<< 21-03-2016 >>

00:05:50cheatfateVarriount, are you here?
00:06:23cheatfatewhat are you going to do with https://github.com/Varriount/nimrod-libcef
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08:12:38alex__Hello,I followed installation steps,but got "warning: "./..." matched no packages",why?
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08:19:54veganskalex__, hi! On which step you receive this warning?
08:20:16alex__cd csources && sh build.sh
08:26:27veganskHmm, works for me. But I use devel branch and the documentation describes master. Publish full build log on pastebin please
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09:11:57alex__nothing,that is all I got
09:12:26alex__I have asked a question here:https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3974
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09:35:02Varriountcheatfate: I should probably delete it. I doubt it works.
09:44:53cheatfateVarriount, libCEF your your wrapper?
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10:02:08veganskalex__, see my comment here: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/3974
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10:05:18alex__ls show :build64.bat build.bat build.sh c_code makefile readme.markdown scripts.nim
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10:22:06veganskalex__, run sh in verbose mode as described in the issue
10:23:23alex__result added
10:23:35cheatfatealex__, "please give uname -a" result also
10:24:18cheatfateand to be exactly sure, you following instructions from "Installation from github" or "Installation based on generated C code"
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10:27:54alex__"unamr -r" shows 3.13.0-74-generic
10:30:28veganskalex__, show the result of the cmd: echo `uname -m` | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"
10:32:03alex__warning: "./..." matched no packages
10:32:03alex__no packages to test
10:33:01veganskok, next command: which tr
10:33:24alex__I have a customized alias called "tr" too,so stupid
10:33:53veganskbingo! :-)
10:34:33cheatfatevegansk, stop doing like dr. house, explain :)
10:35:29alex__working now,thank you guys
10:36:34alex__here is a little bit quite
10:37:30cheatfatehmm interesting is it possible to adopt sh file not to use aliases?
10:39:15flyxpossibly this: /usr/bin/env tr
10:39:59alex__maybe,putting a detection in the front of installation script is better
10:41:26cheatfateI'm not very good with shell scripting but somebody needs to patch it so it must not depend on user environment
10:41:54cheatfatealex__, please reopen Issue i will add this comment
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10:50:59veganskcheatfate, maybe it's better to use ``unalias`` in the beginning of the script and leave the rest of the script unmodified
10:52:11cheatfateis it supported by ksh, zsh, csh, tcsh, bash and many others?
10:55:01veganskwe don't need wide support for it, only for the shell used in this concrete script
10:56:04veganskfor bash, we can use ``unalias -a`` to disable aliases completely, need to check the others.
10:57:05cheatfatefor csh - ``unalias *``
10:57:30cheatfatebut i think ``unalias -a`` is also will work
10:58:23veganskjust checked on ubuntu 14.04. it works
10:59:40*Demon_Fox quit (Quit: Leaving)
11:04:31cheatfateits a problem, bash works with ``unalias -a``, but not working with ``unalias *``. csh/tcsh dont know anything about ``unalias -a`` but working good with ``unalias *``
11:04:41veganskzsh needs ``unalias -m *``
11:07:10cheatfateksh working with ``unalias -a`` and ``unalias *`` fine
11:07:44cheatfatethere also ash and dash
11:08:00cheatfateand busybox shell
11:08:23cheatfateand i think it will be enough
11:08:37veganskyes, but we need it to work with ``/bin/sh`` and for lunuxes it's bash or dash.
11:09:36veganskwhat about the other unixes?
11:10:10cheatfatewe can make ``unalias AA BB CC DD EE FF GG``
11:16:37cheatfatefound this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3327013/how-to-determine-the-current-shell-im-working-on and this is real pain
11:17:17veganskI think that it's hard to maintain the list of the needed commands
11:18:31cheatfatethis build.sh is generated
11:19:06veganskI know, we need to maintain the template.
11:19:23veganskAnother idea, we can use #!/usr/bin/env bash
11:20:46cheatfatebut openbsd/freebsd/netbsd and some linuxes not install bash by default
11:21:59cheatfatei think the most easy way to modify Nim/tools/niminst/buildsh.tmpl and add `XXX` to executed commands
11:23:01veganskCrazy variant: call ``unalias -a``. If it fails, call ``unalias *``. And if it fails too, call ``unalias -m *`` :-)
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11:34:18veganskCan anybody explain me please, what's the problem with this code: https://gist.github.com/vegansk/4ac21b238c4d4bf329da.
11:47:06cheatfatemacro magic :)
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13:32:19enthus1astAny idea why a program with only imports ospaths is not compiling. Error: c:\nim\lib\pure\ospaths.nim(173, 19) Error: invalid pragma: rtl
13:32:32enthus1asthave i broken my nim installation? : )
13:36:34ArrrrYou are no alone: invalid pragma: rtl
13:54:19def-enthus1ast: just import os
14:10:13enthus1astdef-: Nope
14:10:28enthus1asteven then still the same
14:11:05enthus1astoh import os instead of ospaths
14:11:40enthus1astyeah thx def-
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15:22:28Arrrralso have a look at osprocs
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15:40:53urygahey, ii have a question about slicing sequences
15:40:57def-uryga: hi
15:41:34urygais there a way to do something like pythons mylist[n:] ? or mylist[:n] for that matter
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15:43:04urygai know you can do myNimList[n..x] to specify the range of the slice
15:43:17def-^1 is the last element in the list
15:43:33def-so you can do [3..^1]
15:43:39def-and [..3] also works
15:43:47enthus1astnice to know ;)
15:43:48def-(but not sure if it's more readable than [0..3]
15:44:35urygawe can't have [3..] because there's no postfix operators right?
15:45:44def-sounds like a reasonable guess
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15:46:51urygathat's a shame
15:47:14urygait'd be really nice to have a symmetric [..n] and [n..]
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15:52:42urygait would probably require adding `..` as another special case of postfix though :/
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16:06:21Arrrrhow does 3.. works in python? Like 'from three to last element' ?
16:07:56def-Arrrr: from the fourth element to end, but it's [3:] in python
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16:25:24Araquryga: not really, we can make every operator coming before ) } ] , ; a postfix operator
16:26:00Araqproc `..`(b: int) {.postfix.} is a bit ugly
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16:27:29Araqhow can I call such a postfix operator via `` then? not at all?
16:30:00urygawhat's wrong with using a postfix pragma?
16:30:12urygaidk, doesn't look bad
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16:33:25Araqas I said, that's overloading by operator position
16:33:31Araq..1 vs 1..
16:33:57Araqthe language supports calling the operator like so `..`(1)
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16:34:18Araqso how can I use that notation for the postfix .. ?
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16:35:20urygalet's just do proc (int n) `..`
16:35:57def-uryga: it's not about how you define it, it's about how you use the proc without using postfix notation
16:36:35def-an idea would be to have an additional keyword for calling postfix operators like that, but I'd be against that
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16:37:04Arrrrlike post(`..`(1)) ?
16:37:41Araq`.. "postfix"`(1)
16:37:52Araqwould work I think
16:38:31urygawhy the quotes?
16:39:07Araqi don't remember the details of what Nim allows in the backticks :P
16:39:31Araqiirc `..postfix` is currently already allowed
16:45:13urygalooks ok
16:48:13urygais that possible to implement now, as a macro or template? or are you talking about general ideas for a syntax for that
16:48:30urygastill pretty new to Nim so i can't really tell
16:50:33ArrrrThere is no way to define postfix operators in nim. Your question raised a new crisis in nim's community
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16:57:21urygahaha ok
16:58:30uryganow that i think of it, i remember some manual/tutorial said nim won't have postfix ops because of potential parsing ambiguity?
17:00:38uryga"Postfix operators are not possible, because this would be ambiguous: does a @ @ b mean (a) @ (@b) or (a@) @ (b)? It always means (a) @ (@b), because there are no postfix operators in Nim."
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19:45:34urygahey, i have a problem with slices (again...)
19:46:43urygaactually, seems like a compiler bug. It doesn't compile on either of the two Windows pc's I tested, but works just fine on ideone.com
19:47:03urygacan anyone test it if it works for them?
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20:18:25def-uryga: looks like a new bug to me. works with spaces: myList[2 .. ^1]
20:18:45urygafound solution too
20:18:56uryga*that solution
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23:33:02Varriountonionhammer: I'm programming a 'rename' command for NimLime, and would value your input.
23:33:44Varriountonionhammer: Should such a command notify the user when modifying multiple files? What about if some files to be modified aren't open?
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