<< 17-11-2019 >>

00:00:02*junland quit (Quit: %ZNC Disconnected%)
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00:11:39madpropsin regex101 i get 3 matches
00:11:44madpropsbut here i only get 1
00:13:36madprops"Like ` find(...) <#proc-find>`_, but anchored to the start of the string. "
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00:41:03sealmoveZevv you here?
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01:02:00FromDiscord<exelotl> if I want to link an object file, is --passL:"resources.o" the correct way to do it?
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01:13:42*clyybber quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
01:21:05FromGitter<Varriount> I believe so
01:21:22FromGitter<Varriount> There might also be a pragma too you can use
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02:20:11madpropsany idea why 222 is never fired? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=221l
02:21:06madpropsim calling from within another function with: discard textarea_delay()
02:21:36madpropsit's like the async proc stops existing
02:21:48madpropsor sleepAsync never finishes
02:40:48FromDiscord<madprops> 😬 😁
02:42:34*lritter quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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02:44:20*kungtotte quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
02:59:02FromGitter<watzon> How would you go about unmarshaling a JSON object like this: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5dd0b775eeb63e1a83c8c4e5]
02:59:28FromGitter<watzon> In reality there are 780 possible types
03:01:22*kungtotte joined #nim
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03:24:03*sealmove quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.6)
03:29:04FromGitter<qqtop> @madprops , works here ! try with asyncCheck textarea_delay()
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03:31:27madpropsqqtop, this doesn't work for me https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=221v
03:32:22madprops222 is never called
03:37:13FromGitter<qqtop> Are you by any chance writing a nigui based app ?
03:38:31madpropswhat i tried as an alternative was listening to keydown, on the window since keydown is broken on textarea
03:38:40madpropsbut then i couldn't do what i want because i need the linebreak operation to be done
03:38:44madpropsso im stuck
03:47:45FromGitter<qqtop> yep I ran into similar issues before. try to end your app end with something like this ⏎ `runforever() # async loop ⏎ app.run() # nigui loop ⏎ ` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5dd0c2e1c26e8923c43b8fea]
03:49:40FromGitter<qqtop> keydown event seems fine here ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5dd0c354fd6fe41fc09aacbc]
03:57:07*exelotl quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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04:43:02FromDiscord<krab4t> i see here https://nim-lang.org/docs/httpclient.html#downloadFile%2CHttpClient%2Cstring%2Cstring it can raise SslError
04:43:07FromDiscord<krab4t> ho it works on windows?
04:43:24FromDiscord<krab4t> openssl?
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04:59:12FromDiscord<krab4t> > This requires the OpenSSL library, fortunately it's widely used and installed on many operating systems.
04:59:12FromDiscord<krab4t> i see
05:12:47FromGitter<watzon> Ok this is kind of cool. Reading the documentation for Julia right now, and it lets you define your own primitive types
05:12:47FromGitter<watzon> https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/types/#Primitive-Types-1
05:13:34FromGitter<watzon> Don't know in what case I'd actually use that feature, but it's interesting
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05:23:27Mike[m]7Hey, so has anyone played around with or know of any examples for getting a basic Vulkan renderer set up with Nim?
05:24:10Mike[m]7I'm following along with this c++ tutorial, butting getting stuck on creating the swapchain: https://vulkan-tutorial.com/Introduction
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06:33:25FromGitter<topcheese> @Mike[m]7 Not sure if this will work, but it says it has Vulcan bindings https://github.com/nimgl/nimgl
06:36:18Mike[m]7Thanks, I've actually been using that for the vulkan bindings. The problem is that the examples in that repo just create a vulkan instance; they don't actually set up a renderer and draw something to the screen.
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06:37:52Mike[m]7I think I have all the dependencies and bindings in place. I'm just struggling to get through the 500+ lines of boilerplate code to actually get something on screen
06:37:53Mike[m]7I'm using that ^ library in addition to the sdl2 bindings.
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06:39:30FromGitter<topcheese> I haven't checked that library out yet,but I have played with Nimx and sdl2.
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06:44:59FromGitter<topcheese> Will the nim binding for bgfx work? https://github.com/zacharycarter/bgfx.nim
06:45:32Mike[m]7Yeah I've been able to create a window and get input with SDL, so I'm that far at least
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07:51:55FromGitter<topcheese> I forgot about the Diligent Engine. I might have to rethink my gui strategy. http://diligentgraphics.com/diligent-engine/
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12:01:43*dom96 facepalms
12:02:20dom96listFiles in nimscript has been broken since 2015 and no one noticed?
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12:03:33dom96huh, no, this should work
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12:40:54FromGitter<sheerluck> readme.md says that MASTER BRANCH IS DEPRECATED. May I ask why, what was the rationale behind this decision
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13:28:43sealmoveping Zevv
13:34:08FromGitter<mratsim> @sheerluck latest updates happen on devel, and then they are backported in version specific branches like 1.0.x
13:34:35FromGitter<mratsim> this allows having devlopment head ahead while having stable releases
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14:02:37*GordonBGood quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
14:10:30Zevvsealmove: oi
14:10:51sealmoveoi, I found this: https://github.com/cierelabs/yaml_spirit/blob/master/doc/specs/yaml-peg.txt
14:10:59sealmovemaybe we can adjust it to npeg syntax?
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14:17:39sealmove<waiting for your opinion in agony>
14:22:37disruptekthat looks like it will work.
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14:34:30Zevvhm that should be ok
14:34:38Zevvwhat flavour is it now?
14:34:58ZevvI'd have to take a good look to see how they handled the indenting
14:35:10Zevv455 lines
14:35:37Zevvcompare with 20 for yson
14:35:48Zevvthus my opinion about yaml
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14:37:17sealmoveit follows this spec: https://github.com/cierelabs/yaml_spirit/blob/master/doc/specs/yaml-spec.pdf
14:38:26sealmovehmm, in object variants it's annoying that you can't have same name for 2 fields of different branches
14:38:32sealmoveanyone knows how to deal with that?
14:38:40Zevvoh right that's only 78 pages, how hard can it be
14:38:55Zevvanyway, the peg is a good find, it should make life lots easier
14:39:38ZevvBut what flavour of PEG is that, I have not seen it before
14:39:53Zevvit allows for inlide code, just like npeg, that is how they solve the indenting
14:40:07Zevvbut it has these {- funny comment syntax -}
14:40:09sealmoveah PEG flavor, I thought you meant what YAML flavor
14:40:54Zevvbe warned though: I've made a few pretty complicated NPEG grammars that blew up the Nim VM in interesting ways - I feel this is of a similar scale
14:42:08FromGitter<sheerluck> @mratsim yes but we can do same thing on master. It sounds like you are just using devel branch instead of master. What is the point of 1) creating devel branch 2) deprecating master branch 3) using devel branch as master branch.
14:42:24disruptekif you don't do it, i'll do it eventually. i hate having to convert to json.
14:42:44disruptekwell, hate is too strong a word. but, it's pretty annoying.
14:42:54sealmoveI think it's some C# library flavor
14:43:07Zevvit has some interesting extensions
14:43:12FromGitter<mratsim> @sheerluck not breaking other people scripts. We need to allow for a transition period
14:47:06disruptekyeah, we need to give people time to write new scripts to break.
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15:40:02clyybberAraq: Hi, can you explain why we need to pArg(arg[0]) when arg is nkCallKinds in your PR?
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16:37:28*ng0 quit (Quit: Alexa, when is the end of world?)
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16:46:34FromDiscord<kodkuce> gc:beohem for easy thread in nim ver 1.2 or when?
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16:59:29Yardanicogc:boehm exists in nim since a long time ago :)
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18:47:35madpropsis there something to have a cli program get input from vim or nano?
18:48:02madpropsok found this https://www.reddit.com/r/nim/comments/9x641g/how_to_run_vim_and_get_output/
18:49:09disruptekwhat are you trying to do?
18:49:42madpropswell. initially i was building a gui program using NiGui, basically i just need to have a textarea with tab support. but i couldn't get it to work properly
18:49:51madpropsso now im thinking just getting the input from a cli editor
18:50:23madpropsi got the tabs working, but the text update replaces the whole thing, which looks glitchy
18:51:28YardanicoYou want to embed vim or nano inside of a GUI program?
18:51:32disrupteki feel like getting one of the gui tools working makes the most sense.
18:51:35madpropsno, now it would be a cli program
18:51:44disruptekbut what about using something like zenity?
18:52:09YardanicoWell there are programs that just create a file in /tmp like /tmp/myfile, call the default $EDITOR on it, and after it closes they just read that file
18:52:20YardanicoThat's pretty common in linux, for example the visudo command does that
18:52:49madpropsyeah that's what im going to try
18:52:56disruptekif it's a cli program, i don't want it to leave my cli. so i'd do as Yardanico suggests.
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19:02:23Yardanicomadprops: something like this- https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=225B
19:05:32Yardanicoor, with $EDITOR path variable - https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=225C
19:07:44madpropsim doing this https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=225D
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19:08:12YardanicoexecCmd wouldn't work here
19:09:04madpropsit does
19:09:09Yardanicooh, nice :P
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19:33:52FromGitter<jason_koch_twitter> is anyone aware of a netlink binding for nim?
19:34:16FromGitter<jason_koch_twitter> at the moment i'm shelling out to `tc` but that is pretty inefficient
19:34:40FromGitter<jason_koch_twitter> (similar question for getting unix socket support in the http client)
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19:55:03FromGitter<zetashift> @jason_koch_twitter googling got me this https://github.com/zielmicha/morelinux/blob/master/morelinux/netlink.nim but it might be outdated
20:00:40FromGitter<jason_koch_twitter> oh thanks @zetashift i spent some time on google and nimble but didn't find that, will check it out
20:09:12madpropsi find regex captures confusing
20:09:31madpropshow can i fix this around line 15? https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=2263
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20:15:17disruptekmadprops: why don't you just use nre's replace()?
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20:37:54FromDiscord<funcmike> silly question ```proc elo(question: string): bool =
20:37:54FromDiscord<funcmike> echo "yolo: ", question``` why bool is this not compile error (return is false )?
20:38:23FromDiscord<funcmike> silly question ```proc elo(question: string): bool =
20:38:23FromDiscord<funcmike> echo "yolo: ", question``` why is this not compile error (return is false )?
20:38:38FromGitter<zetashift> hey funcmike can you paste your code using play.nim-lang.org?
20:39:06FromGitter<zetashift> https://play.nim-lang.org/ discord formatting is not shown correctly in gitter/irc
20:39:54FromDiscord<funcmike> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=226m
20:40:46FromGitter<zetashift> it's probably because of the implicit result variable that Nim has
20:40:48Yardanico@funcmike because default value for bool is false
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20:41:36FromDiscord<funcmike> ok implicit return i s fine but echo returns false?
20:41:41FromDiscord<funcmike> ok implicit return is fine but echo returns false?
20:41:52FromGitter<zetashift> no echo returns nothing it just prints to console
20:42:03Yardanico@funcmike result variable is always there, even if you don't define it
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20:42:21YardanicoSo your procedure already has a result variable which is set to false since that's the default bool value
20:42:43FromDiscord<funcmike> im not conviced
20:42:43FromDiscord<funcmike> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=226m
20:42:51FromDiscord<funcmike> sorry
20:43:05FromDiscord<funcmike> https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=226q
20:43:14FromDiscord<funcmike> so why here is compile error
20:43:27FromDiscord<funcmike> if return is always there
20:43:29Yardanicobecause you're comparing string to bool
20:43:35FromGitter<zetashift> cause you're comparing a string to a bool
20:43:42Yardanicothe error is on line 4, not in the proc
20:43:45FromGitter<zetashift> beat me to it :(
20:43:51FromDiscord<funcmike> ok
20:44:01FromDiscord<funcmike> if assert is "" it works
20:44:17FromGitter<zetashift> yes because string is initialized to an empty string
20:44:57FromDiscord<funcmike> weird decision too always return some value
20:47:00FromDiscord<funcmike> if someone just forget about it this could lead too unexpected behavior
20:47:03disruptekif you don't specify a return type, you won't return a value.
20:47:34Yardanico@funcmike it's not an unexpected behaviour since all of this is documented
20:47:40disruptekit's a feature most people grow to enjoy.
20:48:19FromDiscord<funcmike> how is that a feature i dont really see it
20:48:21FromDiscord<funcmike> ?
20:49:04madpropsseems the terminal module doesn't have a method to go to an altscreen
20:49:09FromDiscord<funcmike> can you give some code example where this is usefull?
20:49:09Yardanico@funcmike what do you exactly mean?
20:49:27YardanicoNo need to create your own "result" variable, you can just set the implicit one
20:50:18FromDiscord<funcmike> ok but this is doing more then implicit return like in some fp languages where last statetment is return
20:50:24*GordonBGood quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:50:42Yardanico@funcmike nim also has that feature
20:50:46YardanicoI mean "last statement is return"
20:50:57madpropsmike, check this example https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=226t
20:51:19FromDiscord<funcmike> ok this is ok
20:51:44FromDiscord<funcmike> but why it assumes if echo returns nothing i want to return false
20:51:48FromDiscord<funcmike> in my example?
20:51:48disruptekit's not implicitly returning, it's simply providing access to the memory set aside to hold the return value.
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20:52:09FromDiscord<funcmike> your example is ok
20:53:01disruptekecho is the last statement in the procedure, so the procedure's return value /would be/ set to that statement, if that statement produced a return value.
20:53:12Yardanico@funcmike because last statement is used for return only if types match
20:53:24disruptekbecause it doesn't, the return value (result) isn't changed from the default of false, ie. 0 in memory.
20:53:47Yardanicoactually sorry, it's just that if a procedure returns a variable, you must assign it or discard it explicitly
20:54:05Yardanicoso if you don't discard or assign and it's the last statement in the proc, it's considered to be a return value of the proc
20:54:45FromDiscord<funcmike> ok but why compiler just cannot write error msg that return value (of echo) is not a bool?
20:55:02Yardanicobecause echo does not return anything
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20:55:24FromDiscord<funcmike> thats my point
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20:55:35FromDiscord<funcmike> so return type does not match type
20:55:44Yardanicowell, "void" is a special return type
20:55:47FromGitter<zetashift> you mean that in case a programmer forgets to set the value and doesn't get an error message?
20:55:48Yardanicoit means that the proc doesn't return anything
20:56:09FromDiscord<funcmike> zetashift: yes i mean this
20:56:41solitudesfbecause once you know about this feature, it stops being a problem, sometimes its useful
20:57:40FromGitter<zetashift> yeah I get your worries but I have yet to see it as an issue
20:59:18madpropsactually it would be weird that :bool can return void
20:59:28Yardanicowell, but it can't :)
20:59:32Yardanicoah, nvm
20:59:51FromDiscord<funcmike> zetashift: i known it could easy be detected in unit tests, but i'm just curious where is this useful?
21:00:42FromGitter<zetashift> from `Nim by Example` : The result variable is a special variable that serves as an implicit return variable, which exists because the control flow semantics of the return statement are rarely needed
21:00:49FromGitter<zetashift> it's just a nice shortcut
21:01:06FromGitter<zetashift> you could also use return statement or the last expression is the return value
21:02:00FromDiscord<funcmike> but this is intended or just side effect of implicit return implementation of proc?
21:02:38solitudesfits intended side effect
21:02:45FromDiscord<funcmike> 🙂
21:07:48lqdev[m]it's not really a side effect, it's just a feature.
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21:17:29madpropsis putting the main part of the program at the bottom, not inside a proc, incorrect? i've seen some isMain stuff but not sure what that is
21:22:47disruptekit's fine; `when isMainModule:` is a compile-time conditional.
21:23:52FromDiscord<funcmike> i see there is an Option[T] type, is something like Result[T,E] type for alternative error handling (instead of exceptions)?
21:24:04disruptekas a module, yes.
21:24:13disruptekie 3rd party library.
21:27:36FromDiscord<funcmike> this one https://github.com/arnetheduck/nim-result ?
21:34:06FromGitter<zetashift> yes!
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22:17:21FromDiscord<IanIAnIAN> yuck, C worked, where nim wrapper for C failed
22:23:10FromDiscord<IanIAnIAN> just my intermittent stb_image woe.
22:23:23Yardanicowhat about https://github.com/define-private-public/stb_image-Nim ?
22:25:10*jjido quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
22:27:35FromDiscord<IanIAnIAN> Issue#8
22:27:38disbot^ 'index out of bounds' in httpserver.nim
22:27:40disbot^ snippet at https://play.nim-lang.org/#ix=226X 😏
22:28:33Yardanicowhat do you mean by issue 8? std_image wrapper doesn't have it
22:30:05madpropshad some fun with this https://github.com/madprops/dirfun
22:30:50Yardanicomadprops: you can put releases into github releases, not into your git repo
22:30:54Yardanicoto https://github.com/madprops/dirfun/releases
22:31:36Yardanicoalso, about example - you can use """ to create a multiline string, and since you don't change the value you can use "const" instead of "var"
22:33:04YardanicoAlso, instead of "homerep" you can use expandTilde from `os`
22:34:07Yardanicoand generally instead of regexes you can just use split and normal replace from strutils (not from re), or strscans for more complex cases
22:37:35madpropsYardanico: yeah i know. that's just like a dir used for the install script. i could have named it bin
22:38:10madpropsok nice tips
22:38:13madpropsi'll check those
22:47:29madpropshmm multilines are giving me a problem with tabs
22:47:36madpropstabs are converted to spaces i think
22:47:50Yardanicotabs are \t
22:47:57madpropsbut with """ \t is raw
22:48:01Yardanicomaybe your editor uses spaces by default
22:54:03madpropsin indeed does
22:54:17madpropsso not sure how to do this
22:54:45madpropsi could replace each 2 spaces with a tab .. but hardcoding that is messy
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23:06:49madpropsmade some fixes
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23:18:36madpropsactually i messed it up
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23:28:46madpropsthis is some weird indentation http://i.imgur.com/q2zE6tl.png
23:31:17madpropsthis looks really cool
23:36:38sealmovedisruptek: ksy is a small subset of yaml after all, I won't be writting a peg for yaml, sorry :|
23:41:20FromGitter<Willyboar> just watching express framework for nim. Looks promising
23:41:57FromGitter<Willyboar> @ducdetronquito nice job
23:49:04FromGitter<Willyboar> But i strongly believe nim will be boosted with a Rails-Django like framework
23:51:04FromGitter<TensorTom> I'm looking for an example of a website login/authentication system in Nim. Anyone know of any? I know the nim website and forum was coded in Nim so it's been done before. I tried to use the `httpauth` module but it seems to have bugs since Nim1 and idk if I can get that working with the CGI module.
23:51:52FromGitter<TensorTom> i'd rather not code an auth/sessions system from the ground up if I can avoid it.
23:52:44FromGitter<Willyboar> well for that i know both the nim site and forum are open source
23:53:17FromGitter<Willyboar> you can see the code in the github
23:53:43madpropsshould i really learn vim this time? lol
23:54:31madpropsi still have yet to see its power
23:57:14FromGitter<TensorTom> madprops, I think most people go for emacs though I don't use either of them. Too many keybaord shortcuts and commands to remember just to do what I can already do in GUI. who knows, maybe I'm missing out on something.
23:58:04FromGitter<Willyboar> I tried a lot but for some reason i stick with sublime text
23:58:19madpropsis ST getting better?
23:58:55FromGitter<TensorTom> for writing code, I use Intellij IDEA. I've never seen any IDE better but he is talking about terminal-based editors though