<< 15-10-2016 >>

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08:20:17FromGitter<gogolxdong> somebody knows how to get Http request timestamp ?
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11:22:20enthus1asthow are you debugging nim on windows?
11:22:30enthus1asthave on tried the kdevelop thing on windows?
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11:46:15dom96gogolxdong: You mean the time that the request was made? You need to track this yourself.
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12:25:53cheatfateenthus1ast, if kdevelop using gdb then its possible
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17:12:07cheatfateWhat exactly means TaintedString, because i can't understant it
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17:13:22Araqit means 'distinct string'
17:16:18cheatfatehmm and what does it means `distinct string`?
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17:22:42AraqexecProcess(stdin.readLine()) # with tainted strings on produces a type error.
17:23:10Araqsecurity issue: can execute arbitrary code.
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17:41:53cheatfateAraq, ok nm
17:42:07cheatfatei've got a problem which i can't understand
17:42:13cheatfateis it async macro problem
17:42:15cheatfateor compiler
17:48:43cheatfateAraq, could you look it please, https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/51b630ea1fc7d36412ed2a352a2e500d is it complex?
17:53:58cheatfatedom96, have you tested `openarray` arguments for async procs?
17:55:15Araqcheatfate: it's not a bug, just a limitation
17:55:39Araqthe compiler cannot wrap 'openArray' in a closure
17:56:07Araqbecause it's just a pointer, length pair. Use a seq instead
17:56:15cheatfateAraq, ok, i understand
17:56:28cheatfateheh then it will be not compatible with osproc
18:00:19Araqlet args = @args
18:00:30Araq# internal workaround
18:00:37Araq# still compatible with osproc :P
18:01:12*HakanD__ quit (Quit: Be back later ...)
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22:29:05cheatfateBut i still can't understand why Nim can't support openarrays in closures
22:29:22cheatfateThis limitation is also `undocumented`.
22:30:44Trioxinnim needs more friendly documentation and examples
22:31:09Trioxini saw there's a book coming out
22:33:51*Kingsquee joined #nim
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