<< 19-10-2017 >>

00:01:44*derlafff joined #nim
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00:23:26luka_hi, is there a Nim equivalent of "new T(x)"? I found T.new(), but it doesn't accept arguments (I know I can write a proper constructor, but I'd like to avoid that)
00:24:50*MightyJoe is now known as cyraxjoe
00:40:20FromGitter<Varriount> luka_: `var x = RefType(field: value)`
01:09:10luka_thanks! but what if the type is not a ref type?
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01:29:46*Nikky quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
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03:24:13*Kingsquee joined #nim
03:33:18FromGitter<zacharycarter> luka_ you can still do it with objects
03:35:08FromGitter<zacharycarter> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e81d6b614889d475d1e901]
03:40:17shashlickhttps://nim-lang.org/docs/theindex.html <= where/how is that generated?
03:49:28*endragor joined #nim
04:35:53FromGitter<Varriount> shashlick: Generated at documentation generation time. I don't know where it is on the main website.
04:44:19FromGitter<Yardanico> https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/blob/devel/doc/lib.rst
04:44:35FromGitter<Yardanico> And nimble package list is loaded via JS file
04:57:54*dddddd quit (Remote host closed the connection)
05:08:01*miran_ joined #nim
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06:04:39*ryanhowe_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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06:30:48*PMunch joined #nim
06:47:39*miran joined #nim
06:48:04FromGitter<mratsim> @luka_ the idiomatic way would be this: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e84aa4210ac2692004b37d]
06:50:30FromGitter<mratsim> By using “result”, you make sure that there is no copy or move, f is directly constructed
06:57:57*vlad1777d quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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07:05:21*Elronnd is now known as Pope
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07:19:49*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
07:24:17FromGitter<mratsim> Let’s grab some beginner dev in the Nim community: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/77cp4b/what_was_the_first_language_you_went_allin_on/
07:27:03*Arrrr joined #nim
07:29:09miranmratsim - what about experienced devs on HN? arraymancer might be interesting to many of them
07:31:47PMunchmratsim, just left a comment for you :) Always like to help getting some hype around Nim
07:33:19FromGitter<mratsim> @miran The arraymancer HN topic was a flop, no reaction, though the reddit generated a lot of reaction
07:33:52FromGitter<mratsim> And this one was seen by a lot of people in the Rust community: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/76olo3/why_rust_fails_hard_at_scientific_computing/
07:34:08PMunchPosting things like this is always a bit of a hit or miss
07:34:33PMunchIf it never goes above a certain threshold it just fizzles out
07:34:51FromGitter<mratsim> There will be lots of other opportunities when: ⏎ ⏎ 1) I add benchmarks with Google Tensorflow ⏎ 2) I compile to Javascript ⏎ 3) probably other stuff I don’t think about yet ... [https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=59e8559af7299e8f5306c8b4]
07:36:02PMunchI remember someone creating a Facebook service called thunderclap were a lot of people could queue up a like or comment so that when a site went live it would get a spike in popularity which would put it in a more prominent position to be noticed by even more people.
07:36:03*couven92 joined #nim
07:36:19PMunchOooh, arraymancer in JS, interesting
07:36:31FromGitter<mratsim> Also thankfully I’m in France, where all core devs of scikit-learn and scipy are (INRIA), and I’ve already talked to a couple people during an Artificial Intelligence conference at the beginning of the month: http://franceisai.com/conference/
07:36:45PMunchNot quite sure what that would be useful for (when would you do that instead of just compiling to C), but cool none the less
07:37:41FromGitter<mratsim> web services ? :p
07:38:27*Vladar joined #nim
07:40:43PMunchYeah but why would they be doing this kind of stuff?
07:41:33miranmratsim - are you talking about link to your blog? or have you tried posting link to github as 'show HN'?
07:44:07mirani remember link to your blog going unnoticed, but posting to 'show HN' might bring much more attention (less stuff is posted there and people are more interested in seeing original work)
07:48:02*skrylar joined #nim
07:52:21*rauss quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:52:46FromGitter<mratsim> Didn't yet
07:53:35FromGitter<mratsim> @Pmunch it would be very useful to be able to have a photo tagging service in REST, upload the photos it returns what tags match
07:53:38*rauss joined #nim
07:54:12FromGitter<mratsim> And change deep learning models on the fly, and also for quick demos
07:54:56PMunchYeah, I guess that's fair
07:55:00FromGitter<mratsim> I'm pretty sure there are plenty of use case I'm not aware of
07:55:05PMunchProbably :P
07:55:40PMunchI'm just so used to seeing people only talking about speed for these kinds of things so I never really considered anyone trying to run such things in the browser
07:55:56FromGitter<mratsim> https://github.com/karpathy/convnetjs
07:56:03FromGitter<mratsim> 8100k stars
07:56:53PMunchHuh, I guess that proves you're right:P
07:57:19FromGitter<mratsim> Speed for training but once trained it can be run on phones
07:57:20PMunchWill be interesting to see what kinds of speed you will be able to achieve with Nim generated JS code for something like this
07:57:31PMunchOh yeah, that's true
07:57:47PMunchYou can train somewhere else and then simply run it on pretty much anything
07:58:26FromGitter<mratsim> http://blog.booleanbiotech.com/dna-alignment-with-python-nim-and-javascript.html
07:58:41FromGitter<mratsim> Someone hacked Arraymancer to run on JS
07:59:58miranugh, not using log-plots
08:02:46PMunchHaha, that was fast
08:04:57PMunchHaha, I like how nimc is just a straight line in all the first plots :P
08:08:05PMunchBut it's a shame that nimjs is so much slower than his native JS implementation
08:08:06miranjust a sec, i'm making more useful versions of those plots
08:08:18*sleepyqt joined #nim
08:08:41PMunchAbout 1/2 as fast with his data-set
08:11:13miranfirst graph: https://i.imgur.com/SzypD47.png
08:12:26miransecond one: https://i.imgur.com/PE7ZusT.png
08:18:11AraqI think, I mostly can get 'nim js' down to 0 overhead
08:18:37PMunchOh really? That would be really cool
08:19:06Araqwell I mean "my own Nim code has no overhead"
08:19:08PMunchHow do you plan on doing that? Or to rephrase, what is the overhead now?
08:19:28Araqnot that I intend to patch the JS codegen further
08:20:07PMunchAh right
08:21:42Araqthough I could do that too :-)
08:28:35*gokr quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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08:37:13*gangstacat quit (Quit: Ĝis!)
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10:09:24*Yardanico joined #nim
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10:13:48Yardanicohi guys
10:16:52couven92Hi Yardanico! :)
10:19:49PMunchHi there
10:20:14PMunchcouven92, I was reading dom96's book last night and the chat-application might be something we could do for the workshop
10:20:28PMunchIt's pretty basic but shows off some of the features of Nim
10:20:37couven92PMunch, feasable :)
10:20:42PMunchPlus it would be cool to have people chat together :P
10:24:59Yardanicobtw, we would get gitter-like experience on twitch
10:25:11Yardanicosince (if someone didn't see it) I've registered "FromIRC" nickname on twitch xD
10:25:24PMunchYeah I saw that :)
10:25:50YardanicoIt's very strange that it wasn't taken
10:26:11PMunchMight get a bit noisy and weird in here though since people are commenting on a temporal thing not strictly linked to the channel. So maybe we should try it out in a new room first?
10:26:25PMunchOr we could try it here first then decide later
10:26:28Yardanicoyes it has a config file
10:26:31Yardanicoeasy to change :)
10:26:47PMunchYeah I saw that, checked out the project this morning :)
10:27:12Yardanicoi'll add server IP to config too
10:27:31Yardanicomaybe in the future it can be full-fledged twitch bot for anyone who wants irc - twitch bridge :)
10:28:23Yardanicoalso I didn't stress test it
10:28:27Yardanicoah, that's easy
10:28:31PMunchApparently not that many seeing how FromIRC wasn't taken
10:28:52FromGitter<mratsim> But you can already connect to any twitch channel chat from IRC
10:28:52PMunchBut maybe people just haven't though about it
10:28:58Yardanicomratsim: it's a bridge
10:29:04Yardanicoso you can send messages from YOUR irc channel to twitch
10:29:06PMunchIf you have a twitch account mratsim
10:29:08Yardanicoand from twitch to irc
10:29:12Yardanicolike FromGitter works
10:29:28Yardanicoso instead of Gitter - IRC we have IRC - twitch
10:29:31*Viktor_ joined #nim
10:29:37Yardanicowell, people from IRC will be able to write things too xD
10:29:40Yardanico*from gitter
10:30:26PMunch<FromIRC>: FromGitter: <PMunch> Hello world
10:30:27FromGitterPMunch, I'm a bot, *bleep, bloop*. I relay messages between here and https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim
10:30:36PMunchHaha :P
10:30:37YardanicoPMunch, yeah I will probably add a special case for that
10:30:51Yardanicofor gitter I mean
10:31:04PMunchYeah that would probably be a good idea
10:31:51Viktor_Hi Guys, I am just evaluating if I should use nim for my pet-project api. It is basically a simple crud (for now) with postgres data, and json responses. Did anyone write an api in nim, that is actually used in prod?
10:34:02FromGitter<zetashift> I haven't but these companies using it in production! https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Companies-using-Nim
10:35:06PMunchViktor_, I've used it for simple JSON REST server with SQL DB and a single-page Karax front-end
10:35:11PMunchReally easy to work with
10:36:04Viktor_<PMunch> how was the stability and memory consumption of your api?
10:36:49couven92Viktor_, That being said, Nim is still heavily in development, some of the APIs might change over time, possible creating breaking changes as we move forwards. Might be something to consider for use in production
10:37:21PMunchDidn't really measure as it was only for a school project, so stability wasn't an issue for me.
10:37:47PMunchcouven92, true. But you can always run the old compiled binaries
10:37:59PMunchOr use an older version of Nim while porting to a never one
10:38:21PMunchIt's not like Python 2/3
10:39:35couven92PMunch, it is still important to say for in-production use! It is very important for a company to know that they might have to put in some maintanance effort if they plan to maintain an application.
10:40:03*FromTwitch joined #nim
10:40:06Viktor_For me it is also my own pet-project api, so I could live with changes. Is there an estimated time for the api freeze?
10:40:26YardanicoViktor_, well nim doesn't have THAT much changes
10:40:39FromGitter<Yardanico> checking Gitter-IRC-Twitch :P
10:40:58PMunchYeah, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most breaking changes I've seen has been very easy to fix
10:41:17*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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10:41:33FromGitter<Yardanico> a
10:41:36*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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10:42:16FromGitter<Yardanico> hmm, doesn't work well for some reason
10:42:28*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:42:31couven92PMunch, Viktor_: yeah for pet-projects that is fine. I am just thinking in larger contexts here: If you have millions of LOC, breaking changes is a real pain in the a**, even if the change is easy to fix!
10:43:18Viktor_Thanks for the responses guys. What I am doing now is, I am writing the same little api in Node, Go, and Nim and evaluate which works best for me.
10:43:28*FromTwitch joined #nim
10:43:35FromGitter<Yardanico> still trying to make gitter-twitch work :/
10:43:50PMunchcouven92, that is very true
10:43:53couven92Viktor_, :) if you have time to do that, that is often a very good idea
10:44:26couven92(and we all know he'll conclude with Nim being superior, right?) :P
10:44:40*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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10:45:27PMunchOf course :)
10:45:28FromGitter<Yardanico> yeah, you're right
10:45:36*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:45:42Viktor_That's what after work hours are for. :) I have it already in Node, and Go, but I am not convinced of either. Nim seems to be the best of all worlds. Especially since I worked with coffeescript for years, the syntax is very similar.
10:46:30PMunchA simply CRUD in Jester is dead simple to do
10:46:52PMunchdom96, did we ever fix the metaprogramming thing in jester routes by the way?
10:47:30*FromTwitch joined #nim
10:47:37FromGitter<Yardanico> I'm trying to use strscans btw
10:47:51Yardanicowhy it doesn't workkk
10:48:01PMunchIt's really practical to have an error checking template for DB operations, but with the bug it just introduced more errors :P
10:48:22PMunchYardanico, how are you trying to do it?
10:48:45YardanicoPMunch, if scanf(message, "<$+>$s$+", checkNick, checkMsg): do stuff if it matches
10:48:54Yardanico$+ means 1 or more chars
10:49:04PMunchif username == "FromGitter": username = msg[1..msg.find(">")]
10:49:21Yardanicook :)
10:49:25*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:49:27PMunchWouldn't that work?
10:49:40Yardanicoyeah it would
10:49:42AraqYardanico: keep in mind scanf is not a regex
10:49:47PMunchThat way it only happens on FromGitter as well, so that I couldn't do:
10:49:48YardanicoAraq, I know
10:50:06PMunch<Yardanico> Now I would be spoofing you!
10:50:27Yardanicowell I'll just use the code that you've suggested!
10:51:08*skrylar joined #nim
10:51:44*FromTwitch joined #nim
10:51:51FromGitter<Yardanico> trying
10:52:09Yardanicoyeah that works, only need to remove a lot of not needed ">"
10:52:23*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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10:52:36FromGitter<Yardanico> sooo
10:53:06Yardanicooh wait, I've got a better idea
10:53:35*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:53:38Yardanicolol it's so simple
10:53:42*FromTwitch joined #nim
10:53:46FromGitter<Yardanico> and it probably would work
10:53:49Yardanicoyes it does
10:53:52*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:54:07Yardanicoso I just know the fact that gitter has messages like " <Yardanico> I'm trying to use strscans btw"
10:54:19Yardanicoso I just send this message to twitch without re-formatting it
10:54:24Yardanicobut probably I should add that it's from gitter
10:54:47Yardanicowhat would be the best way to indicate that this message was sent from gitter ? :P
10:54:58Yardanico<Yardanico@gitter> ?
10:57:11PMunchI guess that would work
10:59:46AraqYardanico: told ya the results are representative
11:00:01YardanicoAraq, yeah it seems so
11:00:06Araqdestructors are most exciting :P
11:00:35*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:00:36FromGitter<Yardanico> trying again
11:00:48Yardanicohmm, it shows as " <<Yardanico>gitter> > trying again" on twitch
11:01:12Araqspeaking of which, is there an IRC client for VS Code?
11:01:32couven92Araq, I know there is one for Vim :P
11:01:50YardanicoAraq, can't find any
11:02:10Araqcouven92: too bad vim cannot distinguish between scroll position, mouse position and cursor position then.
11:02:14YardanicoI found an extensions for gitter tho
11:02:36*Snircle joined #nim
11:03:15Araqmaybe get the basics right before boasting how your non sensical keyboard shortcuts from the 70ies make you more productive
11:03:58*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:04:02couven92Araq, not too fond of Vim, eh? :D
11:04:05*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:04:06FromGitter<Yardanico> (ignore) check
11:05:08*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:05:18FromGitter<Yardanico> (ignore sorry) check2
11:05:53FromGitter<zetashift> What does Araq use then? :o
11:06:14couven92@zetashift if the last stream is any indication: VS Code
11:06:34Araqcouven92: tried it multiple times, it never convinced me
11:06:48*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:07:11FromGitter<Yardanico> (check check check)
11:07:41couven92Araq, yeah, I only use it when I already am in the command-line and too lazy to switch out of the window or when I **have** to use (i.e. in an ssh without Graphical redirect)
11:07:45*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:07:57FromGitter<Yardanico> well it seems I did it (but the code isn't very clean)
11:08:02Araqcouven92: there is 'nano' for that
11:08:12Yardanico(nick, msg) = (data[0][2..^1] & " at Gitter", data[1].strip())
11:08:59*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:09:08couven92Araq, I hear people telling me that... But I have no clue how nano works, so instead of learning yet another set of key combos I stick to those I have already learned... It's a relic of the Linux-people around pushing Vim onto me :P
11:09:33FromGitter<Yardanico> I've never used any console editors as my main editor
11:09:41Araqyou don't have to learn nano, it tells you the combinations at the bottom
11:09:45*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:10:58couven92Araq, oh well... I'll try to remember next time :P But in reality now that the damage is already done, there is no real difference for me using Vim as opposed to nano, is there?
11:11:07*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
11:11:17Yardanicook, now I'll stress-test it in some empty channel (I can create it myself)
11:11:24Yardanicoe.g. connect to some popular twitch streamer
11:11:26Araqand they use this innovation called "ctrl" key (or Apple's rethought version of it)
11:11:36couven92People should instead try talking me out of using full-blown Visual Studio for everything instead of other (better) alternatives :P
11:12:36couven92Yardanico, what happends when I `/MSG FromTwitch Hi there!`
11:12:39Araqvim for coding is like lynx for browsing
11:12:48FromGitter<mratsim> Nano is only for conf files :p
11:13:11*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:13:11Yardanicocouven92, IDK, I've started the bot
11:13:12miranVS Code + Vim keybinding = nice combo
11:13:14Yardanicotry it
11:13:17couven92Araq, as you might imagine, the same people have been pushing lynx onto me as well... Thus far I have resisted :P
11:13:41Yardanicoit works xD
11:13:47couven92what happened?
11:13:54Yardanicocouven92, it sent the message to twitch
11:13:57*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
11:13:59YardanicoI'll add a check for the source
11:13:59couven92okay :)
11:14:06Yardanicoso I would check if it's from the can
11:14:31Yardanicowell I can keep it as it is now
11:14:42couven92yeah, probably a good idea now that I think of it... hmm...
11:14:48Yardanicoit would be strange though
11:15:15*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:15:43Yardanicocouven92, it doesn't crash :P
11:15:45Yardanicobut yeah, spam is real
11:16:41Yardanicoit's easy to check for though
11:17:28*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:17:46Yardanicoyeah, doesn't work now
11:18:17Yardanicocouven92, thanks for your help
11:18:31*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:18:41couven92I helped? Omg, what did I do now? :O
11:18:49Yardanicoso I'll finally change my nickname to FromIRC and try it on some very popular stream
11:18:59Yardanico(not my nickname, bot's nickname)
11:19:00Yardanicoon twitch
11:20:14Yardanicocouven92, you can join #twitchas (I'll stress-test it there)
11:20:16*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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11:20:30couven92on irc.twitch.tv, right?
11:20:46Yardanicocouven92, no, it's on irc
11:20:58couven92ah, okay...
11:20:58Yardanicofirstly I want to test twitch-irc :P
11:24:02skrylarnano/pico are the console equivalents of notepad :p
11:24:08skrylaralthough emacs with evil can be very nice
11:25:49livcdI use emacs but consider switching to Atom
11:26:10skrylarwhat would the point of that even be
11:26:42skrylaradmittedly i wish emacs/vim would integrate a fuzzy matcher already. fuzzy completion is really nice in Sublime
11:27:09Araq"do what I mean, don't do what I type"
11:27:14*Kingsquee quit (Quit: https://i.imgur.com/qicT3GK.gif)
11:27:22AraqI love these things too :-)
11:28:24livcdskrylar: more effortless setup, no elisp
11:29:00miranlivcd: sonsider VS code instead of Atom. you might be surprised
11:29:54FromGitter<dandevelo> I would like to add a prefix to my log messages such as "APPName" and be able to specify a different string for every app I build. Ideally this string would be written in the C code and not be allocated every time my program runs. How would I go about doing that?
11:31:07Araquse a custom logging module, not the stdlib'S :-)
11:31:38*PMunch_ joined #nim
11:32:46*PMunch quit (Disconnected by services)
11:32:48*PMunch_ is now known as PMunch
11:34:17Yardanicoyay, my twitchrelay works for unicode (tested on some korean stream)
11:35:56FromGitter<mratsim> @skrylar, your wish is my command: Vim with fuzzymatcher: http://owen.cymru/fzf-ripgrep-navigate-with-bash-faster-than-ever-before/
11:35:58Yardanicooh twitch
11:35:59YardanicoIf you send more than 20 commands or messages to the server within a 30 second period, you will get locked out for 8 hours automatically.
11:36:06YardanicoI should probably add a variable to count that
11:36:28couven92Yardanico, oooh... yeah :)
11:36:43YardanicoMods can type 100 messages in a channel before hitting this rate limit. If a message is sent to a room in which your global message count is already too high, you will be disconnected.
11:37:03Yardanicoif araq will give my bot a moderator status, it will be a lot better
11:37:17Yardanicoand they don't ban mods
11:37:23FromGitter<mratsim> !eval kick Yardanico
11:37:25NimBotCompile failed: in.nim(1, 1) Error: undeclared identifier: 'kick'
11:37:34FromGitter<mratsim> moderator status ;)
11:37:38FromGitter<mratsim> abuse*
11:37:52YardanicoNimBot uses nim playground for eval anyway
11:38:39FromGitter<mratsim> I meant, you probably want some filter to avoid people sending an ill-formed message in Gitter that does something “dangerous” on IRC
11:38:45FromGitter<mratsim> or Twitch
11:38:55Yardanicohow they would do some dangerous things?
11:39:09Yardanicomy message format is "<nickname> message"
11:39:37FromGitter<mratsim> it’s just food for thoughts
11:40:07Yardanicowell I don't think there would be a lot of evil people here :)
11:40:44YardanicoI'll enable the bot in #nim channel, and if there would be a lot of messages - I'll move to #nim-offtopic probably
11:40:53Yardanico(on today's stream)
11:41:11Yardanicoor if people will complain
11:42:18YardanicoAraq, can you add "FromIRC" as a mod to your channel on twitch? so we won't hit the message rate limit. Just type "/mod FromIRC" in your channel's chat
11:42:25Yardanicohttps://go.twitch.tv/araq4k here in the chat :)
11:42:58*PMunch_ joined #nim
11:43:17*PMunch quit (Disconnected by services)
11:43:21*PMunch_ is now known as PMunch
11:44:26PMunchThe stream is at 19:00 UTC right?
11:45:10*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:45:52FromTwitch<yardanico> ok, I've configured it, so let's just wait for the stream :)
11:46:06*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:46:19dom96hello guys
11:46:24Yardanicodom96, hi
11:46:44Yardanicodom96, I've improved twitchrelay a bit :P (added gitter support with the help from couven92)
11:47:24dom96oh, you mean you parse out the nickname from FromGitter?
11:47:28Yardanicodom96, yep
11:47:41Yardanicoand it would be like "<nickname from Gitter> message"
11:47:49Yardanico"<Yardanico from Gitter> hi"
11:48:24PMunchThat's even longer though Yardanico..
11:48:47Yardanicowell I don't know a better way to let people understand that this message was sent from gitter :P
11:49:02PMunchOr something else simple
11:49:17*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:49:20FromGitter<Yardanico> sending from gitter to #araq4k channel!
11:49:40*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
11:49:48FromGitter<Yardanico> test
11:49:52*FromTwitch joined #nim
11:49:54FromGitter<Yardanico> test
11:49:58dom96I don't think there is a need to let people know that it's from Gitter
11:50:04dom96but *shrug*
11:50:09Yardanicoalso you may check how it looks like here: https://go.twitch.tv/araq4k
11:50:18Yardanicojust type something in IRC
11:50:32Yardanicodom96, ok, I'll remove it
11:50:48*dom96 what happens with this?
11:51:01dom96That doesn't look right ;)
11:51:05Yardanicowhy ? :)
11:51:11dom96because it doesn't specify my nick
11:51:15Yardanicoah, yep
11:51:18dom96but still, nice work
11:51:25*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:51:34*Yardanico checking stuff
11:51:48Yardanicoah, so the message that is parsed by IRC library is
11:51:51Yardanico"ACTION checking stuff"
11:52:33YardanicoI can just use multireplace to remove these
11:53:14*PMunch Then we can say things here without twitch knowing. Muhaha
11:53:32PMunchOh wow, yeah you should fix that Yardanico
11:53:40Yardaniconah, I'll parse them as usual messages
11:53:43Yardanicothey'll be sent to twitch too
11:53:55PMunchNow without the nick it could possibly be abused
11:54:07Yardanicois there any commands apart from "/me" ?
11:54:14Yardanicowhich can do stuff like this
11:54:27PMunchHmm, people could /query the bot?
11:54:47PMunchBut nothing in a room itself I don't think
11:55:04Yardanicono I've already fixed that ( couven92 said about it)
11:55:23couven92No, I only did /MSG and /QUERY
11:55:32PMunchAnd you do have styles which I guess wouldn't work
11:55:39Yardanicoyeah, they wouldn't
11:55:45Yardanicobut Kappa KappaPride would work on twitch xD
11:56:08Yardanicotwitch emotes
11:56:14Yardanicothey're parsed in your browser
11:56:46*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:56:54*Yardanico doing some stuff
11:57:08*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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11:57:23*Yardanico one two three unicode привет
11:58:49Yardanicohmm, it has some weird  characters on twitch
11:59:55*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:00:03*FromTwitch joined #nim
12:00:04*Yardanico doesn't know why
12:00:08*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:00:32Yardanicoany ideas about that ? :P
12:00:32*FromTwitch joined #nim
12:00:43*Yardanico ping
12:00:57dom96looks fine to me
12:01:03Yardanicodom96, on twitch?
12:01:14couven92Your cyrrilic looks fine both in my browser and in HexChat
12:01:17dom96Yardanico: yeah
12:01:26Yardanicowell I'm not about cyrillic, I'm about /me stuff
12:01:43*Yardanico maybe it's just for me, but twitch shows some weird chars at the start and at the end of this message
12:02:04*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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12:02:14*Yardanico so probably it's just for me ...
12:02:37PMunchThere probably are some weird characters there, it's just that dom96 and couven92 have a font that doesn't render them
12:03:14*FromTwitch1 joined #nim
12:03:20*Yardanico I'll try to see that bytes they have (through repr)
12:03:25*FromTwitch1 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:03:28Yardanicooh wait, really
12:03:39Yardanicothey have \1 at the start and at the end
12:04:18dom96Yep. It's \1ACTION msg\1
12:04:25Yardanicoah, ok
12:04:59*FromTwitch1 joined #nim
12:05:01*Yardanico I just use .multiReplace for them :)
12:05:06Yardanicoyes, that works
12:05:09*FromTwitch1 quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:06:25*FromTwitch quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
12:07:05Yardanicooh, I'll probably use that as well
12:07:11Yardanicowow, you can use {} syntax here? !
12:07:17dom96We're getting a little army of bots here
12:07:22dom96Wanna make a FromSlack as well? :)
12:07:28dom96Yeah you can
12:07:35dom96Clever ain't it ;)
12:07:47dom96Remember, that syntax expands to a list of tuples
12:08:07Yardanicoyeah, I know
12:08:17*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
12:08:40YardanicoI'll remove  though :)
12:08:52dom96yeah, of course
12:09:07dom96I used it because somebody would have to be trying to be clever
12:09:13dom96whereas a /me is quite common for your sue case
12:10:16*FromTwitch joined #nim
12:10:17Yardanicodone\n newline?
12:10:22Yardanicoah, that's fake newline
12:11:35*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:12:33YardanicoI've pushed all changes to https://github.com/Yardanico/twitchrelay
12:14:14Yardanicoalso it works fine without -d:release
12:14:24Yardanicobecause speed is not an issue here :)
12:15:26*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
12:17:57AraqYardanico: it doesn't work though?
12:18:06YardanicoAraq, what do you mean?
12:18:14AraqI wrote 'test' in araq4k's chat
12:18:14YardanicoI'll start it on a VPS now
12:18:21Yardanicoit's not running now
12:18:25Araqand it doesn't show up here, oh ok
12:18:29*FromTwitch joined #nim
12:18:30Yardanicostarted it
12:18:37FromTwitch<araq4k> test
12:18:57FromTwitch<araq4k> good job!
12:19:32PMunchHi araq4k
12:19:52YardanicoPMunch, it doesn't change "araq4k" to "@araq4k" yet
12:19:55*PMunch thinks Yardanico did a good job!
12:19:56Yardanicolike fromgitter does
12:20:04PMunchOh does it?
12:20:14YardanicoFromGitter does
12:20:21Yardanicotry to write Araq here, it will show up as "@Araq" in gitter
12:20:29Yardanicoor no
12:20:36PMunchHuh, then I'll stop writing @ when talking to Gitter people :P
12:20:44Yardanicohmm wait
12:20:48YardanicoAraq: test gitter
12:20:50Yardanicoah yes
12:20:52Yardanicoit works this way
12:20:53dom96Araq: Got a second screen hooked up?
12:21:04PMunchOh, only when you add :?
12:21:09couven92PMunch, FromGitter will actually add @ when you mention a nick that is in the gitter room
12:21:10FromGittercouven92, I'm a bot, *bleep, bloop*. I relay messages between here and https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim
12:21:11Araqdom96: no, should I?
12:21:29Yardanicodom96, he'll check twitch chat in IRC :P
12:21:34AraqI'm trying to find a VS Code plugin instead that shows the chat
12:21:51couven92so feel free to omit the @ it'll be there anyways :P
12:21:52dom96Araq: yeah...
12:22:08Araqdom96: why?
12:22:43dom96Araq: So you can view the chat without having to switch windows?
12:23:03PMunchcouven92, according to Yardanico it seems to only work when you do couven92: and not just the nick
12:23:07PMunchBut I might be wrong
12:23:24Yardanicomaybe it works if your message starts with a nickname?
12:23:27couven92PMunch, to secs, let's try
12:23:27YardanicoAraq &*#&Q@%!@(#*$%
12:23:31Yardanicohmm, no
12:23:34FromTwitch<d0m96> Hello dom96
12:23:41dom96Hello d0m96
12:23:50Araqdom96: yeah but then I have to read out the chat or else people will be confused
12:23:55FromGitter<couven92> PMunch: try writing something to me, pls? on Gitter
12:24:03FromGitter<Yardanico> @couven92 hi
12:24:04Araqit's more bullet proof to have the chat part of the screen
12:24:05dom96Araq: No, you need to get a chat overlay like I have
12:24:11PMunchHi couven92
12:24:13FromGitter<couven92> without the @
12:24:30dom96Araq: Then you can have OBS in your other screen
12:24:31PMunchThat was without it
12:24:34dom96and see what your viewer's are seeing
12:24:36FromGitter<couven92> Yeah, you're right PMunch, it does not add the @
12:24:45*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:24:55Araqdom96: alright then
12:25:07dom96all you need to do is login to streamlabs
12:25:13PMunchcouven92: apparently it does when you do this
12:25:16couven92PMunch, but with nickname: it does
12:25:17dom96With your Twitch login
12:25:22dom96and then grab the URL for their chat widget
12:25:28*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
12:25:28dom96Put it into a BrowserSource in OBS
12:26:03Araqso you do suggest OBS records the chat window?
12:26:53dom96what do you mean?
12:27:24*FromTwitch joined #nim
12:27:28Yardanicook, I've started twitchrelay on my VPS
12:27:48dom96Yardanico: Can it relay to multiple Twitch channels?
12:27:55Yardanicodom96, I didn't add this feature yet
12:28:06Yardanicobut it shouldn't be too hard
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12:28:54Araqdom96: I mean the chat will be visible all the time for the watchers
12:30:50*JappleAck joined #nim
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12:32:47YardanicoI hope my bot wouldn't crash :P
12:33:56Yardanicocouven92, you don't need to connect to twitch irc anymore :P
12:36:03Yardanicoguys, ping me if you see "FromTwitch has quit (Remote host closed the connection)" in IRC :)
12:36:16Yardanico*will see
12:39:50YardanicoBTW, I've compiled it with -x:off to have traceback available in case it will crash
12:40:20*Viktor_ quit (Quit: Page closed)
12:40:25AraqYardanico: shouldn't that be -x:on ?
12:40:42dom96What's `-x`?
12:40:46dom96First time I'm seeing this
12:40:53YardanicoAraq, ah lol
12:41:19Yardanicodom96, -x, --checks:on|off turn all runtime checks on|off
12:41:25YardanicoAraq, wait, it should be off: -x, --checks:on|off turn all runtime checks on|off
12:41:38Yardanicolinedir and stacktrace are unaffected by -x
12:41:55Araqturn on these checks
12:42:16Araqas you said, efficiency doesn't matter for this application
12:42:21*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
12:42:26dom96what does this actually switch on?
12:42:35dom96that isn't already switched on by default?
12:42:35Yardanicodom96, enables/disables all runtime cheks
12:42:42Yardanicoout of bounds, range checks etc
12:42:52dom96those are enabled by default, no?
12:42:55Araqdom96: it is the default, yes
12:43:07*FromTwitch joined #nim
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12:43:14YardanicoAraq, ok, I've compiled it with "nim c twitchrelay"
13:02:37Yardanicoonly 6 hours left :p!
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13:26:40gangstacatwhose is this araq4k channel?
13:27:07couven92gangstacat, it's the Araq twitch channel
13:27:21gangstacatalright, nice idea
13:28:42*yglukhov quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
13:28:48couven92Araq, I am joining a workshop on AI at the university today, so I cannot be there live to watch you do destructors... :( Please upload the stream somewhere later so that I can enjoy your thought process again! :)
13:29:36couven92The benefit is that this time he can do his work without being interrupted be me :P
13:30:20Yardanicocouven92, use gitter & twitch from the phone
13:30:25Yardanicoat least you'll see the code and chat :D
13:30:41Araquploaded my first live coding to youtube
13:30:59Araqand the second two actually but youtube says it's "private" and I dunno why
13:31:20couven92Yardanico, that would be impolite, as at 19:00 we'll be talking with the guys doing the workshop, and they'll be giving us free beer
13:31:42YardanicoAraq, link ? :)
13:32:13couven92Araq, nice! I haven't watched the first one yet either, so I'll treat myself tonight when I get home :)
13:35:01*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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13:39:01luka_@zacharycarter, @mratsim, thanks!
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13:39:12mirancouven92: where are you located?
13:39:26couven92Tromsø, Norway
13:39:39couven92Home of the Northernmost University in the World :)
13:39:52mirancouven92: so at 21:00 you'll still be at the workshop? :)
13:40:10miranthat's a time for being at home and/or watching streams :)
13:40:55couven92miran, no the workshop will probably only last until 18:00 or so... But afterwards we're invited to the Pub to talk, socialize and to get free beer
13:41:01*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
13:41:57miranyeah, i'm going on some datascience meetup starting at 18:00, but hopefully i'll be home by the time the stream starts
13:42:14miranbut it seems there is a hope it will be later published on youtube :)
13:46:14couven92miran, well from experience I know that these social gatherings with business representatives can last last well into the evening, I don't expect to be home before 23:00 to day :P
13:48:10Araqdon't be too excited, I don't even know what to program yet
13:48:57couven92Araq, as I said the other day: it still is interesting just to hear the train of thought :P
13:49:00FromGitter<mratsim> @miran don't go there! It will be the bane of your existence, you will become all talk and no substance. Everything will be targeted at the potential "I know nothing" and as.an expert you won't learn anything. Plus I don't know about you but there are like 2-3 data science related Meetup per week in my area
13:49:02Araqmaybe I'll fake the poll and show Karax instead :P
13:49:46skrylarwhat even is a 'data science meetup'
13:50:51skrylar"man i compared the pearson r between hamburger diameter and the price of meat futures, its totally rad"
13:51:00FromGitter<mratsim> Machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language understanding, neural network, gradient boosted trees, classification, regression. Anything that allows you to deal with data
13:51:21miranmratsim - i'm going because i know the girl who will give the talk. and this is first meetup of this kind in my town, so i want to be there to give some support
13:51:40skrylarthe real reason emerges, cherches la femme. :P
13:51:52FromGitter<mratsim> Hehe!
13:52:13miranand after some time spent here with nim community, finally something where i can be "i know more than some of these people" :D :P
13:52:13couven92miran, Good luck with that! :D
13:52:22miranskrylar: :D :D
13:53:02miranso basically, i'm going to get some ego boost :D
13:53:23FromGitter<mratsim> You're doing data science in Nim?
13:53:27skrylardump the framework in the trash, read the whitepaper. congratulations you are no longer john snow
13:54:31miranmratsim - no(t yet). i'm coming from the python world (where i do some DS, but mostly numerics), and now i'm exploring nim - i just started
13:54:38livcdAraq: do something boring that is easily understandable :)
13:54:47miranyou can tell by all those basic questions i keep having :)
13:54:59couven92okay gotta go to the workshop. Good luck with your stream later Araq! :)
13:55:52*couven92 quit (Quit: Client disconnecting)
13:58:27YardanicoAraq, so can you share a link of your stream recording?
14:01:00Araqshould have given it a title lol
14:01:18Araqoh and apparently the Pretty printing is public now too
14:02:03dom96Create a playlist with your videos so that I can feature it on the Nim youtube channe;
14:02:29dom96Sorta how I've done with my videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDAYn_VFt0VisL5-1a5Dk7Q
14:03:30FromGitter<mratsim> Twitch is an awesome way to promote Nim, congrats on the idea
14:04:42livcdthere is a nim youtube channel ?
14:04:52dom96Yep :)
14:05:37dom96So since Araq is doing one today, maybe I should do a livestream tomorrow? :)
14:06:33Araqdom96: you need to do a livestream every day because it forces you to stay focussed on one task and be productive
14:06:52dom96That would kill me lol
14:07:37Araqmeh destructors are so hard, apart from that they already work
14:07:52dom96Sure it makes you more focused, but it also makes you more likely to write poor code because you don't want to bore people with refactoring.
14:08:01Araqno leaks, no GC, no crashes
14:08:23YardanicoAraq, ideal world? :)
14:08:36dom96Another good idea btw would be to put up a banner on your twitch account
14:08:45dom96Which specifies the time of your next stream
14:08:48dom96I wonder how that's done
14:08:51YardanicoAraq, pls rename these videos when you have time :P
14:09:27Yardanicodom96, https://www.twitch.tv/yardanico/dashboard
14:09:43Yardanicooh wait, wrong link
14:09:51dom96Yeah, I guess Twitch just lets you upload an image?
14:09:56Yardanicodom96, no
14:10:05Yardanicodom96, go to here https://www.twitch.tv/d0m96
14:10:09Yardanicothen scroll down
14:10:13Yardanicothen enable panel editing
14:10:25Yardanicoand you'll be able to add a text or image panel :P
14:10:31dom96But that's below the video
14:10:33dom96isn't it?
14:10:41Yardanicodom96, it is
14:10:54dom96They've got an image even though they're offline
14:11:02Yardanicodom96, https://www.twitch.tv/settings/channel
14:11:02dom96oooh, they've got totalbiscuit next
14:11:22Yardanicoyou can change this banner here
14:11:28dom96okay, that's what I thought :)
14:11:34Yardanicowow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T0MrJkLB8Y
14:12:19livcdlistening to the old stream of araq
14:12:34FromGitter<krux02> cool
14:12:37livcdYardanico: btw is not it possible to spam twitch chat through irc via your bot ?
14:12:48dom96Araq has an interesting fetish :P
14:13:01Yardanicolivcd, well it is possible, but twitch limits are high because araq gave moderator right to my bot
14:13:10Araqdom96: which one?
14:13:20Araqoh lol
14:13:21Yardanicoso I can send ~100 messages every 30 seconds
14:13:31dom96hah, "which one"
14:14:00dom96Yardanico: So now implement multi channel support so that it can relay to my channel too :)
14:14:09livcdwe should buy araq a better microphone
14:14:30dom96oh, a nice feature would also be to add a command to mute it in case I want to stream something non-Nim related
14:14:39dom96but I guess I can just do that from Twitch
14:15:14Yardanicodom96, well change twitchChan = cfg["twitch_chan"] to twitchChan = cfg["twitch_chan"].split(",")
14:15:40Yardanicoin the config file: twitch_chan = #d0m96,#araq4k
14:15:55YardanicojoinChans = @[twitchChan] change it to joinChans = twitchChan
14:16:00dom96oh cool, so it's simple
14:16:07Yardanicoah, not that simple
14:16:20dom96just need to send to multiple channels
14:16:22Yardanicolet isTwitch = twitchChan in event.params[0]
14:16:39Yardanicodom96, you want it to send messages from different twitch channels to one IRC channel?
14:17:02YardanicoI'll probably implement that today
14:17:16dom96Might need to get your bot to state where it's coming from then though :\
14:17:29FromGitter<mratsim> @dom96 At the bottom of Nim features page, you should put a link with "Try Nim in your browser" with a link to play.nim-lang.org
14:17:36Yardanicodom96, yeah I think that will be neccesary
14:17:51dom96mratsim: PRs welcome :)
14:18:20FromGitter<mratsim> :)
14:19:25dom96Hrm, maybe I'll create a survey of what I should do in my stream too
14:19:38dom96Question is what should I put in there?
14:19:59*miran quit (Quit: Page closed)
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14:25:17FromTwitchTest<fromirc> <Yardanico> test
14:25:18FromTwitch<fromirc> <Yardanico> test
14:25:18FromTwitchTest<fromirc> <FromTwitchTest> <fromirc> <Yardanico> test
14:25:19FromTwitch<fromirc> <FromTwitch> <fromirc> <Yardanico> test
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14:25:20FromTwitch<fromirc> <FromTwitch> <fromirc> <FromTwitch> <fromirc> <Yardanico> test
14:25:41FromGitter<krux02> args, my notifications are going crazy
14:26:00FromGitter<krux02> np
14:26:06FromGitter<krux02> was that recursion?
14:26:11Yardanicoprobably yeah
14:26:29Yardanicoso it sent "test" to #araq4k and #d0m96 channels on twitch
14:26:36Yardanicothen received a message from twitch channel
14:26:45Yardanicoand sent "test" back to IRC channels
14:26:49Yardanicoand so on
14:27:06Araqdom96: fix stdlib bugs
14:27:12FromGitter<krux02> I use gitter, because it has a history that simply works
14:27:14Yardanicothat's not going to be as easy as I firstly though :P
14:27:32FromGitter<krux02> but the notifications about people's messages only work for gitter people
14:27:46FromGitter<krux02> when someone on irc posts the notification window has no valuable information
14:27:54dom96krux02: why are you getting notifications when someone posts?
14:28:07dom96Why not just on highlight?
14:28:18FromGitter<krux02> don't know
14:28:21FromGitter<krux02> it's the gitter client
14:28:38Yardanicook I'm testing it again
14:28:39*FromTwitchTest joined #nim
14:28:39FromTwitchTest<fromirc> <Yardanico> ok I'm testing it again
14:28:40FromGitter<krux02> I use it in "Franz" a pseudo multimessenger
14:28:40FromTwitchTest<fromirc> <FromTwitchTest> <fromirc> <Yardanico> ok I'm testing it again
14:28:41FromTwitch<fromirc> <krux02> I use it in "Franz" a pseudo multimessenger
14:28:41*FromTwitchTest quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:28:56FromGitter<krux02> woot
14:29:11dom96Yardanico: You've got two FromTwitch bots running...
14:29:26Yardanicoah, that's probably the reason :P
14:29:44*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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14:29:58Yardanicotest please? don't recurse, good bot
14:30:20Yardanicoyes it works
14:30:22Yardanicoand from twitch
14:30:28FromTwitchTest<yardanico> from d0m96 channel
14:30:33FromTwitchTest<yardanico> from araq4k channel
14:31:00*FromTwitchTest quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:31:08YardanicoI'll keep experimenting with it, but not here :P
14:31:20YardanicoI'll start a stable bot again
14:31:31*FromTwitch joined #nim
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14:37:52subsetparkdom96: threadpool upgrade :)
14:38:19dom96subsetpark: hrm, you mean I should work on that?
14:38:25dom96Can you elaborate?
14:38:53Yardanicodom96, what would be the best way to mention where a message came from?
14:38:59*endragor quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
14:39:02Yardanico"<Yardanico at #nim> test" ?
14:39:10Yardanico"<Yardanico at IRC#nim> test" ?
14:39:18Yardanico"<Yardanico at Twitch#d0m96> test" ?
14:39:31subsetparkdon't we have plans to replace the current stdlib threadpool with something much more akin to yglukhov's implementation?
14:39:43Yardanicosubsetpark, there's a PR made by him
14:39:53Yardanicoand dom96 doesn't work on threadpool
14:39:58dom96subsetpark: yeah, what Yardanico said, not really my domain
14:40:14subsetparknu, never too late to learn...
14:40:14dom96Yardanico: hrm, maybe it would just be better to connect two IRC clients to here
14:40:39Yardanicoyeah, that would be very nice
14:40:40dom96You can use that as their nicknames
14:41:03*endragor_ quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
14:42:11Yardanicodom96, yeah, it would be very nice, I'll probably implement that.
14:42:22Yardanicobut not today :(
14:42:26*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
14:42:36dom96Aww why?
14:42:48Yardanicowell I'll start implementing it
14:42:50dom96You don't even need to have it in some program
14:42:57dom96*in the same program
14:43:03dom96You can just run it twice
14:43:06dom96Simply change the nickname
14:43:15Yardanicoah, lol
14:43:19Yardanicodom96, will you stream today?
14:43:49dom96No, tomorrow.
14:43:56Yardanicobut I'll need to handle recursion between two bots :P
14:44:20Yardanicoah, no
14:45:22Yardanicoe.g. someone sends a message (via FromTwitch[d0m96]) from #d0m96 to #nim, and another bot( FromTwitch[araq4k]) sends that to #araq4k channel
14:45:31Yardanicomaybe I'll just ignore all nicknames
14:45:41Yardanicowhich start with some nick base
14:46:01Yardanicoe.g. both config files will have the same twitch_nick_base
14:46:12Yardanicobut I think it would be really cool to make it in one program
14:49:58livcdi am so exhausted after 8hours of dealing with shitty software
14:50:27shashlick@varriount : I found references in compiler\docgen.nim for "theindex.html" generation but will have to sit and understand Ropes
14:50:41Yardanicoshashlick, did you see my link?
14:50:47YardanicoI've sent it after @varriount response
14:51:02shashlickYardanico: Lib.rst doesn't seem to be theindex which lists every single proc and definition in one page so that you can CTRL-F easily
14:51:12Yardanicoah, you're about index
14:51:48shashlickbasically I'm looking into adding functionality in nimbot to enable doc searches
14:51:56Yardanicoshashlick, well you don't need to understand Ropes
14:52:17Yardanicorope is a more-efficient string-like type (for long strings)
14:52:25shashlicktheindex has everything worth mention in one place, however, it is HTML, which isn't too hard to parse honestly, but was curious of that metadata was available to search through easily
14:52:50shashlickI had mentioned this to dom96 earlier
14:52:59FromGitter<krux02> rope is a non-continuous string representation to make string concatenation faster
14:53:17shashlicksomething like !doc procname => procname present in multiple modules: module1, 2, 3, etc
14:53:34shashlickAnd then !doc module.proc => proc definitions as response
14:53:57Yardanicowell you would need to change the compiler to allow generating index in some metadata-like type
14:54:15Yardanicothere's no other way expect parsing html
14:54:30shashlickthen if someone here asks a question about a particular functionality, you could just do !doc xyz and the answer would be inline, with a link to the actual HTML
14:54:59*JappleAck quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
14:55:16Yardanicooh wait
14:57:17FromGitter<krux02> HTML is not easy to parse
14:57:20FromGitter<krux02> XML is easy to parse
14:58:00FromGitter<krux02> HTML is these weird no end tag requirement
14:58:10FromGitter<krux02> but yea I guess C++ is much harder to pares
14:59:05*kafke quit (Remote host closed the connection)
14:59:24shashlick@krux02 : well, considering theindex.html is generated, it's relatively easier :D
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14:59:49shashlickalthough, it is 1.4MB and would need to be downloaded wherever nimbot is
15:00:16shashlickbut parseHtml() loads it up within 1/2 a second on my laptop so it isn't too bad
15:00:38*gokr joined #nim
15:00:57FromGitter<gokr> No idea what you are discussing but... https://nim-lang.org/docs/docgen.html#document-types-json
15:01:26Yardanicoit would be very easy, yes
15:01:48Yardanicobut it still would require to add like 5-10 lines to the compiler :P
15:03:55Yardanicoor not
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15:15:01shashlickgokr: looks interesting, guess it is best to keep this functionality out of nimbot and instead consume it just like the playground
15:15:28shashlickBut I'll have to figure a place to host this API
15:16:01shashlickThat generates the docs in json format and allows searches over rest
15:17:15Yardanicoshashlick, wait, you want to parse theindex html?
15:17:25Yardanicoas I said: it would be better to add this functionality to the compiler itself
15:18:38shashlickWell I just want to search the documentation, using theindex is easiest since it has everything in one place
15:18:57shashlickBut I could just as well leverage docs in a json format
15:19:05enthus1asttwitch is so bloaty omg
15:19:16shashlickAnd avoid relying on HTML
15:19:20enthus1astor i am getting old
15:19:35Yardanicoenthus1ast, it's not bloaty
15:19:44Yardanicofacebook is 10x more bloaty than twitch, for example :P
15:21:09shashlickWhere is nim-lang.org hosted today? Who do I talk to to get some space, assuming this is of interest
15:21:25Yardanicoshashlick, digitalocean
15:21:30Yardanicoyou can see that at the footer
15:22:15FromGitter<dom96> shashlick: a web service would be nice, you could create something like hoogle and then hook up NimBot to it (just like I did with the playground)
15:23:43FromGitter<dom96> I believe the compiler generates another type of file (a .idx file)
15:24:07FromGitter<dom96> You should look into that, just run ./koch docs in the Nim repo
15:24:11FromGitter<dom96> and you should see them
15:27:59enthus1astevery chrome browser can natively by remote controlled by the remote debugger api
15:28:12enthus1astthis is a websocket protocol
15:29:47enthus1astive build a stream ripper some month ago with it
15:32:31Yardanicocan we just make that all internal compiler errors will just say "error: invalid syntax" without any info ? :D
15:33:40shashlick@dom96 : thanks I'll look into it
15:38:22*kd joined #nim
15:41:25kdHi all, is there any interest in using http://botbot.me/ for nim logs? Currently it's rather hard to search IRC history for specific content.
15:42:01Yardanicocc Araq, dom96 :)
15:42:19Yardanicowell maybe one of the reason is that irclogs are written using Nim itself, but yeah, I like botbot.me a lot
15:43:55Yardanicoprobably we can have two logging services at the same time ? :)
15:45:42kdOf course it was written in Nim :D
15:47:49FromGitter<dom96> Is google not good enough? :)
15:48:08Yardanicodom96: honestly no :(
15:48:13kdI guess I could search gitter for history.
15:48:26Yardanicobotbot is more lightweight than gitter btw
15:48:29Yardanicoand it has some cool features
15:48:36FromGitter<dom96> Let's improve NimBot then :)
15:48:45FromGitter<dom96> botbot will lose out on years of history
15:49:03Yardanicodom96: they're configuring every channel separately
15:49:30*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
15:49:35FromGitter<dom96> not sure what you mean by that
15:49:39Yardanico"We manually setup logging for each channel. This process takes time."
15:49:48Yardanicomaybe we can talk with them so we can convert irclogs to their format
15:49:52Yardanicoand they can import that
15:49:58Yardanicobtw, it's open source (in go) https://github.com/botbotme
15:50:08*smt_ is now known as smt
15:50:09FromGitter<dom96> But seriously, have you guys tried using Google? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3Airclogs.nim-lang.org+wrapping+C%2B%2B&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=nsnoWZKDDorSXrm5p9gH
15:50:27FromGitter<dom96> Go? Blasphemy
15:50:44Yardanicodom96: compare google with this: https://botbot.me/freenode/pypy/search/?q=wrapping+c%2B%2B
15:50:58Yardanicoand you even get a nice timeline here
15:51:24*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
15:52:07Yardanicospotted libman here :P
15:53:10kdWith botbot.me you can click into the time on a search item, and jump into the conversation. Which has been handy for me in the past.
15:54:17Yardanicodom96: btw, does nimbot save backups of irc logs?
15:54:28Yardanicoand are they available to download?
15:54:45kdI guess that's mainly because some conversations start at the end of a day and continue on the next day.
15:54:56FromGitter<dom96> what do you mean by backups?
15:55:19Yardanicowell if something very bad would happen to digitalocean
15:55:30Yardanicodo you have any backups so you can restore irc log history?
15:55:43FromGitter<dom96> well, I've got Digital Ocean backups :)
15:55:45FromGitter<dom96> but yes
15:55:56FromGitter<dom96> bbl
15:55:59kdYardanico: do you know if botbot.me is free for setting up a channel?
15:56:09Yardanicokd, yes, it's free as you can see on their website
15:56:17Yardanicobut you need to be an OP on the channel
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15:57:00Yardanicomaybe just rewrite botbot in Nim ? xD
15:57:43kddom96: would you be opposed to having botbot.me in addition to the current nimbot irc logger?
15:58:00Yardanicoyeah, that would be nice
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16:02:30*kd quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
16:02:57FromGitter<Varriount> Why would we need two irc loggers?
16:03:29YardanicoVarriount: well, botbot.me is (IMO) better than irclogs.nim-lang.org
16:04:25*kd joined #nim
16:06:28kdI think this is akin to having gitter and IRC channels. Different people have different workflows, and some may just prefer using botbot.me for searching.
16:07:37kdThe botbot.me one need not even be linked in IRC header, as long it is available for the people who want it to use.
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16:07:52Yardanicobotbot.me is actually *faster* than gitter
16:08:09YardanicoI mean website responsiveness :)
16:10:21kdI too like botbot.me a lot, based on use from at least two other projects. It's been really useful to scroll through history and hear what people's thoughts were. In fact, that's the first thing I looked for when I joined this channel. It'll be ideal if this chat history can be ported there as well, if botbot.me is going to be set up.
16:11:07Yardanicomaybe we can convince Araq to start making a brand-new irc logs website with karax+ormin on next stream ? :)
16:13:20*kd quit (Quit: Page closed)
16:19:06FromGitter<BigEpsilon> @Araq , updated the PR for c2nim https://github.com/nim-lang/c2nim/pull/113 , I think without it c2nim cannot be installed
16:20:14Yardanico(on devel)
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16:22:42FromGitter<BigEpsilon> Yes I missed that because I'm always on devel for nim and c2nim, they move fast
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16:36:26livcdwhen does the stream start ?
16:36:50Yardanicolivcd, 19:00 UTC
16:37:13livcdah few more hours to go :)
16:37:21Yardanicolivcd, yeah
16:37:45Yardanicohttp://www.strawpoll.me/14163114/r 140 votes :)
16:38:58YardanicoI like that font
16:41:11Yardanicoshould probably post to /r/programming in 10 minutes before stream starting :)
16:41:16Yardanicoor when it starts :P
16:41:31YardanicoI want to see at least 30 on a viewer counter
16:43:37enthus1astor a "autosozialiser" which does all that automatically
16:45:42dom96Post it around 30 minutes before and give it a title similar to "Once this post is 30 minutes old, Nim's BDFL stream will start"
16:45:48dom96Maybe you can word that better
16:46:25*dom96 wonder's if his stream will receive the same help
16:46:33FromGitter<cooldome> i
17:05:18*PMunch joined #nim
17:18:57livcddom96: wow you work for FB :O
17:20:26dom96Well, I interned there over the summer.
17:20:37dom96Finishing my CS degree at the minute
17:20:53dom96I will be going back to FB after I graduate though :)
17:22:03livcdso will Nim get some sweet FB $$$ ?
17:22:04Yardanicodom96, advertise nim for them lol :D
17:22:09Yardanicolivcd, ecksdee
17:23:15livcddom96: will you also doo a stream in polish ?
17:23:28Yardanicolivcd, waaat?!
17:23:33Yardanicodom96 can speak polish?
17:24:09dom96Of course, I'm Polish :)
17:24:18YardanicoI didn't knew about that one
17:24:40Yardanicothat means we can sometimes understand each other because polish and russian are both slavic languages :P
17:24:51dom96livcd: I don't think so, it would end up 60% English and 40% Polish because I know so little Polish words for comp sci. terminology.
17:25:15ipjkI thought you were Irish
17:25:25livcdcitizen of the world
17:25:34dom96Yardanico: Indeed. It's why I wrote "Na stole" that time you've written it in Cyrillic (it looked very similar to me)
17:25:38YardanicoI thought dom96 was from England :P
17:26:10Yardanicowell I mean United Kingdom
17:26:15livcdYardanico: there are lots of poles in england / uk lol
17:26:30livcddom96: sure i hate the direct translations of comp sci terms anyway
17:26:34dom96I've lived in Northern Ireland since 2005 :)
17:26:43FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm a quarter polish and can speak 0
17:26:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
17:26:55livcdyou are an american ?
17:27:02FromGitter<zacharycarter> aye
17:27:11planetis[m]about nimble: when installing a package at which commit does it clone the repo?
17:27:13livcdah only an american would say "a quarter polish" lol
17:27:20livcdno offense :)
17:27:25ipjkHaha, yeah. Sounds so American.
17:27:27Yardanicoplanetis[m], usually at latest version tag
17:27:27dom96planetis[m]: latest tagged version or HEAD if no tags exist.
17:27:41Yardanicoyou can also force-install HEAD
17:27:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> well you can't really say you're American if you're from America
17:28:05FromGitter<zacharycarter> because no one that lives in America is originally from America, unless you are a native American
17:28:18planetis[m]makes sense why I had a old bug thx
17:28:39FromGitter<mratsim> “old bug”, 2 weeks old ? ;)
17:28:59ipjkWe got quite the mixes in Europe too, but we don't really mention those heritages.
17:29:17planetis[m]like 2 years old
17:29:27livcdzacharycarter: i thought native americans just got there earlier than white europeans :P
17:29:28FromGitter<mratsim> well everyone’s ancestors are supposedly coming from mesopotamia so ...
17:29:47FromGitter<zacharycarter> yeah I mean if you want to get technical
17:29:48FromGitter<zacharycarter> we're all African
17:30:05livcdi just wanted to be the pain in the ass european
17:30:09FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
17:30:36FromGitter<zacharycarter> @dom96 I'm curious about this webdriver thing - is it similar to what selenium is?
17:30:58dom96zacharycarter: sure, it's basically a lower level selenium I guess.
17:31:11dom96It implements a new spec which is also called webdriver
17:31:14FromGitter<mratsim> oh, interesting
17:31:22dom96Currently it seems that only Firefox supports it though
17:31:28FromGitter<zacharycarter> neat! right now I'm using - http://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/ - to write end to end tests for our product that launches next week
17:31:35FromGitter<zacharycarter> ahh okay
17:32:01FromGitter<mratsim> now we need a proxy list and randomly launch browsers obfuscated by that list and all growth hackers would love you
17:32:22Yardanicodom96, are you sure ChromeDriver doesn't implement it?
17:32:39dom96Yardanico: I ran it in my stream, weren't you watching? :)
17:32:47Yardanicodom96, I was, but still
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17:36:48dom96The protocol is similar but different https://youtu.be/583BwZ7uSro?list=PLm-fq5xBdPkrMuVkPWuho7XzszB6kJ2My&t=4779
17:37:01*eldiz quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
17:37:25Yardanicosimilar but different :) only programmers can understand
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17:44:30Yardanicowhy matrix disconnects all its client from time to time?
17:44:44Yardanicofrom IRC bridge
17:44:46dom96The server that relays the messages must be dying
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17:53:03shodan45http://devdocs.io/ is my new favorite site
17:53:16shodan45(yes, it has nim!)
17:53:28Yardanicoshodan45, we already know that :P
17:53:35Yardanicoand their docs are not updated for 0.17.2 :(
17:53:53shodan45aw I didn't notice that
17:54:38livcdah i bought dash long time ago
17:57:10shodan45Yardanico: just checked their code... it's written in ruby & actually scrapes sites to get its info
17:57:31Yardaniconot the cleanest solution I want to say
17:57:49shodan45yeah, that wouldn't be my first approach
17:58:05shodan45I'd never use ruby :P
17:58:38livcdso what would be your approach?
18:00:09Yardanicolivcd, some languages actually have a nice doc generation - like nim
18:00:12Yardanicoyou can generate rst docs
18:00:14Yardanicoor even json
18:00:57livcdYardanico: ok but maybe they wanted a universal generic solution
18:01:10Yardanicolivcd, it's not universal if you need to scrape websites
18:01:21Yardanicoall websites are different too :)
18:04:23shodan45livcd: I'd use a build system to download the actual source code of the docs & regenerate them to fit my needs
18:06:54Yardanicobut yeah, devdocs is cool
18:06:59Yardanicofound a great vscode extension for it
18:07:12Yardanicodisable all other languages than nim + enabled night theme on devdocs = profit
18:07:45livcdYardanico: oh i meant more like a generic approach how to get the feed of data
18:10:08livcdYardanico: i guess i think of it as a path of least resistance
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18:13:11shodan45Yardanico: I set it up as a search provider in firefox, with a keyword. Now I can just type "dd foo" to search.
18:13:30Yardanicowell it's better if you can search in docs while you're in your editor :)
18:13:56livcddoes that work with devdocs ?
18:14:24shodan45hm, true. I don't use a "browser editor" tho ;)
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18:14:44Yardanicolivcd, it generally works with any website where you can have a query request: "somefoowebsite.com/?q=searchhere"
18:15:37livcdYardanico: i meant search while you are in your editor
18:15:40dom96So YouTube exports look like shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ4RvUlXIDI
18:15:57Yardanicodom96, I can't even view it
18:16:14Yardanicolivcd, https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs
18:16:28Yardanicodom96, and what is shit here ? :)
18:16:40dom96It's 360p!
18:16:42livcdYardanico: ah like this ok
18:16:44Yardanicodom96, no
18:16:48livcddom96: it's okay for me
18:16:50Yardanicoit's already 720p
18:16:55Yardanicodom96, did you never use youtube?
18:17:03Yardanicoit doesn't do 720p right away
18:17:21Yardanicoit takes some time to youtube to process higher quality versions
18:17:46dom96Glad it's fine.
18:17:52livcdyup it just takes some time :)
18:18:27livcdbut i bet it's gonna be very slow in Oceania/Korea
18:18:30Yardanicolivcd, I've just added a keyboard shortcut (ctrl + f1) to devdocs.search action
18:18:46dom96I guess I never looked at it so quickly :)
18:18:58livcdYardanico: now i regret buying dash :)
18:19:06Yardanicoso I press ctrl+f1, type something, and devdocs sends me right away to the interesting place
18:19:14Yardanicoi type parsecfg - devdocs opens parsecfg docs
18:19:26livcdYardanico: but there's no offline mode is it ?
18:19:30Yardanicolivcd, there is
18:19:50ipjk_There's an open-source dash-clone
18:19:58Yardanicolivcd, you can install offline data of the languages you want
18:20:05livcdok stop
18:20:14livcddont make me regret it even more :P
18:21:35livcdthere's no Nim in dash eh
18:21:39livcdonly crystal :)
18:23:12*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
18:23:22livcdipjk_: ah it uses dash's docsets
18:23:31YardanicoI'll post a comment at devdocs trello board so they will update nim docs
18:23:57livcdactually i saw a hnews post about these today
18:24:06livcd(or similar)
18:27:12dom96Cool. I can trim videos on YouTube
18:32:21YardanicoAraq, are you preparing to your stream ? :)
18:32:42Yardanicoguys, can you post to /r/programming when Araq starts streaming ? :D
18:33:40livcdi do not have an account :S
18:34:15Yardanicowe need to make a good title for it
18:35:02*gokr joined #nim
18:37:42PMunchI can do it :)
18:37:52YardanicoPMunch, do it!
18:37:55Yardanicobut not now
18:38:00Yardanicoonly when araq starts streaming
18:38:13YardanicoI'll immediatly get a notification when he starts streaming
18:38:24PMunchAny title ideas+
18:38:27dom96Yardanico: Why don't you do it?
18:38:34Yardanicodom96, I can't think of a good title for it :P
18:38:49PMunchHaha, we can brainstorm a title together
18:39:13PMunchIt was destructors that became the theme right?
18:39:25YardanicoPMunch, yeah
18:39:28*miran joined #nim
18:39:40Yardanicoit was the favourite in a poll timeline
18:40:10dom96What if I were to now use Tor to cheat the poll? :P
18:40:42Yardanicodom96, araq has already decided it I think
18:40:53Yardanicoand yeah, I 100% bet there are tools to cheat on strawpoll
18:40:59PMunchHow about "Nim compiler development - Implementing destructors"
18:41:12PMunchMaybe add a [Stream] on the front
18:41:21Yardanicoprobably [Twitch] ?
18:41:29PMunchYeah, or that
18:41:39Yardanicoand not implementing
18:41:43Yardanicomaybe "improving"
18:41:44dom96Maybe add "(starts at 19:00 UTC)"
18:42:03YardanicoPMunch, yeah, you can post now *maybe*
18:42:18Yardanicobut we'll need to get 10-15 upvotes to have it on top
18:42:20Yardanicoso people can see it
18:42:59PMunchIs it really an improvement though? More like a new feature
18:43:09Yardanicoah, yes
18:43:11dom96I'll try to post it to HN but I doubt it will get any traction
18:43:16dom96Couldn't hurt to try though right?
18:43:19Yardanicodom96, yep
18:43:26YardanicoPMunch, it generally allows to have GC-less objects
18:43:30Yardanicosuch as strings and sequences
18:43:38PMunch[Twitch] Nim language development - Implementing destructors
18:44:05YardanicoI don't really like "implementing" again, because araq has already made them
18:44:05dom96I will post when it starts though
18:44:07Yardanicothey already work
18:44:08miranstream announcement might not be good enoguh theme for HN
18:44:20Yardanicomaybe "working on destructors"
18:44:25Yardanicomaybe "working on new destructors"
18:44:53PMunchWell, destructors aren't part of the language yet
18:45:05dom96"Implementing" is fine IMO
18:45:29YardanicoPMunch, you can access new destructors with --newruntime :P
18:45:30PMunchSo it's about implementing a new feature. Doesn't matter if it's half-way implemented already
18:45:52PMunchOn the development branch only, no?
18:45:54ArrrrIs Araq streaming?
18:46:00Yardaniconot yet
18:46:02YardanicoPMunch, yes
18:46:04Yardanicoas usual :P
18:46:10*ipjk__ joined #nim
18:46:24*ipjk__ quit (Client Quit)
18:46:29PMunchSo "[Twitch] Nim language development - Implementing destructors" it is then?
18:46:39Yardanicopost it now probably
18:47:13YardanicoPMunch, twitch.tv/araq4k
18:47:36Yardanicowell I don't think Araq will turn stream on exactly at 19:00 UTC
18:48:10PMunch"[Twitch] Nim language development - Implementing destructors (starts at ~19:00 UTC)"
18:48:33Yardanicoa bit too long :P
18:48:41Yardanicobut probably fine
18:48:55Yardanicothere are titles like "Mozilla brings Microsoft, Google, the W3C, Samsung together to create cross-browser documentation on MDN ("
18:49:15*derlafff quit (Remote host closed the connection)
18:49:21Arrrrfoo bar
18:49:38*ipjk_ quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
18:49:47Arrrri see a bridge. How hard is to configure a bot in twitch?
18:49:47YardanicoArrrr, are you testing twitch-irc bridge?
18:49:53YardanicoArrrr, pretty easy
18:49:56Yardanicoit's just IRC
18:50:03YardanicoArrrr, https://github.com/Yardanico/twitchrelay
18:50:14YardanicoI'm running this at my VPS currently
18:50:14PMunchShould I post it now? Are people ready to upvote? :P
18:50:18YardanicoPMunch, yeah
18:51:53YardanicoAraq, are you around ? :)
18:52:18ArrrrI don't think streams are well received in r/programming
18:52:25YardanicoArrrr, we can try :P
18:53:34FromTwitch<kobi2187> Hi
18:53:42ArrrrInstead of "FromIRC" i would name the bot "#nim" if that's possible
18:53:51YardanicoArrrr, I don't think that's possible
18:53:55FromTwitch<kobi2187> will we get to see how to destroy nim properly? :-)
18:54:06YardanicoArrrr, I'll change it to FromIRC[nim] in the future
18:54:18Yardanicoso in irc you would for example see FromTwitch[araq4k]
18:54:21ArrrrThe name is too long in my opinion, that's the issue
18:54:28PMunchkobi2187 haha, not quite
18:54:33mirantoo long, agreed
18:54:48Yardaniconeed to register new twitch account, fast :P
18:54:57Yardanicowhat nickname would you recommend guyS?
18:55:13dom96"IRC" :P
18:55:59Yardanico1 char less
18:56:04dom96IMO FromIRC is fine
18:56:08dom96to be honest
18:56:13*claudiuinberlin joined #nim
18:57:09mirancouple of characters less than FromIRC[nim] ;)
18:57:22Yardanicomiran, it's FromIRC
18:57:30YardanicoI didn't do FromIRC[nim] thing yet
18:57:35*TjYoco quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
18:57:38Yardanicoit would only be needed for multi-channel setup
18:58:16Yardanicoupvote pls https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/77gjs2/twitch_nim_language_development_implementing/
18:58:20oprypinrelaying chat from Twitch? what could possibly go wrong
18:58:20Yardanicothis post
18:58:30Yardanicooprypin, xD
18:58:37PMunchoprypin, it's an experiment :)
18:58:40YardanicoI can change it to relay to #nim-offtopic quickly
18:58:46Yardanicoand yeah, it's an experiment
18:58:49Yardanicoor disable it at all
18:58:54ArrrrThere is a similar bridge with gitter
18:59:01FromGitterYardanico, I'm a bot, *bleep, bloop*. I relay messages between here and https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim
18:59:10YardanicoI should add a thing like that to my bot too
18:59:39dom96Yardanico: nah, leave it here
18:59:41dom96It's fine
18:59:49Yardanicodom96, well, I don't say "now"
18:59:52Yardanicoin the future :P
19:00:08dom96ahh, cool
19:00:18Yardanicoaraq has started!
19:00:25FromTwitch<kobi2187> yep
19:00:54FromTwitch<yardanico> Hi Araq!
19:01:09miranzoom in please, as usual :)
19:02:19FromTwitch<d0m96> where did the chat go from the screen?
19:02:35FromTwitch<yardanico> it's there
19:02:35FromTwitch<d0m96> oh, it's not persistent :\
19:04:11ArrrrMmm interesting https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink
19:04:32miranAraq: please zoom in a bit for us to better see the code
19:05:41FromTwitch<d0m96> zoom in! FlipThis
19:08:22*TjYoco joined #nim
19:08:45Yardanico30 viewers! :)
19:10:07*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
19:10:19*miran quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:10:39*miran joined #nim
19:15:20ArrrrFor those wondering what's going on, twitch.tv/araq4k
19:16:08*ipjk joined #nim
19:24:23*Arrrr quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:25:20PMunchThe blinking HexChat icon is a bit annoying..
19:25:36PMunchHe says, typing into the very thing that makes it blink :P
19:25:43FromTwitch<d0m96> Glad I'm not the only one... :)
19:26:06FromTwitch<d0m96> I wouldn't be able to concentrate with that blinking constantly.
19:26:39PMunchAraq seems to have more trouble concentrating when we talk
19:27:05mirancongrats on mentioning him and make blinking start again :D
19:29:01*derlafff joined #nim
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19:34:46FromTwitch<yardanico> because of grow?
19:36:56FromTwitch<cooldome> template createSeq?
19:39:22FromTwitch<d0m96> Sorry for the distraction. But Araq, in the future you should add your stream to the programming twitch community.
19:40:13FromGitter<mratsim> “creative"
19:40:57FromTwitch<pmunche> Yardanico, this IRC -> Twitch bot is working pretty well :)
19:41:04*miran quit (Quit: Leaving)
19:41:05Yardanicoyeah, it seems so :)
19:41:32FromTwitch<yardanico> BTW, it's RAM usage is only ~8mb (compiled in debug mode)
19:42:12PMunchNot that I would expect it to be very high :P
19:42:14FromTwitch<d0m96> Yep, Nim is awesome. Now we just need to rewrite FromGitter in Nim ;)
19:42:17PMunchIt's just piping text back and forth
19:42:19FromTwitch<karyoten> Well it's not an Electron app ;)
19:42:36PMunchd0m96, it's not in Nim :o
19:42:54PMunchHow is it even allowed in this channel! Blasphemy!
19:43:25FromTwitch<hcorion> heyy
19:43:28FromTwitch<karyoten> we need to call destructors on the bot?
19:43:31FromTwitch<hcorion> my first nim livestream
19:43:45FromTwitch<yardanico> @KaryoTen we need to destruct ALL the unneeded variables!
19:43:45FromTwitch<karyoten> aka "move or sink"
19:43:51PMunchhcorion, welcome!
19:43:56FromTwitch<karyoten> (by the way it's mratsim)
19:44:29PMunchYardanico, you should add a register username mapping function to the bot :P
19:44:58FromTwitch<d0m96> Crashing the compiler: h3h3Triggered1 h3h3Triggered2 h3h3Triggered3
19:46:04PMunchYou and your fancy emoticons d0m96
19:46:07FromTwitch<karyoten> This is magic
19:46:18*abeaumont joined #nim
19:46:30FromTwitch<yardanico> this is our future!
19:47:04FromTwitch<d0m96> Yardanico, you submitted Araq's blog post but not his stream to r/nim? h3h3Oppression
19:47:11FromTwitch<yardanico> oh
19:47:50FromTwitch<pmunche> Yeah that should probably also be cross-posted :P
19:48:08FromTwitch<pmunche> I think we just assumed that the entire Nim community reads IRC/Gitter
19:49:28FromGitter<mratsim> In the blog post: "Return values are harmful" —> “Return values considered harmful"
19:50:41FromTwitch<d0m96> indices
19:50:53*derlafff quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:50:56FromTwitch<kobi2187> nobody knows .. indices is really fine
19:52:17*derlafff joined #nim
19:54:27FromTwitch<kobi2187> you can use Ctrl+G to jump to lines in vscode
19:59:03*derlafff quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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20:09:23*derlafff joined #nim
20:09:49skrylarconsidering harmful considered harmful
20:09:54*der quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
20:10:14Yardanicoskrylar, are you watching the stream ? :)
20:10:48PMunchHmm, in Karax how do I get the selectedIndex from a select element?
20:11:06YardanicoPMunch, that's when real issues with this bot pop up :P
20:11:43PMunchI think having a separate room #nim-twitch or something could work
20:14:24*derlafff quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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20:19:49skrylarpondering how well training a machine using constraint logic works
20:20:05skrylarex. i don't know what the interim means, i only know that "dog is dead" == "dog is not alive"
20:20:23*Vladar quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:23:10FromGitter<mratsim> there’s a question about Nim RAII in /r/programming: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/77gjs2/twitch_nim_language_development_implementing/
20:26:38FromTwitch<d0m96> I think Araq should answer the question.
20:26:39*nsf joined #nim
20:26:45FromTwitch<d0m96> Araq: A reddit user asked "Does Nim not have RAII?"
20:27:18FromTwitch<d0m96> bah
20:27:20cremIt doesn't!
20:27:24Yardanicoit does
20:27:26cremI even heard a reason.
20:27:43cremLast time I asked, it didn't.
20:27:46Yardanicocrem, there are destructors already
20:27:53Yardanicoso it's *kinda* like RAII
20:28:04YardanicoAraq, will you have a topic about opt[] on your next stream?
20:28:09Yardanicoanyway, good stream!
20:28:12cremWow, destructors is a nice step towards constructors!
20:28:28Yardanicocrem, they was there like 2 years ago
20:28:33Yardanicoand no, there wouldn't be constructors
20:28:50*FromTwitch quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:28:53Yardanicogoodbye twitch bot
20:28:55FromGitter<mratsim> https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/362/1
20:30:25Yardanicocrem, did you watch the stream?
20:30:37cremI will
20:30:52Yardanicoit's already ended :P
20:30:56Yardanicoonly a recording
20:31:16cremthat's good enough, I can watch it at 2x speed then.
20:32:10Yardanicotop viewer count for Araq's stream was ~42-45
20:32:14cremBut is it possible to implement a scoped mutex, or scoped file access, so that file is closed even if you forget to write "defer file.close()" ?
20:32:34Yardanicocrem, are you talking about a python-like with statement ? :)
20:32:51cremI'm talking about C++ RAII
20:32:55cremBut yes, kind of
20:33:09Yardanicowell, for python "with" you can (guess what? :D) create a simple macro
20:33:25Yardanicocrem, you can always ask all your questions on the forum
20:33:53cremWhat I like about C++'s RAII is that standard lib also is implemented with it in mind.
20:34:40Yardanicocrem, you can read about new destructor stuff here: https://nim-lang.org/araq/destructors.html
20:34:42cremAnd I didn't mean to ask, I just tried to understand what "there is RAII in nim" means. Because few months ago I was told that there was no, and was convinced that that's fine.
20:34:53Yardanicowell this blog post is not only about destructors
20:35:38cremHow can I know whether that's something new or not when there's no date of the post..
20:35:45Yardanicoit's from today
20:35:49Yardanicoand there's a date
20:35:54Yardanicocrem, Generated: 2017-10-19 00:43:05 UTC
20:35:55Yardanicoat the bottom
20:36:04cremI though "generated" is something from cron job.
20:36:09cremand updated regularly
20:36:32Yardanicoit's from nim
20:37:44cremI think it should be "emitted" rather than "generated" as probably Araq emits articles rather than generates them.. Um, hard to say. Yes, may be generated is actually better word.
20:37:58cremDoes nim compiler emit or generate C code?..
20:37:58Yardanicocrem, well he uses nim doc engine probably
20:38:01ipjkor just posted.
20:38:05Yardanicocrem, stop pls
20:38:38Yardanicocrem, it writes C code :D
20:39:00ipjkno, please. it barfs out C.
20:39:02Araqwatching at 2x the speed is probably a good idea :D
20:39:38YardanicoAraq, let me guess... next stream's topic will be "opt" type ? :)
20:39:39PMunchHaha on Araqs blog - Barfed out: 2017-10-19 00:43:05 UTC
20:39:45Yardanicoor karax * ormin
20:39:48YardanicoPMunch, XD
20:40:00ipjkPMunch: I like that!
20:40:02FromGitter<BontaVlad> I voted karax
20:40:08FromGitter<BontaVlad> more close to "home"
20:40:13PMunchBut I'm off to bed now. Nice stream Araq by the way!
20:40:17YardanicoBontaVlad: well we will have another poll for next stream
20:40:27YardanicoAraq probably would post another poll today or tomorrow
20:40:40Yardanicoso all of us can vote
20:41:13*claudiuinberlin quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
20:41:18FromGitter<BontaVlad> great, thx for the streams, Araq and Dom :)
20:41:27PMunchDid some more work on genui today as well, got edit types with selections (think comboboxes). Hopefully tomorrow I will get around to the custom type UI generation, then it's finally time for the DSL :)
20:41:37YardanicoPMunch, yay
20:41:39dom96I'll post a poll for my next stream soon
20:41:44Yardanicodom96, ok
20:41:59Yardanicodom96, don't forget to post it on nim forum/nim reddit
20:42:02Yardanicoand in IRC
20:42:12livcddid the stream end ? i feel asleep..too tired
20:42:16livcdi fell*
20:42:25Yardanicolivcd, yeah
20:42:34Yardanicoit was ~90 minutes long
20:42:42Yardanicobecause destructors are a very complicated topic
20:42:53PMunchYardanico, did you see the proposal for the DSL by the way? I'd be happy if you gave some input on it. Not sure if it makes sense at all or if I should do something more like "Edit(variable = a, options = myList)"
20:42:59YardanicoI finally understood this from Araq's live stream
20:43:03livcdah i will watch it at work when it will be up on twitch
20:43:18Yardanicolivcd, it won't be on twitch, it will be on youtube
20:43:25cremWas it on dom96's youtube channel?
20:43:29Yardanicocrem, no
20:43:45Yardanicocrem, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAIXKsgiEkRjwlNgduABgmw
20:43:53livcdYardanico: ah ok
20:44:17dom96PMunch: can you link the proposal again?
20:44:25cremThere's nothing from today on that channel.
20:44:51Yardanicocrem, yes
20:44:57Yardanicocrem, araq has just finished
20:45:02PMunchdom96, https://github.com/PMunch/genui/issues/1
20:45:10cremAnd also probably some channel modes are off, so there's no "uploads" page..
20:45:15cremSo, will recording appear later?
20:45:20Yardanicocrem, yes
20:45:29Araqcrem, gonna upload it tomorrow
20:45:31YardanicoAraq always needs to cut some small parts from the stream
20:45:32PMunchI think that might be a bit too complex though.. Lot's of things that aren't really explained
20:45:40PMunchBut as I said, I'm off to bed
20:45:58livcdgn i cant stake awake
20:46:08PMunchLeave a memo with MemoServ or a comment on the issue if any of you have input :)
20:46:11dom96You can export via Twitch (but you need to enable Twitch archives) and then cut via YouTube's editor
20:46:32*PMunch quit (Quit: leaving)
20:50:41*JappleAck quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:51:34dom96Okay, let's go for this: http://www.strawpoll.me/14185591
20:52:13Araqguess who voted already
20:52:16Araqand for what
20:54:16FromGitter<zetashift> Voted for stdlib bugs too whoop whoop
20:54:56*UxerUospr quit (Quit: leaving)
20:57:18*manjaro-kde5- quit (Remote host closed the connection)
20:59:15*ryanhowe_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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20:59:42*ryanhowe_ joined #nim
20:59:54YardanicoI've voted for IRC user list :P
21:00:05Yardanicobecause it's useful for me
21:00:44cremWho needs stdlib when you cannot even see replay of snake's high score?
21:00:49dom96damn it, Araq set the trend
21:00:53Yardanicodom96, yep
21:01:00dom96crem: I know, right?
21:01:08Yardanicodom96, sooo.. no going back :D
21:02:04cremI did play snake, got around 120. High score there is ~500, must be superchallenging, so fun to watch.
21:02:11Yardanicocrem, or a bot
21:02:22Yardanicocrem, (I'm about highscore)
21:02:33cremyeah, I thought about writing a bot in python too..
21:03:12Yardanicocrem, why python though? :) bot for game, written in nim, written in nim
21:03:14Yardanico*for the
21:03:30Yardanicowe have all needed libraries (only websockets is needed lul)
21:03:37cremI'm pretty sure that it would take less time for me to write it in python.
21:03:43*JappleAck joined #nim
21:04:24Yardanicodom96, no one have votes for jester yet :P
21:04:58cremIf I knew what jester was..
21:05:54gokrcrem: https://github.com/dom96/jester
21:06:02cremDoes that strawpoll support Schulze method?
21:06:02cremSeems no..
21:06:30cremYeah, it's more fair than majority vote.
21:06:40dom96Do you guys have Araq's YT link handy?
21:06:43Yardanicodom96, yep
21:07:00Yardanicodom96, lol
21:07:10cremYardanico: https://modernballots.com/ see two diagrams on top.
21:07:25dom96Yardanico: Can you give me the link...?
21:07:35Yardanicoone sec
21:07:46Yardanicodom96, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAIXKsgiEkRjwlNgduABgmw
21:07:54cremEasy to remember.
21:08:33Yardanicocrem, but it's easier for people to vote if they only have 1 choice
21:08:40Yardanicoand they don't need to put stars or stuff like that
21:11:03Yardanicowe're not electing our new BDFL (because we'll never do that :D), so strawpoll is enough for polls like that :P
21:11:10*derlafff quit (Remote host closed the connection)
21:13:13cremI didn't suggest you to use that, only checked whether strawpoll supported it because it looked nice.
21:13:28Yardanicocrem, well it's a very simple service
21:16:56*derlafff joined #nim
21:21:30FromGitter<zacharycarter> coming soon : https://www.patreon.com/zacharycarter
21:23:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> along w/ livestreams
21:24:54*TjYoco quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
21:27:26*dhalinar joined #nim
21:32:03Yardanicoso you see how one idea can actually attract many people
21:32:17Yardanicodom did a livestream about nim programming
21:32:19Yardanicoaraq did that
21:32:25Yardanicoand now zacharycarter is doing that
21:32:34Yardanico(but I did that before everyone else, haha)
21:34:27FromGitter<zacharycarter> :P
21:34:29FromGitter<zacharycarter> I'm going to do 3d modeling too
21:34:34FromGitter<zacharycarter> along with Nim game programming
21:34:37YardanicoI was streaming on liveedu in the spring (in april)
21:34:48Yardanicobut I'm afraid to use my mic
21:36:13Yardanico'cause my english speaking (I mean talking and pronuncation) skills kinda suck
21:36:14FromGitter<zetashift> @zacharycarter in Modo?
21:39:29*TjYoco joined #nim
21:45:30dom96Soon we'll need a "Current Livestreams" section on nim-lang.org :D
21:46:38FromGitter<zacharycarter> @zetashift yup!
21:52:58*nsf quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.9)
21:55:44FromGitter<zetashift> sweet
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22:10:02Yardanicomatrix is back :P
22:16:57*JappleAck quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
22:23:44Demos[m]glad to see another user
22:23:54Demos[m]someone should write a matrix client in nim!
22:24:00*Viktor quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
22:24:07YardanicoDemos[m], I'm not a matrix user
22:24:22Yardanicojust saw today a whole bunch of matrix clients disconnected
22:24:29Yardanicoand now you all connected
22:24:35Yardanicowtf is happening with your irc-matrix bridge?
22:24:50FromGitter<zacharycarter> wut is matrix?
22:30:50*TjYoco quit (Quit: Leaving)
22:31:23federico3irc-matrix bridge? Freenode and matrix are already federated
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22:38:17Yardanicofederico3, well yeah, what's that I mean
22:38:25Yardanicofederico3, but it's still techically a bridge
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