<< 16-10-2016 >>

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04:22:23jivank[m]I am trying to using osproc.startProcess to control an external program. But when I run my project in a docker container it can't successfully terminate the process it starts. When I kill the process manually it becomes defunct. So I need implement a way to reap child processes in my nim app?
04:28:58*HakanD__ joined #nim
04:36:43cheatfatejivank[m], this is Unix specific stuff, you need to waitForExit() process which calls waitpid() underneath, otherwise you will get your zombies
04:37:57cheatfatewait i'm bad in reading your question
04:38:20cheatfatedo you know why it can't terminate process?
04:39:03cheatfatedo you have send kill() and/or terminate() to child process?
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06:36:26jivank[m]cheatfate: yes I do, and I follow with waitForExit
06:37:21cheatfatejivank[m], have you tried terminate?
06:38:12cheatfateand better kill i think
06:38:37cheatfatei'm always confuse about them
06:39:08cheatfatei think terminate() which uses SIGTERM can be catched by child process, but kill() which uses SIGKILL must work
06:39:42cheatfatebecause SIGTERM can be ignored by child process, but SIGKILL cannot be ignored
06:39:59ftsfshouldn't use SIGKILL unless something is very wrong
06:41:56cheatfateftsf, if child process handle SIGTERM and got neverending story inside, then you can't kill him in other way
06:42:39ftsfsure use SIGKILL if there's a problem, but shouldn't be used under normal circumstances. if your application relies on using SIGKILL, should really fix that.
06:46:39cheatfateftsf, i think jivank[m]'s child process has ``unknown nature``.
06:55:01jivank[m]perhaps it might be related to that?
06:57:19jivank[m]i tried that image and it made no difference though
07:01:43jivank[m]ill give it a shot on a real system
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13:31:28cheatfatedom96, it will be hard to make 100% test unit
13:31:59cheatfatei've got it while debugging my asynchornous pipes
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13:45:04dom96cheatfate: can we get at least a partial unit test?
13:45:34cheatfatedom96, but this test will be useless :)
13:47:58dom96meh, alright. I'll merge it after 0.15.2 is released.
13:51:35cheatfatethen my asyncproc.nim dependency will be 0.15.2...
13:58:50cheatfatedom96, why only after 0.15.2?
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13:59:36dom96Because I don't want to introduce accidental regressions
14:01:15*HakanD____ quit (Quit: Be back later ...)
14:01:16cheatfatethis patch remove accidental very old regression
14:01:38dom96okay, i'll merge it
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14:08:23dom96Araq's code baffles me sometimes
14:09:17dom96Araq: Do you really dislike typing this much that you must redefine parameters? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tools/niminst/niminst.nim#L625
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14:50:04Araqdom96: hmm? why redefined parameters? it's dest vs destFile
14:50:32Araqand it's not about typing, it's common subexpression elimination afaict
14:50:55dom96no, I just changed it, sec
14:52:03Araqthat's because I know template parameters are replaced inline and can cause multiple evaluations
14:52:50dom96then why not just use a proc?
14:53:27dom96Anyway, hopefully CI should be fixed soon
14:54:35Araqhmm too difficult to explain, iirc i wanted to write it dfifferently
14:54:41Araqwhere only a template would have worked
14:57:47*Ven quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
14:59:43cheatfateAraq, please tell me honestly is it hard to implement openarrays for closures? or its impossible?
15:02:12Araqthe compiler could copy it into sequence and capture that
15:02:39Araqit needs to be on the heap and openArray is not necessarily on the heap
15:02:45Araqso what else should it do?
15:07:02cheatfateAraq, so make openarrays with same semantic as for procedures is not possible for closures?
15:07:53Araqyes, it is not possible.
15:11:29*HakanD____ joined #nim
15:12:12cheatfateAraq, and asyncproc was made :) but now i will try to make a project based on it, so maybe i will change some api and behavior :)
15:12:44*Sembei joined #nim
15:13:14Xe#?braces looks really interesting
15:13:52Xeand tbh i am kind of amazed by how simple a lot of the compiler changes are
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15:15:04AraqXe the blog post about this patch is still not done -.-
15:15:51dom96Araq: About that survey, are you going to make a Google Survey for it?
15:18:15Araqdom96: I'm leaving this up to you :-)
15:18:43Xei've noticed several references to a profiler in the compiler source code, how do I activate it?
15:19:13dom96Araq: lol, ok. But you know, it really isn't that difficult.
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15:55:03*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
15:57:47dom96Araq: GitLab CI deployments are now fixed
15:58:42*HakanD____ quit (Quit: Be back later ...)
15:59:09Araqwow, what was the problem?
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16:01:06dom96csources weren't built prior to ./koch zip execution
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16:05:06Araqwhy would they? the zip doesn't contain the C sources
16:07:04dom96No? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/tools/niminst/niminst.nim#L637
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16:20:23AraqI suppose these .bat files should not be in the .zip then
16:23:41*Demos joined #nim
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16:48:10SalewskiAraq, will it be possible to mix braces and indent syntax for blocks, or can one module use only braces or only indent style?
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16:49:44SalewskiI think mixing would be nice -- indent users may use braces for very long blocks, and {} users will learn that indent is nice.
16:56:35SalewskiIs there a sqr() or pow() function available for integers? I have to square a large integer expression...
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17:43:02FromGitter<BontaVlad> Hello everybody, quick question: can I check if my variable supports iteration?
17:45:16dom96BontaVlad: What's your use case?
17:45:33FromGitter<BontaVlad> I have a Pixel variant object
17:45:59FromGitter<BontaVlad> one kind is val: int, others are tuple[r, g, b]
17:46:09FromGitter<BontaVlad> and tuple[r,g,b,a]
17:46:55FromGitter<BontaVlad> When its time to dump it to a file if it's just an int write it, else for e in iterator: write(e)
17:53:46dom96why not just check the kind?
17:54:21FromGitter<BontaVlad> I could but I also wanted to find out more stuff about nim :)
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18:03:53Demosyou could use concepts for this, but I don't know how stable they are
18:04:19Demosthey are exactly what you're asking for though, you define a type and a value is of that type if some code you write compiles
18:05:36FromGitter<BontaVlad> Great, ty @Demos, @dom96
18:17:58AraqSalewski: mixing is not allowed and for long blocks '#end if' comments are perfectly fine
18:20:35SalewskiYes, but mixing would provide a soft path from {} to indent mode. I think that is what we want? Is support of mixing difficult?
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18:21:42Araqthe standard syntax doesn't allow {} without minor hacks
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18:21:59Araqthe curly syntax uses [. .] where the standard syntax uses {}
18:22:32Araqallowing for {} in the standard syntax might mean we need to introduce new AST node kinds
18:22:58Araqit's much more messy than an alternative parsing mode
18:29:36SalewskiOK, we will see soon if curly mode will give us new Nim developers...
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19:07:40planhthsHello all!, why CountTable doesn't have an equals operator?
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19:19:04dom96planhths: probably an oversight, create an issue on github please
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19:54:11Demoshow does nim decide what to set $lib to?
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19:55:42planhthslooks like CountTable needs a different equal impl, bc when val is zero, the key is "hidden" but the length of the data doesn't change...
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21:58:22AraqDemos: it's set in its config
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