<< 18-08-2016 >>

00:03:44*chemist69 quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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00:08:28libmanWhat is currently the most full-featured code editor / IDE for Nim (including online ones)?
00:10:22libmanI have to end my fling with Atom in preparation to going back to FreeBSD. None of the chromium-based editors are supported on BSD. :( Gave Aporia another try, and it seems to be missing A LOT compared to Atom's nim packages... (Or maybe I'm overlooking something?)
00:13:08libmannimedit doesn't start: "lib/system/sysio.nim(244, 9) Error: cannot open 'system/widestrs'"
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06:30:50dom96libman: what is Aporia missing in comparison to Atom?
06:31:07dom96(I'm surprised you're willing to try it, it's GPL :P)
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17:32:24GustavoLapastaI wanted to tinker with some GUI lib, in the docs page it seems the only officially supported option is iup. am I correct?
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17:39:20libmanI think the whole "GUI lib" paradigm is a bit outdated. When people develop something that's neither for the console nor browser, they don't have the same needs as they did back in the 90s when that paradigm came about.
17:39:53okamiwhat's changed?
17:40:15libmanThe Web revolution and the mobile revolution.
17:41:05libmans/Web/in-browser client-side capability/
17:42:14GustavoLapastaok, I want to draw some native windows and populate them with native widgets, just to experiment. What NIM library would you recommend?
17:42:29libmanYou build an App that fits those standards, a billions of people can access it by following a link - no need to worry about installers, native packages, compiling from source, etc.
17:43:50GustavoLapastais it correct to assume that Iup is to Nim what TKinter is for Python?
17:44:37libmanYes, HTML5 GUIs have limitations, but with something like Godot (in theory) you can make an App that runs on Android / iOS, and every desktop / laptop OS from Windows to BSD to Haiku. I hope that's what Nim will focus on. There's already nimx.
17:45:12*brechtm quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
17:45:30federico3GustavoLapasta: https://github.com/nim-lang/gtk2 ?
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17:45:32libmanI think Nim's GTK bindings get more use (ex. Aporia) than IUP.
17:45:48libmanBut as a Copyfree zealot I'm not a fan of this, of course. ;)
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17:58:32elroodyou could at least have pointed him to https://github.com/nim-lang/ui instead of chasing him away. although with a bit of effort one could have discovered that oneself, of course
17:59:59chemist69+1 for ui and libui!
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18:07:52federico3that libui looks very interesting especially given that Nim can target js as well
18:26:18chemist69Yes, I have already written some small programsusing it and successfully compiled them on Linux and for Windows.
18:26:39chemist69And they look native on each plaform
18:27:55libmanMy bad, I didn't mean to "chase him away" with my rant. iup and gtk bindings were already mentioned. I mentioned nimx. I didn't know about libui.
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18:33:05libmanGustavoLapasta: https://github.com/nim-lang/ui
18:33:26libmanhttps://github.com/VPashkov/awesome-nim#gui needs to be updated.
18:33:50GustavoLapastaty libman
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18:39:36libmanGustavoLapasta: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Window_creation#Nim contains examples for gtk2, sdl, x11, glut, windows, and iup bindings.
18:40:14libmanNim & QML - http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/692
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19:07:48GustavoLapastahttps://github.com/nim-lang/ui seems promising, where can I find the libs to make it work? like ui.dll for windows or libui.so for linux
19:10:44GustavoLapastaty chemist69
19:13:05chemist69if you use the pre-compiled release binaries, use the alpha 3.0 release, not the newest 3.1, because the latter was accidentally compiled in debug mode.
19:15:10GustavoLapastai was planning to compile the github repos, since they are all non-final libs
19:16:07chemist69even better...
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19:57:17dom96If anybody still is looking to buy Nim in Action, it's 50% off right now with code pbbutcherlt https://manning.com/books/nim-in-action?a_aid=niminaction&a_bid=78a27e81
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