<< 17-03-2019 >>

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01:51:10FromDiscord<xbnary> hello
01:51:13FromDiscord<xbnary> am new here
01:51:22FromDiscord<xbnary> wanna learn programmng
01:51:29FromDiscord<xbnary> am a newbe
01:53:21*endragor quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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02:56:44shashlickwelcome xbnary
03:05:46*banc quit (Quit: Bye)
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05:44:16*sealmove joined #nim
05:45:51sealmovegood morning
05:53:21*rayman22201 joined #nim
06:20:17*MightyJoe joined #nim
06:20:19Zevvhi there
06:20:23*cyraxjoe quit (Read error: No route to host)
06:39:19sealmovehave you guys heard about Red lang?
06:39:43*solitudesf joined #nim
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07:12:15FromDiscord<MoNLeW> Np
07:12:17FromDiscord<MoNLeW> No
07:12:21FromDiscord<MoNLeW> Am wllng to learn
07:12:29FromDiscord<MoNLeW> have no dea of whow to start
07:15:37FromGitter<xmonader> Good morning
07:15:53FromGitter<xmonader> @sealmove yes, rebol compatible one right?
07:24:59*narimiran joined #nim
08:02:28*Trustable joined #nim
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08:39:59*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
08:59:32FromGitter<BaldEagleX02> We should create a Nim community for IoT, embedded devices and microcontrollers
09:02:17*sealmove quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
09:05:50FromGitter<BaldEagleX02> Because, as @dom96 wrote in his excellent Nim book, ⏎ ⏎ > Internet of Things (IoT) devices [...] are good targets for Nim, primarily thanks to the power offered by Nim’s ease of use and its systems programming capabilities.
09:17:50ZevvThe other day I heard that the 'S' in "IoT" stands for "Security"
09:34:53FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Trying to get started with `nim` on Mac OSX
09:35:00FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e14c48aa66959b62415dd]
09:35:38FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Created a project using nimble, trying to compile and run generated file in `src`
09:35:48FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Note that I was able to run tests using `nimble test`
09:36:44FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e152c3dd8171149050286]
09:37:23narimiranwhat happens if you only do `nim ./src/nim_flyd.nim`?
09:37:31narimiransorry, `nim c ./src/nim_flyd.nim`
09:38:01FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e1579f3dbbd230c6d6859]
09:38:08FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I'm using Fish shell
09:38:11leorizeis `/Users/kristianmandrup/repos/nim-projects/nim_flyd/src/nim_flyd` a folder?
09:38:17narimirando you maybe have a folder `./src/nim_flyd/`?
09:39:34FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yes, `nimble init` apparently created a `src/nim_flyd` subfolder with `submodule.nim` inside
09:39:43FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I can see the problem there! Good catch!
09:40:13narimiranok, use `-o:"something_else"` when compiling and see if it fixes the problem
09:40:19FromGitter<kristianmandrup> renamed the subfolder so it doesn't conflict when compiling. Problem solved :)
09:40:40leorizeyou could just remove that subfolder if you don't use it :P
09:40:43FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yeah, how do I compile all the files in `src` to a `dist` folder?
09:41:05narimiranthis name clash happens way too often with nimble packages :(
09:41:16FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I know there is a `nimble build` but it tells me nothing to compile
09:41:25FromGitter<kristianmandrup> or build rather
09:41:34leorizeyou have to add the target binaries to the .nimble file
09:41:43FromGitter<SolitudeSF> you probably set you package type to library when doing `nimble init`
09:41:45leorize`binsee https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble#hybrids
09:41:51FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e165f2f6ded0abbf86049]
09:42:13FromGitter<kristianmandrup> `Package 'nim_flyd' has an incorrect structure. It should contain a single directory hierarchy for source files, named 'nim_flyd', but file 'submodule.nim' is in a directory named 'flyd' instead. This will be an error in the future.`
09:42:26FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yes, I like to develop libraries
09:42:49FromGitter<kristianmandrup> "you have to add the target binaries to the .nimble file" - thanks
09:43:24leorizeoops I linked the wrong section
09:43:32leorizethe section of interest is right above what I linked
09:43:49FromGitter<kristianmandrup> So, is there a good guide on development flow for writing libraries?
09:44:58FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I guess I should keep the package structure as it was and just develop test driven, using `nimble test` then
09:45:51*clyybber joined #nim
09:48:02FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e17d28aa66959b624261b]
09:48:24FromGitter<kristianmandrup> OK, `binary` was much easier!
09:50:19*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
09:51:02leorizethere's also `nimble run`
09:51:07FromGitter<kristianmandrup> aha!
09:51:36FromGitter<kristianmandrup> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8e18a8fcaf7b5f73ca614c]
09:51:48FromGitter<kristianmandrup> no such task `run` ??
09:54:24FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Getting started?
09:54:25FromGitter<kristianmandrup> https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/nim/
09:54:33FromGitter<kristianmandrup> https://github.com/VPashkov/awesome-nim
09:55:08FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Any good blog posts or guides for Getting started that you can recommend?
09:55:19*jjido joined #nim
09:55:37narimiransee if you can find something for you on this list: https://nim-lang.org/learn.html
09:56:14FromGitter<kristianmandrup> And does `nim` have prettier support of some kind for VSC?
09:56:41*nsf joined #nim
09:56:53narimirancode-formatter? there is nimpretty
09:57:02FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yes
10:01:11FromGitter<kristianmandrup> So how do I use/configure for nimpretty? where can I find it and docs/usage guide?
10:01:31FromGitter<kristianmandrup> All I found so far is this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV38gQfcb9c
10:02:56FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Looks like it is integrated in `nim` somehow?
10:02:57FromGitter<kristianmandrup> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/nimpretty/nimpretty.nim
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10:07:09narimirani'm not sure if it comes with choosenim or the installers, or you need to compile it manually. (i did the latter)
10:08:02FromGitter<kristianmandrup> oh? so any guide on configuration of Dev environment or you just figured it out by yourself and asking community?
10:08:34FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I was looking into how to write VSC extensions recently. Would be nice with some sort of integration
10:09:20narimiranyeah, nim is lacking in that department. but IRC community is great and very helpful (during the working week, today is very quiet)
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10:39:26ZevvWhy would nim rst2html give the error "'*' expected" at the start of a RunnableExamples block?
10:41:53FromGitter<kristianmandrup> so what is your `nimpretty` setup? you run it manually from CLI or you have it integrated into your IDE/editor, task or sth?
10:44:46narimiranto be honest, i just used nimpretty only to see how well it works. i write my code respecting NEP-1 (https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/nep1.html)
10:45:12FromGitter<kristianmandrup> are Variant types more or less similar to Discriminated unions?
10:45:14FromGitter<kristianmandrup> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/discriminated-unions
10:45:26narimiranoooh, another F# user?
10:46:26FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yes, I was about to go all in on F#, then discovered Nim ;)
10:47:41narimiranhehe, similar story here, just couple of years ago :) and as you can see, i'm (still) here in #nim :)
10:48:10narimiranbut F# will always be my first crush :)
10:49:16FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Cool :) I had a recent consultancy gig in an enterprise using .NET and C#, never had considered that platform for a sec. Then discovered the new .NET core is multi platform and F# looks pretty decent (love functional style and their type system). But then researching further I somehow stumbled upon Nim
10:50:06FromGitter<kristianmandrup> @FromIRC hahaha :) F# and Nim are my most recent "crushes" in a long quest to find the "Holy Grail" of prog lang.
10:53:13narimiran(fromIRC/fromGitter is just a bot transferring messages IRC <--> Gitter ;))
10:53:44FromGitter<kristianmandrup> yeah, haven't seen that before. Not been using Gitter too much
10:54:35FromGitter<kristianmandrup> So <narimiran> how does the Nim type system compare to F# and the `case` vs `match` pattern matching?
10:55:26narimiranfor F#-like stuff i have used (and prefer the syntax of) https://github.com/alehander42/gara
10:56:18FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Is there something like Union types? I've seen Variant types, which looks very similar to me
10:57:00narimiranyes, https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#types-object-variants
10:57:20FromGitter<kristianmandrup> also I can see this does the job: https://github.com/alehander42/gara#variants
10:58:37FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Sweet :) That convinces me that Nim provides all I need, now just write a bunch of wrapper libs and help improve the tooling + docs ;)
10:59:47FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Any good guide on writing wrapper libs for JavaScript libs?
10:59:58narimirani have no experience with JS
11:00:41narimiranwe're trying to improve the docs, everybody (including nim beginners) can help: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10330
11:01:43FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I've been reading the Nim in Action book. Example wrapping Canvas. Hmm, I need to look at examples out there
11:04:10FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I guess I'd have to use `emit` similar to how other languages do the JS wrapping (ReasonML and F# etc).
11:07:05FromGitter<kristianmandrup> <narmiran> have you seen anyone use Railway Oriented Prog (ROP) approach to error handling in Nim?
11:07:28FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Ie, using union type for Result (OK, Error)
11:07:49FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I don't like try/catch
11:08:31FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Ah, at least there is: `proc complexProc() {.raises: [IOError, ArithmeticError].} =`
11:08:46FromGitter<kristianmandrup> I love the pragmas!
11:12:30narimiranZevv: could it be some exported proc having *, and rst parser expects "closing *" because it thinks there is some italic text?
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11:14:08narimirankristianmandrup: maybe https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/options.html would do the trick for some basic stuff? i haven't seen anybody doing ROP in nim (but maybe i didn't look well enough)
11:15:22FromGitter<kristianmandrup> Perfect! Makes sense. Definitely possible with these building blocks :) option was the last piece in the puzzle so far :)
11:17:09FromGitter<SolitudeSF> (https://files.gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim/wxIN/image.png)
11:17:11FromGitter<SolitudeSF> does option definition in docs looks like this to anyone else?
11:21:17Zevvnarimiran: I'm messing up I guess.
11:21:47narimiranSolitudeSF: yes, it is nimdoc quirk
11:21:52ZevvrunableExamples only go in nim files, not in rst, right?
11:22:17narimiranZevv: yes, i was just about to ask why are you having proc definition and runnable examples in some .rst file
11:22:30ZevvI was trying to consolidate my github README.md with my Nim docs
11:22:41ZevvI'd like to have once source for both.
11:23:28Zevvso the easiest is to make a .rst and convert this to html with rst2html, but I'd like to have my examples ran for testing to make sure everything is ok
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11:26:17*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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11:30:08narimiraninclude that rst in your nim file? :/
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11:37:37Zevvoh includable, never know that!
11:38:12*Vladar joined #nim
11:39:14dom96Really not cool to merge PRs that still had open questions from me :/
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11:45:25clyybberdom96 What PR?
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12:14:58dom96My god, the related issues that GitHub lists has got to be the most annoying thing. I've clicked on it by accident now twice because it loads with a delay
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12:27:17federico3dom96: octobox.io might help
12:39:52FromGitter<alehander42> @kristianmandrup variants are not entirely implemented there, you can use Patty's variant macro or just case objects
12:40:00FromGitter<alehander42> But pattern matching should work
12:40:15FromGitter<alehander42> You can use importcpp for most just wrapping
12:40:20FromGitter<alehander42> I rarely need emit
12:40:39FromGitter<alehander42> JavaScript wrapping
12:41:12FromGitter<alehander42> And you can just use dynamic jsobject type in a gradual like type way if you just prototype
12:41:16FromGitter<alehander42> And cast back
12:41:22FromGitter<alehander42> And later add types
12:41:35FromGitter<alehander42> But wrapping is better usually indeed
12:41:55FromGitter<alehander42> Just the functions you need
12:47:27dom96nice, so having nimblepkg/nimscriptapi.nim in $PWD causes Nim to not evaluate the implicit import from /tmp/nimblecache/ somehow...
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13:30:38aguspizai am trying to use libui and asyncdispatch together, so i need to call mainLoop() and runForever(), which obviously block each other.
13:31:09aguspizais possible to get both working with only one thread?
13:32:20leorizeaguspiza: use pollingMainLoop()
13:36:06aguspizaouch! (the proc just after mainLoop :D ), thanks
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15:10:26FromGitter<BaldEagleX02> Bridge test
15:13:10BaldEagleX02I have created the channel ##nim-iot to discuss about future Nim IoT implementations and embedded devices
15:13:51*narimiran joined #nim
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15:29:21shashlick@dom96 just saw your comment on removing the vm from nimble - I think you mean you don't like the nim c method but are good with the nim e method
15:30:47federico3what's the koch syntax to run all test files in a dir?
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15:34:18*BaldEagleX02 quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
15:36:09dom96shashlick: I mean to evaluate the .nimble file using the Nim VM by invoking `nim`. Whether that's via `nim e` or not *shrug*
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15:36:31narimiranfederico3: koch test cat dirname
15:36:53federico3are all dirs categories? Even nested ones?
15:37:06narimirandon't think so
15:38:48narimirandom96: while you're here: can you give me deleting rights on the telegram group? because we had some spammers recently and i couldn't delete their posts. (manage group - administrators - click on me - enable 'delete messages')
15:41:46federico3it seem to work: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/10850/files
15:42:26dom96narimiran: can't do that on mobile it seems :/
15:43:57narimirandom96: when you click on the top bar (where it says "Nim / 105 members), in the top right corner, there is pen-like icon - click on it
15:44:09narimiran(yeah, i couldn't find it at first too)
15:44:32dom96ahh, cool. done
15:44:54narimirangreat, thanks!
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16:01:02shashlickdom96 so I'll proceed with the nim e method
16:01:36dom96shashlick: that would be awesome :)
16:01:40shashlickWe can always evaluate later nim c since it will be minimal in terms of code change
16:02:38shashlickAlso, most nimble packages won't really need very complicated stuff so the value of compiling will be marginal
16:20:00dom96Once this is merged you'll be able to use httpbeast with websockets https://github.com/niv/websocket.nim/pull/54/ :D
16:21:27clyybber\o/ nice
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17:36:35FromGitter<Varriount> shashlick: `nim e`?
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17:39:22shashlickyep - the choice was between `nim e` which limits us to nimscript, or `nim c` which brings everything in
17:45:16shashlick@dom96 is concerned with the compile time penalty
17:46:02shashlickIt's arguable that as developers we run nimble hundreds of times without changing the nimble file so a cached compiled binary will be awesome
17:46:30shashlickBut it's also easy to test both options and see what the penalty actually is
17:51:23shashlickMeanwhile, what's the best way to identify memory corruption in Nim code
17:52:12shashlickSome of my stack trace fail in allocs which probably means I messed up elsewhere
17:52:41shashlickSo as much as nimgdb helps me identify that, it doesn't help with root cause
17:52:52shashlickAny tips appreciated
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18:07:12Zevvye ole' valgrind?
18:07:34Zevvelectric fence?
18:08:06Zevvaddress sanitizer?
18:08:25Zevvvalgrind is awfully triggerhappy with Nim, though.
18:10:52clyybberuse valgrind, but ignore everything that contains "uninitialized" :P
18:11:08clyybbershould lead to some invalid reads or writes... hopefully
18:11:46clyybberalso when you are doing stuff with graphics, make sure to add suppression rules for the graphics drivers
18:13:12ZevvMaybe we should provide a sane Valgrind supression file with Nim
18:13:20ZevvI keep re-making it every now and then and lose it
18:17:18*Elronnd is now known as earenndil
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18:27:25*seerix quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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18:44:08clyybber!eval echo "Hello Nimbot"
18:44:08NimBotCompile failed: <no output>
18:45:06shashlickthis is Windows though, so valgrind is out?
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18:54:12Zevvcan't you get your critical code to run on linux for testing purposes? Can't help you on non-linux, sorry
18:55:47shashlickits a gui application
18:56:15Zevvwhat's your compiler?
18:56:17shashlickthe goal is to port it across but still doesn't help debug on windows
18:56:37Zevvasan then
18:57:39Zevvoh I just read that that might not be avaialble on windows :/
19:06:52shashlickgood to know, but ya, still stuck 😉
19:22:18clyybberHuh, weird so
19:22:30clyybbervar a, b = 3
19:22:33clyybberworks, but
19:22:49clyybbervar a, b = 0
19:22:54clyybbera, b = 3
19:23:15Zevvbut assignment is not initialization
19:23:44clyybberYeah, I just didn't expect the syntax to be different
19:24:21ZevvI didn't even know about the multiple assignment :)
19:24:33clyybberAnd AFAICT it could work without syntactic ambiguity
19:24:44Zevv(a, b) = (3, 3) works
19:25:11Zevvalthough its something completely different :)
19:25:59clyybberIt just assigns 3 to a and b?
19:26:07clyybberI think the tuples get optimized away
19:26:11Zevvyeah, but that's tuple unpacking
19:26:25clyybberWhats funny is, if you write:
19:26:30clyybber var a, b = 0
19:26:38clyybber (a, b) = 3
19:26:49clyybberthe compiler somehow tries to access an array
19:27:37Zevvyeah, interesting error result
19:31:31*rnrwashere quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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19:45:04clyybberC ya
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19:56:31BaldEagleX02Nim is still too rarely used in production. We should advertise it on the Internet
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19:57:21narimiran_no one thought of that :P :D
19:58:49narimiran_0.x version and "in production" usually don't go well together. no matter how much you try to advertise it
19:59:45narimiran_i can tell people "but it is quite stable" all they long, but all they see/hear is: 0.x
20:01:19BaldEagleX02Well, the community is working hard to make it stable and it will reach version 1 soon.
20:01:32narimiran_i know :)
20:02:36shashlickthat's why I've been pushing to get to 1.x since Nim is stable enough already
20:02:49shashlickwe also have a stable maintained branch now with 0.19.x
20:02:56BaldEagleX02I am currently using it for some projects and it seems to be stable. It is also very fast. The point is: it's not only rarely used in production, but in development too
20:03:12shashlickits just that devs have super high standards for what 1.0 should be
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20:17:03dom96Marketing is important
20:25:37ZevvIs the identifier 'kind' somehow special or reserved?
20:26:42Zevvoh its a proc in macros.
20:31:50*narimiran_ is now known as narimiran
20:37:14ZevvFunny, I can't use any identifier that is exported by an imported module as identifier in a tuple constructor: Illformed AST:
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20:46:00FromGitter<akavel> Hi! In the following code, how can I type-convert a var SortedSet to a var HeapQueue? ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8eb2089d9cc8114ad87fa2]
20:46:17FromGitter<akavel> I tried to mimic how HeapQueue itself was written
20:46:28FromGitter<akavel> but it doesn't seem to work here
20:46:50FromGitter<akavel> I'm getting: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8eb23afa5b721a1fa65af7]
20:47:15FromGitter<akavel> (where line 11 is the line with `push` in my file)
20:48:29FromGitter<akavel> Or am I missing something?
20:49:32FromGitter<akavel> Do I have to use `cast[var ...]` or something? I'd prefer not to, as IIUC `cast` is inherently non-typesafe?
20:53:10*aguspiza quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
21:00:19Zevvno, you're doing the right thing ,but there is something with syntax ambiguities
21:00:22Zevvlet me look that up
21:00:30Zevvthere's some special notation for generics
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21:05:34Zevv s.HeapQueue[:T].push(item)
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21:06:07Zevv"The method call syntax conflicts with explicit generic instantiations: p[T](x) cannot be written as x.p[T] because x.p[T] is always parsed as (x.p)[T].
21:06:30Zevv"The [: ] notation has been designed to mitigate this issue"
21:08:12FromGitter<akavel> Zevv: ok, I'll try; but I'm not using s.HeapQueue[T] syntax, I'm using HeapQueueT (s) - this doesn't seem confusing w.r.t. to the syntax!
21:08:56FromGitter<akavel> actually, it even says in the manual that: "x.p[:T] is rewritten by the parser to pT (x)"
21:09:45FromGitter<akavel> meaning, into the form I already have anyway, no?
21:10:36FromGitter<akavel> And yep, still the same error after the change.
21:10:56shashlick@Clyybber - looking at your thread - https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4700 - this fails on 0.19.4 as well, but curious if it helped debug your issue
21:11:22shashlickanyone have any luck using dmalloc with nim?
21:11:54Zevvoh sorry akavel, I'm not using gitter and missed half your error message - Assumed it had to do with the conversion.
21:13:05FromGitter<akavel> Zevv: should I format it some other way to make it readable on irc?
21:14:00Zevvno, my bad. On IRC I just get a link. And I click there and I get this terrible layouted website with three columns, of which the middle holds a copy of the IRC chat, and then 50% of the widht of this middle colum, and 3 lines high, is your paste
21:14:19Zevv5 cm wide, 2cm high on my screen. Utterly useless
21:15:22Zevvbut I can now reproduce your problem anyway
21:15:54Zevvand to this, I do not know the answer. The type conversion seems to lose its varness
21:17:08Zevvno, I can't reproduce. I think I should just go to bed
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21:19:37ZevvYes, I *can* reproduce - if I pass a one-time-assignment 'let' var to incl instead of a 'var' var
21:20:07FromGitter<akavel> Additional code I use that still reproduces for me:
21:20:27FromGitter<akavel> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8eba1afcaf7b5f73ce8af3]
21:21:04FromGitter<akavel> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8eba4052c7a91455af7880]
21:21:25FromGitter<akavel> Hm, note I'm using 19.4, not devel
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21:28:10FromGitter<akavel> Hmh, I invented a workaround, seems to work, though somewhat ugly in my opinion: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5c8ebbe9fcaf7b5f73ce982d]
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