<< 17-08-2016 >>

00:00:35Trixar_zaNormally I'd just CC0 or Public Domain it, but it won't work here. So been thinking of the MIT or Apache licenses since GPL3 is a bit too restrictive for my tastes.
00:02:46libmanIt's time to update http://libman.org/img/bak/20160430-nimble-percent-copyfree.png image.
00:03:10libmanNote that I'm promoting Nim as the most copyfree language. :D
00:06:39Trixar_zaI'm still surprised WTFPL is actually an GPL compatible license :P
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00:06:52libmanNot all licenses referred to as "BSD" are copyfree, and that is the problem. I don't see a specific license text in https://github.com/yglukhov/nimx.
00:07:52libmanMaybe nimble should generate an MIT "LICENSE" file. 3:)
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00:13:09libmanOut of 370 packages in nimble... # `nimble update; jq '. | length' ~/.nimble/packages_official.json`
00:15:45libman... 291 are "MIT", 14 "BSD", 11 "CC0", 11 "Apache License 2.0", 6 "BSD3", 5 "LGPLv3", 4 "zlib", 4 "LGPL", 24 various others.
00:21:20Trixar_zaOh right - now I remember.
00:22:50*Trixar_za looks up a midi c library to convert
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11:04:22arnetheduckAraq, proc quit(code: int) uses importc and calls exit directly, but there's an int size mismatch (exit takes a cint, not int).. better change quit or write an impl that calls exit and casts the int to cint?
11:07:16arnetheducknow, the c generator does the latter which works, but might be surprising
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11:09:30krux02arnetheduck, I am not Araq, but I would suggest to wrap it, so that the api does not expose cint. There are some reasonms from me:
11:09:41krux02it is already an int, so nothing can break
11:10:11krux02cint should not be exposed in an api when there is no good reason for it, eg it needs to be a thing wrapper.
11:10:17krux02thin wripper
11:12:30krux02and last but not least, system exit takes intergers in the range [0..255], so no need that anything needs to be a cint type
11:14:18krux02If I think about it this might be a good use case for ranges.
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12:12:56arnetheduckkrux02, that's the shell bit of exit.. with wait you can get at the full int range
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12:41:52krux02arnetheduck, my source is here http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html
12:42:33krux02there it says "exit takes only integer args in the range 0 - 255"
12:42:44arnetheduckthat's the "advanced bash scripting guide"
12:43:08krux02yes I know
12:43:14krux02so i's not really suitable
12:43:21krux02and you are right
12:44:46krux02but according to cplusplus.com exit from cstdlib only takes EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE
12:45:22arnetheduckactually, you're more right than me ;) http://linux.die.net/man/3/exit
12:45:39arnetheduck"The exit() function causes normal process termination and the value of status & 0377 is returned to the parent"
12:46:35arnetheduckI was looking at http://linux.die.net/man/2/exit first which is not quite the same
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12:48:11arnetheducksame on windows, 0-255
12:51:10krux02I could also imagine an exit that only takes an enum with the allowed exit status.
12:55:34krux02I have no idea how portable or widely accepted systexits.h, sicen I have never used it, but it appears to be a start.
12:59:28arnetheduckthat's mostly beyond my interest, I'm just looking to make nim abi-compatible with c
12:59:58arnetheduckbut I suspect windows will have its own standards
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13:01:10krux02I also think tha interest in that is pretty low and whoever whan's sysexit.h compatibility can easiliy just do it on his own.
13:04:45arnetheduckwell, that assumes quit gets a range and not an enum
13:07:34krux02I would agree that's a good idea
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15:41:59FreezerburnVIs there a way to "daemonize" a process in nim? (hoping to not use the unix library to manually manage some forks) I want to be able to start a process written in nim that controls a server process, and be able to write their PIDs out so that another process can stop them
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15:57:26federico3FreezerburnV: there's some code around to do the doublefork etc but nowadays most of the time it's better to let an external tool do the daemonization. What's your use case?
15:58:39FreezerburnVfederico3, Pretty much exactly what I said: I want to start a server process (that I currently manually start/restart/stop) via a tool I'm writing in nim
15:59:22FreezerburnVAnd theoretically later on be able to do more advanced stuff than just start/stop (such as hotswapping Java class files into it when possible)
16:00:01FreezerburnVThis is on Ubuntu 14.04, and possibly 16.06 going forward
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17:56:07GaveUpFreezerburnV: sounds like something cron would be suited for, though, understandable to code it for learnings sake
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18:22:51FreezerburnVGaveUp, cron can be used for starting/restarting something on demand? I thought it was used for periodic tasks
18:23:27FreezerburnVI was assuming federico3 was going to suggest using systemd or something for managing the process rather than manually via nim
18:25:41gokrOne classic in this regard is https://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html
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18:26:54gokrLots mentioned here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1368855
18:27:01federico3FreezerburnV: of course you can use start-stop-daemon, systemd, or one of many other tools
18:27:08federico3FreezerburnV: otherwise nimble search daemon
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