<< 15-03-2017 >>

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02:37:30ldleworkbtw, here's my xonsh alises for running nim out of docker https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/3632276b100b9e741b61d2cedcf56f97
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09:36:21FromGitter<Varriount> bbl_ : Could you give a code example? You should be able to store closure iterators
09:42:06bbl_Varriount: https://gitlab.com/snippets/1654031
09:43:19bbl_It doesn't matter if I annotate those with {.closure.}
09:45:35Araqbbl_: already reported
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09:47:13bbl_Araq: I couldn't find a ticket
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10:43:08FromGitter<vegansk> @bbl_, I think that Araq means this comment: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5519#issuecomment-286074542
10:47:58FromGitter<vegansk> @Araq, maybe bbl_ should create another issue for his case? My issue is about the compiler crash
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11:07:07FromGitter<Almynic> does anyone now why vs code tries to compile nimsuggest. Nimsuggest is already in my path, i'm using ubuntu 16.04 and nim 0.16.0
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11:16:34Araqalmynic: use nim devel please.
11:16:48Araqnimsuggest works much better in devel with VS Code
11:17:01FromGitter<Almynic> ok will try that
11:17:16AraqI think VS Code compiling nimsuggest on its own is about to become deprecated
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11:27:46zachcarterthis may be a dumb question, but let’s say I’m writing bindings to a shared library (dylib / so / etc…) and that library has dependencies on like OpenGL or ALSA or something like that
11:28:49zachcarteris it possible that I’m getting unresolved symbols, even though I’m passing the library to the linker, because things aren’t being linked in the proper order?
11:29:00zachcarterthe dependent library to the linker*
11:29:48zachcarterthis is pertaining to nix distros like Ubuntu
11:29:55zachcarterI haven’t had this problem on OSX
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11:49:27Araqzachcarter yes, exactly. linking order matters.
11:49:51Araqbecause it's 1950 and linkers are not about resolving linking dependencies.
11:51:16Araqtook me days to realize linking order does matter :-) it's such a weird idea.
12:01:16FromGitter<Almynic> @Araq with devel it works just fine no more errors, thank you.
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12:10:24zachcarterthanks Araq, my bad inet went out
12:10:57zachcarterAraq: I think I found a solution to my linking problem
12:11:06zachcarterif I link the dependent library when building the library I’m binding to
12:11:07zachcarterproblem solved
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12:26:35demi-zachcarter: the way that the OS X dynamic linker works is that it will load everything prior to the app getting started so that isn't a problem
12:26:50zachcarterah gotcha
12:26:59zachcarterthat’s a nice feature
12:27:33zachcarterI was able to confirm my soloud bindings work on ubuntu
12:28:00zachcarterbut it took me like two days struggling with the linker :D
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12:28:36demi-that is linkers for you
12:28:46zachcarterI guess so!
12:29:00zachcarteranywho work time, thank you guys for the explanations / help
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12:47:59FromGitter<almynic1> hi me again, how do do something like this in nim? ⏎ ⏎ Pyhon code: ⏎ ⏎ ```directory_content = os.listdir(workingDirectory)``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=58c937fedd08b4b859d427a7]
12:52:08def-almynic1: you want a seq[string] of the files? Usually you would iterate with os.walkDir()
12:52:54FromGitter<almynic1> not only file directory too
12:53:01def-yeah, that's included in walkDir
12:57:04def-for kind, path in walkDir(workingDirectory): echo splitPath(path).tail
12:59:40FromGitter<almynic1> ok thanks that worked ;)
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13:43:25FromGitter<GrundleTrundle> I love it when I get to the halfway point of typing a question here, and then I answer it for myself. You guys don't know how many times you've been saved from a dumb question by a neuron suddenly waking up and firing.
13:45:12FromGitter<almynic1> quick question moveFile in os module doesn't move directories, right? what is the best way for moving folders with nim?
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13:51:01FromGitter<endragor> @almynic1 judging by the implementation, moveFile should work on directories. Though Nim stdlib usually tries to separate file and directory concepts, so from that perspective it makes sense to add moveDir that just calls moveFile for now.
13:52:18FromGitter<almynic1> @endragor ok thanks will do that
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