<< 19-04-2019 >>

00:14:14shashlickInteresting, I've never seen this - can you please share a snippet the next time you do?
00:14:33shashlickIs it nimble complaining it doesn't know where the stdlib is?
00:14:41shashlickAlso which os
00:15:33rayman22201It's intermittent.... and of course I never stop to record it. It's only really happened to me on Windows. Switching between nim versions will cause the new nim to still reference the previous nim std lib.
00:18:42rayman22201shashlick, did you see my pm?
00:20:23shashlickWhere did you send it? Irc?
00:20:33shashlickI am using matterbridge so won't see that
00:20:51shashlickAlternative is to send genotrance on gitter
00:21:01rayman22201meh. ok then
00:21:46shashlickI'll setup a pm bridge on irc as well
00:22:01*rnrwashere joined #nim
00:22:38FromGitter<arnetheduck> shashlick, can't, don't have it any more.. :) linux/fedora fwiw. I find the whole nim philosophy of usurping global namespaces and messing with my `$HOME`/`$PATH` by default with stuff like `nimble install` to be quite distasteful, and it inherently doesn't work with choosenim (which nim version compiled what's in `~/.nimble/bin`?)
00:24:18rayman22201> (which nim version compiled what's in `~/.nimble/bin`?)
00:24:18rayman22201That is the biggest problem imo
00:25:22rayman22201shashlick, did you see my gitter pm?
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01:04:59rayman22201@shashlick I have to take off, but I have the info for you to ssh into my raspberry pi. I just need a private way to give it to you.
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01:39:19xaceoh sorry, i didn't finish scrolling down, my bad
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03:02:52leorizeAraq: will --newruntime open up for the possibility for interfacing with C using `ref` directly?
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04:31:11FromGitter<Varriount> leorize: External C code still won't increment reference counts
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04:42:11shashlick@rayman22201 - sorry got disconnected
04:53:06*kapil____ quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
04:54:47shashlick@dom96 - here's the choosenim binaries for 0.4.0
05:49:20Araqhttps://forum.dlang.org/post/[email protected] as I said, once you stop "thinking about the memory because I have a GC" you get logical leaks
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06:14:16FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: Eh, not as much as you would think.
06:14:38AraqI think they are everywhere and indeed they are.
06:16:58FromGitter<Varriount> I see it more often when someone is trying to (over)optimize memory allocation
06:21:56FromGitter<Varriount> Araq: So I'm taking another independent study course for University, and I'm planning on continuing development of my terminal shell (written in Nim)
06:42:06*Trustable joined #nim
06:50:14FromGitter<gogolxdong> Hi , @Araq, help needed, ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ we need this inline style to be written in the static website string. [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cb96fa697dcb371d8d90485]
06:52:41*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
06:52:59FromGitter<gogolxdong> it not as easy as addEventListener overloading workaround.
06:54:54FromGitter<gogolxdong> to be` style="background-image:url(http://lorempixel.com/600/600/nature/6);" `accordingly.
06:57:25FromGitter<gogolxdong> tried some ideas , haven't worked out.
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07:00:10Araqwhat's the problem? the inline CSS not working?
07:01:55FromGitter<jrfondren> this is karax? did you just not import vstyles?
07:02:07*Minimisthupper joined #nim
07:02:33FromGitter<jrfondren> your exact code works in the todomvc app, when I add vstyles to the list of karax imports
07:03:24FromGitter<gogolxdong> we are talking about static karax website :)
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07:04:42FromGitter<jrfondren> yeah. that compiles and it appears in the generated DOM, which you can see with right-click inspect in a browser. with text"" it might now show up, but I saw the background image when I added that style with that code to random existing div with content
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07:07:31FromGitter<gogolxdong> not virtual DOM , it's an uncommon requirement from the point view of Web APP development, and significant for SEO.
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07:08:18FromGitter<jrfondren> oh. does karax output HTML? the examples I see all have static .html prepared already.
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07:11:27FromGitter<gogolxdong> Dear, it's not static html.
07:11:49FromGitter<Araq> @gogolxdong uses "Native Karax"
07:12:11FromGitter<gogolxdong> What's that
07:12:35FromGitter<Araq> in other words the HTML building DSL for native Nim
07:15:41FromGitter<gogolxdong> I am using nim c for buildHtml, if you mean so.
07:21:22FromGitter<jrfondren> alright, I understand now. so that code works when the output is to virtual dom on the js backend, but's failing to produce the right HTML from the c backend.
07:21:40FromGitter<jrfondren> but I derailed the convo a bit. The important question was Araq asking you what the problem was :)
07:22:45FromGitter<gogolxdong> Don't worry, he knows.
07:24:51FromGitter<jrfondren> ok. then how are you producing HTML? I thought it'd just be `echo $createDom` but the vdom module says it only works on the JS platform
07:25:53FromGitter<jrfondren> oh that's not vdom from karax. that's dom from nim, and I'm only on 0.19.4
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07:36:24*rockcavera quit (Remote host closed the connection)
07:41:43FromGitter<gogolxdong> you need ⏎ template kxi(): int = 0 ⏎ template addEventHandler(n: VNode; k: EventKind; action: string; kxi: int = 0) = ⏎ ⏎ ```n.setAttr($k, action)``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5cb97bb73b6cb0686a1921bd]
07:43:55FromGitter<gogolxdong> so that karax can generate html tag, attribute , and event.
07:48:47FromGitter<gogolxdong> and use nim c to compile your project.nim file.
07:52:50*Trustable quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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07:55:19FromGitter<jrfondren> ah ty. looking around for that helped me to find tests/nativehtmlgen.nim
08:01:39FromGitter<mratsim> How did the ACCU talk on Nim hot code reloading went?
08:04:09FromGitter<mratsim> I don't see the talk in ACCU's playlist (it was updated yesterday)
08:07:15FromGitter<jrfondren> (10 minutes of debugging: [] on a non-power-of-2 CountTable results in what looks like an infinite loop. my first step should've been: compile without -d:release)
08:11:45FromGitter<mratsim> 10 minutes is OK :P
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08:46:36FromGitter<jrfondren> using CountTable.sort with 63k keys: 48s. getting a seq of all the pairs and sorting that: 2.5s, with https://gist.github.com/jrfondren/d2a363effffa1e7e1ea3c2eb59f654f3
08:46:47FromGitter<jrfondren> but with that I've got to go
08:51:45*Vladar joined #nim
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09:23:27FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> hi
09:23:34FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> i have found a bug in net package
09:23:51FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```nim
09:23:51FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> when isMainModule:
09:23:51FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> import net
09:23:52FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> echo("Hello, World!")
09:23:52FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> let socket = newSocket()
09:23:52FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> socket.bindUnix("/tmp/discord-ipc-0")
09:23:55FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> echo socket.isNil()
09:23:56FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ``
09:23:59FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> Error :
09:24:01FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```
09:24:03FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```nim
09:24:04FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> when isMainModule:
09:24:06FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> import net
09:24:08FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> echo("Hello, World!")
09:24:10FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> let socket = newSocket()
09:24:12FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> socket.bindUnix("/tmp/discord-ipc-0")
09:24:14FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> echo socket.isNil()
09:24:16FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```
09:24:17FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```
09:24:19FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> Error: unhandled exception: Address family not supported by protocol [OSError]
09:24:21FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ```
10:03:56ZevvUse let socket = newSocket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP)
10:04:13FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> thanks
10:06:27ZevvThe higher level socket abstractions default to TCP
10:06:31Zevvmakes sense, probably
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10:46:59FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> not work 😦
10:47:08FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> only implentation for <Socket, path>
10:49:55*jjido joined #nim
10:50:15Zevvwhat's your problem now? I use unix sockets in Nim, works just fine
10:50:28Zevv(btw: please no code dumps on irc, use a paste bin service somewhere)
10:54:01FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> with https://hastebin.com/emuwitovef.bash , i've Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory [OSError]
10:54:01*jjido quit (Client Quit)
10:54:01FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> But repository exist
10:54:06FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> with https://hastebin.com/emuwitovef.bash , i've Error: unhandled exception: No such file or directory [OSError]
10:54:06FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> But directory exist
10:55:54leorize@SirBroadwell: edits on discord will be seen as multiple messages on IRC, so please avoid doing so
10:56:57FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> ok sorry
10:57:38Zevv@SirBroadwell: who is listening on your unix socket?
10:59:04ZevvYou are trying to connect to a unix socket, but if the target socket does not exist on your fs (aka: noone binded that socket), you'll get a "No such file or directory".
10:59:14ZevvWhich is the unix equivalent of "connection refused"
11:03:15FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> Oh okay
11:03:20FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> I have success with bindUnix
11:04:06FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> I have little question, with https://hastebin.com/tacifucike.cs how send value in write_byte method ?
11:04:22FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> i'm start nimlang, it's my first exercice
11:07:14ZevvSo I guess you want to serialize your OpCode to some kind of binary format?
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11:24:26FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> yes
11:26:05shashlickAraq that nimble PR is ready for review.
11:27:00AraqI'm on holidays
11:29:39Araqshashlick: what's working?
11:30:19FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> @Zevv
11:31:34Zevvwell, do you need to adhere to some existing protocol, or are you making something here yourself?
11:31:38Zevvwhat's on the other end?
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12:05:33federico3a programmatic way to change version in a .nimble file?
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12:28:53Araqversion = "auto"
12:29:16Araq# take it from the git tag
12:29:32Araqwe don't have that, but we really need it...
12:30:11federico3https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/419 we do not :(
12:32:39dom96no, what we need is an API that allows the Nim code to retrieve the Nimble version
12:32:52dom96and get Nimble to pass that via a --define
12:33:26dom96as far as setting it programmatically goes, we just need a `nimble tag` command
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12:34:30Araqverions = staticExec("git tag") ?
12:34:36Araqversion = staticExec("git tag") ?
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12:35:05dom96stop suggesting these fragile things
12:35:13dom96the version should be known statically
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12:39:32federico3uhm, nim doc2 --docSeeSrcUrl ... is not putting the URL anywhere
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12:39:58Araqworked for Nim.
12:45:01federico3and it's not working here with doc and doc2
12:47:25dom96sounds like we need to update docs and deprecate --docSeeSrcUrl
12:47:52federico3"deprecate"? It's broken already
12:48:23dom96nim doc2 --docSeeSrcUrl -> Deprecated: Please use --git.url and --git.commit instead
12:49:01federico3https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9444 should be reopened to improve the documentation around this
12:49:48federico3nim --fullhelp does not document those options
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12:50:23Araqdotted options are not documented
12:50:41Araqand need to die :P
12:52:02dom96You've merged the PR that introduced them
12:52:34federico3also the manual has nothing related to documentation generation https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html
12:52:49dom96settle on what we have instead of now changing the format of it yet again
12:53:08dom96federico3: the manual specifies the language, not the implementation
12:53:50federico3that does not help the readers
12:54:32Araqdom96: it's worse, I introduced it myself, the idea was that you can set gcc.options.always via the command line
12:56:43Araqprobably these config flags should also be checked though. Damn, that will be some work.
12:56:50dom96what's the problem with it?
12:57:40Araqit's complex, these flags are like $CC.[$OS].[$CPU].(always|debug|release)
12:57:54Araqwith optional parts and stuff
12:58:19dom96so? It works
12:58:52Araqit's not *checked*, make a typo and nobody will notice
12:59:15Araqso that's why foo.bar command line options are not checked either
12:59:36Araqthey are passed to the "general purpose" string based subsystem
13:00:03FromGitter<arnetheduck> to replicate python imports, where symbols do not automatically clutter the global symbol table, it's `from xxx import nil`, right?
13:00:06dom96ok, so give each sub-flag a "used" flag and set it when the flag is retrieved in the compiler
13:00:21dom96if not, throw an error
13:00:52dom96this will only give an error at the end
13:00:59Araqarnetheduck: right, but it usually introduces more bugs than it prevents
13:01:05dom96Certainly there are ways to define these statically ahead of time
13:01:25FromGitter<arnetheduck> @Araq what kind of bugs?
13:01:53Araqyou overwrite `==` or `$` for your type 'T' and then you selectively import from the *module* and end up with system.$ and system.==
13:03:24FromGitter<arnetheduck> right, no adl in nim
13:03:46Araqin retrospect C++ got it right with its 'class' keyword :P
13:04:19FromGitter<arnetheduck> https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/adl
13:05:01dom96also, what ever happened to that smart import someone suggested on the Nim forum. The one that would allow you to import types and their corresponding procs?
13:05:20dom96That sounds like it would make people happy
13:05:53AraqI annoyed the contributor who worked on it.
13:10:44Araqalso it would be yet another feature to learn, I prefer to fix real language deficiencies
13:11:20Araqif your module has so many unrelated crappy procs that you don't want to import, maybe make the mmodules smaller
13:12:46Araqplus `import x except a, b, c` works well IME
13:13:46FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> I want to make a rich presence for discord @Zehh
13:14:05FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> I have to send my opcode in the write_byte but I can't
13:15:26FromGitter<arnetheduck> we're a bit stuck on that front - making smaller modules means it's hard to name them and the module-unique-name-thing bites us.. we also can't make smaller packages because the tooling is not up for it (hard to have multiple packages in single git repo and hard to manage multiple git repos)
13:15:43FromGitter<arnetheduck> on smaller projects, I guess it's not that much of an issue but..
13:15:52dom96@SirBroadwell I guess you're reimplementing Discord's Rich Presence lib? Why not just use it?
13:16:33dom96> hard to have multiple packages in single git repo
13:17:10federico3don't the nimble files conflict?
13:17:31dom96no, as long as they're in separate dirs
13:18:12federico3nimble does not break with not having a .nimble file at the root?
13:18:15FromGitter<arnetheduck> something with nimble afair. though I guess we can stop worrying about that now that we've moved on..
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13:19:43Araqarnetheduck: I don't know if it helps your use cases but `import x except ...` works much better than `from x import nil`
13:19:49FromGitter<arnetheduck> basically, we want a monorepo with lots of packages in it, and we want to cross-ref those "internally"
13:22:13dom96Any reason why you cannot just use Nim's --path for this?
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13:22:26dom96You shouldn't even need Nimble
13:22:55Araqplease don't use --path, use relative addressing :-)
13:23:17Araq--path predates import ".." / [foo, bar, baz]
13:23:42FromGitter<arnetheduck> we can and we are. Stefan came up with some hack where we create a bunch of fake nimble files that only set the paths correctly - they don't work with nimble, but they satisfy the nim compiler which reads the same file. a thing of beauty :)
13:23:44dom96really? You want to manually fix all those import paths whenever a module is moved around?
13:24:16dom96The Nim compiler only needs an empty file called `pkg.nimble`
13:24:29dom96Remember: `pkg.nimble` is the same as __init__.py in Python
13:24:31Araqdom96: yes. I can understand that others don't like that, but I prefer it this way.
13:25:20Araqbut I'm probably super biased since I don't really use sub directories
13:25:28FromGitter<arnetheduck> relative addressing, unless it somehow magically avoids the unique-module-name thing, breaks for `a/util` and `b/util`
13:26:03dom96inb4nameyourmodulesomethingelse :P
13:28:42FromGitter<arnetheduck> well, the english language is such that many words are overloaded depending on the domain.. `util` is a silly example mostly because every project ends up with that kind of dumping ground..
13:28:43AraqI have 3 different tester.nim files and always pick the wrong one, I'll rename them soon. unique names ftw.
13:30:04Araqin theory I could always write testament/tester.nim but I don't and so it shall be testament.nim
13:31:46dom96testament/tester.nim implies that it's a tester for testament
13:31:55dom96so yes, testament.nim is much better
13:32:11Araqnimpretty/tester.nim really tests nimpretty though :P
13:33:21FromGitter<arnetheduck> all the solutions along the line of "just name your stuff better" presume you're in a position to affect the naming, but often you're not - 3rd party libs, domain-specific structures etc..
13:34:08FromGitter<arnetheduck> ie the perspective that the world should adapt to you doesn't quite scale
13:34:49FromGitter<yglukhov> imo it's a scalability issue. imagine a project with hundreds of files in complex hierarchies and programmers who don't even know each other working on it. The first programmer who "reserves" a file name is lucky :). But it can get worse than that actually. The collision might be commited and exist unnoticed for a while if it's imported under `when defined`. And then some "irrelevant" change reveals the collision, and
13:34:49FromGitter... all of the project members are like wtf. This story is taken from the real life :)
13:34:50Araqyeah but 3rd party libs have the .nimble file and then Nim shuts up about it
13:35:27dom96and then you'll get two nimble packages with the same name and you're fucked :P
13:36:08FromGitter<yglukhov> btw, 2 nimble packages with the same name can and should also be allowed and handled.
13:36:21FromGitter<yglukhov> but that's a different story
13:44:01Araqmy /usr/bin has 1054 files. I don't like it but I don't see articles how "UNix doesn't scale" either
13:49:50FromGitter<yglukhov> i didn't say "it doesn't scale". i said it's an issue. yeah, i don't encounter it every day, but still this limitation seems just too unnatural. i.e. I don't see a reason for the semantics to disallow duplicates.
13:57:27Araqthere are 2 reasons for it:
13:57:50Araq1. I thought it nudges you into good development practices. (I still think it so.)
13:58:37Araq2. pkg_module needs to be unique for (easier/deterministic) C code generation.
14:02:15FromGitter<yglukhov> 1) You can't really use that as an argument. You gan't measure goodness and rightness of development practices. Judging from how often this topic is touched by the community, I would conclude that sometimes this practice might be "good".
14:02:28FromGitter<yglukhov> 1) That's an implementation detail, not design.
14:02:55Araqit doesn't matter, it's a real problem with no obvious solution
14:03:57FromGitter<yglukhov> really? why?
14:04:47FromGitter<yglukhov> here's one immediately obvious solution. reflect dir structure in nimcache like java does.
14:05:03Araqit's not about the directory structure
14:05:31AraqI need to generate nimble_module_init procs, for example
14:06:06Araqand I don't want to have home_araq_projects_nim_compiler_ast_init() names
14:06:32Araqthat's not only too long, it's also machine specific code which would be harder to test
14:07:27FromGitter<yglukhov> it doesn't have to be absolute. you always have project root, no? :)
14:08:10FromGitter<yglukhov> but you're right. it's *slightly* more complex than I envisioned. still pretty obvious ;)
14:08:59Araqwhat's the project root? if I compile with 'nim c src/main' I get totally different C code than if I do 'cd src && nim c main' ?
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14:09:41FromGitter<mratsim> How does java deal with windows 256 characters limit in path if they reflect the dir structure? Java projects tend to have a crazily nested hierarchy
14:10:01FromGitter<yglukhov> I don't want you to implement this feature, I want you to to stop justifying the lack of it :)
14:10:19Araqno, tell me how to implement it and 0.20 will have it
14:10:23FromGitter<mratsim> Cargo/rust use the cargo.toml position as the project root
14:11:12FromGitter<mratsim> assuming you use cargo build, this is reasonable, if you use rustc directly, project root is the source file (not the working directory)
14:12:07FromGitter<mratsim> Caveat: when I started Rust I was absolutely confused how to import a file in the same directory
14:12:38Araqmratsim: that limit is not necessarily 256 but indeed some Java projects simply don't build on Windows. Been there, tried that.
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14:14:52Araqmratsim: I could use the .nimble file if it exists and then go up until I find one. And if I don't find any, ignore the first 3 dirs which likely are something like /home/<user>/stuff
14:14:53FromGitter<yglukhov> speaking of path length limitation. if it worked for the source files in the first place, it will most likely work for nimcache, because nimcache paths will most likely be shorter :)
14:15:43FromGitter<mratsim> Rust only uses the cargo.toml if used with cargo, otherwise it's the file passed as argument.
14:16:15Araqthat sucks a bit though as 'nimble c' and 'nim c' are usually interchangable
14:16:15FromGitter<mratsim> but Cargo was designed from scratch to handle complex project and the rustc compiler was to be used sparingly
14:17:20FromGitter<mratsim> checking the directory ups in the filesystem might trip some security or sandboxing measures, I wouldn't recommend it.
14:18:36FromGitter<mratsim> Since it's a project/package issue it should be handled at the package manager level
14:18:55FromGitter<yglukhov> doesn't nim already do that? :)
14:19:24FromGitter<mratsim> the compiler should have a setRootDir/path option and the package manager should handle the magic and pass the proper path to the compiler
14:20:35FromGitter<yglukhov> i'm not a fan of package-manager-centric philosophy tbh. imo the compiler should be clever enough by its own
14:23:19FromGitter<mratsim> It's a separation of concerns. A tool that does one thing well: parsing, semcheck, building a binary. And one tool that does the complex project management well as well.
14:24:08FromGitter<mratsim> my main issues with naming is when vedoring multiple C projects
14:24:18FromGitter<mratsim> vendoring*
14:25:23FromGitter<mratsim> you get multiple C files with potentially conflicting names (main, tools, utils), and you might have to do silly workarounds for that.
14:25:25FromGitter<yglukhov> kinda yeah. but my point is that the compiler should be as close to the *default* way of package management as possible, still allowing to fallback to a different way.
14:25:57FromGitter<yglukhov> anyways, that's a topic orthogonal to duplicate file names :)
14:27:52shashlickAraq: sorry I had to drop earlier
14:28:33shashlickhttps://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/635 is ready for review
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14:29:00shashlickNot sure what you meant by what's working
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14:29:51FromGitter<yglukhov> oh, btw. why "remove" compiler dependency from nimble? it feels like potentially less optimized way of parsing nimble files. might be relevant in... wait for it... complex projects :)
14:31:07shashlickWell it prevents having an older version of the compiler embedded in nimble that needs separate maintenance
14:31:54shashlickPlus shows nimble to evolve independently
14:33:34shashlickThe PR is testing the code with stable and devel, so in the future you could update nimble like pip while keeping the compiler stable
14:35:04shashlickLast, Araq wants to compile nimble files instead of using nimscript which will be a trivial next step from this pr
14:35:22FromGitter<yglukhov> ok, i see...
14:36:18shashlickMany more advantages, I can go on, but quick list
14:37:57shashlickAlso it's still fast since most nimble functions are compiled in, only reading the package info, hooks and custom tasks need the vm
14:38:45Araq"A tool that does one thing well: parsing, semcheck, building a binary" that's 3 things and that's also why there is no science involved in these claims.
14:39:22Araqbut it reads nice when put into a brochure.
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14:42:35FromGitter<mratsim> that's compiling
14:45:43FromGitter<yglukhov> nimble + nim = building :)
14:48:36FromGitter<mratsim> a project*
14:50:30shashlick@dom96 did you see the choosenim binaries I posted?
14:57:05FromDiscord<SirBroadwell> please react with https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/4799
14:57:22FromGitter<yglukhov> Araq: so to summarize. filename duplication would involve a notion of package root (which already exists), src structure replication in nimcache, init-functions names to include paths, (maybe) symbol hashing. Did I miss anything?
15:02:32FromGitter<mratsim> @SirBroadwell, @narimiran was hired for all of that in January :p
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15:17:45FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I am having a hard time using the dynlib pragma with exportc
15:17:58FromGitter<kaushalmodi> it is hard-coding my $USER in the .so reference
15:18:12FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so other users in my team are seeing a failure
15:18:28FromGitter<kaushalmodi> our flow involves using precompiled .so files from a central place
15:19:20FromGitter<kaushalmodi> as I compile those, it contains hard-coded references to the .so file even when I have `dynlib: ".." / "foo" / "bar.so"`
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15:19:50FromGitter<mratsim> what if you use {.link: " ..." .} instead?
15:20:18FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so, just replace dynlib with link?
15:21:49FromGitter<kaushalmodi> .. and I meant `importc`, not `exportc`
15:22:53shashlickwhy are you giving a path, should't it be found with ldpath
15:23:48FromGitter<mratsim> I use link like this, I had issues with dynlib hardcoded path as well here: https://github.com/numforge/agent-smith/blob/master/third_party/ale_wrap.nim#L36-L58
15:24:18FromGitter<kaushalmodi> shashlick: I need to figure out how to do that
15:24:32shashlickmost nim examples i've seen just give so file without any path
15:24:34FromGitter<kaushalmodi> for now, I am creating a symlink in linux to the .so in the same dir at the .nim
15:24:50FromGitter<kaushalmodi> that works locally.. let's see if Jenkins likes it
15:25:41shashlickhttps://github.com/genotrance/nimbass/blob/master/nimbass.nimble#L18 is how i did it with bass.so
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15:31:18shashlicki tried building nim in armv6 last night but csources build failed
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15:36:48shashlick/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld: c_code/2_1/stdlib_io.o: undefined reference to symbol 'fflush@@GLIBC_2.4'
15:36:54shashlickthis is on dockcross
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15:39:24FromGitter<Varriount> shashlick: Sounds like the C compiler isn't linking in glibc object files
15:43:47Araqyglukhov: no, it's too much, all it takes is to change internally how we name the "fake nimble" packages
15:44:25Araqit should be pretty easy to change once we figured out how to determine these names
15:44:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> shashlick: Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH fixed it. Thanks
15:49:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> there was another way without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, using some pragma within the Nim code
15:49:54shashlickwhich so is fflush in? -ldl is already in the command line
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16:19:04leorizeshashlick: libc.so
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16:28:19shashlickShouldn't that get linked automatically?
16:28:31shashlickDo you have to specify -lc?
16:29:23shashlickUnless csources are looking for glibc2. 4 and there's an older version in this container
16:37:17leorizeyea, it's usually linked automatically
16:38:17leorizetry running `nm -D /path/to/libc.so | grep fflush@GLIBC` and see if the linked libc provides it
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16:42:31smitopHow is that erroring?
16:43:04smitop`bug.nim(10, 6) Error: '$' can have side effects`
16:43:17smitopBut I can't see how `$` has side effects
16:45:40shashlickThanks will try
16:47:22xacejesus smitop Tx is very confusing for my eyes
16:47:48xaceisn't echo the problem?
16:48:35smitopYep, that line is what calls the function causing the error
16:49:24leorizesmitop: looks like `some` have side effects, somehow
16:52:51leorizethe compiler should point out where exactly the side effects are, maybe worth a bug report
16:53:01FromGitter<jrfondren> even if you pull that out and say tx.prevTx == secret, it has side effects
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17:02:04FromGitter<arnetheduck> I
17:02:17FromGitter<jrfondren> options.get can throw exceptions
17:06:34FromGitter<arnetheduck> so the problem at hand is to determine the package root. a simple solution would be to add a directive in the file that tells it what package it's part of.. `package std` or whatever.
17:10:57FromGitter<arnetheduck> but tbh, I haven't thought it through that much.. I only note that the defaults in the language as they are now are poorly optimized for collaborative development.. they don't promote easy reuse of other people's code, and don't protect from things that patently are bad ideas as the project grows.. conceptually, it's the same situation as with mutable globals - I write some scripty code today and it kind of works at
17:10:57FromGitter... the tiny scale, but it comes back to bite me as soon as I want to go multihtreaded (in 2019!!) or multi-module... if I look at some random nim code on github, chances are exceedingly high that it's not suitable for multithreading etc, and therefore cannot be reused.
17:12:18FromGitter<mratsim> I think we should write a post about our difficulty at using Nim at a larger scale, contrasting that with other compiled language approach like Go or Rust.
17:12:38FromGitter<jrfondren> wheels that aren't kicked will be discovered to be flat.
17:15:09FromGitter<arnetheduck> sure, though you know, we can find tweaks and workarounds and so on for specific issues - these are issues however that I think need addressing at a holistic level so that whatever the solution is, it "fits" well with the rest
17:16:30FromGitter<arnetheduck> maybe the focus of nim isn't to be good at collaborative development - I have no idea :)
17:16:53shashlickWell I'm in a small bubble but even when I was working on a large project, you cannot envision everything up front
17:17:08shashlickSome rearchitecture is inevitable
17:18:09shashlickBut I am curious about specific instances where something didn't work - at least I relate better with examples
17:18:17FromGitter<arnetheduck> shashlick - that depends - if the language promotes good defaults, the amount of rearchitecture goes down / I can trust random code to be likely not to exhibit the bad practices
17:20:03shashlickDefaults are a cage, you will want to go out eventually and every instance will push the envelope further
17:20:07FromGitter<arnetheduck> sure. `gcsafe` is a trivial one - by default, nim code is mutable, global and thread-unsfae, and you have to go out of your way to avoid it (remember to use `let`, `func` etc - even though they're not extensively used in std lib and other random nim code you copypaste from.
17:21:46FromGitter<arnetheduck> no, defaults are defaults. they guide what you do *when you're not thinking about that particular aspect of the code*... ie when you're busy with the business logic, the defaults are what prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot. a good language (in my eyes) will then allow you to escape the defaults and do what's necessary in those exceptional situations that demand it
17:22:12FromGitter<jrfondren> as an alternative to smart import, you could have some slim windows to your large modules that import the large module and then only re-export smaller sections of it. these would need to tediously except all the stuff they don't want, but at least that's somewhat hidden.
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17:28:28FromGitter<jrfondren> you can find your mutable globals and add {.threadvar.} to them. the reverse of what I'm used to (adding something like {.sharedvar.} selectively)
17:28:33shashlickWell you can end up with a Haskell situation where mutability becomes a nightmare
17:30:03shashlickBut that sounds like a fundamental thing with Nim
17:30:14shashlickHow do you propose dealing with that
17:30:39shashlickAnd how do rust or go help with that?
17:34:09FromGitter<mratsim> mutability being a nightmare is a feature in Haskell
17:34:25FromGitter<mratsim> then you have to explain beginners how to read and write into a file
17:35:33FromGitter<mratsim> Rust and go has reference approaches on imports for large collaborative codebases.
17:37:47FromGitter<arnetheduck> @jrfondren that's exactly what I'm talking about - if I have to make an extra effort to make my code thread safe, I won't first time around, because all my attention is focused on the business logic of the actual problem I'm trying to solve. thus I'll use whatever the language promotes without even thinking about it.. if the language promotes practices that are good for small-scale scripting / solo development,
17:37:48FromGitter... that's the kind of nim code that will be most prevalent - it's really that simple..
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17:39:37FromGitter<arnetheduck> `c` is like this too - it's easy to write code plagued by security holes and memory corruption, and that's simply what happens
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17:43:39FromGitter<mratsim> as long as we don't get the inverse in excess (i.e. Haskell/Rust)
17:47:26disruptekjrfondren: CountTable.sort() is fixed in devel.
17:48:21FromGitter<jrfondren> cool, ty
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17:50:42disruptekthe goal should not be to make bad dev practices hard, but rather to make good dev practices easy/default.
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17:53:52rayman22201Hey shashlick. I'm just getting back online. (Yay, timezones!) I sent you a pm on gitter.
18:00:54rayman22201regarding name-space issues and large scale project management. I like the idea that the Unison language is trying. Every symbol in the global namespace is just a hash, and each user has their own database of hash -> name. It doesn't matter if you have "pkg a/util" and "pkg b/util", they have different hashes, and you can just call them what ever you want. And I can call them something completely different if I want. :-P
18:01:29rayman22201It's a very radical, experimental, and untested approach though.
18:02:11disruptekwhere do you specify the binding, though?
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18:06:19rayman22201There has to be some kind of tool support to handle name conflicts. When you import a symbol you have to specify what name you want to give it.
18:06:37rayman22201or maybe I don't understand your question?
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18:07:56FromGitter<jrfondren> what you're describing of Unison just sounds like a boring implementation detail. What's the actual experience of using it?
18:09:20rayman22201"boring" is relative. I think it's quite exciting :-P also, it's an entirely different design for symbol resolution. How is that "just and implementation detail"?
18:10:29rayman22201that's like saying "functional programming" is just an "implementation detail". or "hashing" is an implementation detail... What hash algorithm you use is an implementation detail, "hashing" is the design.
18:10:57FromGitter<jrfondren> it's boring because it doesn't actually imply anything about the experience.
18:11:17shashlick@rayman22201 just replied on gitter
18:12:04rayman22201It implies that you never have symbol name clashes that fail to compile like "pkg a/util" and "pkg b/util"
18:12:19rayman22201that is a big difference to user experience.
18:12:34FromGitter<jrfondren> namespaces in Python are just hash tables. Common Lisp has symbol tables and symbols themselves may as well be hashes. Wordlists in Forth easily let you have multiple words that refer to the same code, etc.
18:13:39FromGitter<jrfondren> well the "duplicate utils in submodules" sounds like a bug in Nim rather than anything else
18:14:32rayman22201some people think it's a bug. Araq thinks it is a feature. That is the core of this argument.
18:15:17rayman22201The difference with Unison is two things:
18:15:17rayman22201- the granularity of hashing. It's at the individual symbol level, not the module level
18:15:17rayman22201- each user has their own unique name -> hash mapping
18:15:31FromGitter<mratsim> there is no conflict if they come from different modules. ⏎ ⏎ But we want a monorepo and Nim/Nimble lacks facilities for this
18:16:01FromGitter<mratsim> so at the moment we have a workaround with git submodules and makefiles
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18:21:59FromGitter<mratsim> Like top 1 obstacle, if we use a src/module1, src/module2, src/module3 hierarchy, and then include["src"] in a nimble file, the src folder disappear and all modules become top-level, it makes it very hard to keep in sync dev and deployment because paths are different
18:22:39FromGitter<mratsim> And even nimble is suffering from this: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/blob/ee4c0aef26ae50062fdf6336d2213db3a317aca7/nimble.nimble#L4-L9
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18:27:48shashlick@mratsim I think nimble should have created a pkgname sub folder so that modules are imported as pkgname/x
18:28:00shashlickSo there's clarity on imports
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18:34:22Araqrayman22201: I do think it is a feature but I also don't care enough to keep it. ;-)
18:34:45rayman22201lol. fair enough
18:35:12Araqin fact, removing this limitation for 0.20 was on my todo and then it got cancelled due to time constraints, we really need to focus on the essentials
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18:39:40Araqmratsim: that nimble moves files around is a different problem IMO.
18:40:58disrupteki don't understand how what unison does is any different from `import foo as bar`.
18:42:46disruptekthe problem with hashing on some apparently unique quality of the environment is that it creates an insurmountable hurdle for "i know what i'm doing" scenarios.
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18:43:36disruptekbut, i'm still not convinced i understand the concept. :-P
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18:45:38Araqoh the concept is simple, you hash stuff into a number and then you have the theoretical possibility of a hash clash so you can then write an article "how hashing does not SCALE"
18:47:56disruptekdamnit, i already renamed all 3255 binaries in /usr/bin to their md5sums today to solve the "unix doesn't scale" problem. are you telling me that didn't solve the problem?
18:48:20disrupteklast time i take advice from #nim... :-P
18:48:26rayman22201Might be worth moving into #nim-offtopic, since we are getting into a tangent discussion. Hashes work for git, and that seems to have scaled pretty well lol
18:49:51Araqyou can can create commits that produce the same hash as some other commit and then use that to create an attack vector when somebody checks out a particular commit and then security is doomed and we're all gonna die
18:52:13FromGitter<mratsim> well git is using a better hash function than svn
18:52:14rayman22201lol. *boom*
18:53:34rayman22201The articles on Unison tend to ramble, but I think this one describes the UX they are going for decently: http://unisonweb.org/2015-06-12/editing.html
18:56:20rayman22201the big point is that computers are better at creating unique names than humans, so lets use that. It's not perfect but it scales better than what we currently have.
18:56:41rayman22201then just make tools for humans to read it easier.
18:57:48rayman22201but anyway. Nim should probably just do what Araq said, and remove the top level module name limitation :-P
18:58:16Araqshashlick: so. Now I'm ready to discuss your awesome Nimble PR.
18:58:23Araqif you are still here.
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19:11:36shashlickI'm here
19:11:43shashlickBut on the phone
19:12:25Araqok, good enough I guess. So did you manage to fix the problematic Nimble packages?
19:13:13shashlickYes I was putting an extra space which was treated as a separate file
19:15:34shashlickTests pass on stable and devel
19:15:35shashlickLinux and osx
19:15:51shashlickWindows tested locally
19:15:57shashlickBut that is nimble tests
19:16:12Araqtested 'nimx' with it?
19:16:24shashlickI tested some packages but only locally
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20:04:03shashlickAny big concerns with the implementation Araq?
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20:18:18disruptekshashlick is desperate for some positive feedback, people. he worked his ass off on this patch. :-)
20:40:29Araqshashlick: no. I'm still reviewing it
20:40:55Araqtomorrow I'll try your branch with my packages and then I'll fight on your side to push it through.
20:42:07Zevv13:27 <@Araq> I'm on holidays
20:42:44dom96I'm reviewing it too :)
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20:50:09xacein which version is `nim c -g` going to work?
20:50:48FromGitter<mratsim> what is nim c -g?
20:51:04xacemratsim: another way of saying --debugger:native
20:51:25FromGitter<mratsim> somehow I guessed that :p
20:51:41FromGitter<mratsim> if it's merged in devel it will be for 0.20
20:51:54xacei remember hearing about it, forgot where though... i'll use --debugger:native for now and change it sometime in the future, tho -g would be badass
20:59:38Araqwill be in 0.20
20:59:44shashlickThanks folks :)
21:00:46shashlickI can then port this to nawabs as well if there's interest
21:00:50shashlickWhere do nawabs and nimble intersect
21:01:27xaceOki. btw what are the limitations for nim module names? "my-prog.nim" results in Error: invalid module name
21:02:22Araqshashlick: better would be to add nawabs's ideas to Nimble
21:03:03Araqxace: because you can use mymodule.name to access the name and 'my-prog' is not a valid Nim identifier
21:03:58Araqfor file in walkFiles(d / "*.babel"): # dom96
21:04:14Araqcan I remove that? there shouldn't be any .babel files around, right?
21:04:28xaceAraq: oh, i see. you are right
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21:41:05FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I am facing a problem using a local Nim library that I use in both: compiling using --app:lib to .so and to an executable
21:41:33FromGitter<kaushalmodi> when compiling to the executable, I get error like ⏎ ⏎ > file_ops.c:(.text+0x67d): undefined reference to `svGetArrElemPtr1'
21:41:52FromGitter<kaushalmodi> but I don't get any error if I compile that to a .so
21:42:27FromGitter<kaushalmodi> and if I remove that {.exportc.} tag, the executable compiles fine
21:43:06Araqdoes the exe import the .so?
21:43:30FromGitter<kaushalmodi> no
21:44:01FromGitter<kaushalmodi> The `svGetArrElemPtr1` fn is defined somewhere in the SystemVerilog compiler runtime
21:44:27FromGitter<kaushalmodi> I don't need that in the exe; only in the .so (which I use with SystemVerilog compiler)
21:46:12FromGitter<kaushalmodi> so I am expecting for nim to not worry about svGetArrElemPtr1 when I am compiling to a binary
21:46:17FromGitter<kaushalmodi> Is there any way to do that?
21:47:24AraqsvGetArrElemPtr1 is used in file_ops.c/.nim
21:47:35Araqhow could the compiler "not worry" about it?
21:48:07FromGitter<kaushalmodi> :) I know .. But only I know that I am not going to call that fn using the svGetArrElemPtr1
21:48:39FromGitter<kaushalmodi> the SystemVerilog compiler tool contains 3.7k .so files
21:48:46Araqwhen appType == "lib":
21:48:52FromGitter<kaushalmodi> ah!
21:48:53FromGitter<kaushalmodi> perfect
21:48:55Araq proc ...
21:49:02FromGitter<kaushalmodi> let me try
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21:51:41FromGitter<kaushalmodi> works! (took me a while to revert everything I was messing around to try to understand this error :))
21:51:56FromGitter<kaushalmodi> thanks
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22:32:02FromGitter<jrfondren> not too familiar with github etiquette. Should I create an issue as well for https://github.com/zevv/npeg/pull/4 ? it's a straightforward bug fix, basically a typo.
22:40:45Araqjust create a pr#
22:41:12FromGitter<jrfondren> cool.
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22:43:05*stefanos82 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
22:52:01disruptekError: target STRING not available
22:52:16disrupteker, Error: target STRING not available
22:52:22disruptekdoh. damn c+p
22:52:40disruptekhow can i track down what is producing a ProveInit warning?
22:57:57*smitop quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
23:00:08*chickendan quit (Quit: Quit)
23:34:00*[rg] quit (Quit: Leaving)
23:43:24Araqhttps://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11064 tada
23:44:51*chimez joined #nim
23:46:15*disruptek claps.
23:46:20*chimez quit (Client Quit)
23:46:46disrupteki like the `when false:`. something i've added to my code since nim. :-)
23:55:55*rnrwashere joined #nim