<< 17-10-2016 >>

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09:46:07euantorAM I being blind, or is there no way to set headers for AsyncHttpClient?
09:46:36euantorHm, I could set the property on the `AsyncHttpClient` object
10:01:43cheatfateeuantor, i think you can add headers but some of them you can't modify
10:02:37euantorJust a quick note: The htmlparser module loads either from files or streams, but AsyncHttpClient returns response bodies as strings. In order to retrieve a HTML response and parse it, you have to make the request, create a StringStream from the response body, then parse. This seems a bit cumbersome to me - when it comes to @dom96's great stdlib cleanup this
10:02:37euantormight be something to look at
10:03:13euantorcheatfate: Yep, I managed to get that part working, it just works differently to all of the other types of request (getContent(), get(), etc.)
10:08:24FromGitter<x86128> hi, is there any variant of "echo(typeof a)" ?
10:11:28FromGitter<endragor> import typetraits ⏎ echo type(a).name
10:12:09FromGitter<x86128> @endragor thnx
10:12:57flyxI wonder what the logical distinction is between procs in typeinfo and typetraits. why are they not in the same module?
10:13:24Arrrrhaha, i was thinking the same, and everytime i look to both modules, that question comes to my mind
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11:01:14Araqone is about RTTI, the other about type traits which are useful in generics
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11:35:35euantorAre there any known issues with making async HTTP requests within a loop? I've got a fairly simple program that's never finishing when I have it make several requests. With 4 HTTP requests it's fine, with 5 it never finishes.
11:35:54euantorI'm making requests to a set of Apache directory index pages, the code looks like this:
11:37:03euantorI also tried using `asyncdispatch.all` and had the same issue
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11:37:56euantorAlso, whilst it's processing the CPU is pegged at about 32% on my laptop, so it's obviously doing some work somewhere
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11:46:13cheatfateeuantor, and what you get while pressing Ctrl+C where it stopped most often?
11:46:35euantor`SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C.`
11:46:38euantorThis is on windows
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11:46:52euantorThe output looks like this:
11:48:13euantorSo it makes the first 2/5 requests, and gets no further - even after being left for a couple of minutes
11:49:14cheatfateeuantor, yep, its hard to understand what happening while you on windows... but looks like a `showstopper` problem
11:49:58euantorIf I only do 4 requests though, I get this:
11:50:30euantorThe same thing also happens on a Linux machine running Fedora 24 (fully updated)
11:51:03euantor(note I've changed URLs and stuff to not leak internal IPs)
11:54:10euantorI was previously using the htmlparser module but thought it might be that causing the problem, which is why it now uses nre
11:55:30cheatfateeuantor, you need to understand that to make an issue we need at least reproducible source
11:55:51euantorThe source code I included above has this behaviour
11:56:23euantorThe only changes I've made are the HTTP authentication (don't want to give out username/password) and the URL examples
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12:01:29cheatfateeuantor, but looks i need to know some kind of command line arguments which you are omit...
12:01:47euantorThe command line arguments are at the top of those two outputs
12:02:09euantorThe first line starting with `PS C:\Users\euant\Desktop\fetch_app_files>` is the command line call
12:02:16euantorAll it takes is a list of URLs
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12:02:45euantoras an example: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/6CoRMIda/
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12:03:31cheatfateeuantor, so to run your example i need to run webserver with appropriate structure? this not helps...
12:03:59euantorYes, sorry. I'm at work and the webserver I am using is not on the internet so I cannot help there
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12:05:54cheatfateError: unhandled exception: isPowerOfTwo(initialSize)
12:06:43cheatfateeuantor, works for me only for 1 or 2 links
12:06:53cheatfateeuantor, if i pass 3 links i got some problems in your code
12:07:13euantorStrange. It works for 4 for me, 5 is the magic number for my laptop
12:07:25euantorThe `isPowerOfTwo` one is any easy fix
12:08:01euantorThe problem is in the `initTable` call in `processDirectories` - I'll fix that now
12:11:06euantorOk, the tables problem is fixed and I removed the nre: https://gist.github.com/euantorano/9eccac4be403cbe675c6f1cf23d3e909
12:12:40euantorIt now seems to work with 5 URLs
12:13:10euantorI've now added the nre code back in and it works still, so the problem is related to not using initTable propery...
12:18:12cheatfateeuantor, but how did not catch this assertion?
12:18:56euantorcheatfate: I have no idea. THat exception doesn't get thrown for me at all, using the version I checked out from GitHub this morning
12:21:23cheatfateeuantor, i have tested latest devel on windows and linux and got this assertion on 3 links
12:21:41cheatfateeuantor, but maybe because i have no directories at all
12:21:59cheatfatei have tested it on simple "hello world webpage"
12:22:08euantordirs is just the URLs passed as arguments
12:22:16euantorSo if you have 3 links, it'll be 3
12:22:59euantorThat's what I get, with the fix removed
12:23:35euantorAh, would the assertion be rmoved because it's a release build?
12:23:50cheatfateeuantor, ^^^ yep
12:24:01euantorMystery solved!
12:24:15cheatfateNim has two types of asserts
12:24:28cheatfateFirst one `assert` will be removed in release version
12:24:31euantorThat's a very easy way to shoot yourself in the foot then. Because when combined with a Future it just never returns
12:24:36cheatfateSecond one `doAssert` will not be removed
12:24:51euantorMaybe it should be changed to a `doAssert` then?
12:26:54cheatfateeuantor, this is complex and tough question...
12:27:08euantorYes, it definitely is
12:27:43euantorI've just managed to waste your time for 30 minutes though because the error was hidden
12:28:00euantorI'm not sure what the best fix is, but it's obviously aproblem
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12:30:21cheatfateeuantor, but error was not so `hidden`, this behavior was documented in tables.nim ## `initialSize` needs to be a power of two. If you need to accept runtime
12:30:21cheatfate ## values for this you could use the ``nextPowerOfTwo`` proc from the
12:30:21cheatfate ## `math <math.html>`_ module or the ``rightSize`` proc from this module.
12:31:26euantorYeah, but I wasn't looking at the documentation unfortunately. If it causes a hard fail, it should exit out with a proper error in my opinion
12:33:38FromGitter<endragor> I’m not sure why it couldn’t be friendlier and call nextPowerOfTwo itself rather than requiring it from user. nextPowerOfTwo is that slow.
12:34:01euantorYes, that would work too endragor
12:34:05FromGitter<endragor> *isn't
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12:46:49FromGitter<Araq> compiling a program in -d:release, detecting a problem, not compiling in debug mode ... what were you thinking?
12:47:32euantorAraq: I'd compiled in debug mode and tested it with 2 URLs, it worked. I then did it in release, deployed it and tried it with 5 and it broke
12:47:59euantorI didn't then think to recompile in debug, just tweaked the program, pressed up in my terminal to go to the last command (-d:release) and ran it again
12:48:32FromGitter<Araq> if you setup the initial size for performance (and there is no other reason to do that), you might as well pass a size that works? Not sure I wanna "fix" this, but I suppose "I already lost time because of this behaviour" is non negotiable
12:49:41euantorSo long as you know off the top of your head it has to be a "working" size or take the time to consult the documentation every time (if your memory is anywhere near as bad as mine)
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13:57:45cheatfatestupid noob question about js backend, can i make client only javascript with ajax requests in nim? and if so do we have some examples?
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14:21:19Araqcheatfate: surely you can
14:21:41Araqdunno about examples, but 'dochack' uses some ajax related hacks
14:22:33cheatfatei have found dochack
14:24:05cheatfateargh, looks like dirty hacks with emits, i thought we have something like async/await for js backend :)
14:24:33Araqthe .emits are only because I was very lazy
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14:37:33cheatfatei think we need something like https://github.com/yortus/asyncawait#1-introduction
14:37:38cheatfateit would be very nice :)
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16:10:05FromGitter<jfhs> hi guys, I tried to find in docs, but couldn't find: is it possible to return proc from proc? something like proc x(): proc(a, b: int): string ?
16:11:03dom96yeah, that's pretty much exactly how
16:13:02FromGitter<jfhs> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, because I have error ⏎ >Error: cannot instantiate: 'result:type' ⏎ On line ⏎ >proc compileNimbars(tmpl: string): proc(vars: tuple):string = [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5804f88eb827179842cd2c86]
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16:15:36dom96`tuple` is a type class
16:15:48dom96Make it more concrete, for example: tuple[x, y: int]
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16:16:48FromGitter<jfhs> ok, this way it works, thanks :)
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