<< 19-02-2024 >>

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05:57:07FromDiscord<aryzen> Is there anywhere I can go to see what packages there are for nimble?
06:06:36FromDiscord<intellij_gamer> https://nimble.directory/
06:28:56FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> this one is also pretty good https://nimpkgs.dayl.in/
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08:38:51FromDiscord<aryzen> Thx both of you!!
08:51:24*PMunch joined #nim
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10:18:16FromDiscord<madonuko> <https://github.com/terrapkg/packages/actions/runs/7956652643/job/21717829224#step:7:3720>↵↵cannot build choosenim on arm64?
10:18:55FromDiscord<madonuko> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=gdnOJAuayLJC
10:48:41FromDiscord<djazz> choosenim doesnt support arm because Nim binaries arent distributed for arm afaik
10:50:21FromDiscord<djazz> I havent tried compiling it myself on arm tho
10:52:22FromDiscord<djazz> The error in your link comes from inline assembly in nim module zippy that fails to compile on arm https://github.com/guzba/zippy/blob/9560f3d20479fb390c97f731ef8d100f1ed54e6c/src/zippy/internal.nim#L332
10:53:02FromDiscord<djazz> cpuid but it is in a when defined(amd64) block??
11:13:57FromDiscord<System64 ~ Flandre Scarlet> Did someone already achieved to compile a Nim program for the SEGA Genesis / MegaDrive?
11:17:01PMunchNot sure if anyone has tried yet :P
11:17:31Amun-RaI can see there's a toolchain to build on gh, I may try it :)
11:17:40PMunchBut I wouldn't be surprised at all
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12:08:59FromDiscord<ayex> I have built nim on aarch64 on raspi and librem5 a couple of times. it works fine, just a little slow on raspi due to its low processing power.↵(@djazz)
12:10:35ZevvI think that since nim has --os:any a lot of the other -os:* settings could (should?) be scrapped
12:10:50Zevvthe majority of these are not tested in CI and no one knows in what state they are
12:11:22ZevvHaiki? VxWorks? Genode? DragonFly? CROSSOS? PalOS, really?!
12:11:40PMunchI guess the better option would be to supply some way to define these in separate repos
12:11:51ZevvI don't see why the compiler must know about these at all
12:12:14Zevvwe generate C. with --os:any and -d:usemalloc there is no other depdency than a few stdlib calls
12:12:24Zevvwhich are available on virtually an C implementation
12:12:30PMunchIIRC it's mostly to enable/disable various parts of the stdlib
12:13:15PMunchAnd of course setting the architecture and other such things. Basically they just bundle a bunch of options into one convenient switch
12:13:22ehmry_it's also to generate os-specific entrypoints other than main()
12:13:34PMunchOh really?
12:13:47Zevvyeah but the problem is that the stdlib is now filld with things like `if defined(solaris) or defined(zephyr) or defined(freertos) or defined(nuttx) or defined(haiku)`
12:14:19Zevvand it's all not tested, right.
12:14:47ehmry_some of that stuff is hard to test
12:15:43ehmry_it would be nice to make this stuff external and pass in a package of os-specific stuff as a compiler option
12:15:51Zevvfeature macros instad
12:16:26Zevvwith an os -> feature matrix somewhere
12:17:17ehmry_with some OSes there isn't enough maintainers to keep support working for every release, which is why it would be nice to externalize it and say FooOS supports compiler version whatever
12:17:33ehmry_if this was easy someone would already be doing it :(
12:17:53PMunchWell it would require the existing ones to be refactored
12:18:06Zevvprbobaly not even a matter of 'easy'. it's just that alot of these were merged in once, the original author has long left and no one ever cared about it since.
12:18:09ehmry_C is like that but C++ is where the dumb platform shit spills out
12:18:11PMunchAnd yeah, a feature matrix system is indeed the better way to deal with this
12:19:41ehmry_having a decent no-libc base platform would be nice
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12:21:12Zevvi tried that for --os:any, but it was not worth the effort at that point. my goal was to go to no deps at all
12:21:36Zevvwhat's left is basically fwrite(), malloc() and a few others.
12:21:45Zevvyou can stub these in 10 lines of C
12:22:07ZevvI do run nim on misc no-libc platforms
12:22:24ZevvI did some nim inside the linux kernel as well
12:23:54Zevvthe orignal name of the flag was --os:none
12:24:07Zevvbut araq requested I change it to --os:any
12:29:59ehmry_I like os:any
12:35:43Zevveverybody likes os:any
12:36:18Zevvit should have a fluffy and fuzzy mascotte
12:40:16FromDiscord<zumi.dxy> `os:any` vs `os:standalone` at the moment is like "freedom of OS doesn't mean lack of OS" or something like that
12:41:03Zevvos:stdalone isn't really
12:41:56ehmry_I have a solo5 unikernel port that I've been sitting on that's mostly blocked by networking
12:42:15ehmry_networking works but the abstraction doesn't
12:42:23Zevvhow come
12:43:35ehmry_the std network stuff is sockets based, so either you emulate sockets to make that work or drop in other networking library
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12:44:14Zevvright. i must admit I never liked nim's networking layers; I almost always use posix.* instead.
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12:45:08ehmry_right. and there is some nim platform that use lwip socket implementation when using the native lwip callback interface would be much better
12:45:43Zevvsure. but you just use the lwip api directly without bothering going through the nim network layers.
12:46:09PMunchWell then you lose the ability for library reuse
12:46:28Zevvthe thing is. I want to use some library and it uses dial()
12:46:34Zevvand goes doing a blocking getaddrinfo()
12:46:43Zevvthat's always the first thing that breaks for me
12:48:31ehmry_I don't think there is consensus on what layer dial/connecting by name should be on, which complicates things
12:48:49Zevvit is just *very* hard to have a single API, widely portable network stack.
12:49:02Zevvespecially when you go down, deep embedded
12:49:20Zevvwhere not everything is a fd
12:49:46ehmry_if you want a a single API then write a TCP/IP stack in Nim :)
12:50:08Zevvlet's start with the TLS layers shall we
12:51:07FromDiscord<System64 ~ Flandre Scarlet> In reply to @Amun-Ra "I can see there's": Where did you find it?
12:53:05ehmry_I tried to make a portable network library but I don't have time to maintain it https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/nim_taps
12:54:45ehmry_and I think my crappy asyncfuture code isn't compatible with orc
12:55:14Zevvmumble mumble cps mumble
12:57:05Zevvhave you always been off-github
12:57:10ehmry_if taps is a worthwhile library then it should just be in nim-sys
12:57:22Zevvi considered a few times, but people stared complaining about not being able to find my stuff
12:58:46ehmry_I've been mostly off github for a few years so I try and put everything in the nimble registry
12:59:15FromDiscord<System64 ~ Flandre Scarlet> In reply to @Amun-Ra "https://github.com/noname22/megadrive-gcc": There is SGDK too
13:00:31ehmry_I just write hipster shit anyway
13:01:19Zevvstill, you should consider the other hipsters.
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13:24:33FromDiscord<summarity> Can Nim produce source maps for the C backend?
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13:36:46FromDiscord<djazz> In reply to @ayex "I have built nim": Choosenim on arm...
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14:14:36FromDiscord<djazz> Nim on pi is slow yeah
14:14:46FromDiscord<djazz> Pi zero
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14:27:42FromDiscord<leorize> nim compiler is very memory bandwidth reliant afaict
14:31:11FromDiscord<nervecenter> Isn't cross-compiling how most mobile frameworks do it anyways?
14:31:17FromDiscord<nervecenter> I could be completely wrong
14:32:05FromDiscord<nervecenter> That's probably an advantage for Android JVM applications, they can accept the same JVM bytecode and different architectural implementations of the JVM can just run it
14:33:36FromDiscord<odexine> it pretty much is the advantage of any VM based language
14:33:56FromDiscord<odexine> well ig its not inherent to VM based languages, some dont have this benefit, but
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14:35:46PMunchHmm, working with FreeRTOS I'm running into a memory leak situation
14:35:56PMunchI think it might be caused by vTaskDelete(nil)
14:36:11PMunchBasically at the end of the task it must delete itself or it triggers an assertion
14:36:33PMunchBut I guess the ARC cleanup code is injected after the call to vTaskDelete
14:36:47PMunchWhich means that my task never cleans up after itself..
14:37:38FromDiscord<leorize> when in doubt, add an another layer of indirection
14:41:38FromDiscord<jayj2368> https://github.com/romeric/Fastor/blob/master/Fastor/tensor/Tensor.h#L18-L19 Hi, does nim support this kind type? const value as generic parameters, and generic varargs?
14:42:00FromDiscord<jayj2368> sent a code paste, see https://play.nim-lang.org/#pasty=nywcbDmNaSyj
14:42:21PMunch@leorize, yeah that's what I*m considering..
14:43:41FromDiscord<leorize> nim does not support generic varargs↵(@jayj2368)
14:43:54FromDiscord<leorize> const value, sure
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14:44:10FromDiscord<leorize> you can checkout arraymancer as a tensor implementation in nim
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14:44:51FromDiscord<jayj2368> @leorize Thanks.
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15:07:50PMunchHmm, looks like maybe I was wrong..
15:08:22PMunchI tried to add a level of indirection. Basically my task now calls an "impl" which is a normal Nim proc
15:08:28PMunchBut it's still leaking
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15:08:35PMunchExactly 192 bytes each iteration
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15:11:23NimEventerNew thread by Horkarod: Futhark and editor tooling, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11040
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17:20:54*pbsds quit (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
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17:39:54FromDiscord<grandpa> can i get help here
17:40:57FromDiscord<grandpa> i'm getting errors when trying to compile something: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/371759389889003532/1209192916472569856/message.txt?ex=65e607a9&is=65d392a9&hm=af88d499d6059ceac6376867d98e8cf9eb3d13f2be62d8f537ac29518b9a2716&
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17:45:07FromDiscord<odexine> compile with --mm:refc
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18:52:57FromDiscord<griffith1deadly> if i unload nim dll (nim program compiled to dll), should allocated memory by dll get's deallocated?↵↵i mean, i wanna write some plugin system for nim with hotcodereloading, and I'm wondering if there will be a memory leak when the dll is reloaded
19:08:26FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Does anyone know if there's a way to create idiomatic C++ bindings to a Nim library? Like, if I want to expose a Nim type as a class, and some functions as methods on that class
19:11:27FromDiscord<griffith1deadly> In reply to @chronos.vitaqua "Does anyone know if": i know only genny for c, https://github.com/treeform/genny
19:12:02FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Fair, thanks anyway
19:12:14FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Might need to figure out how to handwrite it in a decent way
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20:16:33FromDiscord<fosster> hii all
20:16:56FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Heya
20:17:04FromDiscord<fosster> can I use Option[var Something] as a function signature?
20:17:36FromDiscord<fosster> I get `Warning: Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized. This will become a compile time error in the future. [ProveInit]`
20:17:41FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> No
20:18:12FromDiscord<fosster> mh, is there an alternative for it?
20:18:16FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `var T` is only allowed as a parameter and return type, you need a borrow checker to use it anywhere else safely (there is an experimental feature)
20:18:27FromDiscord<fosster> I've been bangin my head against this problem all day long
20:19:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> What does the function do?
20:19:56FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> In reply to @fosster "mh, is there an": Why not a ref?
20:19:56FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Or a pointer depending on your needs
20:20:04FromDiscord<fosster> basically I need to pass an optional variable reference that, when provided, store an hash inside said variable
20:20:24FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Use an overload
20:21:12FromDiscord<fosster> I thought about it but I'd need to rewrite the whole function again
20:21:32FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> I mean if we're really lazy templates exist
20:21:35FromDiscord<fosster> like I should have two identical functions for just a few line of code more
20:23:02FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> You also can just make the internal logic be another proc and forward arguments
20:23:17FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Or if ref fits better you can use that
20:23:20FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Or ptr
20:26:57FromDiscord<fosster> you mean with Option?
20:27:18FromDiscord<fosster> I'm trying to solve it using template
20:42:46FromDiscord<fakecrafter> is there a easy way to compare two objects for equality in the sense of data
20:44:23FromDiscord<fakecrafter> basically `equals[T](a: T, b: T): bool`
20:47:59FromDiscord<fosster> I ended up using macros, however I'm still facing another issue, how can I inherit local variables from within macros? i.e. a variable defined in the function where the macro is invoked, but it seems it doesn't inherit it
20:51:29FromDiscord<fosster> don't worry, I solved the problem
20:51:57FromDiscord<fosster> I was looking at the wrong thing
20:52:29FromDiscord<bosinski2023> In reply to @fakecrafter "basically `equals[T](a: T, b:": i guess u look for smth. like `func `==`[T]( a, b :T ) :bool = # your compare-fn` as done for all build-in types in `system.nim` https://nim-lang.org/docs/system.html#%3D%3D%2Cbool%2Cbool
20:53:43FromDiscord<fosster> the approach with seems to be working btw
20:56:48FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> fosster I am interested in this macro you've got 😄
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21:02:51FromDiscord<fakecrafter> Thx
21:05:16FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Debating on making my NBT impl allow for implementing custom types but is that even worth it? Considering no-one should really be using NBT anywhere except for Minecraft specifically? And it already implements the entire spec so
21:07:42FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Why write code that no one needs?
21:08:06FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> Exactly
21:08:27FromDiscord<Robyn [She/Her]> I am bored tho and don't know what to do
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21:35:28FromDiscord<asviest> what is nnkVarTuple ?
21:35:43FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> `var (x, y) = bleh`
21:39:30FromDiscord<asviest> ok, is the penultimate slot reserved for pragmas or why is it needed ?
21:41:13FromDiscord<Elegantbeef> Don't ask me I just know how to create AST not why AST
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21:55:54NimEventerNew thread by lou15b: How to detect (and report) reference cycles?, see https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/11045
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22:51:35FromDiscord<grandpa> In reply to @odexine "compile with --mm:refc": tysm
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