?
18:25:18FromDiscord<bosinski2023> In reply to @the_real_hypno "Does anyone know if": is it about code-style - there is a document avail. and smbd. did a opinionated formatter `nph` AFAIK.
18:26:14FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @the_real_hypno "Does anyone know if": There's isn't beyond the zen of Nim and I think Nim is too flexible to have an explicit one
18:28:20FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Mh, but there is a general tendency working on specific things, right? ↵I was having a "type" best practice in mind showing how you enhance your type to be usable with the stdlib
18:28:22FromDiscord<odexine> Status has a style guide
18:28:31FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Just one example obviously
18:28:39FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @the_real_hypno "Mh, but there is": Not really I’d say
18:29:09FromDiscord<Phil> I think there are some things
18:30:39NimEventerNew thread by beckx: Iup gui: Load jpeg, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11424
18:30:57FromDiscord<Phil> Avoid pointers, only use ref types when necessary, go proc >> generics >> templates >>macros in your usage, compile the linking flag whose name I forgot just off the cuff
18:31:18FromDiscord<bosinski2023> In reply to @the_real_hypno "Mh, but there is": there is a style-guide for core-devs/contributors - a good read..
18:31:28FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> When i click through popular projects they tend to have similar preparation things happening before the actual code like converters and or procs for general math stuff
18:31:36FromDiscord<Phil> Prefer optionals over empty objects or the like if sth. Might not exist, but that's a personal preference
18:31:46FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> In reply to @bosinski2023 "there is a style-guide": Thanks, I'll check it out
18:31:55FromDiscord<odexine> Converters are not recommended
18:32:12FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Thats what the doc says yes
18:32:24FromDiscord<Phil> Aye, converters generally are an anti pattern outside of specific circumstances
18:32:45FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> That would be something i would consider a best practice aswell
18:32:53FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @isofruit "Prefer optionals over empty": Monad detected
18:33:21FromDiscord<Phil> I swear I've been told like 3 times what a monad is and I still don't get it
18:33:23FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> (edit) "That" => "Thats "
18:33:44FromDiscord<odexine> It’s a monoid in the category of endofunctors, duh
18:34:19FromDiscord<Phil> Ah yes
18:34:23FromDiscord<Phil> Words
18:34:38FromDiscord<Phil> I too use words occasionally
18:34:42FromDiscord<odexine> In reply to @isofruit "I swear I've been": It’s almost just a container type where you can manipulate the contents without removing it from the container
18:34:45FromDiscord<the_real_hypno> Words never change
18:35:25FromDiscord<Phil> In reply to @odexine "It’s almost just a": So a stateful box into which you banish your side effects?
18:35:40FromDiscord<odexine> That works, sure
18:36:21FromDiscord<Phil> Kinda like a termination point in a process diagram
18:36:37FromDiscord<odexine> Okay now you’re doing the words thing
18:37:01FromDiscord<Phil> Okay so you know workflow/process diagrams?
18:37:35FromDiscord<odexine> Not well enough I guess
18:41:22FromDiscord<Phil> Like somebody drawing down the process of somebody uploading an image. ↵Going from image selection -->upload image --> check with content filter in backend -->, if valid store image --> store identifier of image in dB -->return URL to image --> reroute client to image URL --> process done
18:42:09FromDiscord<Phil> That process also May end at various other points
18:42:14FromDiscord<odexine> Ah those diagrams
18:42:27FromDiscord<odexine> I don’t see the connection
18:43:05FromDiscord<Phil> Like failing the content filter --> return http400 --> process ends
18:45:05FromDiscord<Phil> Maybe I'm just off-base but I've been getting the impression recently that in FP everything sooner or later ends in a side-effect.↵Which is either drawing something on a screen, or writing something to disk or sending something to somewhere else etc.
18:45:30FromDiscord<Phil> And in that way Monads (if they are the black-box containing side-effects) feel like termination points of a chain of executing functions
18:45:38FromDiscord<Phil> A process if you will
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21:11:30FromDiscord<zz9za> anyone know of a good/easy-to-use undirected graph library? I.e. create a cloud of nodes, and find the shortest path between them?
21:12:14FromDiscord<zz9za> for my use case I don't need to weight the edges, if that matters
21:28:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nimble.directory/search?query=undirected+graph
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23:47:51FromDiscord<vagous> How good is nim's generation? Can it offer better performance than handwritten C?
23:47:57FromDiscord<vagous> (edit) "C?" => "C/c++?"
23:48:02FromDiscord<vagous> (edit) "C/c++?" => "C/C++?"
23:49:38FromDiscord<vagous> Or is that too vague of a question?
23:50:09FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Obviously Nim cannot be faster than C if the C is hand written to do the same as the Nim
23:50:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> But Nim can be as fast as C, since you can disable checks, use macros to generate more efficient code from higher level abstractions, and other fun things
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23:51:59FromDiscord<vagous> In reply to @Elegantbeef "But Nim can be": wdym by macros to generate more efficient code from higher level abstractions?
23:53:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You can write macros to abstract away low level logic and make the code more digestible than the C counterpart
23:53:28FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> https://nim-lang.org/blog/2021/07/28/Nim-Efficient-Expressive-Elegant-Benchmarking.html
23:57:46FromDiscord<Mike> So I just did `nimble install -d:explicitSourcePath=/home/mikenew/Downloads/Nim nimlsp` to install nimlsp, but there's nothing in .nimble/bin. If fact there's no bin directory at all in .nimble, even though it acts like it installed it just fine
23:57:54FromDiscord<Mike> Am I missing something obvious?
23:58:44FromDiscord<vagous> In reply to @Elegantbeef "You can write macros": I see. How do you call a thread in nim?
23:59:05FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You call them threads? 😄
23:59:12FromDiscord<vagous> ?
23:59:14FromDiscord<vagous> no
23:59:19FromDiscord<vagous> I'm just asking how do you do it
23:59:36FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `createThread`?
23:59:45FromDiscord<vagous> That's windows only isn't
23:59:51FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No
23:59:56FromDiscord<vagous> ok