<< 17-03-2016 >>

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03:49:26Kerp_Hello out there
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05:14:58rkeeneHas anyone created an SSH server in Nim ?
05:15:21perturbationthat's a cool idea :)
05:16:05perturbationI'd have to read the spec to do it, though, which doesn't sound fun
05:16:52rkeeneI wrote (mostly generated) some bindings for libssh for Crystal before discovering Crystal can't compile to all the platforms I want to support, and I'd rather avoid libssh if possible for this
05:19:37cheatfaterkeene, its a nice idea, but when i have started my own project (for production) i fall to update nim's standard library
05:20:08cheatfatebecause some things are not enough and some things are slow and some things are not so secure/reliable as must be
05:21:20cheatfatebut adopting crypto staff must be easy because of strict typing
05:23:36rkeeneRight, I would like it if the crypto stuff were all safe (hence avoiding libssh)
05:24:12cheatfatemain problem will be network staff, if you prefer singlethreaded blocking networking - you are find, but if you like asynchronous single/multi threaded, then you are in trouble
05:24:28cheatfate*you are find = you are fine
05:24:48rkeeneI just don't feel like writing it, but RSA is fairly easy -- generating keys is the only "tricky" part, the rest is in details. PKCS#1 v1.5 is straight-forward if tedious, X.509v3 is similar
05:25:46rkeeneAnd I don't know much about SSH or DH
05:26:02rkeeneOr the symmetric ciphers
05:26:20cheatfatefor RSA/DH you need library for bignumbers
05:27:05cheatfateso you can start with adopting some bignumber's library for nim
05:27:32cheatfatewill be good if you build one without any dependencies to other big libraries
05:28:05rkeeneI wrote one in QBasic ( http://www.rkeene.org/viewer/devel/archive/quickbasic/vmpu2.bas.htm ) so...
05:28:23*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
05:28:27rkeeneBut, for this I really just want to build my app -- I have other things to do this week
05:30:01cheatfateits not a very fast library when you are using strings
05:30:14cheatfatei will prefer to use something like http://philzimmermann.com/EN/bnlib/index.html
05:31:44rkeeneWell, true, but I wrote that ~20 years ago
05:32:12rkeeneTcl uses libtommath, FWIW
05:36:31cheatfaterkeene, remember that you need more crypto applicable library for working with your keys and key operations because of "timing" attacks
05:37:13cheatfatebut i dont know where you want to use your ssh server, so all my advices for "production" ssh
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05:58:38cheatfateIs it possible to make forward declaration of object?
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06:03:38cheatfateahh nm
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07:47:24cheatfateVarriount, i found interesting project in your repo https://github.com/Varriount/Filemon
07:48:12cheatfateyou declare "Cross-platform file & directory event monitoring module", are you goind to add posix systems?
07:48:20cheatfatein near future i mean
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08:55:07cheatfateAraq, i cant find any information about processing posix signals in nim, as i can see all signals have been processed by nim's stub, and there only way to block it is to use sigprocmask, am i wrong?
09:06:05Varriountcheatfate: At this rate, probably when someone does it for me.
09:07:23cheatfateVarriount, ahh i'm sad
09:08:08cheatfateVarriount, you have already done most complex part ;)
09:08:23Varriountcheatfate: One windows, yes.
09:09:04VarriountEmulating individual file changes was a pain, as was following the file when it moves.
09:09:33cheatfatewe already have inotify.nim in standard library, you just need to glue them all )
09:09:39*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
09:10:09VarriountI guess. What about kqueue though?
09:10:44cheatfateon bsd you can use inotify as well
09:11:48cheatfateor i'm wrong
09:11:53VarriountAnd Mac?
09:13:17cheatfatei'm wrong, we can't use inotify on bsd/mac, we need kqueue
09:14:18VarriountStill, I guess Linux support wouldn't be too bad.
09:14:33cheatfateok, then i will add this to my todo
09:14:36VarriountThat project still requires a modified standard library though.
09:14:53VarriountIt uses some async internals.
09:16:07cheatfateyou mean register/unregister?
09:16:20VarriountI think, yeah.
09:20:17*arnetheduck joined #nim
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09:39:41cheatfatebsd kqueue = linux epoll + linux signalfd + linux timerfd + linux inotify
09:39:53cheatfatei hate linux now
09:44:35*Demon_Fox joined #nim
09:47:19*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
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10:11:00Varriountcheatfate: :3
10:11:29*boopsiesisaway is now known as boopsies
10:12:34cheatfatei think my equation is not so true, it needs to be like bsd kqueue = linux epoll + linux signalfd + linux timerfd + linux inotify + linux eventfd
10:29:54Varriountcheatfate: Yeesh. How many event systems does Linux have?
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10:31:03cheatfateVarriount, i dont know but i think many
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10:33:35Varriountcheatfate: Windows is marginally better, in that there's WaitForMultipleObjects()
10:34:58cheatfatei like WaitForMultipleObjects() but i dont like that windows has some objects for WaitForMultipleObjects and some objects for IO completion ports and when you want to glue them all you go to darkness
10:35:18cheatfatebut i have already done this glue
10:35:47cheatfateand it calls RegisterWaitForSingleObject
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14:53:33gmpreussner_Varriount: is there a way to have NimLime pass the path to the project's nim.cfg to the compiler when compiling individual modules?
14:54:32gmpreussner_i'm trying to have a single per-project nim.cfg that configures nimcache to be in the project's root directory, and that also specifies the root include directory for imports
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15:23:16cheatfatedoes anybody has mac here?
15:33:15Araqcheatfate: yes
15:34:33cheatfateAraq, could you gist or something some include files? i want to check kqueue definitions
15:34:47cheatfatebecause online help is not enough
15:35:06Araq#define __FOO _FOO
15:35:16Araq#define _FOO __intern_FOO
15:35:55Araq#define __intern_FOO /* hidden in /usr/include/bananajoe */
15:36:09Araq /usr/include/bananajoe:
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15:36:53Araq#define __intern_FOO __X##F
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16:58:10enthus1astFun fact: KFC/Pizza Hut Germany and KFC Netherlands, are useing nim : )
16:59:17ArrrrNow i want pizza, and nim ...
16:59:46ArrrrHow do you now?
17:00:31enthus1astI know because im useing it there ;=)
17:03:18enthus1astI've written some small sales processing scripts. And now they are in 'production'. Makeing my life a lot easier.
17:04:06ArrrrDo you feel more productive thanks to nim?
17:05:09federico3enthus1ast: why the quotes? :)
17:05:50enthus1astKFC is spezial...
17:07:15enthus1astArrrr: a lot. I was like: "batch, no" "cscript, no way" "powershell, does anybody use that crap?" "nim!" : )
17:08:03ldleworkpowershell has its own world that you have to enter and learn things from scratch
17:08:11ldleworkbut it really does have some great insights
17:08:16ldleworkbut don't tell anyone I said that
17:08:26ArrrrAre you using vanilla nim? or nimscripts?
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17:10:33enthus1astvanilla nim
17:11:49enthus1astldlework: i tried to get my head around powershell but to me it looks like they are always breaking backward compatibility
17:12:02ldleworkI somehow doubt that
17:12:08ldleworkBut we don't have to argue about it
17:13:46enthus1astits always a bad sign when simple hello worlds fail when copied from an example page... But maybe its just me ; )
17:14:36enthus1astjah i know powershell 1/2 whatever
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17:40:33Varriountenthus1ast: Now we can have giant KFC & Pizza Hut logos on the website.
17:41:02Varriountenthus1ast: "Proudly used by the world's leading fast-food chains" is always a good statement.
17:41:57enthus1ast; )
17:42:27federico3free pizza for Nim contributors!
17:42:57enthus1astim not shure if the managers know about it :P
17:43:08enthus1astbut as long it works, nobody asks
17:50:49enthus1asthow you are useing nim? Do you use nim for profit?
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17:55:42federico3some toys, some little projects on GH - too early for production use
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18:03:38cheatfateVarriount, do you remember my morning equation? forget it i hate OpenBSD/NetBSD/MacOS now because of their kqueue implementation
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19:50:15Varriountcheatfate: Why is that?
19:50:43cheatfatejust look at that https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/d483ae1a3f39951368eb
19:50:57cheatfateits modified kqueue.nim to satisfy all BSD systems
19:54:03cheatfatemacos with netbsd likes to change constants to their own values
19:55:43VarriountEh, could be worse. The structs could be significantly different.
19:55:54dom96hello guys
19:56:02Varriountdom96: Hi
19:57:34dom96what's up?
19:57:56cheatfatehi dom96
19:58:32cheatfatejust realised that kqueue declarations very different in bsd systems
19:59:37dom96cheatfate: that's annoying. Guess we'll just need to bite the bullet and use many `when defined(netbsd)`/`when defined(freebsd)` etc.
20:00:40cheatfateyour proposal?
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20:02:38dom96cheatfate: I guess you already solved it that way?
20:08:48cheatfateright now i'm installing openbsd and netbsd to check all this values... because if i'm right our kqueue.nim is not very reliable
20:09:08cheatfatebut the only problem its missing EVFILT_USER in openbsd/netbsd
20:09:40cheatfatei have already implement it for linux/windows/bsd and now i see it dont work for all bsd
20:11:56cheatfatelatest nim devel on openbsd 5.8 - build success
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23:05:32cheatfategot this https://gist.github.com/cheatfate/58e02d1c93e07fb6b6e6 trying to compile selectors.nim in openbsd
23:06:31cheatfateand its annoying
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23:42:52cheatfateAraq, i know you already answered this question but how properly import many include files with .header. pragma
23:44:22Araq.header: """#include <one.h>
23:44:35Araq#include <two.h>"""
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23:50:17cheatfateAraq, BIG THANKS it helps openbsd
23:53:54*desophos quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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