<< 14-03-2017 >>

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00:22:22demi-hmmm, i'm getting an decref exception when using `sequtils.filter` is there anything i should be aware of with this?
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00:29:59demi-hmmm, ok it looks like something is blowing up memory badly
01:00:23demi-ok by changing my GC method to `markAndSweep` i stop having the problem; but i don't think this is the proper solution here, is there anything i can do to debug this?
01:01:12ftsf_demi-, not sure, but maybe tri keepIf instead of filter
01:01:19ftsf_to do removal in place
01:01:30demi-i removed the filter call, and it was still happening
01:01:41ftsf_well... problem is likely somewhere else then =)
01:02:12ftsf_what's a decref exception? never encountered that
01:02:30demi-something is being trambled, but i don't know where/how and the usual tools i would use to debug this won't work because of nim's GC system over-top of C
01:03:13ftsf_valgrind not helping?
01:04:25demi-the traceback looks like this: https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/2a291d1b4b5a615ea655bdb9066265fc
01:05:47demi-that is one of them, it appears to be whenever nim goes to garbage collect when generating a new object it will throw
01:06:29ftsf_did you run it through valgrind?
01:06:52ftsf_if there's memory corruption earlier on that traceback won't be very useful
01:07:44demi-i wasn't aware that you could effectively use valgrind or llvm ASAN on nim code
01:11:18ftsf_you can =)
01:15:43*couven92 quit (Quit: Good Night)
01:23:00demi-ASAN seems to break running the code altogether, and valgrind apparently doesn't support my platform 
01:42:04demi-this is what ends up happening: https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/ef875faea7b4a0bcaa3742dc97e043f1
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02:33:46FromGitter<Varriount> demi-: Are you using any modules not found in the standard library?
02:34:52FromGitter<Varriount> Or using threads?
02:35:17FromGitter<Varriount> It sounds like something is corrupting data, and the garbage collector doesn't like that/
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08:21:20gokrVladar: appimage for 64 bit Linux runs fine here too. Ubuntu 16.04.
08:22:01Vladargokr: thanks for the info
08:22:21gokrVladar: Nice game - two things that stumped me: 1) Control via mouse? :) I would use WSAD + SPACE for fire. and 2) Fire rate should IMHO be slightly higher.
08:22:33gokrAsteroids is one of my fav games - nicely done!
08:22:49gokrRegarding game engines etc - did you ever look at Urho3D?
08:23:21Vladarheard of it, I think
08:23:35gokrI of course applaud all 100% Nim efforts - but Urho3D and especially AtomicGameEngine now that is a derivative is VERY nice.
08:23:51gokrMe and especially Araq wrapped Urho3D in Nim a year or so back.
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08:24:32gokrI looked at a lot of engines before we decided to use Urho3D as the new engine for the VR system at 3DICC, where me and Araq worked.
08:24:56gokrIt needs updating though.
08:25:06Araqyup, but now there is also an Unreal Engine 4 wrapper :-)
08:25:27gokrAnd these days - Atomic has a lot of improvements over Urho3D, while still not being a fork.
08:26:03gokrAdvantage of Atomic (IIRC) is that it runs on win/linux/osx/ios/android. I don't think UE4 does mobile.
08:26:24Araqsure it does
08:26:35gokrOk, perhaps I misremembered.
08:27:17Vladarbtw, had anyone tried to build Nim under schroot (32-bit chroot running on 64-bit machine)? getting this error:
08:27:18Vladar# ./build.sh gcc -w -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -Ic_code -c c_code/2_2/compiler_nim.c -o c_code/2_2/compiler_nim.o
08:27:18VladarIn file included from c_code/2_2/compiler_nim.c:6:0:
08:27:18Vladarc_code/nimbase.h:443:13: error: size of array 'Nim_and_C_compiler_disagree_on_target_architecture' is negative
08:28:29Vladarcould I force 32bit arch here?
08:32:42Vladarit might be that I set up schroot wrong, though…
08:33:05Araqedit build.sh perhaps, but shouldn't schroot's uname produce the correct value?
08:33:18Vladarthat what I was thinking
08:34:23gokrAraq: Did you play with the UE4 wrapper?
08:35:17Araqnot that much, gokr. I rewrote Nim's codegen for it though
08:35:37Araqso that we have much better compile times
08:36:47gokrI am itching to play around a bit with Atomic - but... they added C# support and that's sure pretty neat too.
08:39:36Vladaroh, yeah, missed personality=linux32
08:51:37FromGitter<vegansk> Araq, closure iterators are unusable :-( https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5522 and https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5519
08:59:04*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
08:59:54Araqfix it. dunno about "Unusable" though, the whole .async framework builds on top of them
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09:28:39FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: How would you suggest those two issues be fixed?
09:30:38Araqinvestigate why transformVarSection doesn't get what it wants
09:33:24Araqmost likely some LL pass already transformed var x to var closureEnv.x and so we need to decide whether that produces a closureEnv.x' copy.
09:33:32Araqor whether we can use this field directly
09:56:48*PMunch joined #nim
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10:13:31Vladarok, it seems I figured out schroot stuff, here's links to the updated AppImages: https://github.com/Vladar4/ng2planetoids#links
10:13:39Vladarplease tell if it runs for you
10:17:41Calinouwhy is it in a .run
10:18:01Calinoualso, don't commit compiled binaries to a Git repository, use GitHub's releases mechanism
10:18:08Vladarbecause I called it so =) it's an AppImage package
10:18:19Vladaryeah, I should look into it
10:18:22Calinoujust use the .AppImage extension
10:18:42Calinoucalling it something else may confuse file managers
10:23:31Vladarso, does it work?
10:25:41Calinouit works, yeah
10:25:47Calinouon Manjaro 64-bit (using 64-bit appimage)
10:25:53Calinouso, good job :P
10:26:20Vladarthanks, could move it to the releases properly then
10:31:17Vladarkinda like that https://github.com/Vladar4/ng2planetoids/releases/tag/v1.0
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11:29:42demi-Araq: i'm having some memory issues (stuff being trampled) and not sure how to go about debugging it, usual tools aren't being helpful; i've got some output from ASAN which seems to indicate a problem but i have no idea if it is related or not.
11:30:37Araqdemi-: I'm investigating valgrind reports myself. for this use 'koch valgrind --debugger:native foo.nim'
11:30:47Araqpushed this today.
11:30:48FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq about issue #5519. It works if I just use already transformed variable in line 6 - https://gist.github.com/vegansk/54b02fd2d3bbf00a95108d7095c01861#file-transf-nim-L6
11:31:10Araqvegansk: told ya :P
11:31:33FromGitter<vegansk> Is it normal, can I make the PR?
11:31:35demi-yeah unfortunately valgrind apparently doesn't support 10.12 and i don't have a computer is on anything else.
11:32:09Araqdemi-: do you know about -d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert already?
11:32:31demi-no i don't, i will try enabling them to see what happens
11:33:27Araqhmm I'm on 10.11.6 osx
11:33:56Araqand valgrind doesn't support 10.12? strange
11:33:59demi-just repro'd with those flags can got a pretty similar stacktrace lead by `[GCASSERT] doOperation 2`
11:34:20Araq^ this.
11:34:32Araqcan I see the program that causes it?
11:34:35demi-it apparently has "preliminary support" but not installable via brew
11:35:38demi-yeah one sec let me push up the latest changes
11:36:47FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, there is another problem. If I use the same variable names in tuple destructuring in another block, nim generates the same symbols for them. And then c compiler fails with `` duplicate member`` errors.
11:37:48Araqvegansk: the field transformation actually appends some ID iirs to prevent this from happening
11:40:54Araqah hmm
11:41:21Araqcheckout compiler/lowerings.nim proc addField and addUniqueField
11:41:40Araqactually, only addUniqueField
11:42:06FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, got it
11:42:23FromGitter<Almynic> does nim support quadruple-precision floating-point numbers?
11:42:38Araqmake for the skField s.flags.incl sfAnon
11:43:23demi-Araq: ok here are instructions for getting it running: https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/024f94444144c4a1305cdfe25a42019f
11:43:25Araqand in the codegen patch mangleField (ccgtypes.nim) if the field as sfAnon, add its line number
11:43:56demi-also fwiw, i tried this on the 0.16.0 release as well as latest from master
11:44:35Araqyou mean 'devel', right?
11:44:42Araqdo you use async?
11:46:11demi-yes, sorry; and no i don't use async this is purely synchronous code
11:46:41Araqalmynic: no.
11:49:49Araqdemi-: necromancy/src/nimcache/necromancy_necromancy.c:14:10: fatal error: 'termbox.h' file not found
11:50:08demi-did you install the termbox library?
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11:51:54FromGitter<Almynic> @araq Thank you then the type suffix 'f128 in the nim manual, is only a normal float without higher precision right?
11:52:04Araqbrew install termbox
11:52:04AraqWarning: termbox-1.1.0 already installed
11:52:48Araqalmynic: it's reserved for the future.
11:52:50demi-you may need to modify the nim.cfg depending on where it installed to? it should be the same as it already is coming from brew
11:53:08demi-unless you have a custom brew location
11:54:04FromGitter<Almynic> @Araq ok thanks for clarifying my confusion ;)
11:55:59Araqdemi-: you don't do anything like --cincludeDir
11:56:06Araqhow could it work?
11:57:43AraqHOMEBREW_PREFIX: /usr/local
11:57:43AraqHOMEBREW_REPOSITORY: /usr/local/Homebrew
11:57:43AraqHOMEBREW_CELLAR: /usr/local/Cellar
11:57:53Araqthat's what my 'brew config' says
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12:00:12demi-i am not sure what to say, `/usr/local/include` apparently gets included for me already,
12:03:26demi-there isn't any reason why this couldn't also run on linux, i believe the flags i have setup should be compatible with the linker on linux if you are more comfortable working there
12:03:48demi-the only dependency is termbox
12:04:37Araqwell I have /usr/local/include/termbox.h so never mind
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12:24:56Araqdemi-: well it crashes for me too and makes my terminal unusable afterwards
12:27:13Araq ViewContents* {.union.} = object
12:27:13Araq text*: TextView
12:27:13Araq label*: LabelView
12:27:15Araq browser*: FileBrowser
12:27:17Araq selector*: SelectorView
12:27:19Araq input*: InputView
12:27:31Araq<-- that is very wrong, remove the .union
12:28:10Araq"The object declaration then must not use inheritance or any GC'ed memory but this is currently not checked."
12:29:56AraqI removed the .union and the crashes disappear. :-)
12:30:21Araqso ... unfortunately that's not the corruption I'm hunting
12:34:45demi-was the ASAN info i posted last night useful or bogus?
12:36:29demi-ahh, ok thank you Araq. I was under the impression i could use that to simulate a C union but i guess not
12:36:58Araqyou can use a 'case' in the object to save some space
12:37:06Araqbut .union is only for C interop
12:40:20demi-if i fix the union usage, and turn ASAN back on i still get this message with an abnormal exit: https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/dbfe576b2cb607b8303cd6548b2f4d63
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12:53:05FromGitter<Varriount> demi-: Have you tested ASAN to make sure it works on a working program that uses garbage collection?
12:53:47demi-you mean something not written in nim?
12:54:36FromGitter<Varriount> No, I mean a program written in Nim, that you are sure runs correctly, that uses garbage collection.
12:55:54FromGitter<Varriount> I know that Valgrind requires a special file so it doesn't mistake the garbage collection internals as erroneous.
12:57:47demi-hmmm, it seems to work on on other nim programs,
12:59:24Araqvarriount: nim ships with a suppress file.
12:59:43Araqdemi-: varriount is correct the address sanitizer doesn't understand Nim's stack tracing
12:59:49Araqthat is required by the GC
13:00:13demi-do you know of any way to get it to work?
13:01:19demi-oh, and my mistaken usage with union: will that become a compiler error/warning at some point?
13:01:49Araqas the manual says, yes
13:01:56Araqthe compiler will prevent it
13:02:24FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Huh. It's that suppress file mentioned anywhere in the documentation?
13:02:30demi-ok, sounds good, thanks
13:03:04Araqvarriount: use 'koch valgrind foo.nim'
13:03:15Araqno docs, the feature arrived yesterday.
13:04:26FromGitter<Varriount> demi-: I'm assuming you're running OSX El Capitan? That's the most common platform Valgrind won't run on.
13:05:00demi-i'm running sierra
13:05:42FromGitter<Varriount> Huh, I thought Sierra was supported.
13:05:58demi-there is "preliminary support" whatever that means
13:06:02FromGitter<Varriount> Or am I getting versions mixed up.
13:06:12demi-sierra is 10.12, capitan is 10.11
13:06:22FromGitter<Varriount> Ah, ok.
13:06:36demi-but I cannot install valgrind through homebrew and i especially don't fancy doing it myself
13:06:41*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
13:07:17demi-since it may not even work correctly
13:07:44FromGitter<Varriount> I wonder what's changed on the OS level to prevent Valgrind from working...
13:07:56demi-probably nothing
13:08:13demi-but that is what the documentation says for valgrind
13:08:47FromGitter<Varriount> By the way, I like your Github avatar.
13:09:09FromGitter<Varriount> I need to change mine at some point
13:41:22Araqdemi-: I'm afraid you have to disable AddressSanitizer or patch it about the markStackAndRegisters_LdwvBL9bC9c0lik7K9bau9bX0Q call doing dangerous stuff
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13:43:54couven92BTW, I have discovered that it actualy would make more sense to have the vccexe (the Visual C Compiler XPlat helper) as its own nimble package... Can I remove it from tools and make it standalone? I also found some bugs I need to adress and I want to add Visual Studio 2017 support...
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13:46:36demi-Araq: hmmm ok, i've gone ahead and reached out to some friends on the llvm project team to see if i can get some more info about working with it; will write up any instructions i can once i get it working
13:47:25Araqcouven92: that would be sad.
13:47:32AraqI accept patches.
13:47:44AraqI think it's nice to have this in the core
13:48:44couven92okay... But it needs some redesign as it does not really work well when compiling vccexe with and old vccexe... (replacement problem... same as koch produces nim1 before it creates nim)
13:49:17couven92Well... That means a redesign in the `koch tools` command, right?
13:51:25hohlerdedoes GC_ref and GC_unref work with cstring?
13:56:07Araqcouven92: hmm? why?
13:56:27Araqhohlerde: no, you use it for the 'string' before converting it to cstring
14:02:04hohlerdearaq: thx, will try it.
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14:08:07demi-Araq: i assume PRs to make nim's GC system compatibile with ASAN are welcome?
14:09:13Araqyeah but don't underestimate the effort. the conservative stack scanning is essential for the GC to work
14:09:39Araqand an alternative would require large codegen changes
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14:10:06demi-mhmm, i think i have enough info about ASAN to mark stuff to be ignored properly
14:10:12AraqRuby should be affected by this too though.
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14:10:30Araqas it uses a similar GC implementation for this. at least older Ruby versions did.
14:11:11demi-the GC methods that are available to the compiler, are those collection patterns or are they entirely separate implementations?
14:14:32Araqseparate algorithms on top of the same core
14:14:51demi-ok, so i'd be working with the same set of functions then
14:15:16Araqexcept gc:go and gc:boehm, these mostly delegate the work to the external GC
14:16:02Araqdemi-: yes. it would be a single patch
14:16:15Araqaffecting all of our "native" GCs
14:16:19demi-ok cool, thanks
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14:17:48AraqI can also guide you about how this needs to be done.
14:17:58Araqbut I won't do it myself.
14:18:36demi-heh, no worries
14:26:51demi-Araq: hmmm, this gives new impetus to have a way to resolve runtime symbols, I might not need to even submit a code patch, just an additional file to use as a blacklist for the functions that should be ignored.
14:30:04couven92Araq, for vccexe... Currently it searches for the presence of the VS<VERSION>COMNTOOLS environment variable... VS2017 no longer defines any env-variables to allow for side-by-side... Should I implement Registry Search instead? (that's how you'd find the Visual Studio C Compiler without env-vars)
14:31:02couven92vccexe should probably also take another argument specifying the compiler version you use (if you have multiple versions installed) and use the newest by default...
14:35:57cheatfatecouven92, and where in registry you will search?
14:36:40cheatfatealso you are wrong about vs2017 no longer defines any env-variables... because vcvarsXX.bat still exists
14:36:53cheatfateso there only problem to find it
14:37:43couven92yes, but currently I use the VS140COMNTOOLS env-var (for VS 2015) to find the vcvarsall.bat
14:38:00couven92VS2017 does not define a new VSXXXCOMNTOOLS variable
14:38:10cheatfateyeah i know
14:38:17couven92ergo: finding the VS2017 compiler is (more) difficult
14:38:30cheatfateasking where in registry exactly start searching?
14:38:52couven92Hmm... incidentally, VS2017 does not write itself into HKLM/Software/Microsoft/VisualStudio either...
14:39:36cheatfateyou need to use HKCU
14:40:25couven92nope, only contains the licenses
14:41:03couven92But: You'll need to look at the 32-bit view Registry... i.e. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0
14:41:12couven92(Always forget that... :/ )
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14:44:22couven92cheatfate, Hmm... Microsoft's answer to this: vswhere ( https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/heaths/2017/02/25/vswhere-available/ )
14:46:11cheatfateand where to find vswhere? :)
14:46:39couven92However I still think that using the Registry to find the older (14.0 and below) is better than using environment variables
14:46:59couven92cheatfate, https://github.com/Microsoft/vswhere
14:47:17cheatfatecouven92, so you propose to bundle vswhere with nim distribution...
14:47:34couven92that would be very sad, indeed
14:47:59couven92but hey, it's on GitHub! Shall I write vswhere-nim? :P
14:48:09cheatfatei think you are also wrong with registry approach, because i think trees was incompatible with each other...
14:48:24cheatfatecouven92, for the first you will need to handle COM with Nim...
14:49:01cheatfatecurrently we have only one nimble package with COM inside and it 3mb of nim source code...
14:49:02couven92Oh, crap... yeah you're right... didn't think of that...
14:49:25couven92vswhere is cpp
14:49:39cheatfateyou dont need cpp to handle COM
14:49:56couven92But why do I need COM for vswhere?
14:51:24cheatfateit looks like it using COM to enumerate properties
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14:52:13couven92Ah... yes you're right: https://github.com/Microsoft/vswhere/blob/develop/src/vswhere/stdafx.h#L22
14:55:17couven92But cheatfate, from the vcxproj files, it looks as if all the COM stuff is simply pointers from imported windows dlls... It looks like Nim should be able to do this...
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15:00:12Araqwe have registry.nim in the stdlib. barebones, but might suffice.
15:01:53couven92Ok... I'll create PR as soon as I get home and start playing with this...
15:02:58cheatfatecouven92, i can give you a `hack way` for this
15:03:25cheatfateCOM components have stable UUID (always)
15:03:49cheatfateyou can find `InProcServer` for UUID (which will be path to dll)
15:03:53cheatfatemaybe this helps
15:04:18cheatfatebut of course normal way is to use COM to get installation directories
15:04:25couven92ooh... right... I'll have a look and if all fails I'll try to port vswhere to nim
15:04:44cheatfatebut i dont like latest nimble package with windows api for 3mb of useless declarations
15:04:55cheatfatebut it has some COM features
15:05:09couven92I'll try to keep it small
15:05:10cheatfatei dont like it too, because it looks unsafe
15:05:20cheatfatebut my own com package still not ready
15:06:20couven92Araq, PMunch and I are trying to get wxWidgets to run... We concluded with creating a nim.cfg with when statements to account for Linux/Windows and GCC vs. VCC link artifacts... We also discussed to create the wxWidgets repo as a submodule to your Araq/wxnim repo...
15:07:55PMunchThat way you could (on platforms that don't support a system wide install through a package manager and use of `wx-config <flags>`) grab wxWidgets from their repositories in the correct spot so the user won't have to make sure it's in the right folder and uch.
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15:16:18demi-Araq: is there any way i could have an attribute appended to a function in the system library? seems like `emit` isn't allowed on proc declarations :(
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16:21:55AraqPMunch, couven92 fine with me though I wouldn't use git submodules. ever.
16:22:29Araqdemi-: .emit for proc declaration? are you looking for .codegenDecl ?
16:23:42demi-maybe? if i can stick another __attribute__ on `markStackAndRegisters` then I can use ASAN seemingly flawlessly.
16:23:57demi-and i'm trying to work out how to do that without adding a new pragma or compiler flag
16:24:13Araqyes, .codegenDecl is what you need
16:24:50zachcarterI’ve written new nim-bgfx bindings as the current ones are very broken
16:24:53demi-aaah, i see. thank you
16:25:07zachcarterthese ones don’t seem to have the stack corruption issues the old ones do, so no freezes / lockups when using sdl2
16:28:15Araqzachcarter: yay :-)
16:28:49zachcarteruntil we have our own Nim cross platform graphics API these bindings will ahve to do :)
16:29:04Araqwe have graphics.nim
16:29:09zachcarterI mean something like bgfx
16:29:20zachcarterI guess I worded my last sentece incorrectly
16:29:27Araqthat still uses SDL 1. I dunno what bgfx means
16:29:33zachcartera Nim library that is graphics API agnostic
16:29:35Araqwhat features does it offer?
16:29:52zachcarterdepending on the device it is running on it will render via directx, opengl, opengles, vulkan, metal, etc...
16:30:00zachcartervia one API
16:30:33zachcarteryou also write shaders in one language
16:31:05zachcarterit’s quite the library if you want to do cross platform hardware accelerated graphics
16:32:58demi-Araq: I am declaring an emit right before the proc I want it to impact as i have to conditionally declare this attribute using a macro, however that doesn't seem to be carried to the same location as the proc's c function is declared at, is there any way to get these to correlate?
16:34:28cheatfatezachcarter, please don't call wrapper as `nim library`
16:35:01demi-this is what my patch looks like right now: https://gist.github.com/samdmarshall/cc660adb962cb12e388a2fc5c2879abd
16:35:19zachcarterokay cheatfate, a Nim wrapper
16:35:35zachcarterif you want to get technical it would be a Nim API right?
16:35:42Araqdemi-: there is no such connection but you can start the emit with """/*typesection*/
16:36:04Araqor better add it to nimbase.h
16:36:27cheatfatezachcarter, there is no Nim API
16:36:35cheatfatebecause Nim is a language
16:36:39zachcarterI’m saying you’d be writing an API in Nim
16:36:40cheatfateso it has no api
16:36:44zachcarterI think you misunderstand my English
16:37:17cheatfateit just nim wrapper for bgfx library
16:37:31zachcarterno that’s not what I was describing in that sentence cheatfate
16:37:42zachcarterI was saying until Nim has something like BGFX, bindings to BGFX will have to do
16:37:46zachcarterthat was my sentiment
16:40:23demi-Araq: that worked, is there any documentation i should be adding or updating to make account for this in the future?
16:42:02CalinouBGFX is not very useful in practice, just saying
16:42:28Calinou(I speak as a Godot contributor, we occasionally get requests about it, but we keep turning them down because modern OpenGL ES works well on all platforms)
16:42:49Araq„For a toplevel emit statement the section where in the generated C/C++ file the code should be emitted can be influenced via the prefixes /*TYPESECTION*/ or /*VARSECTION*/ or /*INCLUDESECTION*/:“
16:43:38Araqyeah I know our docs are bad but that's not an excuse for not using them. :P
16:43:45couven92Araq, ok... PMunch and I see the problem with distributing wxWidgets as a submodule... I just compiled wxWidgets for both x86 and x64 and that's all in all 3.56GiB
16:44:50PMunchThat's why I want to use `wx-config` and the ~30MiB wxGtk package installed on my system..
16:46:30AraqI preferred to be independent of wx-config crap
16:46:54couven92Hmm... could work to have a --with-wxWidgets strategy (similar to autoconf's configure) which would give people the oppurtunity to specify the path to a wxWidgets installation
16:47:25Araqyou should just embrace the ../ sibling path solution.
16:47:42couven92okay... point taken :D
16:48:04Araqassume the wxWidgets is the sibling, but also provide binaries for convenience
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16:48:26zachcarterCalinou: modern opengl es does work well, but if you can support more rendering backends I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to
16:48:46zachcarterGodot doesn’t want to use BGFX because why would it, it already has a renderer written using OpenGL ES
16:48:49zachcarterI don’t have one...
16:49:10zachcarterI think BGFX is plenty useful
16:49:29PMunchBut if I want to have multiple programs using wxWidgets, I'll need to edit all my nim.cfg files or symlink/copy the wxWidgets folder around. On Linux it's simply a lot neater to use wx-config, since it's whole point is to point you to the includes and libs you need.
16:50:51Araqdemi-: but as I said, please add this C #define to nimbase.h, that's where it belongs
16:51:08demi-yeah i have, i'm writing some documentation above that
16:52:10AraqPMunch: no, you point your config to wxnim and relative to wxnim's there is ../wxWidgets with binaries wxnim uses
16:52:54Araqwx-config doesn't change anything since you have the very same problem for wxnim, how can your Nim programs find it.
16:52:57PMunchStill, wxWidgets is 1.9GB. The wxGtk package is 30MiB..
16:53:13PMunchWhen you install wxGtx it puts it in your path
16:53:19PMunchSo you call it from anywhere
16:53:33PMunchDon't need to know where it is..
16:53:55Araqno, you only need to know wx-config is in your PATH
16:54:05Araqyou only move the problems around.
16:54:51couven92PMunch, don't assume that people won't fuck up their PATH! I do it all the time!! :P
16:54:54PMunchBut the problem would be simple to solve.. "sudo pacman -S wkGtk && nimble install wxnim && nim cpp -r myapp.nim"
16:55:20couven92If you have and want to use pacman!
16:55:20PMunchThat's all it would take for a Linux user to compile and run a wxNim application
16:55:33PMunchAnd the install would take ~3 minutes
16:55:52AraqPMunch: nimble has distros.nim support for that
16:56:03PMunchcouven92, obviously that would be specific to your distro. You can replace that with apt-get or yum if you want.
16:56:22couven92if you have and want to use yum or apt-get
16:56:29Araqbut you still need a solution for Windows.
16:56:36Araqship with the DLLs or something.
16:56:39PMunchcouven92, and you would if you were on a Linux system..
16:56:59AraqI don't mind wx-config if *you* ensure the linux package manager is used for that
16:57:10Araqbut don't just assume wx-config exists. it doesn't.
16:57:29AraqI meant to emphasize the *if*
16:57:49PMunchOh yeah, this would only be for Linux systems
16:57:51couven92Araq, solution for both Linux and Windows: https://github.com/couven92/wxnim/blob/vcc/examples/nim.cfg
16:58:04couven92(and without submodules)
16:58:15PMunchYeah, forgot that was in a private chat :P
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16:58:41PMunch100-101 is what I want to replace with just wx-config
16:59:05couven92PMunch, no this is a new one... because we didn't like the submodule, I had to change all the paths :P
16:59:20PMunchYeah, but just ditch the path for Linux
17:02:23PMunchOh, and remove --threads:on
17:02:30PMunchThat was for something else
17:03:04demi-Araq: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/5536
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17:08:38Araqdef-: gc_ms.nim is also affected
17:08:45Araqtest with --gc:markAndSweep
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17:15:16demi-ok, seems like i should be marking decRef as well, but that gets inlined, so i'd have to either uninline or mark where it gets used
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17:28:58ldleworkmaybe it was cligen was crap
17:29:10ldleworkOh something about talking to docker daemon over a unix domain socket
17:29:14ldleworkdom96: that's what it was
17:29:22couven92Okay Araq, PMunch and I have merged and the new xplat supporting nim.cfg is your wxnim pull #3
17:29:24ldleworkshow me how to do http over domain sockets and I might give nim another chance
17:29:29Xedoing HTTP over a unix domain socket is painful more than it should be
17:29:53PMunchcouven92, just a sec. I'm rewriting the README
17:29:57ldleworkI barely have time for this pet project :)
17:31:26cheatfateXe, create unix socket, wrap it to AsyncSocket and use with httpclient.nim... is it so hard?
17:31:38Xecheatfate: code sample plox
17:31:58ldleworkcheatfate: yeah I wouldn't even know where to start with that
17:32:12ldleworkMaybe httpclient should just accept unix:// like in other languages
17:32:40cheatfatesomebody must make it possible...
17:33:31ldleworkcheatfate: go ahead. ..is it so hard?
17:34:16cheatfatesomebody can bountysource this feature and somebody can implement it
17:35:59ldleworkWell, I am only here to report why it gave up on Nim to avoid the unnecessary guilt-frowns from dom96
17:42:05PMunchThere, rewrote the README and added some screenshots (if anyone wants to contribute an OSX screenshot it would be nice to have that as well :))
17:43:28couven92PMunch, would be nice to see if it actually works with OSX! :P
17:44:10couven92Oh... and someone should test that I didn't fuck up Araq's original MinGW-GCC compile options for Windows... (I have only tested with VCC)
17:44:43PMunchOh yeah, the nim.cfg probably doesn't have anything that would work on Macs does it?
17:45:07PMunchDo you get wx-config on OSX? Can you install wx through brew?
17:47:36couven92well... the nim.cfg actually only explicitly recognized special options for Windows... everything else is pretty much captured through the magic of else
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17:52:50couven92however if you try to compile using sth else than gcc or vcc you're out of luck... :P
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17:54:46dom96ldlework: Fair enough.
17:55:12AraqI don't know why anybody would use unix domain sockets for anything. isn't TCP the worldwide standard?
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17:56:16dom96Unfortunately, sometimes, if you just want to get shit done Nim isn't the right choice.
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17:57:22dom96At this early stage it's up to the user to implement whatever they need.
18:00:09Araqaha got it, Unix domain sockets are not sockets, they are just streams for IPC on the same machine
18:01:07ldleworkAraq: yeah they are faster and more 'secure' or whatever
18:01:08dom96Lack of time is a good excuse, but if there is another reason then we (mainly myself and Araq) need to be told what it is.
18:01:24ldleworkBut whatever the reason, tons of software utilizes them, from like the outset of unix to today.
18:02:13ldleworkI think you're like "I need a good reason to know why to unix sockets" you're just not interacting with much real world linux administration
18:02:21Araqldlework: seems like our nativesockets module can be used for them, but I'm not sure
18:02:21ldleworkwhich is fine, but nim -is- a systems language
18:02:48ldleworkAraq: yeah I think I saw that something could use them but I had like no idea how I would get that to work with httpclient
18:03:03Araq*shrug* I cannot know everything.
18:03:16ldleworknot yet.
18:04:40dom96You can certainly interact with them in Nim, the question is how easy it is.
18:04:55cheatfateAraq, unix domain sockets used mostly to have one compatible mechanism for inter networking and local networking... and because unix domain sockets almost equal in speed with pipes, it preferred for localhost connections
18:05:23cheatfateordinary tcp sockets are not so fast as unix domain sockets
18:06:42cheatfateto create unix socket u just need to AF_INET replace with AF_UNIX
18:06:59cheatfateeverything else is almost equal
18:08:00cheatfatebut httpclient.nim will also needs to be modified to recognize unix:// scheme
18:08:12*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
18:08:18cheatfatebecause unix names are not URI names
18:09:29dom96if that's all it takes then it's much easier than I thought
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18:40:58demi-Araq: i'm not sure _i_ can get this to work properly for markAndSweep, if you were to accept the PR would it have to be implemented for all forms of GC?
18:41:26demi-at least not without modifying the code in ways I'm that may negatively impact lang perf
18:42:26Araqdemi-: sure I can do it for you. no worries. but it's as simple as you did for gc.nim
18:44:09demi-yeah, i tried, but it wasn't seeming to have an impact and ended up feeling like i was marking methods haphazard which typically indicates lack of enough info to properly fix it
18:45:03demi-most of the problems center around decRef being inlined, and not being able to mark it on its own, looks like everything else is in collectCT/collectCTBody/collectZCT
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18:47:12kulelu88Does nim have a decent regex lib?
18:47:55def-pri-pubzachcarter: Hey, I'm trying to play with your soloud Nim bindings, but I can't get soloud itself to compile on Linux. Have you been able to do so?
18:48:48zachcarterdef-pri-pub: I’ve managed to get the library compiled on Ubuntu using GENie but I haven’t managed to get the bindings to work yet
18:49:10zachcarteron that OS
18:49:25zachcarterI also haven’t managed to get all of the examples to compile for soloud, like the C examples and stuff
18:49:44zachcarterI’m currently working on my own bgfx wrapper and then I plan on paying some more attention to soloud
18:50:23cheatfatedom96, also getAddrInfo must be modified to support not only AF_INET/AF_INET6 but AF_UNIX too
18:55:00Araqdemi-: that decRef needs to be annotated is weird.
18:56:24demi-that is the stacktrace i am seeing from ASAN, it fails in decRef. I can try to repro it outside of the curses code i'm working with so i can get readable results and post it to the PR. i'd like to finish this up rather than leave it half-baked.
18:58:22def-pri-pubzachcarter: I've been running into this issue when attempting to compile with GENie
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18:58:33def-pri-pubDo you know what the solution might be?
18:59:19zachcarterlet me see how I compiled it, one second
19:01:59Araqdemi-: also it fails on Windows with:
19:02:03AraqC:\projects\nim\lib/nimbase.h:43:22: error: missing binary operator before token "("
19:02:03Araq # if __has_attribute(no_sanitize_address)
19:02:03Araq ^
19:02:32AraqI think this should only be enabled for clang
19:02:35demi-is this with GCC on windows?
19:03:17demi-GCC 4.8+ is supposed to support this attribute, but maybe it doesn't support that check
19:03:36demi-yeah we can make it just supporting clang, i was following the official docs on that define
19:03:49Araqdoes GCC support ASAN?
19:04:38demi-the library, yeah
19:05:02zachcarterdef-pri-pub: try this
19:05:12zachcartergit clone soloud && cd soloud
19:05:19zachcartercd build && genie cmake
19:05:33zachcartercd cmake && mkdir build
19:05:38def-pri-pubI was using gmake, so cmake might be the trick?
19:05:42zachcartercmake works
19:05:57zachcarterBUT only for building the libraries
19:06:04zachcarterbuilding the examples, like simplest, cmake bombs out
19:06:15zachcarterhaven’t had time to dive into why yet
19:06:43zachcarterI get similar errors as you with gmake I’m guessing it’s missing linker flags
19:06:59zachcarterbut I don’t want to mess with that makefile it looks hellacious
19:07:05def-pri-pubwell, at least there a .so file now
19:07:22zachcarterthere you go
19:07:34demi-Araq: i also came across this problem when working on the PR: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5537
19:12:12zachcarterdom96: https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/0664d015fda551a0f327c75dc9656eae
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19:12:39zachcarteror anyone for that matter
19:12:49zachcarterwhy is nimble trying to use hg git to d/l a dependency from github?
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19:13:12zachcartersorry it’s using mercurial not even hg git
19:13:30zachcarteroh I know I’m stupid my bad sorry
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19:39:28kulelu88Does Nim have a good regex lib?
19:40:23dom96kulelu88: https://nim-lang.org/docs/re.html
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19:43:29FromGitter<Varriount> There's also nre
19:48:07kulelu88which 1 would be recommended?
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19:50:26kulelu88Araq: my goal is to use Nim to analyze large .sql files via pattern-matching
19:50:42Araqwhy not use parsesql.nim then?
19:51:15cheatfatekulelu88, analyzing large .sql files via pattern-matching is not a good idea
19:51:50kulelu88cheatfate: what do you recommend instead? I want to match regexes against data that appears in the DB
19:52:34cheatfateAs Araq said, use parsesql.nim and apply regexes on values
19:52:45cheatfatenot on whole .sql file
19:53:30cheatfatebut its also depends on your sql... because i think parsesql.nim supports only standart sql
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19:56:06kulelu88does mysql data count as standard?
19:58:24cheatfateevery database has its own sql extensions, but to be sure you need to parse it with parsesql.nim
19:59:06cheatfateas i see currently parsesql.nim supports ansi sql and postgresql, maybe with minor changes it can handle full mysql
19:59:24kulelu88I'll give it a go :)
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22:06:42zachcarterman linking on linux is SO broken with Nim
22:06:47zachcarterI guess it’s broken in general
22:07:05zachcarterbut you literally cannot link to a lot of dynamic libraries without specifying relative paths and even then
22:08:59zachcarterAraq: is it possible to set / configure : https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/75345ad1aacf8e2a4d43e4e89f16f6a641d6a9c3/lib/pure/dynlib.nim#L80-L82 ?
22:09:25zachcarterlike to set which one you want when dynamically linking?
22:09:59zachcarterlooks like it is based on a PR I just saw, question is how
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22:10:56demi-zachcarter: what do you mean?
22:11:17demi-those are constants that are defined in the dlfcn header
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22:11:56zachcarteryeah I think I need support for RTLD_LAZY
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22:12:05demi-zachcarter: i think you have a misunderstanding as to what those functions are for
22:13:17zachcarterdemi-: I’m reading this and facing the same / similar problem
22:13:21demi-there is dynamic linking, which means you supply the static linker with paths to libraries that should get loaded at runtime to satisfy the symbol requirements of your application. there are linker search paths, which tell the linker where to look to find such libraries, and there are runtime search paths that are used to search for the library when the application is being executed
22:14:01zachcarterI believe it’s a similar problem anyway
22:14:15demi-then there is dynamic loading, which is done with dlfcn, where you can load a shared library into your application's address space at runtime and then dynamically make calls against it using dladdr and dlsym
22:14:27demi-dynamic loading and calls is not the same as dynamic linking
22:14:43zachcarterso I’m referring to dynamic loading not dynamic linking
22:14:54zachcartermy bad I didn’t realize that
22:15:51demi-when you load something using dlfcn, the application doesn't already know it needs to get that library loaded; thus you need to supply paths to the library you want based on what you want or where you are.
22:16:25demi-you should avoid dynamic loading of libraries as it is typically unsafe behavior
22:17:07demi-the better option is to dynamically link libraries and specify where to look for it so that it can be run correctly on any given system
22:17:15zachcarterwell that’s what I’m doing
22:17:18zachcarterI think
22:17:52zachcarterI’m specifying a relative path to the shared library I’m trying to link against
22:18:09demi-so you are supplying linker flags for the library search paths using -L and -l then the runtime paths using -rpath
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22:18:31zachcarteryes one second let me copy and paste
22:20:19zachcarterso undefined symbol: glXGetFBConfigAttrib
22:21:14zachcarterthat’s why I linked to - https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictUtil/issues/14
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22:21:22zachcarterthe problem sounds similiar, it’s just a D issue
22:22:17demi-no, it is a completely different thing
22:22:20zachcarterI guess it’s not the same problem because he’s saying undefined symbol: bgfx_destroy_uniform
22:22:21zachcarter is his error
22:22:54demi-your issue is that the symbol you have "glXGetFBConfigAttrib" isn't defined anywhere in the libraries you link against
22:23:29demi-or it is at least not exposed, so you need to get versions of the libraries that expose or have a symbol with that name
22:23:37demi-or you need to remove that call/reference
22:24:27zachcarteralright I’ll try to figure that out thank you
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23:21:53bbl_Should I be able to store iterators inside objects?
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23:22:47bbl_Codegen fails with "error: duplicate label ‘STATE1’"
23:25:00bbl_It seems to fail when I'm using another iterator inside :/
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