<< 20-03-2016 >>

00:04:32*ddmgy joined #nim
00:06:00cnclah seems like defining a converter is good
00:06:03*toaoMgeorge quit (Quit: Bye)
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03:28:45cnclis there no way to try to get a value from a table by key without either looking it up twice or raising an exception?
03:49:18def-cncl: getOrDefault
04:03:15cnclwhat if the type has {.requiresInit.} ?
04:07:55cncli guess i should also say that, the default value might be inserted into the table intentionally
04:08:13cnclbut i would still need to be able to tell whether the key was present or not
04:08:27cncli guess i could wrap it in another type
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04:22:09*desophos quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:28:38cnclin c/c++ i would usually use some procedure that would return a pointer to the value in the table/map
04:28:54cncli can see why you might not want an API that does that in nim, though
04:44:37*Demon_Fox joined #nim
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09:34:58flyxis the overhead of Nim's strings compared to C's char* noticable when doing string-heavy tasks? my NimYAML parser currently is about three times slower than libyaml, and I'm wondering if this is partly caused by string heap management or if my code is just bad
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09:36:23ldleworkflyx: string have copy semantics I believe
09:37:23flyxldlework: unless I use shallowCopy, yeah. but I use that when possible
09:37:56ldleworkflyx: I mean like even when passing it around
09:44:01flyxldlework: I can call shallow() on a string to prevent that. interestingly, that makes it rather slower
09:46:59*darkf quit (Quit: Leaving)
09:55:49flyxhum, it helped replacing `content = ""` with `content.setLen(0)`
09:56:08flyxI'd have thought the compiler would make this optimization
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10:12:17*boopsiesisaway is now known as boopsies
10:20:09*Gonzih joined #nim
10:38:32*bjz quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
10:44:55cheatfateVarriount, are you here?
10:47:08flyxwhy is this true: ',' in {'\x20'..'\x31', '!', '\"', '$'..'+', '-'..'9', ';'..'Z', '\\', '^'..'z', '|', '~'..'\xFF'}
10:47:23flyx',' is between '+' and '-', so it shouldn't be in the set
10:52:09cheatfatebecause of '\x20'..'\x31'
10:53:13cheatfate[0x20, 0x31] - [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,2A,2B,2C,2D,2E,2F,30,31], and ',' - 0x2C
10:53:26flyxoh, whoops, I confused decimal with hex here
10:55:05cheatfatewhat is most easy way to define [uint] constant with highest bit set?
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11:03:11flyxhm. cast[uint](1 shl (sizeof(uint) * 8 - 1)) ?
11:03:52flyxoh wait, VM cannot cast
11:03:54endragorwon't work for `const`
11:04:57flyxint.high.uint + 1 perhaps
11:10:36cheatfateError: cannot convert -9223372036854775808 to uint64
11:14:41flyxhum, int.high shouldn't be negative
11:16:28flyxconst u = int.high.uint + 1.uint
11:16:31flyxworks for me
11:16:36flyxyou cannot echo it though
11:19:54*yglukhov joined #nim
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15:00:28ArrrrJester: once you pop you can't stop
15:39:17cncli'm getting warning messages related to ProveInit from tables.nim (i'm just using the 0.13.0 distribution from the website). is that normal?
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17:03:37*Arrrr quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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18:17:14cnclah i guess it's because there's no valid default value for this type
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18:47:47toaoMgeorgeI have just started to play with metaprogramming and I have a question: In which case do I have to use stmt/expr instead of typed/untyped? It's unclear whether stmt/expr are completely deprecated and exist just for legacy or there are still use cases for them
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19:01:25ArrrrThat's a good question. In the past Araq has stated that stmt/expr is deprecated. At least that was the intention when they were introduced.
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19:01:57Arrrr*when typed/untyped were introduced
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19:13:37ArrrrBut? Probably many programs relay on expr/stmt so they are not going to be removed, at least in a while.
19:21:21toaoMgeorgeSo I won't have problems if I only use typed/untyped, they are just different aliases?
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19:23:27ArrrrYes. This is the last thing Araq said on the subject http://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2025#12611
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