<< 18-03-2016 >>

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03:19:35Varriount_cheatfate: Whatcha making?
03:20:10cheatfateFinishing my kqueue.nim already needs only macos compilation tests
03:20:53cheatfate"whatcha?" what does it mean?
03:31:28kulelu88what are you
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03:31:45kulelu88colloquial american
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04:07:26francislis the windows version supposed to work? I trying to build getting started stuff. It compiles but failed to execute
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11:03:53cheatfateAraq, i know you are busy, but do you receive my night staff?
11:04:23Araqyes, but I'm really busy indeed
11:05:28baabelfishCan i somehow get the ast of a module/file?
11:10:55Araqbaabelfish: parseStmt + slurp in a macro
11:11:08Araqbut it's bad style.
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11:20:33baabelfishAraq: I'm thinking of creating "show ast" command for vim
11:21:44Araqbaabelfish: sounds more like you want to add a feature to nimsuggest then
11:23:53reactormonkbaabelfish, you could also dump it in a nim file and prepend dumpTree
11:23:55baabelfishAraq: sounds like a plan
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12:29:52francislHey guys, based on the 1.0 Roadmap, there is only two things left to reach a stable 1.0. Is that correct?
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12:35:03Araqha, I wish.
12:35:14Araqthe roadmap is not up to date
12:35:55Araqand this whole "version 1.0" business ... well. we have good backwards compatibility and at the same time push the language forward
12:37:51francislanother question, I have no problem compiling and running nim on my mac. Yesterday I tried on windows. It seems to compile fine, but he executable just hang in the console.
12:38:21francislSo I reduce the code down to a simple `hello world`, even that was not working
12:38:55francislIs there a special steps to do after installing the nim from the installer?
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12:44:13enthus1astfrancisl: i had similar problems with the 64 bit version
12:44:25*toaoMgeorge quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
12:44:40francislexactly, was running 64bit also
12:46:31francislis there a solution? is it a know problem?
12:48:08enthus1astmy "solution" was to install 32bit....
12:49:20francislok, thanks
12:53:00Araqfyi 64 bit works fine for me
12:56:42francislWindows 10 on Intel CPU?
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13:13:47dom96enthus1ast: francisl: that's an odd bug. Have you tried bootstrapping Nim manually in 64bit mode? I would be curious to know whether that also results in the same bug. If not then we have a problem with the installer.
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13:15:42enthus1astcan't test it right now i'm at work
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13:33:09Araqfrancisl: yeah, I'm on Win 10
13:34:08gmpreussneri'm running 64-bit Nim on Windows 10, but I didn't use the installer
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13:35:07Araqhe he he
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14:06:40francislI’m not surprise! But maybe there is something wrong with the 64bit built for windows
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17:56:16dom96ldlework: how's dadren going?
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18:05:31cheatfatelooking for OSX guys to compile test
18:06:15ldleworkdom96: I stopped to learn opengl
18:06:23ldleworkso I can write an efficient sprite graph
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18:06:41dom96cheatfate: I can test on OSX if you want :)
18:06:45dom96ldlework: cool
18:07:29cheatfatedom96, could you please test to compile selectors.nim with this kqueue.nim
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18:15:15dom96cheatfate: seems to be working fine, all tests except tests/async/tasynceverror.nim pass. Although that test also fails in the previous kqueue implementation.
18:15:51cheatfateok, i'l check it
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18:21:41cheatfatedom96, is there any command to run this tests on my bsd's farm?
18:21:56dom96cheatfate: ./koch tests cat async
18:22:11dom96thanks for checking
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18:30:15cheatfateopenbsd do not like sprintf's and predictable random() :)
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18:44:57dom96Can anybody ensure this works on older Linux kernel's? https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/3648
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19:07:59cheatfateSO_REUSEPORT will not work on kernels prior 3.9
19:08:41dom96Yeah, but programs will also not compile even if it's not used
19:08:45dom96because of the include
19:08:59dom96'SO_REUSEPORT* {.importc, header: "<sys/socket.h>".}: cint'
19:09:03cheatfateyou are right
19:09:19dom96Any ideas how to resolve that problem?
19:10:21cheatfatedo we have something like "check header for #define or symbol"?
19:10:31dom96Don't think so
19:11:29cheatfateThen we can add this but commented... because there so many 2.6.x kernels
19:12:53cheatfatedom96, but you know you already broke support for kernels prior 2.6.9 in selectors
19:13:17dom96cheatfate: because of epoll?
19:13:18cheatfatedom96, http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_ctl.2.html#BUGS
19:13:57dom96ahh, but that's only a problem when using selectors on kernels before 2.6.9
19:14:31dom96should probably fix that anyway though
19:16:50cheatfatefreebsd/openbsd/macosx tests passed only one error in tasynceverror.nim
19:17:28cheatfatebut netbsd not passed tasyncudp.nim (unhandled exception: msgCount == 200 * serverCount * 5 [AssertionError])
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19:28:59cheatfatedom96, you need to remove your tasynceverror.nim test because it can't be completed...
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19:30:42cheatfatedom96, because you 1. closing client connection 2. adding kqueue EVFILT_WRITE to kqueue when second end of this socket is already closed... so you will never get EV_ERROR and only Bad File Descriptor will be available on this test
19:31:39dom96cheatfate: I didn't write the test originally.
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19:32:57dom96Might be worth looking into the history behind that test to see if a more accurate one can be created
19:32:59dom96or ask https://github.com/l04m33 directly
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19:33:47cheatfateto get EV_ERROR you need to add EVFILT_WRITE(2) BEFORE closing client connection(1), so kqueue will return you ERROR on your accepted socket (about disconnect)
19:35:08cheatfatefor me asyncdispatch.nim (end of file) is macro magic, and i can't understand it
19:43:53cheatfatewith my kqueue.nim netbsd is works much better but not good enough :)
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19:52:35*francisl quit (Quit: francisl)
19:55:46cheatfatetasyncudp.nim is using asyncio.nim (i thought it already dead), am i wrong?
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20:00:30Arrrrisn't len for enums supported?
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20:06:39dom96cheatfate: good point, asyncio is dead.
20:07:08dom96Arrrr: maybe 'high()'?
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20:20:09Varriount_dom96: high() won't work for enums with holes though...
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20:31:29Arrrrhigh + 1 is an alternative, i find strange there is not a len
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21:08:22flyxI am getting a strange IOError in my code: Error: unhandled exception: cannot open: yaml-dev-kit/R4YG/=== [IOError]
21:08:40flyxthe file exists and is readable, I attempt to read it. what can be the problem?
21:10:05flyxI use readFile() and it works with a lot of previous files
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21:21:10flyxah, I had too much input streams open
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21:24:58cheatfategot this "stdlib_math.c:(.text+0x894): warning: warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want?"
21:25:07cheatfatewhen compiling in openbsd
21:25:19cheatfatedo we use rand()?
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23:31:25Varriountcheatfate: The math module does.
23:32:11cheatfatei think we need replace it with something more reliable like random(), but need to check all systems
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23:36:14cheatfatebut it looks its more complex staff than i thought... random() is present in open/free/net bsd's and my linux also, but linux wants to use random_r in multithreaded environment
23:36:31cheatfatebsd systems doesnt have random_r
23:36:41nchambersdoes bsd have /dev/urandom?
23:38:27cheatfateall my farm (openbsd,freebsd,netbsd,linux) has /dev/urandom
23:38:52nchambersyou can pull from that
23:43:37cheatfateits a system staff, i dont know if it will be goot to pull data from /dev/urandom every time somebody call rand()
23:43:53nchamberseh yeah
23:44:05nchambersmaybe /dev/random and just warn if it starts blocking?
23:44:10cheatfatei even dont know is there c_* staff available to open/read/close
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23:55:39Varriountcheatfate: You know there are other PRNG's in the stdlib.
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23:57:59cheatfateYeah i think there many, but the problem is that somebody from maintainers must declare/describe what systems we support from what kernel/os versions, and than we can start to search for suitable PRNG
23:59:41cheatfateif somebody starts to build their own game machines and/or casinos i think they are using their own PRNG, and will not use simple random... also crypto staff is always comes with some CPRNGs